"Jounty Clerk's Gifioe - i '-TV VS iff "WEI Vol. XVIII.-No. 17. CORVALLIS, OREGON, "JUNE 24. 1905. B.F. IKVUTB Edlto and Proprietor - celts- days Your Discomforture On Hot Summer Can be Greatly reduced by using some of our hot weather goods. : See for ladies, our line of Umbrellas, big assort ment Shirt Waists, Oxfords in Black and Tan, Hats, Sonbonnets, Lawns, Silks. Etc. , See for Men, our line of light weight Shoes and Oxfords in Black or Tan, Serges, Mohair and Lin en Coats and Vests, big line Straw Hats Etc. All at low prices. J. HE. HARM! Fine Light Sample Rooms. Hotel .7.. Corvallis J. C. Hammel, Prop. Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. - Recently opened. New brick hvrilding. Newly furnished, with modern con veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Pine single rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. $1 A0, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. r HOME STORES PAY TAXES, BUY PRODUCTS AND INCREASE THE PRICE T OF LAND. EvEry Farm and Every Town Home Is Worth More Because ? , Tbere Are Home Stores: s Then Buy Supplies of --.the Home Merchant. . - ; An Iowa paper tells a' striking incident with reference to bpylng at home, and therbfore draws, a moral. It is an incident worth re peating to Benton county and Cor vallis people. ; It will at least in terest them. The paper in question is the Marble Rock Journal. The story is s follows: f A man went into one of the Mar ble Rock stores the other day and asked if he would oblige him by exchanging an article he had bought from a mail order noueer tor a sim ilar article of another size from the merchant's stock. The - merchant almost fainted at the man's gall, but he was an obliging merchant, and eo he did not get : angry. He asked the man why he did not re turn the article to the mail order house and have it exchanged. "Because I have to returu it at my expense," said the man, Star Brand Shoes are Better! For Shces, Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro . ceries, see ' WELLSHER 6c GRAY. Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce Star Brand Shoes are Better! The Popular Grocery & Crockery Good Things For Eating Butter Always Fresh from Dairies, tasty and good. the Pickles. Sweet and sour, bottle and bulk. Hienzes Eggs. Fresh and always direct from the hens. See our Garden Truck, nothing but best, grown by good gardeners. v - The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market. OUR METHODS OF BUSINESS All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best groceries for. the least money HERE IS THE STORE P. M. ZIEROLF.; 'and even then I stand a chance of not getting what I want." The coat of returning it would be considerable and it might set lost or broken; on the trip, and I just thought maybe you could 6ell it to- some one else, and could let me have one that fits me from your stock." Tne merchant looked sharply at the man to see if he -was joking or really didn't know any better, and seeing it was Only the latter he told him that be would exchange the article for him. And he did, and the man was brofuse in. bis thanks for. the accommodation. - .Aad iken ihe mexisiiantjtold..the mao in a gentlemanly way just what he had done. He said "My friend, you live in this com munity. You have lived here lor a auod many years. You own a farm that cost you perhaps $15 to $20 oer acre, and it is now worth $75 to $100 per acre, and jet the land is not as gocd as when you bought it. What has made it worth more? It is because it is near a good town to this town to which you and your neighbors helped to build up by your patronage. While you were helping the town with your patron age you weie unconscious'y doub ling or trebliDg the value of your farm. The rule work& both ways. The growth of the town 'increases the value of your farm, and the de- terioation of the town miures the value of your farm. If you buy your goods in Mi b e Ko.k you help to make Marble Kock a larger town and help to make your land worth more. If you buy your goods in Chicago you help to make Chi cago a larger city and you leave to other people the burden of building up your home community and in creatine the value of your land. If you help to build up Cticago how much will it increasa the value of your farm? 'You are interested m this town as much as are the people who live in it. You trade your produce here for things that you want, .you sell your stock and farm produce herp. or in some other town near htre and if you are unfortunate and need financial help, the business men here, and no one but the business men, are solicited to raise a purse for you. And they always do it whether you have helped them or not. If you are short of cash, or your crops or stock are not yet sold, you ask for credit at the stores here and you get it, which is a favor to you though you may not know it. If you buy something at the store here that does not prove as good as was claimed for it you can bring it back and exchange it or get your money back. In these ana a nunarea otDer ways you are under obligations to this town and the merchants here to trade with them, and yet you have sent your cash to this mail order house to buy what you want and have not gotten what you want after all." The merchant paused for breath and the man mumbled something about getting cheaper prices at the mail order houses. "If that were true," said themer chant, "I wouldn't complain a bit. If you could save money by order ing of the mail order houses, which are. the bitterest enemies , of this town, I wouldn't say a word. Not counting all things I have said the fact that you are hurting the value of your own faim when you hurt this town; the fact that the merchants here, or in whatever town you trade, take you t produce, lose money on it, and give you goods in exchange; tne tact tnat you can, get credit here when you haven't the cash, and can always bring goods back and exchange them when they are not satisfactory; and the fact that you or any of your neighbors who arem hard luck.can always get financial help- from the m tenants here; in spite of all these things, if you could get goods cheaper of the mail order bouses thaa jou can here, I wouldn't com- plats. Bat you can't. You have a catalogue that you can sit around and study in the evening, and the prices in it lok cheap because you hate plenty of time tqjtudy them, and the descriptions -are written in fine language. But? if you will bring in your catalogue and look- through my store and compare pri ces right through and if I don't furnish you the same prices, quality considered that the mail order house does, I will give them to you. And y oil won't be buying anything from a book description eitbtr. You will see the goods 'and try them on, and inspect the quality, and get whatever guaranty there is on them and if they don't euit you afterward there will be no trouble or risk in exchanging them or replacing them" "Well, I guess you're about right," 6aid the man thoughtfully 'Of course I'm right, and the more you think about it the more you'll believe what I've said. Here you come into my store aBKing me ,to favor you by exchanging goods that you have bought from a mail order bouse. They made the profit on the sale, they got your caBh, they ran no nek, they will not ex- change it for you, you may and you may not get what you want. They pay no taxes here to help run the community expenses and help ed; etfate your childreriv""They xio noth' ing whatever to help this town or this county, or you; and their prices are not as cheap, everything con sidered, as those 01 tne home mer chants. If you reallv knew how to save money and help yourself you would never epend a cent with them. They make a profit on their goods or thty would not be in bus iness. And if anybody is to get the profit why not give it to the merchant at home?" "I never really thought of it that way," said the man, and l see now you re light; and you've sure treated me white in exchanging this, and 1 11 remember it." And as he walked slowly out OYAMA ADVANCING HAS TAKEN NEARLY ALL PO SITIONS NEEDED BEFORE THE' GREAT BATTLE. Attempt to Draw Off Japanese Feint With Cossack Raid ers . Met , by Advance -of . New ' Army Oyama Has : nearly 600,000 ' Men. - by of the store the merchant gazed thoughtfully after him and wond erea wnetner ne would really re member it or not. Tokio, June 22. The position of GeneraVLinievitch's army is even more desperate than was that of General Kuropatin before - the - de feat of Mukden, and the Japanese general staff ' expects within a very short time to receive the report that the Russian army has either., been destroyed or captured.. When G?iieral Lmievitch discov ered that he was nearly completely surrounded, and that en.oimous bod ies of Japanese troops were being massed on his right and left, while his center was being -i constantly ehelled by'field artillery, he appar ently realized that it was impossv ble for his 35o,ooo men to withstand the assault of such superior strength as Oyama's and he determined on a feint, in the hope that he might draw off some of the Japanese for ces. He ordered General. Mlstchen- ko, with bis Cossack division, to at tempt to penetrate the Japanese screen and try to cut their lines of communication. V S -'' After losing heavily in several engagements, the Cossack chieftain made his way through . Mongolia and swept around the Japanese, left in the hope of drawing back some of the troops from the north, in stead the Japanese simply moved forward a new army from Wonson and drove the Russians back. "' General Oyama'a troops have now cantured all of the most im portant positions necessary for the success of his contemplated move ment, and word 01 a general en gagement is expected momentarily Maximo Gomez was interred this evening after a funeral service so replete with demonstrations in hon or of the dead general as to lead, in several instances, to scenes of disor der. ' ' The most serious trouble occur red while the great procession was passing Central Park, when 'some reckless Cubans rushed toward the field gun caisson on which the re-' mains of the general were being carried, demanding permission to carry the body. They were thrust back and then a bigger crowd rush ed forward and swayed back and fro across the broad street, tempo rarily disorganizing the procession. The arrival of a big force of rural guards soon resulted in the restor rtion of order and the burial of the remains of General Gomez was ac complished juBt before sunset in the presence of a quiet and reverent multitude.' ' . ..- " . - The procession was the largest since the establishment of the .republic. In it were included the members of every department of. the govern ment, national and. municipal and a thousand personal friends and fol lowers, including President Palm a, all walking with bared heads. Sunday Excursions to Newport! ON THE G. & E. R. R. Beginning Sunday, June 18 and continuing until the end of August EVERY SUNDAY Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a. t 1 i i 1 r -4 v ti.. rnnomatn e:io a. m. Returning leaves Newport at 5 p". m. arriving in Corvallis at 9:15. at Albany at 9:55, Giving 5 hours at tha beacb. Fareround trip from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath $1.50 Again Open. The repair department of my bicycle and sporting goods business is again open for business second door south of postoflBce, Quick repairing or first class work a specialty. James K. Berry. St. Petersburg, June 21. A num? ber of private telegrams which have been received during the past 24 hours from Cidazipudzy indicate that the Japanese forward and turning movment now being devel oped in Manchuria is the largest in the history of the war and indicates that it is the intention of Field Mar shal Oyama to endeavor to sweep all Northern Core a and Manchuria clear of Russian troops of every arm. Three Japanese detachments are reported advancing from Corea northward. The first consists of 5000 infantry and 700 cavalry, with several batteries of mountain artil lery, who are working toward Chit zamy. The second, the strength of which is not known, is moving from Miisan, while the third is turn ing from Kenchan on the Russian front. The Japanese lines extend from the Sea of Japan at Gensan across Corea and Manchuria to the Mongolian frontier. Officers here who are cognizant ot the situation anticipate tbat as soon 8s the army of General Linie vitch is engaged, the Japanese will develop an assault in iotce on Vladivostok and also attempt to force the Sungari river, and thus be in a position' to cut off the retreat of Linievitch s army, should it be defeated. City Corvallis Special Water Bond Election. To the legal voters of the City of Corvallis: Notice Is hereby given tht on Thursday th e Sixth day of July, A. D. 190-5, in the Common Council Chamber in the City Hall on the south east corner of Madison and Fourth streets in the City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, a special election of the legal voters of said city of CoivilUs will be held for the purpose of de termining whether or not "ihe Wator Commit tee" 01 said city shall iaue the bonds ot the City of Corvallis foresaid, bearing interest at a rate noi exceeainar nve per cent per huuuiu. payaDle half yearly, on forty years time, tor the purpose of constructing water works lor the city of Corvallis, such election having been specially appointed, ana tna lime ana place aioresaiu fixed therefor, bv resolution of "The Water Committee " of said cityjduly passed on the 16th day of June. 19&, The maximum amount of bonds proposed to be issued by said Committee for said purpose Is $75,000.00 and the same will not be Issued, nor said water works constructed, unless a major ity of the votes cast at such election shall be In favor of issuing bonds. Voters desiring the is suance of such bonds shall cause their ballots to read "For Bonds," and those against the Is suance of sucn bonds shall cause their ballots to lead "Against bonds." 8aid election sball begin at nine o'clock in the forenoon of said 6th day ot July, 1905 and con tinue until six o'clock in the afternoon of said day without the polls bt-lug closed. This notice Is sicneo by tne Clerk of said committee and published iu the Corvallis Times a newspaper published in Oorvallis, Oregon, for two weeks immediately prior to the date of such election under the direction of the afore ssi i resolution of "The Water Committee." . Dated this June 21st, l'JOo S. I.. KLINE, Clerk of "The Water Committee," Largest line of matting in the city at Blackledge's. Cows for Sale. Three good young cows in full milk, Alfred Bicknell. Five miles north of Corvallis. All new wall paper at Blackledge's. Hay For Sale. Vetch and alfalfa, best cow kay in the world. Ind Tel 155. L. L. Bfcooks. London, June 21. The corres pondent of the Daily Telegraph at Tokio sends the following: "lhe Japanese are continuing their victorious advance in Man churia. The Russians have been completely outflanked on both wings and news of Japanese victo ries may be expected shortly. "The Japanese have considerably over half a million men in the field. Their preliminary operations began as far back as May 2o. "Your correspondent with the Japanese headquarters reports that Cossacks were repulsed with heavy losses near Lianhuapao June 16, but were considerably reinforced at Telkaton aod tbat another raid is expected. In the direction of Hail incheng the Russians have been re inforced by three divisions. Gen eral Madoralif commands the ad vance lines and is trying to check the Japanese northward advance. The Japanese expect good news shortly. Hi 11 For want of room we will close out at cost all our trunks telescopes, small Rugs and Art Squares. This Sale is bona fide, we want the room for a ladies Suit and Cloak depaitment. ' J, M. Nolan & Son. Havana, Jens 20. The body of Just What Every One Should Do. Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga., al ways keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for instant use. Attacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there ia bo time to hnnt a doctor or fo to the store for med icine. Mr. Barber save: "I have tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy which is one of the best medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several at tacks of colic and it has proved to be th best medicine I ever used." For sale b Graham & Wortham.