The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 01, 1905, Image 1

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    jj Uounty Clerk's Dilio
Sf .4V
Vol. XVIII.-No. 17.
B.F. IB Tin Ell to
. and Proprietor -
Your Discomforture
On Hot
? Summer days
Can be
Greatly , reduced by using
some of our hot weather
; v See for ladies, our line of Umbrellas, Joig assort
ment Shirt Waists, Oxfords in" Black and Tan
Hats, Sunbonnets, Lawns, Silks. Etc. 1
See for Men, our line "of light wejghtShoes and
Oxfords in Black or Tan, SergesMohair and Lin
en Coats and Vests, blinerStraw" Hats Etc. "All
at low prices. : ..- . : . 7 J
nne cost si woo -ana three lawsuits, how many
dollar and bow many lawsuits -would 161-2
miles of pipe line cost. ' v
Cause ol high watet rates and proposed reme
dyDallas has aDDrostfmately 400 families with
in the city limits. Ql these,1ees than 50 per cent
are using the city water In spite of the fact that
it was asserted anoNjpellevred before the bond
election that all or aliirrrst all woild discard the
J. C. Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel in ?orvaIlis. Recently opened. New
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire . Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
$',0, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
For Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery,
Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, see jfi &
Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
The Popular Grocery & Crockery
Good Things For Eating
Always Fresh from the
Dairies, tasty and good.
Sweet and sour, Hienzes
bottle and bulk.-'- : '
Fresh and always direct
from the hens.
.See our Garden
Truck, nothing but best,
grown by good'gardenersj
The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market.
All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best
groceries for the least money.
He Writes Alleged Facts About the
Dallas System, and "With Ref
erence Thereto Some Affi-r "
davits by Dallas Citi-
': - zetiB Appears '
Editor: Times:!- - '
Iq discussirg the merits of the
proposed water system for Corvallis
a number of purported facts hawe
appeared in your columns concern
ing the Dallas gravity system late
ly installed, and'' inferences - hav
been drawn therefrom as to the ad
vantages and results that will con
sequently follow the installation of
our proposed system. There being
a marked differenc 3 between the
facts as published by you and . toe
statements " asset td ., to " be,,, true
by other citizens 6f our town., ibave
decided to'look into the " questions
for my owli. tatiefaction.v Marked,
copies of your paper containing the
statements above referred to were
forwarded to a member of the Dal
las city council .-. for verification.
''Come over and see for yourself,"
was hip "answer..'--1, did so, . and I
would, make the same suggestion to
every one in our city, especially
thoee, if any, who make statements
of the facts aa appear herein.
Messrs. Eakin and Siblev, the well-
known and prominent law firm of
Pallas, and who are credited with
having the largest insurance and re
alty business in that city, very
kindly placed in my possession the
date in regard to insurance rates in
their city and as to the damage suits,
costs of right of way, etc. Other
facts were obtained from other busi
ness men and at the homes of the
citizens. -. 4
The system. The Dallas water
10 length which laps a stream near
its source in the mountains west of
the city ; the water is ice cold and
apd tests have proven it to be al
rxost pure. The pipe line is of 18
feet galvanized iron dipped in as
Dhali and in 10 inch s in diameter,
giying a flow, of one million gallons
per day. The reserve water is stored
111 a reeervoir, capacity one million
gallon0, located on a hill one mile
west ot the citv.and at an elevation
of 190 feet; - The feed1 pipe from the
reservoir tj the citv is - of redwood
and is 12 inches in diameter mak
ing the tctil length of the pipe sys
tem atvnt 7 miles, TThe distribut
ing system is of 8,694, 35 fira' hy
drants in the city and, is equipped
with a complete up-to-date tire ap
paratus giving the moet perfect fire
protection to ?ny building , within
the city limits. .''..-
- Itimrance Ektes.-Pre-vious to tlie installation
of the water system the greater portion of the
re&ideoce district was entirely protected from
fire, unci insurance rates on residence property
was therefore ueeesaa lily hlgn. . From 7 to 10
per cent was the established rate for these and
all wooden building in the business portion ol
tne town, seldom less than 10 Rer cent, in the
latter instance. Bricfc and stone buildim,d weie
rated at from 1.50 to 200 per hundred. State
ments were freely made before the bond election
by the city newspapers and by those working
for the installation of the system that these rates
would positively be reduced at least 30 to iO per
cent in business districts and 50 per cent In the
residence district. Promises to that effect were
also made Dy insurance adjusters. One v-ear
has parsed and how does the present state of af
fairs compaie with the ante-election promises!
In your paper, Mr. Editor, you have repeatedly
stated that a reduction of from 10 to SO ner cent.
has resulted in that city. In your Issue of June-
zi, you state: me citizens or Lianas have saved
enough money by reduction la Insurance rates
since tne installation ot taelr.mountain w
system to pay the lntereston their water bonai.
The facts prove the contrary to be . the ,trutn.
Residence property Is still 7 to 10 per cent. Wood
en buildings In the business districts are still
rated from 7 to 10 per cent. In one or two In
stances there has been a slight reduction allowed
on Dries Duuaings wnere otner brick have been
erected on same block. This, however, cannot
be credited to mountain water.. To quote the
words of a prominent - business man to whom
ycur statement .was read In regard to money
saved on insurance: "Such, assertions are un
true, we have not saved money enough to pay
for printing the bonds, much less any interest
on them."
Water Bates Now charged for mountain water
in Dallas are $1.30 per month per family, 50 cents
additional for bath tubs, 50 cts. for water closet
and $2.25 per month for each 100 feet square for
lawn sprinkling. Tnls makes a total of $4.75 per
month during the summer months. In addition
50 cents is charged per family lor each cow and
horse. The ice factory pays $3 per day for its
water in addition to the -well water it uses. Ho
tels pay $10 per month, $24 is paid for sprinkling
the courthouse lawn nnd $15 per month is charg
ed for the water msed inane building. The
courthouse and grounds cover the same area as
do ours. - Before the bond election in Dallas the
citizens werled to believe that water rates would
be $1.25 or less per family per month.
Right of Way, Etc. Thiee thousand dollars
in cash besides the costs in several lawsuits over
damage snlts was the price Dallas paid for the
right of way and water rights before thev com
pleted their gravity system. This sum "would
have beeD even larger but for' the fact that a
large portion of the land across which the pipe
line was laid Is cwjel by Judge Boise and a Mis
Halleck. These only asked nominal damages for
right of way. One claimant received 380: for
damages caused a 20 acre tract besides having
the costs of a lawsuit assessed to the city. The
owner ot a small saw mill situated on a
stream below that lappad by the pipe line was
awarded $400 and costs amounted to about $100
by the courts ofier a long legal fight, and this in
spite of the lact that the mill had not been in
operation for seven years. All other claimants
for damages settled with the city at from $50 to
$100 each, If the damages for 7 miles of pipe
use. of well water, and it was uron this -hvrjoth
esis that the promised rate ot $1.25 per month
or less was based. Ever; water plant most ne
cessarily have a minimum revenue or be run at
a loss to the city, In case of municipal owner
ship this loss necessarllly -would nave to be
mode np by direct taxation, as 400 families in
Dallas did not pay 41.25 per month,! , the- 200 cr
or less families that do use the water have tn
pay double for iami'.y me slon , besides the
extras mentioned above, and under similar con
ditions the results in Corvallis would logically
be the same. In Dallas, the people in poor or
moderate circumstances, ana many who were
able hesitated to incur the expense of water con
nections, pipiDgrfaucets and fixtures, not count
ing water charges, when they conld get well wa
ter for nothing. Besides ae the months rolled
ronnd,,it was found that the ice old, pure
speckling water at-the ihtakeof the pipeline had
lost somewhere aleng the road much of these
desirable characteristics. -. dbast summer and
faH during the long sultry days it- became so
warmthat Jt was undrlnkable unless cooled
with ice. During the winter months and after
heavy rains the water became muddy and im
pure, -r The result is acondition of affairs- never
dreamed, of by- the citizens of- Dallas. , Their
much wanted mountain water is now being paed
principally tor lawn sprinkling, flashing clrjsefs
and sewers And t.h. nlH fjihhl wiAri rn L-rt tiiiAkpt.
and the races covered wells are depended on for
water lor family use, I had the pleasure of in
terriewine quite a number of the good house
wives of Dallas and their statements in regard
to ;&e matter are emphatic and to the point.
The city council of Dallas has evolveda unique
scheme for forcing the citizens to attach- to ,the
water mama whether thev want to or not. sew
ers are being built in the city and an ordinance
has been passed compelling property owners to
lnsvuu patent closets in tne residences ana mane
sewer connections. It they are not near a mam
sewer they must build private aewers.- By the
limit the charges iof t lDnin&r the water main
and cost of pipe, patent closet and connect with
the sewer is met, a necessarllly large bill cou-
fronts the owner. Dr. T V. R. Embree. a former
well-known citizen of Corvallis, who lives about
a mile from the business part of the town, and
who, by means of own luff -' water Dined vfrom a
spring on a hill ab jve him has sp'endidsanltary I
couoiiion arjout nuMiome, nas Deen oraerec to
build a private fewer and make connections
with th water main. The estimated cost of this
-work is over $10(. This ia merely given as-one
or a score of similar cases In Dallas. ;
In conclusion I will say that In. thus present
ing the real facte as to Dallas and her mountain
water system, I am doing simply what I consid
er my duty as a citizen of Corvallis - and a mem-
Der ot its city council interested in the future
welfare of -our beautiful city. . - ; . ' .-. i
j . 1 311UIX.
That Discredit Mr, ' Emery's State-
ments-f-They Are From Dallas, v.
In spits of its great length and
in spite of the further fact that the
Dallas 'system lias little or no - bear
ing on. tbe Corvallis syete'm, the
Times gives place to the; above let
ter by Mr. Emery. . Somejittlecare
had be taken,, however, to ascer
tain whether, or net" Mrv'Emery's
tuiasanjcn ts were lacxs ana application
was made by. pht n- to Dallas people.
'It s a pack of , lies' said
one man. Ihe g d rafcal, ' said
another. , Accordingly the letter
was sent to Dallas with, the result
that the affidavits printed below
were supplied toe. Times without
solicitation. . Others in the - tame
liuij were offered, but these two, es
pecially as on&ia by- an uncle , of
Mr. Emery, are deemed sufficient.
All along, it has. been apparent
that the opposition t) mountain wa- j
ter had ti be based on mUrepreeen-1
tation. ; Tbe theory, that, the com
mission could not be made elective
was exploded and resort had to be
made to other features. Going from
one .: tniDg to another, tbe Dallas
plant was taken up and this letter
by Mr. Emery concocted. ,
0 ' ' - ' '.. - -
Ball masons Royal and Oleir
- Stone Jars
j f ) - r . ..-....- .. -
Tufnblers.and Jellyi Glasses!
buy the.. ;-.;-'
Diaixiond W Jar Rubbers,
Paraf ine and Sealing Wax
we: sell The:
Flat, Polished DoubleJPointed
Price 5 cents per Box. ;
Hodes' Grocery;
Independent Phone 203
' Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. " Your money exchanged .
for Value and Quality is the idea. -.- r
Big Line Frefcteies
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Chinavare
: A large and varied line.
We always keep ; Vegetables when
when they are tobe had. -
GJB Borning
Statef Oregon, )
County of Polk. J i
I, Dan P. Stouffer, being firet du
ly sworn according to law, depose
and "say: That I am the auditor
and police judge of the city of DJ
lis, Oregon, and aj such officer am
the legal custodian of ' and have
charge of all the ordinances and re
cords ot the city ; of Dallas; that
with the exception of about one
month,. I. have filled said office con
tinuously for a period of more than
ten years last past. ' :' ,: 1 '
Tnat I have read the communi
cation of W. G. Emery to The Cor
vallis Times, in which it is said:
"The city council of Dallia has
evolved a unique scheme for forcing
the citizen to attach to the water-,
mains whether they want to or not.
Sawers are being built in the city
and an ordinance has been passed
compelling property owners to in
stall patent closets in the leiiden
ces and make sewer connections. If
they are not Wear a main eewe.r they
must build private sewers.. By that
time the charges for tapping the
water main and co3t of pipe, pat
ent' elbsst and connect with the sew
er is met, a'necessay large bill con
fronts the owner.'-' '
That said statement is 1 false in
every detail and particular; that n&
pereoh whomsoever has . ever : been
compelled to connect with a sewer
or to build a private sewer; neither
has a person ever been compelled to
iostall a pa tent closet of -j any : kind
and to connect : with . the -., water
mains ol said city ;, that such mat
ters are left wholly to the choice of
the citizens of Dallas, aod no ordi
continued on gage 4
Keep your eyes open
f o r the l Clearance
Sale at
Moses Brothes
W atches, Clocks, Jewelry
!; ' and Silverware. : ' '
1 Eyes tested free of charge . ' .
': . ' i . and glasses fitted correctly.
at prices within reach of all '"".',''"
- : . Fine watch repairing a' spe- s
r ; cialty
Pratt The Jeweler6c Optician.