The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 17, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVIII.-No. 11.
B.F. IRV1NH Bdttoc
and Proprietor
Z The Famous Busy Bee
We now have on exhibition at our store the .
above Graphone. Its excellence can better be
-appreciated by inspection. The. pleasure of every
family can be added to by having, one. Trado
"$20. with us and J get the s Graphone free, r Only
one given to each home. "We have an immense
line of merchandise, embracing all the"' newest
.creations for you to make your selections.; ; Big
gest line of shoes. The "Bell System clothing"
highest grade. Call and See' ' -
Purchases to be made by June 15th.
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
J. C. Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hotelln Oorvallis. Recently opened. New
brick bnilding. -Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. . Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
$1 'X), $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Star Brand Shoes are . Better!
For Shces, Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery,
Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, see -
Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
Case Set for Tuesday Court -Delivers
Opinion and Ad
mits Indictment Is Op
ened to Criticism.
Portland,.: June .14. Oregonian:
Senator Mitchell' must stand trial
upon" the Kribs's indictment, charg
ing him with having accepted fees
while a senator of the United S.ates
A . TTrih's: ' which timherland -St. Petersburg, June 14. Re
claims belonging to - the latter wererf Prt8 from the war zone just receiv-
objections urged against the indict
ment I think go mostly to the form
of the indictment. As to the form,
tbe indictment is justly open to
criticism; indeed, very severe criti
cism. But still, I think that it sub
stantially charges the offense de
scribed in section 1782, of the re
vised statutes. I think it appears
therefrom that the defendant Mitch
ell is' charged with having rendered
services in a matter or proceeding
in:which the United States waB a
party in interest, and receiving
compensation for that service while
he was occupying the office of Unit
ed States senator, Andthat, I think
isjall that is necessary for the in
dictment to charge; those are the
esrential matters. Tbe demurrer
toiha indictment will be overruled."
passed through the general land of
fice to patent. -, v -
Judge Us Haven yesterday morn
ing in few words overruled the de
murrer 6f the defense and set - the
trial of Senator Mitchell for Tues
day," JunT20, thus sweeping away
every hope of the indicted man and
his counsel in tbe , success . ot tne
dilatory tactics so ' long employed,
and bringing them face face with
tbe necessity Qtnoeetlng tne .mass
of the government's evidence in de
nial of the guilt alleged...,. : . . ;
It was quickly over, ; though for
a moment there were those in the
court room yesterday morning who
lived more than twice tbe time in
dicated by ibe clock a the judge
paused in his discussion of the in
dictment before rendering his Jin aj
opinion and holding against the
plea of the defense. "As to the
form." said Judge De Haven," "the8
indictment is justly open .to critic
fiiRm: indeed, verv fevers criticism
The audience sat rigid, waiting.
for the next words that wi
ist, a ealt-water bath, a barber end
valet, enabling those who desire
to have their clothes sponged, pressed
and put in perfect condition while
they sleep. All the comforts of a
most magnificent hotel can be ob
tained while making the trip prac
tically in one night to New York
ed tell of severe fighting on the
Russian left, which has been forced
to give way to the Japanese ad
vance. -Officials of the war office are in
clined to believe tnat a general en
gagement has been begun.' It is
said, however, that the Japanese at
tack is being made by General Oy
ama simply for the purpose of em
phasizing his superior strength be
fore peace negotiations begin.
!ni- : , i ij
,,-xixv sews uas creaieu a sensation
here and caused misgivings to rise,
and orders have been given to ac
celerate the mobilization of two ar
my, corps and six field batteries. '
' : r . . . . . '.
' San Francisco, June l3.--Pacific
Coast wireless telegraphy last night
recorded . a -new and remarkable
I achievement which promises to go
uar- toward solving the probiem of a
a direct wire to Honolulu. At miaV
night the Marconi station, located
at Mare island, held communication
with ta nrniaar f!tiiam a iiafannA
ould de- HV 140 miles on its way to Portland,
nide whether Senator Mitchell would I not toward, despite the fact of the
, r , t i . . -
The Popular Grocery: & Crockery
' . ' '
Good Things For Eating
Always Fresh from
Dairies, tasty and good.
Sweet and sour,
Bottle and bulk.
Fresh and always"
from the hens.
See our Garden
-Truck, nothing hut best,
grown by good gardeners.
The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market.
All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants "the very best
groceries for the least money.
p. m: z: i El ro lf.
be released from the charge against
bim through defect in the : lnsrru
meht or would have to Bland bis
trial and face the gunB of the gov
ernment. The attorneys grouped
around the long table, watched the
lace and lips of the judge as though
they would read the imuort of the
next sentence before it had been
spoken. "But, still, I think," the
court continued, slowly, "that it
substantially charges the offense
described in section 1782 of the re
vised statutes."' .
No more was needed. The gov
ernment had wen.. TheMefendaint
bad lost. The opening of what will
be one of the most bitterly contest
ed and in effect one of the most far-
reaching cages ever tried before the
courts of Oregon was la eight.
The action of Judge Da Haven in
denying tbe demurrer drags from
in front of the defense. the last bar
rier standing between it and a
speedy trial. With the demurrer
out of the way, Senator 'Mitchell
will now have tbe immediate hear
ing demanded by him several
months ago, and .which has been
delayed tnrough press , of business,
change of government quarters and
through various other causes
The case now stands out in the
open, stripped of motions and de
murrers and pleas, ready for
tbe searchlight of tbe evidence,
which will begin to shine by tbe
middle of the week to come. The
plea of tbe senator, entered yester
day in his behalf bv ex-Senator
Thurston, bv which it was contend
ed in one ward that the defendant
nao no part in tne trauas alleged in
the indictment, places tbe - bur
against anything but an immediate
hearing.- .
Judge De Haven also settled the
contention ol the defense in regard
to the drawing of the jury in an
unexpected manner, though. a sat
isfactory one, yesterday morning,
after the announcement of his deci
sion. He directed that" the draw
ing take place at once in open court
and then, in the presence of the at
torneys for the defense, those for
the government, and in view of the
spectators. Captain Sladen, clerk of
the court, drew the names one by
one, from the jury box while his
deputy wrote out the list. In this
manner were the wishes of the de
fense satisfied and all whispers of
unfairness silenced. .
When the court was called yes
terday morning, Judge De. Haven,
immediately after taking his place
upon the bench, delivered his deci
sion in regard to the demurrer ar
gued the day previous. In deliv
ering his opinion he said: . .
"The demurrer that was argued
and submitted yeeterday I am pre
pared to decide at this time. The
intervening coast range. Messages
were received perfectly clear.
at 2 o'clcck yesterday afternoon for
the exposition city. As she
the Golden Gat9, Operator Stewart,
in charge of the government island
station, entered intocommonication
with her. It was agreed that mes
sages should be exchanged as long
as possible,
Sunday Excursions
, to Newport!
ON TUB G. & E. R. R.
Beginning Sunday, June 18
and continuing until the end
of August : .
Leaving Albany at 7:30 af
ter arrival of Eugene Local.
Returning leaves Newport at
5'p. m. arriving in Albany at
10; 5 hours at ths beach.
Fare tound trip from Albany,
Corvallis; and Philomath $1.50
Flora, Ind., June 14. The na
tional conference of the Old Ger
man Baptist Brethreu has closed a
four-days' session in this city. One
of the questions which were warm
ly discussed was that of permitting
telephones to be used by tbe church
people. Foreman Michael Mont
gomery decided that members
h old not permit the use of the
telephone in their houses and that,
should a member now be using the
telephone, it should be taken out.
Slain by a Gambler on Account of
Stringent Laws Against Gamb-
ling Trains Make Fast
Time on N. Y. C.
Railroad. i
Athens, Greece, June 13. Theo
dore P. Delyannis, the popular pre
mier of Greece, was stabbed and
mortally wounded by a professional
gambler named Gherakaris, at the
main entrance of the chamber of
deputies at 5 p. m. today. The
premier died within three hours.
The assassin, who was immediately
arrested, said he committed the
deed in revenge for the stringent
measures taken by the premier Del
yannis against the gambling-houses,
all of which were recently clos
ed.' . '
The premier arrived at the en
trance of the chamber in a carriage.
Gherakaris approached, saluted the
premier and . opened: the carriage
door. The premier was in the act
of thanking Gherakaris for his court
esy, when the gambler' plunged a
long dagger into his abdomen, in
flicting a frightful wound. The
murderer was immediately over
powered by the attendants.
Medical assistance was immedi
ately summoned and the wounded
man was taken to a red cross sta
tion, wnere an operation was per
formed in an effort to stop tbe in
ternal nemorrnage. lnis was un
successful, and Premier Delyannis
died at 7:30 o'clock.
The news spread quickly, but it
was impossible to describe the pop
ger of the crowds, which attempted
to lynch the assassin. Lynching
was prevented by the gendarme j,
who rushed their prisoner from the
building to prison.
. It is estimated that 20,000 per
sons witnessed the removal of the
body of the premier from the. red
cross station to.his late residence.
Members of the cabinet and of the
chamber ot deputies were among
the crowd, many of them weeping.
The cabinet met this evening
the residence of the president of
the chamber, and it was decided
that the body should lie in state at
the chamber until the day of inter
ment. : ;
King George, who is at Taoi, has
announced that he will at once re
turn to Athens.
Investigation by the police shows
that Gherakaris was recently liber
ated from prison, having been sen
tenced to 18 years for the murder
of his wife.
Chicago; June 14. "Bluebeard"
Johan Hoeb, sentenced to be hang
ed June 23 lor the murder of one of
his numerous wives, may be given
one more chance to escape the gal
lows. His case may be taken to
tbe supreme court of Illinois. la
a conference held here today Gov
ernor Deneen assured the counsel
for Hoch in case the state's attor
ney's office was assured by Wednes
day, 2l, that enough money would
be forthcoming to provide for the
preparation of the necessary record
a reprieve would be granted unti
tne uctooer term ot tne supreme
court. The sum needed is $700,
The governor - assured Assistant
oiaie s Attorney uisen be nad no
desire to interfere with the carrying
out ot the verdict.
Cows for Sale.
Three good young cows in full milk,
Alfred Bicknell.
Five miles north of Corvallis.
Portland, June 13. Evening
Telegram: In connection with an
ordinary inspection trip from Buf
falo to Chicago with an engine and
three piivate cars, made today. Gen
eral Manager Marshall, . and Chief
Engineer Handy, of the N. Y. C. &
H. R. Ry. Co, together with two
or. three division superintendents
made tbn run from Buffalo to Chi
cago in 7 hours and 50 minutes,
distance ot ozb miles in 4IU mm
utes. Included in this time are the
usual stops and - slow-downs mad
bv the "Twentieth Centurv Limit
ed" and: "Lake Shore Limited
trains, in additioa to ten minutes
dead time in tbe station at Cleve
land. This is considered remarka
ble, in view of the fact that no et-
forts were made to break any re
cords or to see how fast the trip
could be made. It is unquestiona
bly the fastest run for the same dis
tance ever made in the world.
This schedule which was made
with perfect ease and comfort, is
two hours-faster than the schedule
which will be required for the
'"Twentielh Century Limited" to
make its la bour trip from Chicago
to New York, and with the same
schedule extended eaBt of Buffalo
would make a schedule from Chica
go to New York of 14 hours and 25
minutes. With the taking effect of
the new 18-hour schedule, June 18,
of the world-famed "Twentieth Cen
tury Limited" train of the New
York Central lines, the following
are among the comforts to be en
joyed on that train: An elegant
meal and a comfortable and luxu
rious trip. The services of a ste
nographer free, a maid, a manicur-
Grant's Pass, Or., June 13. Tbe
Jury in the circuit nourt before
Judge Hanna this morning return
ed a verdict of murder in the sec
ond degree against Andy Ingram, a
well-known character of Douglas
nd Josephine counties, for the
murder of William Dunlap.
JJunlap was an old-time miner
who lived alone in a cabin at Louse
creek, eight miles north of this
place. In September, 1902, he was
ound dead near bis cabin, shot
with a rifle. The cabin was turned
Six weeks ago Lloyd Ingram, the
7-yeai-old eon of Andy Ingram,
telephoned Sheriff Lewis from Mon
umental, California, that he could
tell whokilled Dunlap. He was
told to come here and did so. : He
said that he had heard his . father
and Dodson plan the deed the
night before. The father came to
town the next day and Dodson
went hunting. The boy followed
Dodson and witnessed the deed.
That night the three went and
searched the cabin securing about
$i2 in money.. .
Monday .Dodson pleaded guilty
and Thursday Ingram was placed
on trial. Some difficulty was ex
perienced in securing a jury. ; The
case was given to the jury last
night about 9 p. m. and this morn
ing brought in a verdict as stated
According to the boy's story, in
the summer of 1902 his father was
with his stepmother living on Louee
creek, about three miles from Dun
lap's cabin. During that time Dod
son lived with them and they fre
quently talked oyer the possibility
of Dunlap being possessed of con
siderable gold about his. cabin, be
cause he had been mining there for
for many years, and deliberately
planned i
Tbe dl
plans ir
tbe kill
to Grar
ing tH
take hi
lap's foTioweoTnTm, keeping out of
sight. He saw Dodson go . to the
edge ofthe woods and hide behind
Dunlap came out of the bouse
and, after standing in front of the
house a few moments, went to pick
up some wood, and while in the act
Dodson took his aim and fired, and
William Dunlap fell dead where he
had been standing. Dodson ned
up the canyon and after waiting a
quarter of an hour young Ingram
went ovar to where Dunlap lay and
saw he was dead, and received a
shock that has preyed upon his
mind continually ever since. -
That evening Dodson asked the
boy to take a walk, and on the way
the boy intimated to him what he
knew of the muider and Dodson
threatened him with death if be
ever told. The father did the same
thing that night.
Biackledge sells refrigerators.
For want of room we will
close out at cost all our trunks
telescopes, small Rugs and
Art . Squares. This Sale is
bona fide, we want the room
for a ladies Suit and Cloak
J, M. Nolan & Son.
Just What Every One Should Do.
Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga., al
ways keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at
hand ready for instant use. Attacks of
colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come
on bo suddenly that there is . no time to
hunt a doctor or go to the store for med
icine. Mr. Barber says: "I have tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Eemedy which is one of the best
medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of
it in my room as I have had several at
tacks of colic and it has proved to be tbe
best medicine I ever used." For sale by
Graham & Wortham.