The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 21, 1905, Image 1

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    mtfyjClerV? Oder
Vol. XVIII.-No. 11.
B.F. IRTXB Kdltw
ud l.prietor
Your Discomforture
On Hot
Summer days
Can be
'Greatly reduced by using
some of our hot weather
goods. , 1
" See for ladies, our line cf Umbrellas, big assort
merit Shirt Waists, Oxfords in Black and Tan,
Hats, Sunbonnets, Lawns, Silks. Etc. '
See for Men, our line of light weight Shoes and
Oxfords in Black or Tan, Serges, Mohair 'and Lin
en Goats and Vests, big line Straw Hats Etc, All
at low prices.1 :--"-
Attack la Made in Four Different
Districts and the Enemy Is
Routed in Each Instance.-
Supplies Are Left
Behind. . S
v : ' nc Llf1 Sample Rooms, r1
- ' : J C Hammel, Prop. I :
si ...
Leading Hotel'in Oorvallis. Recently opened. New
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace ".Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
$1 X), $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Tokio.'June 18. The following
report has been received from the
Manchurian armies: r
fin the Weiyuanpapmen dis
trict, at 9 o'clock on the morning
of June 16500 of the enemy's cav
alry . advanced against Kuynshu,
but were. repulsed. :v;. r .-, "
In the Chamotou. district our
advanced force, "after driving out
the enemv stationed at Samien-
cheng, occupied the village.
"In the Tasiamotun district our
detachment, - after dislodging the
enemy's cavalry- at Souohatztf, 8
miles west of Tumiencheng, occu
pied the village. : i 1 .'
"In the Kangpiu district, at 1
o'clock on the morning of June 16,
a center column, after routing the
enemy's cavalry outposts ."at Tien
chiawopeng, 16 miles .northeast of
Langping, and continuing a yigpr.:
ous pursuit, attacked the enemy's
position at the eoutnern end 01 ma
ovangwopeng, and t6 the eastward,
between- 4 and 8:31) o clock we nan-.
ally occupied Liaoyangwopeng.
"Our right column after driving
the enemy's cavalry before it, oe
cutned Lochuanpou, mne miles east
of Liaoyangwopeng. This column
again shelled the enemy's cavalry,
retreating to the northward, mulct
ine heavy injury. The enemy was
finally - thrown into great -contu
sion. " ''.-
'The left column poured a fierce
fire upon 1000 of the enemy s cav
alry retreating to the northward of
Liaoyangwopeng, and v inflicting
heavy damaee.
cavairy.'with 20 guoe, forming part
of Lieutenant-General Mistchenko 0
army, occupied Liaoyangwopeng.
The main force retreated northward
and parts of it to - the" northward
and northwestward, in disorder.
There are evidences that the enemy
was panicstncken and utterly con'
fused. ' Abandoned provisions and
clothing indicate the difficulty 'the
enemy had in carrying of "supplies
In retreating the enemy fired
house south of Liaoyargwopeng,
and it ia preeumedlithat he intend
ei to incinerate his dead. L .
"Our casualties were 30 killed
and 185 wounded.1 The number of
the enemy's'casualties ia ' not cer
tain. His dead left in front of -the
center column numbered 80,; -and
therefore the total Russian losses in
all directions teem to be great.
direction of the court every man
who expected admission to the
courtroom was searched for weap
ons, and when any were found they
were placed in safe-keeping. When
Mrs. Marcum, widow of the murd
ered man, was called to the etand,
she wsb -subjected to - humiliating
cross-examination by the defense.'
The questions were objected " to by
Prosecutor Blanton time and time
again,-but were allowed by. Judge
Aliens Finally Mr: "Allen jumped
to his feet, and with face white and
eyes flashing;' demanded that the
witne& be given "fair play."
Judge Allen told him to sit down
and ordered trie witness to answer.
Blanton then 'jumped to his'feet,
and, ehakiog with . passion,, shout
ed. ."These proceedings are a dis
grace to the state arid county, and
the courtcan goto the devil."
He jthenleft the courtroom." Judge
Allen ordered a receBS of an bout to
permit Judge Blanton to recohBid'
er. :..As he failed to put in -n ap
pearaface when court
Kaiser-Would Become . the Master
of Europe Rouvier's Intention
- to Continue as Minister '
; v the Republic.
judge Allen directed
ants fed arise, and then
ing dialogue occurred:
."Gentlemec you have been ac
cused 01 having conspired to bring
about the murder of J. B. - Marcum
at Jackson. -Did you do so?" ;
"We did not, and we are inno
cent."-. v- : " - ;
"I.believe you. There is no ev
idence to support the" contention
that a crime was committed. You
ar all discharged."
Paris, June A. 16. France and
Germany are on the verge of war.
The situation is considered strain
ed. Reports from the frontier are
to the effect that the feeling be
tween the soldiers 'of. the "two na
tions la-running very. high. Sev-
re-convened,ral conflictB have occurred, and in
the defend:
the f jflow-
Sunday Excursions
i to Newport!
ON THE G. & B- R. R.
and continuing until the end
of August r-' - ; -.
I Oviug ; Albany at 7:30 af-
er&rivalbfsEuffene Local.
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
For Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery,
Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, see . jfi & .
Highest Market Price Paid for afl Kinds of Produce
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
The Popular Grocery & Cro
Good Things For Eating
Always Fresh from
Dairies, tasty and good.
Fresh and always direct
from the hens. - -
Sweet and sour,
bottle and bulk. .
See our Garden
Truck, nothing but - best,
grown by good gardeners. ;
The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market, r
All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best
groceries for the least money. . ; :
i P. M. ZIEROtF.
some cases tte pickets nave ex
changed shots. . The garrisons at
the frontier posts nave been in
creased by both powers and prepa
rations are being quietly made by
France to repel attempted invasion
France's Mediterranean fleet is
lying off Tangier whither it has been
sent in connection witn tne strain
ed relations existing between Ger
many and France over the Moroc
can question. France has asked
Germany to explain what will be
the exact bearing of the pro nosed
conference on the Moroccan ques
tion for which' Germany recently
sent a notice to the powers before
signifying what the answer to the
French government will be.
It ia evident that the kaiser has
taken full advantage of Russia's
Beginning Sunday, June 18 discomfiture to harass and humil-
10; 5 hours at tha
Fare round-trip from Albany,
Corvams and Philomath $1.50
At Bellfountain.
. St. Petersburg, June 18.' A dis
patch from the headquarters of the
Russian army at Godzyadani de
scribes fighting in the vicinity
Liaoyangwopeng from 2 until 8
clock in the morniog of June 16
The Russian artillery forced the
Japanese to retire along the whole
line. Meantime another force of
Japanese turned the Russian
right flank, compelling the Russian
detachment to retire from Liao
At this moment a strong Japan
fee infantry column was observed
the Kuesian losses, the dispatch
says, were only six wounded. -
Lexington, Ky., June 17. The
attempt of Fayette county authori
ties to convict the members of the
Hargis " family, including Judge
Hargis, of Breathitt county, and B.
F. French, of having instigated the
murder of J. is. Marcum, at Jack
son, came to trial , today, and the
defendants were discharged by
Judge Allen, when Uounty Prose
cutor Blanton had withdrawn from
tne case, aner openly consigning
the court and jury to perdition for
its attitude in the case.- -He pub
licly accused Judge Allen of Ibenis
a tool of Judge Hargis, and claimed
that the prosecution of the accused
had been undertaken by Allen in
order that an "unhonest" hearing
might be avoided. Ihe scenes in
the courtroom today were sensation
al in the extreme, and there - is a
possibility that a bitter feud- wil
be born of todav's proceedings
.'It was plain early in theday that
trouble was to be expected; By
Revival services are etui In pro
gress at this place, conducted by
Rev,, Berne, ot Monmouth. .
Mrs. Bado Waggoner and chil
dren, of Eugene, are spending a few
days in this vicinity visiting rela
tives' and friends, . . . -
Emil Price and wife of Portland.
are visitors in this vicinity.
W. B. Humphrey and wife, Ot
Taylor and wife, Philo- and Marcus
Grass are in Portland taking in
the sights at the Fair.
Arthur Perin and family of Mt,
Vernon, Washington, arrived a few
days ago for a visit with relatives in
this neighborhood..
- Homer Humphrey of Mount Ver
non, spent a few days in this place
on his wedding trip to Portland and
other parts of the valley.
While sawing wood one day this
week, J. C. Perrin's hand came too
near the buzz saw and one finger on
the left hand was badly cut.
George R. Hall will go to Port
land soen to spend some time at
iate France. Even the return of
Linievitch's army will not materi
ally change the situation as the
Kaiser is . convinced that Russia
will not be drawn into another war
and, should she bs, her coast would
be at the mercy of the: German na
vy. -Statesmen believe that the kai
- tne ac-
station in Mo
rocco, uui ine wrecking oi ine en
tente of Great Britain and the fore
ing of an alliance with France, with
the implied recognition of the kai
ser as master ot HUrope.
The announcement today that M.
Rouvier will continue as minister
of foreign affairs affords great relief
throughout France, which
awakened from her gaiety to find
herself face to face with the most
serious situation of the last 30
At Monroe.
Work has been conmenced on the
foundation for A. Wilhelm & Son's
store. . The foundation for their
dwelling is being completed or
nearly so. -
Heckart, the contractor, was a
Monroe visitor Wednesday.
The Monroe camp M. W. A. will
give an ice-cream Bociai, in vvu-
helm s hall, Thursday, evening,
June 22. Everybody is invited.
- Work is stopped here on the
new bridge until the water is let
through the Fore bay. It Tas
opened Saturday evening, June IT,
and the old bridge torn out Monday.
James Morelock came down from
Coburg Friday.
D. B. Farley made a fill of grav
el at the east end of the new bridge
Friday. It is euppoEed the little
biidge east will be changed so they
will be straight with each other.
Professor Orton was here last
week in the interest of Conservative
Life Insurance Co. He has just
closed a very successful term at
. - . . . .
A new brtdge over Long Tom is
being ;built at Monroe.
The U'. W. A. will hold an ice
cream social in the hall on the eve
ning of the 22d.
Graduating exercises will beheld
at Simpson chapel the 2lst for 8th
grade graduates.
Haymaking has begun and
vest will Boon be with us.
Lumber is being hauled
here for William Huggins
Wesley Hinton is doing the Port
land Exposition.
: Among the graduates this ye&r
will be Miss Myrtle Cartwrlght.
James Carpenter, Miss Ethel Har-
pole and a number of others.
Ira Hines is doing quite an "ex
tensive butcher business here. .
If people will only stop killing
snakes and turning them on their
backs, we would have lees ravnftr
Several families from this vicini
ty are preparing to go to the Hct
Springs. , Ecahg.
years.; -
The well-known tact of Rouvier
is counted upon to successfully ex
tricate France from the difficulties
suiroundiug her. Rouvieriis a
great friend of Great Britain,: and
not like his predecessor, Delcasse, a
sympathizer with Russia. It is
now practically admitted that had
not Rouvier taken bold when be
did, the nation would have been
plunged into a war with Germany
through Delcasse's failing to com
prehend the kaiser s policy cf hu
initiating France and reducing her
to second place among the Europe
an powere.
Philomath Items.
The west wing of the collegs is
nearing completion.
- Rev. Loudy and Mrs. Leeper are
at Oregon city aitending annual
Born, June 18th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Potter Trenholm, a daughrer
At the election last wrek it was
decided that cows can run at large:
in Philomath. '-"
Both coUeges have closed for the
year and many of the students have
gone to their homes in different
paits of the state.
Mrs. S. Kisor is in Portland at
tending the Pioneers' reunion. Mr.
Gant was not able to attend on ac
count of his health. He has not
missed before for many years.
the Fair.
Miss Flcy Hawley has suffered
for tne past two weeks with sore
throat. We ae glad to report her
condition improved. -,
Miss Maud Dinges has returned
home after some weeks spent in
Lane county.
The carpenters expect to com
plete Prof. Mack's house this week.
Miss Barnard ia recovering from
an attack of lung fever. :
Again Open.
The repair department of my. . bicycle
and sporting goods business is again
open for business second door . south of
postoffice, Quick repairing or first cla ss
work a specialty. . . . "
: - V : - ' James K. Berry,
- Largest line of matting in the city at
r Cows for Sale.
Threa good young cows in full milk,
; Alfred Bicknell.
Five miles north of Corvallia.
Montpelier. Vt., June -16. Un
less there is aa eleventh-Lour inter
ference on the part of the governor,
which is regarded a9 extremely un
likely, Mrs. Mary Rogers, convicted
of the murder of her liusband, will
be hanged one week from today in
the state prison. No visiters are
permitted to see the condemned wo
man' excepting her mother acd sis
ter and her spiritual adviser. She
H said to be bearing up well, though
the prison officials . anticipate a
breakdown before the fatal day.
The scaffold has been erected in an
unused wing of the prison. Care
ful tests will be made during the
cominS Tveek and every precaution
taken to prevent any bungling in
the execution".
Twice Mrs. Rogers haB been - re
prieved at the steps of the scaffold.
hiaca time me Vermont governor,
it is eaid, sought merely to give the
law greater time to investigate and
remove all possible doubt. Wond
er! ul forces have been enlisted' in
the effort to save Mrs. Rogers from
the gallows. Strangers to her and
to Tier state have brought every pos
sible influence to bear that she
might expiate her conceded crime
of murdering a husband in the pen
itentiary, with time her execution
er, rather than man.
. Hay For Sale.
Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in the
world. Ind Tel 155. L, Brooks.
Blaekledge sells refrigerators.
- For Sale.
One fresh Jersey cow and two
heifers and calves.
Inquire at this offiice.
Closing Out!
For want of room we will
close out at cost all our trunks
telescopes, small Rugs and
Art Squares. This Sale is
bona fide, we want the room
for a -ladies Suit and Cloak
J, M. Nolan & Son.
Just What Every One Should Do.
Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga., al
ways keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at
nana ready tor instant use. Attacks ot
colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come
on so suddenly that there is eo time to
hunt a doctor or go to trie store lor med
icine. Mr. Barber says: "I have tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy which is one of the best"
medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of
it in my room as I have had several at
tacks of colic and it has proved to be tho
best medicine I ever used." For sale !.
Graham & Wortham.