The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 28, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVIII.-Nd. 17.
B.F. IBTOT Editor
and Proprietor -
Your Discomf orture
On 'Hot
.Gan be x
Greatly reduced by using
some of ' pur hot weather
goods. .
- X
f Blows H
23 f
, . ,? . j
See for ladies, our line cf Umbrellas, big assort-:
merit Shirt Waists, Oxfords in Black and Tan,
Hats, Sunbonnets, Lawns, Silks. Etc.
: See for Men, our line of light weight Shoes and
Oxfords in Black or Tan, Serges, Mohair and Lin
en Coats and Vests, big line Straw Hats Etc. All
at low prices. - -
Fine Light Sample Booms.
J. C. Bammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel in OorvaIlis.N Recently opened. - New
brick building. (. Newly furnished, with modern con-?
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes, Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. t Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley. '
$1 X), $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
For Sbices, Qothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery,
. Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, see ' , . &
j Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce -
Star Brand Shoes are Better1.
lSvywn JtsrainB out un
ccouDt orvFear for Her I,ife
and" Children She Deserta
Him Terrible Horrors '
- in Streets of Warsaw . '
aod Lodz. . .
hundreds killed
Thoueands Are Slain Eniaged at
Slaughterof Socialist Marches,
People Unite in Deeperate
Outbreak Dead Fill
. -'ths StreetE Bombs
. Were Thrown.
The Popular Grocery & Crockery
Good; Things ForEating
Eggs. V
' .Always Fresh from the
Dairies, tasty and good.
; Sweet and sour,
bottle and balk.
Fresh and always' direct '
from the hens. ' " -.
See our Garden
Hienzes I - Truck, nothine but best.
grown by good gardeners.
The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market.
All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best
- ; groceries for the least money.
Pendleton. Or., Jane 24. T. , O.
White, an Umatilla rancher, this
evening shot his wife and her neph
ew, wounding them slightly, and
then killed himself with a revolver.
Mrs. White had just left town,
where she had consulted a lawyer
with a view of obtaining a divorce
on the ground of cruel treatment.
About s o clock this evening, aB
Mrs. White, her 7-year-old daugh
ter, Grace, and ber nephew, a 16-
year-old boy named Morton, were
driving from this city to the Nor
ton ranch, ten miles west of ren-
dleton, T. O. White, the husband of
the woman in the buggy, rode up
from behind the rig until even with
the seat upon which his wife sat,
and without a word leveled a re
volver at her and fired five shots in
quick succession.
U pon the hr&h shot . the woman
received a wound in the left wrist,
which caused hex to fall into the
bottom of the rig. Two more buV
eta also took eftec and caused
flesh wounds in her back. .- None
of the wounds, however, proved se
rious, and with proper care Mrs.
White may recover, unless blood
poison sets in in her wrist, fiom a
few threads which were pulled into
the wound with the bullet.
The boy wno was driving receiv
ed a flesh wound in his left kne
which is thought Jo have been caus
ed by the bullet which struck Mrs.
Wright's "wrist glancing irom T her
arm to his leg.
After White had fired upon bis
wife he evidently concluded that
she was dead, and, . turning his
horse, he'rode back toward the city
about a quarter of a mile, where he
dismounted irom bis horse and af
ter rtljadicg bis revolver placed it
in the middle of his forehead and
blew his brains out.
A coroner's jury was sworn in
and in company with Coroner Hen
derson and' Deputy Sheriff Blakely
went to the scene of . the tragedy
A search of the Buicide s pccsets re
vealed numberless trinkets, which
it was learced that he had wondur
ing the afternoon at a shootiug gal
lery foui necties, two pocket
knives, and $ in money.
Around his, neck suspended by
a gold chain, was a woman's gold
wa'cb, apparently new. From
case in bis pocket, it is surmised
that this was purchased in Port
land, from" which city he had just
returned, and it iff thought that it
was to be used as a "peace-sffering
to his wile to aid in a reconciliation
inis 8iiernoon Mrs, wnite was
en her way to the city with her eld
est child and her nephew, C. Nor
too. A short distance from , the
city they were met by White, who
called to them to halt. The bov
drove on rapidly, White following
up with threats to do them bodily
barm. ' As soon as they arrived
Mrs. White went to William New
berry's office for the purpose of be
ginning divorce proceedings.
Mrs. White stated that White
had at various times threatened to
shoot her and the three email chil
dren, and, fearing that he would
carry his threat into execution, she
had left her husband the first uf
this month and had been living
with her brother, Al Norton, ten
miies from the city.
Mrs. White, being almost a nerv
ous wreck -because of her husband's
cruel. and inhuman treatment, re
mained in the attorney's : office-un-til
6 o'clock this evening, fearing
that White would see her and
shoot. x Between 6 and 7 o'clock
Mrs White and her nephew started
for the Norton ranch. As they left
the city they were closely: watched
by White. : The husband then pro
cured a horse from a livery stable,
armed himself and started in pur
on the roadside. : !
The remains were brought to the
morgue in this city at midnight.
Get the best fire works for the
least money at Hodes gun store.
Lodz. Russian Poland, June 24.
Yesterday, "Black Friday" in Lodz
surpassed all the horrors of Red
Sunday" in St. Petersburg. While
is not yet possible to ascertain
the exact number of the victims,
estimates place the killed and
wounded as high as 2000.
The troubles here were initiated
by the social democrats and Jewish
bund, who determined to avenge
their comrades killed in the rioting
on Wednesday. y ,
Thursday tbe feast of Corpus
Christi pasEed off quietly, but dur
ing the night workmen attacked the
patrol, in this hghting two omcers
and seven Cossacks were killed
One of the latter was shot by a girl
of 13 years, r-'r
Friday was a day of terror. The
city was given up to bloodshed,
Anarchy and fierce street fighting
prevailed all aay. Barricades were
hurriedly constructed in the Jewish
Quarter at dawn. Men climbed to
the roots of bouses, cutting tele'
phone and telegraph wires to use
for entanglements m the streets,
while - others cut down telegraph
poles and used tbem m strengthen
Ing their barricades which already
had been constructed and in build
ing others. . ; " -
Early in tbe day two bombs were
throwi from the- crowd into the
barracks, killing or wounding 2O
soldiers. : . - : , . ' .
T&9 started the sheddine
tloociAvshicb Continued until ' ttfter
crghtfall. ' . ,
At 11. o'clock all the factory
nds struck and i flocked into the
ttreete. OoEaacks, Drrgoons and
infantry charged the dense, eurg
ing mobs time after time, firing vol
ley after volley into the serried
mass. The i rioters later replied
with revolvers, while their com
rides on roofs and in windows join
ed in the fusilade. Some dashed
vitriol irom points 01 vantage upon
the troopers in the streets below.
The burning fluid drove its victims
Into a frenzy and led to scenes of a
terrible character. ,
Fighting continued throughout
the day, and only diminished in its
intensity at nightfall, when the city
was plunged into utter darkness, as
practically all the street lamps had
been destroyed. Even then occa
sional volleys and isolated rifle shots
were heard in different quarters, the
troops having received orders to
shoot any person appeancg in the
The dead were carried off in mil
itary wagons, me troops acting as
undertakers. But this morning
many dead and wounded were ly
ing in the streets and couityarde
Terrible, indeed is the plight of
the wounded, for medical aid is un
obtainable, and they are dying for
the lack thereof.
There was a renewal of bloodshed
this morning. A regiment of dra
kons and: one of infantry have
been ordered hencs of Warsaw
Ball masons Royal and Oleir
Stone Jars
Tumblers and Jelly Glasses!
Diamond W Jar Rubbers,
Paraf ine and Sealing Wax
we: sell -the:
Flat, Polished, Double Pointed
Price 5 cents per Box.
Hodes' Grocery
Independent Phone mos
Our ad., butjour goods change hands
every day. Tour money exchanged '
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresh Groceries
v Domestic and Imported, -
Plam"anuFancy Chinaware
A large and varied line.
We always keep Vegetables when
when they are tabs had.
B Borning
New York, June 23. A New
York agent for one of the big Amer
ican firms which has extensive in'
terests in the Far East, including a
branch at Port Arthur, said today
that be did not look for any serious
complications aB a result of the ac
tion of the Japanese government in
ordering foreign merchants from
Port Arthur. He said the Japan
ese merely are doing what it had
been tbe intention of the Russian
government to do at some future
time, and that not only foreign but
native merchants are affscted by
by tne decree.
The Russian plan was to make
Port Arthur purely a fortress and to
build up a great commercial city at
Dalny, only a short distance away
lie said that wbile eome of the for
eign commercial houses at Port Ar
M 1 5 .. 1 A 1 ' 1 -
inar migni nave nad immense
stocks of goods on hand before the
beginning of the war, undoubtedly
the amount was reducedifar below
normal during the siege, and that
therefore the order would entail no
great hardship.
Sheriff's Salm
on Saturday tbe 24th day of June. 1903. at tbe
hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at the front
door of tbe court house la Corvallls, Benton
County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to
the bigbest bidder, lor caan in nana an or tne
following aeecriDea real prope.iy situated in
Benton county, towlt:
Tbe southwest quarter and the west half of
the souheaBt quarter of section 5, township 15,
south, range 5 west: also Degmning at tup oi:tn
west corner of section,' township 1ft South,
ranges west ana running mencesouin totae
county line between Benton and Lane count v,
in the state of Oregon, thence eaf t along the
Said county line to a point south of the soulh
east corner of the west half of the southeast
quarter of said section 5 thence north to said
southeast corner of the paid west half of -the
southeast quarter of said section 5 and running
thence west along tne soma line oi saia section
5 to the place of beginning; also beginning at
the southwest corner of the donation land claim
of Robert Boyd, being claim No. 4-4, in town-
t hip 15 south, range a west, ana running thence
north along the west line of said itoyd claim to
the center of the county road as now traveled
thence north 82 degrees ana 30 minntes west
4.10 chainB along said center of road, thence west
along the center of said rod 16.80 chains to the
point on tne west une,oi saia section a townsnip
15 south, range 5 west, thence south to the
southwest corner of the northwest quarter of
said section 5, thence east to the place of be
ginning, excepting from last described tract a
certain tract of land containing about 10 acres
deeded by George A. Houck and wife to Char
les Clem by deed dated April 8th, 189S, and re
corded in Book "W" at page 491 thereof records
of deedsfor Benton county, Oregon:
Said sale is made under an execution in my
hands issued out of the circuit court of the stale
of Oregon, for Benton county, in the suit of Geo.
tt. unamoeriain. ei ai, constituting tne state
Ijtnd Board, plaintiff vs. H. M. Donat, et al, de
fendants, a proceeding to foreclose a moitgage.
May 27, 1605.
m. r. Burnett,
Sheriff of Benton County, Cregon;
City Corvallis Special Water Bond
To the legal voters of the City of Corvallls :
Notice is hereby given that on Thursday the
Sixth day of July, A. D. 1905, In the Common
Louncil Chamber in the City Hall on the south
east corner of Madison and Fourth streets in
the City of Corvallls, Benton Couhty, Oregon
a special election of the legal voters of said city
ui vfliui, win ua iieiu lor has purpose oi de
teriniuuig wneiuer or not "ine wator Commit
tee oi said city shall issue the bnnrU nt thQ
City of Corvallls "foresaid, bearing lnterestat a
ate not exceea mg nve per cent per annum.
payaDle half yearly, on forty years time, for the
purpose of constructing water works for the citT
oi vorvains, sucn election having been specially
appointed, and tho time and place aforesaid
fixed therefor, by resolution of "The Water
Committee " of said cltyiduly passed on the leth
day of June. 190
The maximum amount of bonds proposed to
be issued by said Committee for said purpose is
$75,000.00 and the same will not be Issued, nor
said water works constructed, unless a major
ity of the votes cast at such election shall be In
favor of issuing bonds. Vot3rs desiring the is
suance of such bonds shaU cause their ballots
to read "For Bonds," and those against the Is
suance of sucn bonds shall cause their baUots
to read "Against bonds."
Said election shall begin at nine o'clock in the
forenoon of said 6th day of July. 1905 and con
tinue until six o'clock In the afternoon of said
day without tne polls being closed.
This notice is signeo by the Clerk of said
committee and published in the Corvallis Times
a newspaper punished in Corvallis, Oregon,
for two weeks, im tntdiately prior to the date of
such election under the direction of the afore
saij resolution of "The Water Committee."
Dated this June '21st, 1905.
S. h. KLINE,
Clerk of "The Water Committee."
Just What Every One Should Do.
Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga., al
ways keeps a . bottle of (Jhamberlain'e
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at
hand ready for instant use. Attacks of
colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come
on so suddenly that there is tso time to
hunt a doctor or go to the store for med
icine. Mr. Barber says: "I have tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Kemedy which is one of the Best
medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of
it in my room as I have had several at
tacks of colic and it has proved to be the
best medicine I ever used." For sale by
Graham & Worth am.
For want of room we will
close out at cost all our trunks
telescopes, small Rugs and
Art Squares. This Sale is
bona fide, we want the room
for a ladies Suit and Cloak
J, M. Nolan & Son.
Hurry calls on the doctor are
frequent in the summer tim'e.When
he has prescribed hurry to Graham
& Wells with the prescription and
they will put it up as quickly as
the greatest accuracy will permit.
We are here to do all kinds, of ma
chine work, casting, repairing' and
building engines, etc; on short . notice
and at reasonable prices.' Work guar
anteed. Franklin Iron Works Cq-