The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 28, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Mr. and Mrs. MI M. Davis are
guesfs of Eugene friends.
Judge McFadden left Monday
to attend court at Dallas.
Miss" Irouise Cooper arrived
Monday noon from a visit to Part-
land and Falls City.
Mrs. C. A. Danneman" and
Miss "Mary Danneman returned to
Corvallis Satur-day evening: after a
ten days visit at the Exposition.
A. Mejstrick, one of Benton's
prosperous gardeners, was in from
Iris ranch'south of Philomalh Mon
day looking after business.
Judge Shields and wife of Sac
ramento. California, visited over
Sunday with Dr. James Withy
combe on CoHege Hill.
M. S. Woodcock was summon
ed to Salem Sunday, to be at the
bedside of his sister, Mrs. Savage,
who is seriously ill.
Among the students who left
Monday for their homes for tbe
summer vacation were Manager
Stimson, who goes to Amity', and
Ray Walker and Sam Damon,
whose homes are at Independence.
Among'the- boys who expect to
spend the summer in Corvallis are
Tl,, A. Bundy and Pilkington.
The schools of Blodgett and
the Gellately district held a picnic
Saturday at Blodgett, that was in
every way a successful and enjoy
able affair. It is estimated that
upwards of 200 people were pres
ent. There was a programme of
recitations, dialogues and songs by
. the pupils, and four numbers of
special merit by Miss Whitney,
Miss Anna Hall, Miss Izzie Mc
Kinney and Mrs. Williim Gellat
ly. There was also an address by
T. T. Vincent and Superintendent
DeDman was present with his
phonograph. A feast was a feat
ure of much enjoyment. The
crowd was made up of residents of
Kings Valley, Wren, Blodgett and
Summit. ' . ,
The Worlds Greatest Bargain Givers Conductors in the interest of Mo
This sale will be the most gigantic sale of high grade Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats
Caps, Furnishings for Men and Women, Tailor Made Garments, Crockery, Groceries and Stationery,
that has ever occurred in this city or country. Goods will go for less than cost of production.
Nothing Reserved.
marked in large plain hgures and at such low prices as
bound to move them quick. 1
The Store now Closed
.And will remain closed until Thursday morning during It -will pay you to come 100 miles to visit-this great
which time preparations for the big sale is being made.' sale of a mammoth stock under one roof.
This Gigantic Sale begins Thrsuday June 29 at 9 A. M; Opening days Thurs, Fri, Sat and Mon,
June 29, 30, July 1 and 3 and closes in 9 days. Watch for the big sign and Moses Bros, name if
you value money. Wanted 20 sales people, men and women-Apply Wednesday afternoon, 3 to 5.
MOSES BROS-, Corvallis, ; Ore- G- W- GROVES & CO-, Conductors-
Mrs. B. F. Bier, who has been
quite ill, is slowly improving.
Mrs. D. A. 'Osburn returned
Monday from a week's visit to the
Sheriff Burnett returned - Sun
day fiom Portland, having accom
panied his wife thus far on her trip
to Baker City, where she will visit
her mother.
Glenn Goodman went to Inde
pendence Monday afternoon, where
he will be joined by his mother.
Mrs. Goodman and son will spend
the summer in tbe valley.
Mrs. Glanville, a former Ben
ton county girl now a resident of
Dayton, Washington, has been for
a week at the W. D. Barclay home
near Monroe. , She left for her
home Monday.
Joceph Wright arrived Sunday
from Lake county, Eastern Oregon,
and on Monday left for his home,
accompanied by two daughters who
have been students at O. A. C.
Dr. J. Frank Hall and family
of Albion, Washington; are at the
home of Jack Hall, in Polk coun
ty having arrived there Sunday.
They aetobe in Corvallis this
week for a visit with relatives.
Miss Grace " Gatch entertained
Fnday night in honor of the Miss
es Wilda Rowland and Ryth Gatch
of Salem. The amusement of the
evening was 6ve hundred. Miss
Holgate and Prof. Taillandier were
recipients of prizes. About twelve
guests were present. -
Judge Watters returned Mon
day from Portland, where he was
summoned Friday by a message
announcing that Mrs. Watters,
who is in Good Samaritan hospital
had taken a turn for the worse.
She is, however, now on . the road
to recovery.
The water election occurs on
Thursday of next week: That
will be the 6th day of July. It is a
question of whether or not the
town wants fire protection or no
fire protection; of whether or
not it want insurance rates to be
lowered or to remain high; of
whether or. not the town property
people have to sell be made more
valuable or less valuable; of wheth
er or not they want every influence
for good health i.r whether they will
aid typhoid fever to keep its foot
hold in the town; whether or not
they want 1 an abundance of pure
wholesome water trom the crystal
streams of the mountains, or the
seepage and underground flow
from a graveyard.
Sale in the hands of G. W. Groves
Must Go
We must have money. - Everything GOOdS, NO thing Reserved. All
Manfred Sails, the Aleea Post
ma-ter, wa a business - visit ir in
Corvallis Monday.
Mrs. Logan, of Alsea, is the
guest this week - of her daughter,
Mr j. Will Horning.
Mies Mamie Craw rord, who is
employpd in a large millinery store
in Portland, is in Corvallis for a
week's visit with her parents.
Hollenberg & Cady are moving
this week into their handsome new
store hulldiog on the eaet side of
the frtreet. The location is oue of
the best in town. ' , .
Some people in Corvallis have
very good well water. But ail can
not have BUGh gcoi wtll water.
Many a well in this" town has had
to be abandoned beca.ise ef the bad
character of the water seeping down
from the surface. People of the
latter class re driven to use of Wil
lamette' water and cannot help
themselves. Is there anybody -for-tuxa
e enough to have good well
water that is now opposing the new
system which hundreds of people
are clamoring for?
Hlf tbe area of Corvallis is
wholly without fire prot9tion. The
new system proposes such an ar
rangement of fire hydrants that four
streams of water from differed hy
drants can be put on any building
in town, the ex'reme limits of Job's
addition not excepted. : Some - peo-'
pie in. the protected poitton of town
oppoee the new water system and
thereby insist that those without
the protected poition of town shall
continue without any fire protec
troa whatsoever. If the people in
the northern and southern portion
of town pay taxes, they have aright
to a wat?r syBtem that will protect
their property from destruction ; by
Are and give them lower insurance
rates. If the people of western
Corvallis pay taxes, and they do,
they have a right, as much as have
the people of Central Corvallis to
fire protection and low insurance
rates. If the peopie of . Job's addi
tion and WilkisB' addition and tbe
other additions pay taxes, which
they do, they also should have fire
protection for their homes and a re
duction in insurance rates, j at-1 as
much as do the people of Central
Co"vallissomeJof whom'opppse the
newwater system. In common justice,
in all fairness, by every rule ot
equity that should prevail between
man aid man,"ought not the peopla
in the protected portion to allow
tbope'in the unprotected portion ot
town t have fire prot-ction and
lower insurance rates when the lat
ter are appealing for them?
A Mighty Movement of all
must go. Winter and Summer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dow left
Monday for Albany to reside.
Mrs W. H. Miller, residing jut
acrues tbe river from Corvallis, is
convalescent, having been ill for
some time with typnoid fever.
Tbe fourth and lat quarterly
meeting for present conference year,
MeFarland and Corvallis charge.
M. E. church, South, will be held
at McFarland cbapel next Sind.y,
July 2. Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. by the presiding elder, Rev.
C. L. McCausland. Quarterly con
ference Sunday at 3. p. m. Tbe
public is cordially invited.
Taree 0. A. C. pharmacy grd
uatts in this year's cla8 are already
located in position?. They are,
Darby at Salem and Webber and
Brando at Portland. All those in
the regular coarse . as the college
nad the state board examination.
They were: Juniors Frank Gal
loway, Byron Hanks John Knapp.
L. A. Bundy. Seniors Leoi a
Wtbber. Roland Essen, Charles
Johnroo, Frank Galloway, Clarence
(Jurnn, Hugh Brandon, F. Stim
son, Hiury Darby, JesBie Wo d-
tord, Bert Jordan, Warren For
sythe, Otto Webber, Sammie Hart-
sock. .
W. E. Yates
Bert Yates
Yates 6c Yates
Law, Abstracting & Insurance
Zierolf Building
Both Phones. Corvallis. Or.
R. D. Burgess
Office overJBlackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, office 216; Res
Corvallis, Oregon. 1
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs io Burnett Brick
idence on the corner of Midison
Seventh at. Phone it imiul 1
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanR Bldg. Hoursi
IO to 12 and 2 to .
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
n nnn
Copyright 1904 by
Hart Schaffner fcf Marx
S. L.
Sunday Excursions
to Newport!
ON THE G. & E. R. R.
Beginning Sunday, June 18
and continuing until the end
of August
Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a.
111., Philomath 8:15 a. m.
Returning leaves Newport at
5 p. m. arriving in Corvallis
at 9:15. at Albany at 9:55,
Giving 5 hours at tho beach.
Fare round trip from Albanv,'
Corvallis andPhiiomath $1.50
Largest line of matting in the city' -at
Our Loss Your Gain
One dollar will do the work of three on account of the
backward season and being overstocked Moses Bros. Cor
vallis' most reliable merchan's find them selves right now
with $20,000 worth of merchandise of ell kinds on! hand.
All have been combined by the conductors and will be sold
for less than cost of production, G. W. Groves & Co conductors.
Better clothes at any
price than you find here
made by Hart, Schaffaer &
Marx from $10 to 25.
There's not a thread of
cotton in this make of clo
thes. We put all wool and
silk into ours, . the label is"
-the sign' of it, a small thing
to look' for, a big .thing to
find, keeps their shape till
worn out, a new one free if
they go wrong. Mail orders
filled correctly. For "sale
only by
Sheriffs Sale.
On Saturday tbe 21th dny of June, 1905. at the
hour ot oue o'clock lu the afternoon, at the
front door of the court house In Corvallis, Ben
ton county, Oregon, I will soil at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the
following described real property situated In
B. n'ou county, Oregon tow it:
Trie east half of tne southeast quarter cf sect
ion 5; the vest half of the goutnwest quarter
the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter
the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter,
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter,
the south half of the northwest quarter ot Sect
Ion 4 all in township 15 south range 5 west: al
so beginning at the southeast corner of the
northeast quarter of section 5, township 15
south range 5 west, and run thence west 15.25
chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east
15.s chains, thence south -20 chains to the place
ot beginning, containing 30 acres more or less
Said sale Is made under an execution in my
hands, ssued out of the circuit court of the
stata of Oregon, for Benton county, in the suit of
Geo. B. Chamberlain et al constituting the State
Land Boa; d, plaintiff, vs. George Schafer et al
defendants, a proceeding to foreclose a mort
gage. ,
... , M. V. Burnett,
) Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon- -.riy
2Tth. 1905.
to - Mmm 9
. i JL'i 1 UK1jX Al LiR. W.