The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 21, 1905, Image 2

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    I J torvallis Times.
Official Paper ot Benton County.
CORVALLIS, OR., JUNE 21, 1905.
OAC Track Team Beat Everything
at the big Fair Meet A $5000
Backer for Williams in 440.
O. A. C. track men still do busi
ness at the old stand. They car
ried off most of the medals and
three times as many points as any
other team in a big intercollegiate
meet at the Fair Friday and Satur
day, in which men from nearly all
the Northwestern colleges and uni
versities participated. Smithson
and Williams took the ioo and 220
Williams . and Greenhaw the 440,
Smithson and Beldon the 120 hur
die, Smithson, Cathey and Wil-
. liams the 220 hurdle, Swann and
Woodcock first and third places in
the pole vault with second and
third places by others in various
events sufficient to total a score of
60, Idaho University being next
with an aergregrate score of 20,
Greenhaw was beaten in the
half mile by an Idaho man, but
only by a few inches and that und
er great difficulties. There were
two of the Idaho runners in the ev
ent and both good. They got
Greenhaw in a Docket, and bv clev
er maneuvering put him to great
effort and trouble to finally pull
alongside the leading runner. The
latter was an excellent man. Down
the stretch Greenhaw pulled along
even and for a time was six inches
ahead, but in the last iump the
Idaho man by a desperate effort
managed to throw himself against
the tape first, and won. He had to
be carried from the field, but Geeen
haw trotted off to his tent with
good wind left and in a few min
utes was on the field again, fresh
as a daisy.
The sequel to all this succassion
of unbroken triumphs is that the
OAC track team stands at the head
of the list in the Northwest with a
supremacy unquestioned and un
questionable. Incidentally, it brings
wide celebrity to Physical Director
Trine who stands unrivalled in the
care of men and in development of
tneir powers. His men are put in
such proper condition that they nev
er nave to be earned trom the field.
No man so perfectly understands
tne strain the powers of a young
man are capable of and to what
limit jthose powers may be taxed.
In selecting his men and in prepar
ing ftem no athlete is ever suffer
ed by Director Trine to overtax his
powers with the conseauence. first.
that his men are never injured, and
second, that they are always at
their best, and hence generally win
ners. The unbroken line of vict
ones that he won while trainer at
Eugene, and the phenomenal tri
umphs that have resulted from his
work at Corvallis, abundantly prove
the fact. Mr. Trine has been em
ployed by Multnomah as a tra;ner
for the Club athletes who are to
take part in coming events at the
. Fair. Among these will be Smith
son, Williams, Greenhaw and Wal
ker. An old Portlahd STMirt is said
to be ready to post $5000 that Floyd
wimams can beat any man in Am
erica in tne 440.
Letter Written in 1846 Describes it
Hariah King, the Writer.
All new wall paper at Blackledge's.
Somewhere between Corvallis
and Beaver Creek, a black over
coat. Fmder will please leave at
this office.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the Matter of the Estate of lane
aaoem risner, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed as administrator with the will an
nexed of the estate of Jane Elizabeth
Fishei , deceased, and has filed his final
account as such administrator, with the
clerk of the county court of the state of
Oregon, for Benton county, and the said
court has fixed Saturday, the 8th day of
July 1905, at the hour of n o'lock in
forenoon of said day as the time, and
the county court room in the court house
in Corvallis, Oregon as the place for
hearing any and all objections to said
account, and for settlement thereof.
Dated June 10, 1905.
Administrator of the will annexed
the est ate of Jane Eliz. Fisher, deed.
For Sale or Rent.
Seven room house, barn and 12 lots in
"Wilkins addition, known as the Mc
Caustland block.
S. H. Moore,
lad. Phone 713.
Get the best fire works for the
least money at Hodes gun store.
Come and see
of fire works.
Hodes' assortment
All kinds of fire works at Hodes'
gun store.
Back in Ohio, there is an aged
letter that is of striking interest in
Benton county. It was written in
Kings Valley on the first day of
April, 1846, more than 59 years
ago. It tells of a long tedious and
and perilous journey across the
plains by ox team, and of condi
tions in what was then the new
land, known in the East as the Ore
gon country. The writer was Mrs
Manah King, now Mrs. Sol King
I nough written on April ist, it
was August before the letter reach
ed Missouri. That is to say, near
ly five months was required for
its delivery at a destination requir
ing but three or tour days.
The start across the plains by
the Kings was from Missouri, in
the spring of 1845. Four years
before that, or in 1841, the family
had moved to Missouri from Ohio.
In the later journey, the emigrant
train consisted of 200 ox wagens,
or a party numbering over 100
families. The letter in question
appeared recently in the Advocate,
a paper published at Plain City,
Ohio. In full, it is as follows:
Lucciamute Valley, Oregon,
April 1. 1846.
Dear Mother, Brothers and Sisters:
After traveling six months
we arrived at Iynton on the Wil
lamette, November first. We had
beautiful weather all the way, no
rain of any account. We got along
nneiy till we came to Fort Boisien,
within three miles of X,ynton, when
along came a man by the name of
Meiks who said he could take us
over a new route across the Cas
cade mountains to the Willamette
river in twenty days, so a large
company ot a Hundred and fifty or
two hundred wagons left the old
road to follow the new pilot and
traveled for two months over sand,
rocks, hill , and everything else
but good roads. Two thirds of the
immigrants ran out of provisions
and had to live on beef, but as it
happened, we had plenty oT flour
and bacon to last us through,
but worse than all of this, death and
sickness attended us the rest of our
way, I wrote to you at Fort I,a
rima that the whooping cough and
measles went through our camp,
and after we took the new route
a slow, lingering fever prevailed.
Out of Chamber L. Forton's. Tohn's
and our families, no one escaped but
ooiomon ana myselt. But listen at
the deaths: Sallv Chambers.
John King and his wife and their
little daughter Electa, and their
babe, a son of nine months old,
and Dulaney C. Norton's sister is
gone. Mr. A. Fuller, lost his wife
and daughter Tabitha. "RiVTit nf im. 1-
tvrvr lauiiiica iidvc v 1 11 it- 111 rnpir
long homes. Stephen was taken
with the fever at Fort Bosien, he
had not been well since , no
Ohio, but was then taken worse.
He was sick for three months, we
did not expect him to live for n
long time, was a raid he had the
consumption, but he is now well
and hearty, and cettin? fat everv
day. he weighs as much as he did
when he came from over the moun
tains, and as for myself, I was nev
er heartier in mv life than T Tin
been since I left Missouri, I have
not had even one sick dav: the rest
of us are eettin? well
now I believe.
Those that went on the old
got through Six months before its
with no sickness at all. Upwards
01 nny aiea on the new route.
I he Indians did not rlistnrS q
any except stealing our horses. We
nave made our claim in a valley
on the Luccimute, a western branch
of the Willamette, not a fisnj' Q rirle
from the ocean, and one hundred
miles south of the Columbia river.
It is. a beautiful countrv n? far ae
I have seen. Every person over
eighteen holds a section by making
improvements and living on it five
years. They sow from October
till June,-and the best wheat I ev
er saw and plenty of it at $1 and
75 cents per bushel, potatoes 25
cents; peas, $1; corn, 5o cents; beef
o cents ana s cents; pork, 10 cents;
sugar, 12 1-2 cents; coffee. 20 cents:
molasses, 5o cents; tear 75 cents;
calico, 10 cents to 50 cents: and
salt is a cent a'pound. Mills are
plenty, no trouble about grinding.
The water is all soft like in Mass
chusetts. Salt springs are com
mon and fresh water sorinos vaith.
out number, It is now the first of
April and not a particle of snow
has fallen in the valley, neither
have I seen a bit of ice a half inch
thick this winter, but it rains near
ly all winter, but does not hinder
them from ploughing and sowing
wneat. We have the most frost in
the spring. They don't make gar
den till the last of April. - or the
first "of May but it comes good when
it does come. There is thousands
of strawberries, gooseberries, black
berries, whorttleberries, currants,
and other wild fruits, but no nuts,
except filberts and a few chestnuts.
The timber is principally fir and
oak. '
- You perhaps would like to know
how I like the county. I like it
well. It is any easy place to make
a living. You can raise as many
cattle as-you please and not. cost
you a cent, for the grass is green
the whole winter and cattle are as
fat as if they had been stall fed
the whole year round. Wheat is
raised without any trouble and will
-fetch anything the same as cash.
A wagon from a $100 to $i5o, $100
for a yoke of oxen, and $5o for a
cow. And work will fetch any
thing you want at from $1 to $i.5o
per day. $ 1 a hundred for making
nails and so on. And although T
was so much opposed to coming as
any one could be, if I were back
there and know what I know now
I should be perfectly willing to
The land you get is sufficient to
pay you for your trouble and if you
were here and John and Warren
and each of them and yourself had
a claim, I should like to live here.
We all have claims joining. What
winter states will do for us I cannot
tell, you know more about that thaa
I do. The Indians appear to be
very friendly, like to have the Bos
tons come as they call us. You
think it is a long road and so it is,
but the worst is over when you get
started. Be sure and have a plenty
flour, that is the main object, start
with 175 or 200 pounds, and 75
pounds of bacon to the person; fetch
no more beds than you want to use;
start with clothing a. plenty to last
one year after you get here if you
have nothing to buy with, after
that you will raise a plenty to get
clothing; start with at least four or
five yoke of cattle to a wagon,
young cattle four and five years old
are the best; fetch what coffee, su
gar and such other things you like;
if you should be sick you will need
I write as though I expected you
to come, I need not do that as I
know of, although I- wish you were
here. I can't help but believe that
you would be suited, - not . that it
will ever do my poor mother any
good but to see her children well
fixed to get a living That is, if
congress does anything for Oregon.
It is not like any other new country
a farm to pay for. It is already
paid for when you get here. ,
You do not know how I want to
sae you, and if I am never to see
you let me hear from you as pos
sible. . How I want to know how
you get along and what you all are
doing. , Tell Lany I expect to see
him any minute.
We have had two weddings . in
our family, Rolland Chambers to
IOvcia Kin5, and Amos King to
Malinda Fullen. Young men have
to pay five dollars for five years if
iney aon t live on tneir claims.
all look healthv and
hearty here. We are looking for
Moses Moon and Herman Hallock
this fall.
Write the first opportunity, and
everyone. From your affectionate
children, . .
Stephed and Mariah King.
Two Benton County People the Parties
With Archbishop Christie
Portland, officiating, a Drettv wed
ding took place at the Catholic
church in Corvallis at two o'clock
Sunday afternoon. The interested
parties were Miss Adelaide Hecker
of Wells, and Arnold King of Cor-
.1. T.
vaiiis. xne ceremony was witness
ed by only immediate relatives,
and at its conclusion, the newly
married pair departed at once for
Albany by private conveyance.
The bride was exquisitely gown
ed in pearl gray crepe de chine ov
er silk, with trimmings of cream
lace and chiffon. She carried a
shower bouquet of. cream ' roses.
The bridesmaid was Miss Ella King
sister of the groom, and J. C. Iowe
acted as best man.
The bride, who is one of Benton's
fairest girls, is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Hecker of Wells.
The groom is a well known and
highly respected young man of
Benton, and their many friends
unite in good wishes and congrat
ulations. Mr. and Mrs. King will reside
for the present in Albany
Mr. King is a lineman for the In
dependent Telephone Co,
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, administratrix-nftVia -
Jacob Whitaker, deceased has filed in
the county court of the state of Oregon,
for Benton county, her final account as
ouou Huuiinisirainx 01 paid estate, and
that Saturday the 8th day of July, 1905.
at the hour of ten oclock a. m. has bien
fixed by said court as the time for hear
ing objections to said report and the
settlement thereof.
"NT-.. T tttI .. .
a j . . "aiitjr jj. wmtaxer.
Administratrix of the estate of Tacob
wnuaiser, deceased.
You who have carpenter work, hcuse
painting or papering to let by contract
should get my figures on the same before
placing contracts. My estimates will
cost you nothiBg and might save you dol
lars. Headquarters at H. M. Stone's
office. Independent phone. Dixie line
Charles Holt.
Cord Wood Sale.
Call up No. 1 Phone, P. A. Kline line.
P. A. Kline.
Notice to Builders.
Sealed bids will be received up to 3
o'clock Saturday June 17th, 1905 for the
remodeling of the M. E. church of Cor
vallis, Ore, in accordance with the
plana and specifications now at the of
fice of Ambler & Watters. Reserve the
right to reject any and all bids.
Virgil E. Watters,
Chr. Bldg. Com.
. John I,. Sullivan, champion of
the world for 12 years, with his
high class vaudeville company,
will be in Albany one night, June
2i. John I,. Sullivan will give a
sparring exhibition with John Mc
Cormack. Prices 75, 5o and 25.
Wood Sawing.
I am prepared to saw w ood on
short notice with gasoline wood
saw. W. E. Boddy.
Ind. phone 351.
New Gasoline Wood Saw.
I am now ready to attend promptly
to all orders. Ind. phone 835.
W. B. Hansell.
150 cords oak wood, stov length ready
for delivery on short notice,
L. L. Brooks
Buy your Lewis & Clark
outfits from J. M. Nolan &
For Sale.
Wagons, hacks, plows, harrows, and
mowers, driving horse3, draft horses,
buggies and harness; fresh cows. If
you want to buy, come in. I can save
you money.
H M. Stone.
Ladies skirts all kinds and prices
at Moses' Bros. Call and see them.
prices) I
kUR stock is complete.
and our prices surpris
ingly low. We guar
antee these cases to be the
best made, most serviceable
and satisfactory you can buy.
Come in and see the magnifi
centline we have to showyou.
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
In order to reduce our stock and save moving
we will offer a reduction of 5 per cent on all goods
bought for CASH commencing June 5th and con
tinue until removal occurs, about June 25th.
Quite frequently a merchant offers a reduction on
a special line of goods, but not often a discount
is given on everything you buy as will be the case
This does not apply to small purchases of
less than $1. Remember the date, June 5th.
The House Furnishers.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon. ,
Dry Fir Wood
- At 3.50 per cord. Orders solicited
for grub oak for summer delivery.
Frank Francisco, '
For shoe repairing see Fowells sec
ond door west of Bertnan grocery.
, Wood Sawing.
Done prompUy. Satisfaction guaran
teed and prices reasonable.
Cnmminga & Cady.
Ind phone 349 or 692,
Work Wanted.
Jacob Gmeinor does all kind of work
around house and - premises, cleaning
carpets, wash windows, carry wood, etc.
Phone 162, Indp.
For Bicycles, Ammun
ition, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
) K. Berry, Salesman
The Right Prices
Two . Doors South
All Fresh Goods,
of the Post Office.