The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 28, 1905, Image 3

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For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 centsper line will be charged.
O. J. Blackledge m?de a busi
ness trip to Portland yesterday.
Abner Woods of, Blodgett tran
sacted business in Corvallis Mon
day. By Frantz who was in from
Kings Valley yesterday believes
grain is more or less injured by
aphis. i
Mrs. Clifford Gould aod child
ren are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Jacob Whiteaker, in the
country. .
The adjourned term of conrt
for Benton, provided for , at , the
April term convenes in Corvallis cn
Thursday of next week. Several
matters of minor importance will
be up for consideration."
F. W. Foster and family de
parted Monday for their home in
Lake county. The young people
in the family were ' students last
season at O. A. C.
Sugar tumbled 40 cents on the
hundred pounds the other day.
Some of the local merchants are
said to have been caught with
pretty good stocks on hand on
which loss must result. Tne prod
uct stood at $6.10 and suddenly
dropped to $5.70. The drop up
sets a popular theory to the effect
that sugar always goes higher in
fruit season. In the past five years
the experience is that sugar, instead
of going higher, in fruit season has
actually dropped during three. of
those seasons. The cause of the
present drop is said to be an over
flow of the raw product.
For the summer, four trains,
two each way are in operation on
Sunday between Corvallis and Al
bany. One train leaves Corvallis
for Albany at 6:30 a. m, each Sun
day morning, and the Sunday eve
ning excursion train from Yaquina
leaves Corvallis for Albany about
q:i,o p. m. The first train from
Albany leaves Albany for Corvallis
about 7:30 a. m. and the other
leaves Albany for Corvallis about
10 o'clock p. m. The 'latter strain
is the Sunday excursion train re
turning to Corvallis for the. regular
run from Corvallis to AlbanvM-wiH
day morning. The new -seryicsis.
already much lused,: tbodgh. -b'jt
little is known of it. -
The Gleason sawmill, tweiie
miles south of Philomath,
burned to the ground last Saturday
- evening, along with about 45,ooo
feet of lumber. The loss is about
$1,200. The mill was a portable
steam affair. About eight o'clock
in the evening the watchman made
his rounds, and left everything in
apparently safe condition. The
usual wetting of the floors . had
been attended to. At nine o'clock.
everybody was awakened by 1 the
roar of the flames, which by that
time had such headway tbat noth
ing could be done to arrest their
progress. The planer and a por
tion of the machinery can b re
paired and used. The mill will be
rebuilt at once and is . expected to
be in operation in two weeks.
'. Curtis Miller, the 20 year old
son of A. C. Miller, was injured in
a Kings Valley logging camp Sat
urday. The accident was exactly
similar to that in which Lark Price
sustained injuries some time ' ago.
though less severe. Miller was with
a team dragging a log when the
swamp hook suddenly became de
tached. The hook, with cable at
tached, struck Miller with great
violence on the shoulder, and glanc
ing delivered a heavy blow on the
side of the head. The boy was
knocked unconscious.' but subse
quently revived, and within a short
time will be able to go to work
again. Lark Price, who was in
jured in the same way several
weeks ago, though not entirely
well, has sufficiently recovered to
go back to his logging camp.
The Times apologizes . to
country readers for devoting so
much space to the water question.
The truth is, a bold attempt is be
ing made to fasten Willamette river
water, notoriously dirty and un
clean, upon the people of Corvallis
for an indefinite number of years.
A cabal ot lawyers has been hired
to assist in deceiving and duping
the people into cheating themselves
out of the chance to get an abun
dance of pure water from the
mountains for domestic use and for
fire protection. With the utmost
ingenuity, false issues are raised
with the ' expectation of gulling
people into voting down ' the pro-
posed grant of authority to the Wa
ter Committee for issue of bonds.
The plot is known to , involve, in
case of present defeat, the ceaseless
cultivation of false ideas whereby
any future attempt to re create pub
lic sentiment for - mountain water
may be prevented and opposition to
municipal ownershipbe developed.
Ray Cady returned . Monday
from a week's visit at the Fair.
Miss Mayine Crawford is home
from Portland for a short vacation.
A. J. Johnson is on a " trip of
bank examining in Southern Oregon.-
Mrs. Charles Young of Elk
City is visiting relatives in Corval
lis. v
R. L. Whitehead an d wife are
to leave tomorrow for the East for
aie&tended visit.
Wallace Baldwin, an o!d time
Benton county man, has arrived
from his.home at Los Angeles and
is the guest of friends.
Mrs. Minnie Arnold arrived
Sunday from Berkeley, California,
for a week's visit with Corvallis
friends. ' ". '"
Mrs. B. A. ,' Cathey and
daughters, Marie and Evelyn, re
turned last evening from a two
days visit to the Fair.
Mrs. Ed Phillips arrived Fri
day from Grant's Pass to spend the
summer with Corvallis relatives.
Mr. Phillips is at Jacksonville
Miss Kate McCune of Eastern
Oregon has been for several days
the guest of Mrs. B. W. Wilson.
The young lady may spend the
summer in Benton county.
Mis. Mary Avery has returned
from Portland where she hass re
sided for sometime, and has again
taken up her residence in : Coival-
lis. . -
Rov Harlan, A. N. Harlan,
and a graduate f the business de
partment of O. A. C, leaves today
for Boise, Idaho, where he has ac
cepted the position of the Y. M. C.
The regular monthly meeting
of the Ladies Coffee Club occurred
Monday afternoon. . It was decided
to discontinue the meetings of the
Club during the summer months.
ice cream, case ana cottee were
served to about thirty ladies.
Merrit Pratt of Blodgett was in
Co'rvallis yesterday. He sold his
75 acre'ranch - 2 1 2 miles from
Blodgett Monday, to a Mr. Bennet,
who arrived in Corvallis from Des
Moines, Iowa, Sunday, with ,his
family. The price paid was $2,300
and the deal was made in less than
half an hour after Mr. Eennet ar
rived at Blodgett. V
They named their brat "In
vest 1 gator l..ana iaidtf on
-your doorstep. "Invest" under
the circumstances,. as. a part of the
;name is peculiarly appropriate
About the only interest the - public
has in the thing however, is that
people are a trifle curious to know
what the "Invest-mehtV is, and
who is making it.
t it is noticeable tnat tne main
purpose of the ' 'Investigator" is to
convince Corvallisites that Willam
ette river water is just the . thing
for them. It may as well -be ad-
mitted first as last that in part the
claim is correct. ' Willamette river
water has some advantage, in that
it is not only a good irrigant, but a
good fertilizer. , As least, it is good
in the latter respect, when the dead
horses whose carcasses float around
in it, do not die of the wrong dis
ease. A phone message from a prom
inent citizen of Dallas to the Times
yesterday morning announced that
the actual reduction of insurance
rates as a result of the new gravity
water system ; in that town runs
from 10 to 33 per cent. The av
erage reduction is about 15 per
cent. If the town had fire limits,
he says, the underwriters would
have made the reduction average
25 per cent, As it is at present,
the saving to the people is fifty per
cent more, than the interest the
town pays on the bonds she float
ed to pay for half the cost of build
ing the ' system. He said also,
that the use of water had turned
out to be far greater ' than had ever
been figured on before the works
was built. '
- While enroute to a social at
Monroe Friday evening, with two
young . ladies in the buggy With
him, Jay ierolf of Bruce, had a
runaway that came near being dis
astrous to another buggy full of
people, as well as- to his own party.
Jay's tenm became jinmanageable.
and started to run.! Just ahead of
them was Tom Reader and wife,
who saw the team coming and
turned their team out to one side of
the road. On came the runaways,
and instead of keeping in the road
they made for the Reader rig be
side the fence. The shafts of the
Zierolf buggy were run through
the top ofv the rig ahead, while
each of the., horses became en
tangled. Reader was pinioned
down in his buggy by the shafts
that had come through the top, but
on managing to crawl out, it. was
discovered that aside from demol
ished rigs and scratched .up faces
of the female contingent of the par
ty, there was no particular harm
done. v
;--Oscar GustafsOn, of Spokane
Falls, arrived in Corvallis Monday,
in search of a location. He is de
lighted with Corvallis, and will
probably find a place to suit, as he
desires to send .his five children to
OAC. ..
A sensational story ran through
town yesterday morning, relating
the loss of two young ladies, by
drowning or otherwise. Theyihad
been blackberrying on the Willam
ette above town and it was told that
they had disappeared. It develop
ed in good time that they were at
home, safe and sound.
- The Benton County Sunday
School convention begins in this
city tomorrow afternoon at two
o'clock. It is the purpose of those
in charge to make the affair one of
the best ever held in this section.
Mr. Beatty, a prominent worker
from abroad will be present and
assist in the convention. The
sessions close Friday evening. Fv
eryone should turn out and help in
this laudable undertaking, that last
ing good may result from the meetings-
The convention will be held
at the First Methodist church.
A man, who does business on
Main street, declared Monday, with
an air Of unblushing confidence,
that if the proposed water system
should be built and some of he
folks didn' t take water, the city
council could pass a law to make
them take water. Ye Gods!. For.
such a statesman! The Times will
giye the 'man $5 in cash if he will
repeat the statement in the Times
over his own signature, so the peo
ple can for the first and perhaps the
only time on - this - earth, see for
themselves who it is that is a big
ger fool thau was the late lament
ed Thompson's colt.
Harry Robertson testified Mon
day in the trial of Senator Mitchell
at Portland, and like that of Tan
ner, his testimony was & severe'
blow for the defense. It was ex
pected that Senator Mitchell him
self would take the stand yesterday,
and that argument would begin' to
day. - The end of the great trial is
near. It seems impossible that a
conviction can be escaped, ' though
there is always that factor of human
sentiment and a hung jury to ' reck
on with. Before the people, how
ever, the venerable senator is con
victed, and his punishment, loss of
public esteem and a dizzy fall from
the summit of greatness to the crim
inal dock, 'already administered.
PresTdentTBaldwin of "the Col
lege of Philomath, has been elected
to the presidency of Edwards Col
lege, Whitman , County, Washing
ton, where he will have Greek,
history and English. Prof. " Bald
win was president ot tne - same in
stitution from 1899 to 1903, resign
ing to take the presidency oi the
College of Philomath, where he has
maintained a vigorous and' prog
ressive administration for the past
two years. Mrs. Baldwin goes
with her husband to Edwards Col
lege as a teacher of elocution. The
college is well .endowed and well
equipped and is conducted by the
church of the United Brethren in
Christ, r
One opponent of good -water
says the present plan -wont do be
cause Avery, Woodcock, Leese and
Kline might buy the bonds. Well,
what if they did ? In the name of
old fashioned common sense, what
would be the harm of that? If they
got the bonds wouldn't they, have
to bid for them and pay as much or
more than others for all they might
get? Would it not .be better for
all the bonds to be owned at home
and the interest be paid out to home
people than for it to be sent abroad
to strangers? The fact is that if
: all the bonds could be sold in Cor
vallis and Benton county, furnish
ing a safe investment for people
who are depositing money now in
banks and drawing no interest, it
would be one of the best things
that could happen. The argument
instead of being against, the water
project is one of the very strongest
ones for it. ' - '
Dissolution Notice. ,
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership of Dunn & Thatcher is
dissolved, E, J. Dunn retiring from
the firm. The business will contin
ue at the old stand, under the name
of Thatcher & Johnson, Mr. John
son having succeeded to the inter
est of Mr. Dunn. Thanking all
patrons for past favors, we be
speak a continuance of the : same
for the new firm.
,: . . .. E. J. Dunn.
" ' B. J. Thatcher.
All new wall paper at Blackledge's.
Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame
'. : Shoulder.
There are' three common ailments for
which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is espe
cially valuable, If promptly applied it
will save you time, money and suffering
when troubled with any one of these ail
ments. For sale by Graham & Wortham.
Significant Invitations That Nobody
: Accepted What do They Mean
.- v Now? ' ;
Let we forget, let us be reminis
cent. Let us recall recent happen
ings, lest our neighbors forget.
One of these is that the columns
of the Times have ever been wide
open to any or. all articles, for or
against the mountain water " plan.
Not only this, the Times has fre
quently asked for contributions.
But, have any of the friends of
the Willamette river water accepted
the invitation, and over their own
signatures proceeded to show rea
sons why the pending proposition
should be turned down? If it be
true that there has been such ' an
invitation, and if it also be true I
that no champion of the Willam- j
ette river graveyard seepage has 1
publicly through the Times offered j
to defend his position, what does it
mean? .
sieaa ot accepting tnis tree, iranK,
open and fair challenge to a manly
discussion of the issues, the enem
ies of good water get their argu
ments together and print them in
an anonymous, unsigned, unfath
ered publication, and leave the
little thing on people's doorsteps?
When they got their little, doorstep
paper printed, why did they re
quire the printer to keep "their
names forever a secret? The pa
per was printed at-the Gazette of
fice. Let any man interested go
ask the Gazette people who are the
editors and proprietors of this un
fathered nondescript and see if it can
be ascertained there who is paying
for the printing and furnishing the
reading matter. tor this little paperi
of which its promoters and daddies
are ashamed? Why are the mends
of. the Willamette graveyard seep
age ashamed to be known to the
public? Why do they pay money
for having their arguments printed
when they could get them printed
free in the Times? Where da they
get so much money, , and how do
they get it so easy that they are
able to spend it so freely in the
printing and free distribution of
their little newspaper brat, all at a
large expense? Why do they re
fuse to allow God's searchlight of
truth to stream in on their doings,
and on the question of who: and
what they are? What is it about
their work that makes them ashami
ted to have their names- known,
that causes them to ; require the
printers not to tell the public who
they are? . Why all this, if their
cause is just, and their work for the
people? .
, In order that some things may
not be forgotten, below are printed
certain invitations that recently ap
peared in the Times: :.-.
'"f From the Times, May" 6, 1905:
"The columns of the Times are
wide, open to any or all who desire
to discuss the water question. Pubr.
lie rather than private discussion
is the' easiest way for the exact
truth to become known, for in pri
vate, it is possible that some of
the statements made may not be
quite correct. For instance, the
privately given opinion of an un
known attorney is quoted from per
son to person now to the effect that
no change could be made in the
method of electing the commission
after the bonds should be once
sold. . Against the private opinion
is the public opinion of Deputy
District Attorney Bryson published
in another column which "illustrates
wherein and how public discussion
of water might yield beneficial re
sults."' From the Times of May 13, 1 905:
"The columns of the Times are
now and have ever been wide open
for the discussion of mountain wat
er or any other topic. It might
be especially helpful in the moun
tain water case for the subject to be
publicly discussed. A great many
things have been said in private
thaf ought also be said in . public,
and the Times especially urges
those who have said them to reiter
ate their statements in . cold type
through its columns.1' . - '
From the Times, May 17th, 1905
,"The columns of the Times' are
still open for discussion cf moun
tain water. Where are those who
privately peddled about this town
recently, statements that nothing
could be gotten in the Corvallis
newspapers about mountain water."
Hay For Sale.
Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in the
world. Ind Tel 155. L; L. Brooks. '
Every imperfection removed from
the latest models of talking ma-
cnines. u you will come in we
will be happy to render a select en
tertainment. Graham 1 & .Wells.
AH kinds of fireworks at Hodes'
gun store. v. ' '", -. : ,
S. L. Kline The White House
Special-Shirt .Waist-Special
... - -' : v : '
We offer our entire stock cf Spring anctf Summer Shirt .
"Waists at greatly reduced figures. Those Waists, are -made
up in the very latest styles arid comprise sizes from .,'
32. to 44 in white, black and figured Iawrfs very sheer
and dainiy for hot weather. . ' i . - ' - i
$ I ' 00 Waists llllpli ; Special $ 75
125 '- 'W ' ' I 99
'1-50', " ' " 23
2 00 - .'':. 1 70-
China Silk waists, very stylish, $3.50, $4, $4.50 and
$5, reduced to $3, $3.50, $4 and $4.50. This " sale ":
continue for one week only.
The White House - . - Corvallis, Oreg0
IF. I Ml
Great Tune Sale!
A bargain oppurtunity'that happens jny once a '
year.. On Wednesday June 7th we place cn sale our
entire stock of Summer Wa.-li- Fabrics and ladies
Waists .' ' ' ' ' ' . ' -
-.-Wash Fabrics
10c values reduced to 8c
12 " " .............. :.....:..10c
15c :.:.:..;.,
20q; : " ......:..15c
25c .......;....:......; 19c
35c " "' :...........27J
50c " ;. :...37
New Waists.- . .
, W ) have just received from the East a sample line
of waists which we are instructed to sell at cost rang
ing in price from 40c to $6.00
' -. This sale includes jail our new Spring Goods, and
when we say it is a bargain opportunity, we mean ib..
So come in and see "you'are welcome" everybody is.
F. l M I L IE;R
Keep your eyes open
f o r the Clearance
Sale at'
, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry ;,
.".' and Silverware '
. : . Eyes tested free of ' charge ;
.'"'; and glasses fitted correctly
, at prices within reach of all
Fine watch repairing"a spe-
. - cialty ' :
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.