The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 17, 1905, Image 2

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Corvallis Times.
Official taper of Benton County.
"Following are bills allowed and
on what account same were order-
ed paid, by the county
Benton county, Oregon
ular June, 1905 term of
court of
at the reg-
said court
Justice Court.'
A. E. Taylor $2.00.
J. D. Wells, $7.90.
Exam. Board 8th Grade.
A. N. Fulkerson, $7.50.
S. W. Halmes, $6. '
Anna Deaman, 7.50.
Stationery & PrintIng.
Graham & Wortham, .50
C. A. Gerhard, $4.60.
Benton County Review, $4.85.
Glass & Prudhomme, $35.53
Corvallis Times, $23.00.
Court House Account.
Corvallis Ind. Tele. Co. $4-S-City
of Corvallis,;$67.5o.
R. H. Huston, 1.80.
C. A. Hyland, $5.
T. H. Davis, 21.15.
Account Poor.
E. Bennett, $10.
Moses Bros., $5.
A. Coombs, $6.
Mrs. D. Huggins, $121.85.
P. M. Zierolf, $6.
Geo. E. Lilly, 5-5-
Homer Lilly; 5-40. ,
Account Roads & Bridges.
O L Davis, 100.00.
Horning Bros. 9.00.
R M Gilbert, 63.00.
R W Jones, 13.00.
A Bunker, 27.00.
Geo E Cooper, 6.00.
T H Cooper, 6.00.
Geo. Berry, 13.00.
Jas. Bailey, 10.35.
A. Wilhelm & Sons, 46.25.
E. J. Newton, 1.85.
OW Beckwith, 18.00.
H. M. Flemrning. 15.75.
J T Phillips, 3.50.
R E Pngh, 4,05.
J H SimpsoD, 8.60.
David Per in, 12.65,
City Transfer Co., 41.50.
Pranklin Iron Works, 5.40.
Henry Hector, 223.00.
Diamond Brick Co., 198.00.
H. McCormack, 16.25
H. N. Robinson, 15.75.
1st Natl Bank, 26.25. ,
Ed Gellatly, 9.90.
. A M Austin, 5.00.
Allen & Plunkett, 4.50.
Mary McConnell, 3.84.
D. B. Farley. 350.00.
J E Michael, ferryman, 52.60.
Lewis & Ci,ark Fair.
H L French, 80.30.
Lutke Manfg., 21.50.
S W Holmes, ro.50.
J E Wyatt, 4.05.
W. G. Emery, I3-75-
F. P. Sheasgreen, 443.66.
Wit. Pros Atty.
J Blumberg, 3.00.
Walter Custer, 4.40.
Ned Smith, 1.50.
Emma Stoner, tax rebate,
Victor P, Moses,
Co. Clerk Benton Co., Ore.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the Matter of the Estate of Jane Eli
zabeth Fisher, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed as administrator with the -will an
nexed of tbe estate of Jane Elizabeth
Fishei , deceased, and has filed his final
account as such administrator, with the
clerk of the county court of the state of
Oregon, for Benton county, and the said
court has fixed Saturday, the 8th day of
July 1905, at the hour of n o'lock in
forenoon of said day as the time, and
the county court room in the court house
in Corvallis, Oregon as the place for
hearing any and all objections to said
account, and for settlement thereof.
Dated June 10, 1905.
E. E.Wilson, .
Administrator of the will annexed of
the estate of Jane Eliz, Fisher, deed.
Again Open.
The repair department of my bicycle
and sporting goods business is again
open for business second door south of
postoffice, Quick repairing or first class
work a specialty.
James K. Berry.
Largest line of matting in the city at
Hay For Sale.
; Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in
world. Ind Tel 155. L L. Brooks.
And Their Theses Members of the
Banner Graduating Glass at OAC.
Following is the, list of graduates
in Wednesday's class, and the sub
jects of their theses:
Household Science:
General Sanitation and Disin
fection, Lura L- Flett.
The Important American Novel
ists of the Last Half of the 19th
Century, Violet P. Herbert.
Deterioriation of Food Stuffs by
the Activities of Micro-Organisms,
Alice Jones.
The Cultivation of Roses for
Home Decoration, Mabel Bee
History, Composition and Mak
ing of Bread, Edna M. Osburn,
Georgia E. Herbert.
Representative Writers of the
Elizabethan Period, Lucile J. Rob
ert13. Emerson's place in American
Letters, Maude E. Roberts.
Rose Culture in Oregon. Edna
Louise Smith.
Carnations, Nellie V. Skelton.
The Propagation and Cultivation
of Certain Greenhouse Plants,
Lena B. Tartar.
3The Cultivation and Propogation
of the Viola, Besse M. Yates.
Effect of Temperature on Bab
cock Readings, Fred A. Hills.
Livestock the Farmer's Safest
Asset, Harvey Earl Rinehart.
. Animal Nutrition, Ralph C.
Value of Parafine in Cheese Cur
ing, Otto G. Simpson.
The Efficiency of Farm Cream
Separators Under Farm Conditions,
Ira P. Whitney.
Relation of Butter Fat to Other
Milk Solids, Karl Steiwer, Floyd
On the Saccharomyces and Their
Enzymes, Albert Louis Henning.
Sanitary Analysis of some Pot
able Waters of the Willamette
River, Bert Trew Jordon.
A Chemical Analysis of Sage
Brush, Bert Pilkington..
A Chemical and Bacteriological
Examination of Rock Creek Water
at a Point where the Proposed Cor
vallis Water Supply is to be ' Tak
en, rrea Charles btimson, Henry
Clay Darby.
Deterioriation of Food-stuffs by
the activities of Micro-Oreanisms,
Leone Charlotte Weber.
Distribution of Micro-Organisms
by Flies, Otto A. Weber.
Mechanical Engineering:
An Original Survey of the city
of Corvallis, F. B. Davis, T. A.
Care and Management of Steam
Boilers, M. D. McCallister.
A Test of Materials, R. L. Stout
J. R. S. McCormack. .
The Great Canals of the World,
Merrill Bruce Moores.
Electrical Engineering:
The Theory, Design and Cons
truction of a one-fofcrth Horse Pow
er Induction Motor. P. L. Adams,
J. S. Tannock.
A Written Thesis on the Variable
Speed, Alternating Current Motor,
George Anderson.
The Electromagnetic Clutch, W.
H. Beatty, G. S. Moore.
Multiple Wire, and Polyphase
Distribution of the Electrical Cur
rent, W. G. Abraham, A. B. Bow
er. An Original Survey of the city
of Corvallis, H. L- Fryer, J. C.
A Study of the Relation Between
Specific Gravity and Specific Re
sistance of Various Electrolytes,
D. W. Proebstal, J. C. Carlson.
Mining Engineering:
The Exploiting of an Imaginary
Ledge, C. E. MacLean.
Coals of Oregon Their Com
position and Analysis, F. Marion
Literary Commerce:
The Nature of Contracts,
Danneman, Alice Wicklund.
Civil Code and Constitution of
Oregon, Ernest Eddy.
The Expansion of American
Commerce, Leroy Harlan.
Rose Culture in Oregon, Hazel
B. Raber. ;
We are here to do all kinds of ma
chine work, casting, repairing and
building engines, etc; on short notice,
and at reasonable prices. Work guar
anteed. Franklin Iron Works Co.
Work Wanted.
Jacob Gmeinor does all kind of work
around house and . premises, cleaning
carpets, wash windows,' carry wood, etc.
Phone 162, Indp.
Is the Increase in Attendance at OAC
in Fifteen Years.
The final figures in the enroll
ment at the college this year were
680, 476 men; 204 women. The
increase in attendance over the pre
vious year was 28 per cent. The
increase during the period since
its divorcement from its relations
with the old Corvallis College and
its organization into a state institu
tion is 700 per cent. The attend
ance for each year during that per
iod was as follows:
1 891
..... 205
1893 -
1 90 1
1902 .
Last year though the increase
was general, and increase of about
100 students came from Douglas
Harney, Klamath, Lake, Lincoln,
Malheur, Umatilla, Union and Was
co. In classification last year, the
students are in the following cours
es: Mechanics and electricity, 146
agriculture. 67; household science,
83; pharmacy, 63; literary com
merce, 82; mining, 45; graduste
course, 11: specials, 79; sub-freshman,
74; music, 29.
Every county in Oregon, but one,
is represented. The missing coun
ty is Wheeler. Numerous states
and foreign countries are involved
in the enumeration, as follows:
Number of counties in Oregon,
33- '
Total number of counties repre
sented, 32. .'
Whole number of students in Ore
gon, 617.
Arkansas. 1.
California, 7. ' ,
Colorado, 2.
England, 1.
Idaho, 3. ,
Illinois, 3. 1
India, 3. . . v
Iowa, 3.
Kansas. 2.
Missouri, 1.
. Nebraska, 12.
New Hampshire, 1.
South Dakota, 1 .
Tennesee, 1. .
Utah. 1.
In point of attendance the six
banner counties ot tne state are
Benton, Multnomah, Linn, Marion,
Union, Clackamas, and Wasco, as
shown by the following:
Baker, 5; Benton, 131; Clacka
mas, 32; Clatsop. 10; Columbia,
n; Coos, 7; Crook, 5; Curry, 2;
Douglas, 1 8; Grant, 2; Gilliam; 3;
Harney, 16; Jackson, 14; Josephine
5: Klamath, 11; Lake, 8; Lane, 11;
Lincoln, 10; Linn. 5i; Malheur,
13; Marion, 36; Morrow. 3; Mult
nomah, 52; Polk, 21; Sherman,
6; Tillamook, 7, Umatilla, 17: Un
ion, 35; Wallowa, 1; Wasco, 30;
Washington, 21; Yamhill, 23.
Notice to Builders.
Sealed bids will be received up to 3
o'clock Saturday June 17th, 1905 for the
remodeling qf the M. E. church of Cor
vallis, Ore, ,m accordance with the
plans and specifications now at the of
fice of Ambler & Watters. Reserve the
right to reject any and all bids.
Virgil E. Watters;
Chr. Bldg. Com.
John L. Sullivan, champion of
the world for 12 years, with his
high class vaudeville company,,
will be in Albany one night, June
21. John L. Sullivan will give a
sparring exhibition with John Mc
Cormack. Prices 75, 5o and 25.
Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame
There are three common ailments for
which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is espe
cially valuable. If promptly applied it
will save you time, money and suffering
when troubled with any one of these ail
ments. For sale by Graham & Wortham.
New Gasoline Wood Saw.
I am now ready to attend - promptly
to all orders. Ind. phone 835.
W. K. Hansell.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, administratrix of the .estate of
Jacob Whitaker, deceased has filed in
the county court of the state of Oregon,
for Benton county, her final account as
such administratrix of raid estate, and
that Saturday the 8th day of July, 1905,
at the hour of ten oclock a. m. has be en
fixed by said court as the time for bear
ing objections to said report and the
settlement thereof.
Nancy L. Whitaker,
Administratrix of the estate of ' Jacob
Whitaker, deceased.
R. D. Burgess
O&ce over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, 6&ce 216; Res
Corvallis, Oregon.
You who have carpenter work, hcuse
painting or papering to let by contract
should get my figures on the same before
placing contracts. My esimates will
cost jou nothing and might save yon dol
lars. Headquarters at H. M. Stone's
office. Independent phone. Dixie line
Charles Holt.
Cord Wood Sale
Call up No.
1 Phone, P. A. Kline line.
P. A. Kline.
The S. P. is selling round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Satutdays if East side
is taken., Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany.
Wood Sawing.
I am prepared to saw w ood on
short notice with gasoline wood
saw. W. E. Boddv.
Ind. phone 351.
All new wall paper at Blackledge's.
. 150 cords oak wood, stove length ready
for delivery on short notice,
Jj. I,. Brooks
Buy your Lewis & Clark
outfits from J. M. Nolan &
For Sale.
Wagons, backs, plows, harrows, and
mowers, driving horses, draft horses,
bnggies and harness; fresh cows. If
you want to buy, come in. I can save
you money.
H M. Stone.
Ladies skirts all kinds and prices
at 'Moses' Bros. Call and see them.
In order to reduce our stock and save moving
we will offer a reduction of 5 per cent on all goods
bought for CASH commencing June 5th and con
tinue until removal occurs, about June 25th.
Quite frequently a merchant offers a reduction on
a special line of goods, but not often a discount
is given on everything you buy as will be the case
This does not apply to small purchases of
less than $1. Remember the date, June 5th.
The House Furnishers.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Dry Fir Wood
At $3.50 per cord. Orders solicited
for grub oak for summer delivery.
- . Frank Francisco,
For shoe repairing see Fowells sec
ond, door west of Berman grocery.
Wood Sawing.
. Done promptly. . Satisfaction guaran
teed and prices reasonable.
Cummings & Cady.
Ind phone 349 or 692,
Yon will find full line of flooring Bus
tic and finishing lumber st the Benton
County lumber yards opposite S, ' P. de
pot. Our No. 3 grade of the above can-
Good Clothes News , of Stirring
Interest to Young Men.
We are offering a special line of finely tailored garments'
in sizes 30 to 36, designed especially for young men from
age fifteen and tip; choice imported and domestic fabrics
made up into "hand-molded" suits of rare style, grace and"
From $7.50 to $16.50
Great Mow Sale
G i
For Bicycles, Ammun
ition, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
J K Berry, Salesman
The Right Prices.
Two Doors South
All Fresh Goods.'
the Post Office.'