Gorvallis Times Official Paper of Benton County.- CORVALLIS, OR., JULY I, 1905. EMERY 'S LETTER: ' - Mr. Emery journeyed to Dallas because of his ' 'interest in the wel fare of our beautiful little city." He says he learned there that great indignities had been heaped by the Dallas city council upon his uncle, Mr. T. V. Embree. The uncle, in an affidavit in another column in this issue, says in effect that his nephew from Corvallis romanced. Mr Emery, in his article, says the Dallas city council by ordinance , is working great hardships on ; the iwir1 nf Tlnllns. Dan. P. Stouffer r r . for ten years police judge of Dallas declares in , his affidavit elsewhere in the .Times that Mr. Emery's Statement in this particular, is un true. ; -' "" In his article Mr. Emery declares the Times statements with refer ence to insurance reductions to be incorrect, but admitsthe insurance on brick buildings to be reduced 12 1-2 per cent. What about their contents? Now Charles F. Belt, ex-postmaster of Dallas, leading rlmo-crist ntiH Tvrnminpnt citizen, 'de clares to the Times that insurance rates were reduced io to 33 per LLuij w:iu xn average a 3 Jr A cent, and he points to the insurance rate book in proof. In view of the facts, the question is, if it really was his "interest in . the future welfare of our beautiful little city": that took Mr. Emery to Dallas, why did he come back and misrepresent the x facts ? Is he seeking to give Corvallis people the truth, or does he seek to de . ceive them ? For reply, the Times is compelled to point to the affi davit of Mr. Emery's uncle. INTERESTING LETTERS. IF IT CAN'T, IT CAN'T. One of the cabal who is trying to fasten Willamette water on Cor vallis for an indefinite period of years, argues this way: He says the projected system cannot be built for the $75,000. Well, what of that? Is that a reason for any body to vote against water next Thursday? If it cannot be built for the $75, 000, what is the use of these trips to Dallas? What is the use of publishing the "Expediter?" What is the use of all this effort of the ca bal to keep its movements secret, these midnight meetings with Wil lamette water men ? If the system cannot be built for the $75,000. that is all there is of it. and there is no use of all this effort to beat the thing in election. If it takes more money, the whole thing will sop itself, that's all. If bids show ed the works would cost $80,000, r oes anybody suppose the commit teemen would be fools enough to try to build it with $75,000? ' The committeemen are authoriz ed by the law to spend so much. They cannot spend one1 penny -more. If they should spend more they would have to pay it out of their own pockets. If the works cannot be built for $75,000, that settles the , whole business. But hadn't we better for fear of a. mis take, vote to authorize bond issue, -so that in case the cost be right, the committee might 'go ahead? . .. Lost. Thursday between Corvallis and Albany, a ladies tan jacket. Finder please return to Times office and receive reward. London, June 23. Replying to a question in the house of commons today in regard to the reported ex pulsion of American and European firms from Port Arthur, the under secretary for- foreign affairs, Earl Percy, said the government had been informed that no such orders had been given by the Japanese authorities. On an Interesting (Topic Testimony : of Men who Know as to Wood Pipe. .., ' Below are letters and parts of let ters on the subject of wood pipe. They are a few expressions out of a bunch of about sixty of which all speak in much the " same tenor. They are answers to a letter .sent out by the Water Committee and Special Council Committee, asking for information relative to water works and water supply. Before the letters were sent, most of the committeemen were unfriendly to wood pipe.. The result of the u- nanimously favorable testimony of the letters with reference to its use convinced the committeemen that, though far cheaper, wood pipe und er proper conditions of soil, such as that along the line of the pro posed Corvallis systemj is perhaps the longest lived of any of the var ious kinds of pipe in use. The let ter sent out by the committee, after stating that Corvallis was contem plating the construction of a muni cipal water system, said:' "We understand that the four kinds of pipe, viz: '.' wood pipe, cast iron pipe, steel .pipe, and steel pipe with cast hubs, are all used more or less and we are anxious to put in the best. Also please state price paid for 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch mains per foot. If you have a gravity system with reservoir, we would like to know something about that. What is the size of the reservoir, by that we mean how many gallons per capita will it hold, how is it constructed, and of what material? Have you any trouble with it ? , If you have any other informa tion to give us, it will be thank fully rece;ved by the Water Com mittee. Also be kind enough to send us, if you have it in printed form, rules and regulations govern ing your water system and prices charged. What do you know about hy draulic engineers ? Who are they, and where are they located ? We would only care for the names of any engineers you could recommend for such work." . Cuban Diarrhoea. TJ. S. soldiers who served in Cuba dar ing the Spanish war know what this dis ease is, and that ordinary remedies have little more effect than so much water. Cuban Diarrhoea is almost as severe and dangerous as a mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy, however, that can alwavs be depended upon as will be seen by the following certificate from Mis. Minnief Jacobs of Houston. Texas: "I hereby certify that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured, my husband;of a severe attack of Cuban , Diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cnba. We had several doctors but they . -did him no good. One bottle of this rem' . , edy cured him, as our neighbors will tes tify I thank God foi bo valuable a tned- -cine' For sale by Graham & Wortham. P. T, Rowe, mayor, Orting, Washington: "This town does not own its own water system. It is owned by a private individual, and be uses wooden pipe altogether for nis mains, and thinks it much better than any other." S. A. Barnes, mayor cf Weston, Oregon: ' 'Have gravity system, , The mains from reservoir are wood pipe made at Olympia, Washington, We have never had any trouble of any kind. We have a very good system, best in. Eastern Oregon. T. J. Suefert, president board of water commissioners, The Dalles, Oregon: "You need have no fear to use good wood pipe, as it is very satis factory. For conduit pipe where you have over 20 pounds of press ure, continuous stave pipe is much the cheapest, All that is needed is plenty of pressure so the wood pipe keeps well soaked through, The underwriters say we have one : of the best plants for the size of the town on the Coast. Our popula tion is 5,000, and our system grav ity. Our expense consists of a su penntendent who also collects all moneys, and a helper, who makes required extensiqns, who does all the tapping and all outside work. ington: - - , ' : "We have in our plant nearly every kind of ipipe manufactured. If you want the very best regard less of expense, cast iron would un doubtedly meet every requiremdnt, and suit any and all conditions; but it is very expensive at first cost, and also expensive to lay, and might cost you for the entire sys tem about double what a , plant equally as good but of a " different kind of construction could be had for; for instance, under certain con ditions of soil and pressure, wood pipa, properly built, is equal to cast iron and by smxe experts is considered even better. If you are contemplating the construstion of a plant the best plan would be to get a thoroughly competent, practical and experienced water works man on the ground to consult with, and advise you. This would cost something, bnt it would be monsy well spent, and by far the most economical method in the long run." J. E, Shraugur. mayor, Mt. Ver non, Washington: "The system here is privately owned. We use the wooden -stave pipe. This pipe is superior to iron or other pipe. It will outlast any iron pipe, the water does not taste, nor have you the iron rust to con tend with. Strange as it may seem this pipe will not decay as the pres sure of the water fills the pores and keeps the wood perfectly. Piping in this vicinity that has been in the ground for 35 years is now in as good condition as when put in, which would not be true of iron or any other pipe. The cost of this pipe is about one-half that of steel pipe. Any one coming s into this toMn would never know there is a water system here, except by the hydrants , as there are no leaks, or wet places to indicate it We think we have the best system in the state and in some . large fires have certainly been able to control them without difficulty. In fact we have had very - favorable men tion in the Seattle papers along this line. 1 1 think that there is no doubt you will make no mistake if '. you use the wood stave pipe. Seattle uses large quantities of it in her immense Cedar River system and it has given entire satisfaction." J. L. Boyle, superintendent . wat er works, Snohomish, Washington: "Our plant was put in about 12 years ago, at a cost , of $52,00. au steel pipe, we could put in the same plant of wooden stave pipe for less than one-half that, and it would last four times as long. Our pipe is nearly rusted out now, after 12 years. I have been super intendent here for. seven years and we have had leaks all of that time. The last two years I have put in about 17.000 feet of four and six inch wooden pipe. It doesn't cost a third what the steel pipe does and in my opinion will last several times as long. We pay 26 cents per foot for the wood pipe and the steel, same size, six inch, costs $1,10 so you secthat there is no question as to which is the most economical. And that is not all, To calk the joints in the steel pipe it will cost from $2 per joint up. On the wood en pipe you have none of that. You don't even have to have a skilled laborer: any common laborer can drive the pipe together, while with the steel or iron pipe you must have plumbers." EXCURSION Newport Sunday Otto A. Weile, consulting engin eer, Port Townsend: "I am now constructing a water plant for the city of Port Town send, similiar I imagine to what your plant at Corvallis is proposed to be. We have a long gravity line from the head works to a res ervoir. All pipe having a press ure exceeding 350 feet head is made of steel; all other pipe is made of wood. The distributing mains in the city are from 14 inches down to six inches, and principally wood. I would not advise the use of steel riveted pipe, . particularly of small diameter, such as you intend "using. All the various pipes have their particular advantages, the cast iron pipe being generally recognized as the best although of far greater cost than any of the others and probably showing the least capacity of discharge. The steel pipe is generally considered somewhat cheaper than . cast while more expensive than wood and has a larger discharge capacity than the cast iron. The wood pipe has the best discharging capacity, the least cost when first laid, and under proper conditions, probably its length of life is equal to steei or cast iron." A Costly .Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expen sive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you'll never be wiong if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle vet thorough. 25c, at Allen & Woodward's drugstore. - . Attention. . . , . You who have carpenter work, hcuse painting or papering to let by contract should get my figures on the same before placing contracts. My estimates , will cost you nothing and might save you dol lars. Headquarters at H. ' M. , Stone's office. 1 ndependent phone. Dixie line CharlesHolt. " Cord Wood Sale. Call up No. 1 Phone, P. A. Kline line. P. A. Kline. Notice to Builders. , Sealed bids will be received up to 3 o'clock Saturday June 17th, 1905 for the remodeling of the M. E. church of Cor vallis, Ore, in accordance -with the plans and BDecifications now at the " of fice of Ambler & Watters. Reserve the right to reject any and all bids. ' Virgil E. Watters, . Chr. Bldg. Com. Wood Sawing. I am prepared to ' saw w ood on short notice with gasoline wood saw. JJas A. Hbyt. .. Ind. phone 351. For Sale or Rent. Seven room house, barn and 12 lots in Wilkins addition, vknown as the Mc Caustland block. S. H. Moore, Corvallis. Ind. Phone 713. ' Al. Clark,' superintendent water works. Bellingham, Wash- For Sale. One fresh Jersey .cow and two heifers and calves. - . ' Inquire at this offiice. Notice of Final Settlement, Notice is hereby given that the under signed, administratrix of the . estate of Jacob Whitaker, deceased has filed in the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, her final account as such administratrix of f aid ' estate, and that Saturday the 8th day of July, 1905, at the hour of ten oclock a. m. has be en fixed by said court as the time for hear ing objections to said report and the settlement thereof. Nancv L. WhitnkAr. Administratrix of the estate of Jacob Whitaker, deceased. New Gasoline Wood Saw. I am now ready to attend promptly to all orders. Iud. phone S35. . ' W. R. Han sell. AUL,STYJJES - jUR stock is complete, and our prices surpris ingly low. We guar? antee these cases to be the best made, most serviceable and satisfactoryypu can buy. Come in and see the magnifi cent line we have to showyou. 150 cords oak wood, stove length ready for delivery on ehort notice, . Jj. L. Brooks Buy your Lewis & Clark outfits from J. M. Nolan & Son. For'Sale. Wagons, hacks, plows, harrows, and mowers, driving horses, draft horses, baggies and harness; fresh -cows. If you want to buy, come in. I can save you money. . H, M. Stone. Ladies skirts all kinds and prices at Moses Bros. Call and eee them. HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wishr also showing you over the country. AMBLER 6c WAITERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. US One We commenced business in Gorvallis. We have found our present quarters inadequate for our business. We now occupy a new building the Lafferty Block opposite side of the street where we will be pleased to meet all our old cus tomers and many new ones. We want you to feel at home when at our store; you cannot fail to be pleased with our new line of Iron Beds, Cou ches and Bed Room Suits. We shall endeavor to keep none but up to date goods and at prices con sistant with the times. HOLLENBERG & CADY. The House Furnishers. C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon .... ' Philomath, Oregon. Again Open. The repair department of my bicycle and sportiDg goods business is asrain open for business second door south of postoffice, Quick repairing or first cla ss work a specialty. : . James K. Berry, All new wall paper at Blackledge's. Dry Fir Wood At 3.50 per cord. Orders solicited for grub oak for summer delivery. 1 . Frank Francisco, Gorvallis, ' For shoe repairing' see Fowells sec ond door west of Berman grocery. Wood Sawing. Done promptly. ' Satisfaction guaran teed and prices reasonable. Cummin gs & Cady. Ind phone 349 or 692, 1 Work Wanted. , ' -Jacob Gmeinor does all kind of work around house and premises, cleaning carpets, wash windows, carry wood, etc. Phone 162, Indp. . , . ' G I VIDITO For Bicycles, Ammun ition, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods, Etc. J K Berry, Salesman The Right Prices. : All Fresh Goods. , Two Doors South of the Post Office. , 1 .