The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 14, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and G oings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items
Public Interest.
Born, Monday, to Mr.
Mrs. E. B. Horning, a son-
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. - Irvine
visited Corvallis relatives over Sun
day. . .
lem arrived Monday for the Junior
Mrs. Frank Lucas of Mon
mouth arrived Monday for the Jun
ior Hop.
Misses Mabel and Frances
Cooper of Independence are guests
of Mrs. Clarence Ireland.
Miss Stokes, of Portland, is
; visiting her brother Marion during
Miss Mabel
morning to attend
Cannon-Jones wedding at Brooks.
: Miss Vesta Wallace of Albany
was a Junior Hop guest of the
Danneman sisters.
Miss Helen Steiwer and Mrs.
R. D. Gilbert of Salem are Com
mencement guests.
- Miss Etta Carter of Halsey, is
a Commencement guest cf Miss
Juanita Rosendorf.
Mi's Myrtle Shonkwiler arriv
ed Monday and is the guest of
Miss Lulu Spangler,
. Miss Fannie Getty, '99, has
arrived, and is a guest at the D.
A. Osburn home.
R. W. Gibson left Monday af
ter a brief business visit in Corval
lis. v
Miss Maude Cochran, a last
upar's orrndiintp of O A - P i
spending Commencement week at
the Faller home.
A. S. Wells. J. C. Clark and
John Howard, all .'04 graduates,
are in Corvallis for . Commence
Miss Gertrude Moores, a for
mer O A CV sn tlpnt '-"sistpr rf
Merrill Moores, arrived Mondav
and is a guest at the Farra home
Miss .viary Nolan -left, yester
day morning to attend the graduat
ing exercises at St. Mary's College
Portland.. Miss Nolan will be ab
sent a week.
Dr. Withycombe returned Sat
urday from Silverton, where he
went to deliver - an address at a
school picnic . His ; subject was
"ECiijation and Citizenship."
President Gatch accompanied
the victorious O. A. C. track team
on the trip to Salem and return
Saturday and was a deeply interest
ed figure in the grand stand during
.the contests
- Meigs Bartmess '04, arrived
horn Portland Saturday night,
having taken in the Salem track
meet enroute. He will spend the
Commencement season with college
Among members of ,the facul
ty who attended the State; track
meet are President Gatch, Clyde
Phillips, Charles Johnson, Prof.
Cordley , Prof. Knisely and Prof.
Hay ward.'
Among business" men and
others who went to Salem to the
track meet Saturday were, M. S.
Woodcock, F. L.Miller, Thomas
Callahan, Robert Johnson, Julien
McFadden, E. R- Bryson, Mayor
' W. A. Quick of Kokomo Indi
ana is out to the Fair, and - was n
Corvallis, Monday with his brother
S. O. Quick. Until a few days a
go, the brothers bad not met in 47
years. The visiting Mr. Quick
says, after what he has seen, that
the name of 'the Willamette valley
ought to be the Valley of Roses.
Mr. George P, Root of Grand
Rapids, Mich, came to Corvallis on
- Friday to attend the Piano Gradu
ation of his granddaughter' Louise
Smith Glanville. Mr. Root, who
is an octogenarian, was delayed on
the road for 24 hours by a freight
wreck, and almost missed , the re-
- eital. : Mrs. C. E. Hewes is anoth
er visitor who came purposely to
attend' the graduation. Mrs.
Hewes came from Roseburg, Ore.
and is the mother of., Mrs. Glan
ville. Mrs. Hewes and Mr. Root
- will stay about a week.
First Sunday excursion to New
port next Sunday.
Miss Dolly Brown went to
Portland -yesterday for a month's
visit. - '
Monday night the city council
elected D. A. O.-burn rjightwatcb
and J.'F. Yates city attorney.
In its account of the state
track meet, the Eugne Register
saye: The U. of O. men did great
work, and lost to one of the strong
est teams ever organized in the
state." v:VV .
....At a meeting Monday night
the city council refused to allow the
construction of a cement .pivement
12 feet in width part way through
the Hotel Corvallis block. Tfce
reason assigned was that a pave
ment 12 feet part way' and 10 feet
wide the rest of the distanca would
not present a very elegant appear
ance. " -
The morningr of the Btate track
meet at Salem, Trainer Hayward,
'of Eugene, made a prediction as to
the outcome. - It makes interesting
reading now. It runs thus: "All
of my ojen are in good condition,
aDd if weather conoitions and the
track are good at Saiem I expect to
establish some new records. Fries-
sel will, in ail probability, break
he coast record la the 220-yard
hurdles and I expect him to defeat
Williams, of O. A. C. m the 100-
yard daeh. As to the probable out
come, of the meet, I will b9 surpris
ed if Oregon is defeated. Accord-
cg to my summary of points Ore-
son should win with 61 points,
Corvallis second with 58 points. Pa
cific third with 20 points and JWil
lamette fourth with 4 points."
All dav Monday students in
the advanced classes in pharmacy
at the college were on the rack. The
department has attained such a
distinction in its work that the
State Board of Pharmacy holds an
nually at the college a state exam
ination for the convenience of phar
macy students. It was this exam
ination that was in progress Mon
day, and in consequence 16 young
pharmacists had a time in the wrestle
with hard questions that all who
come to rpiactice pharmacy nowa
days must first answer. The exam
ination was presided over by Miss
Harboard of Silem. Ihe lady en
joys toe distinction of being the on
ly woman in the United btates on
a pharmacy board. The examina
tion embraced five topics, and lasted
from 8 o'clock in the morning until
five in the evening. The. result will
not be known for several days. The
following etndents took the exam
inations:. Fur senior papers r,
C. Stimsoo, B. F. Jordan,
Miss Lwn Weber, R. E. Ed-i
son, k). U. VJurrin, its. jn. iiawK3, J.
R. Woodford, H. C. Dirby, S. K.
Hartsook, O. W. Weber, W. E.
Forsytbe, C. H. Johnson, H Bran
don. For junior papers F. A. Gal
loway, L. A. Bondy, B. Elgin, J.
C. Koapu. . ,
It wa Monday afternoon. The
sun beat down, and it was hot. A
liborer plodded on at his toil in a
Corvallis door yard. Bver and
anoD, he paused and-wiped away
the perspiration.' Although he was
thirsty, and though there was a hy
drant of WiUamette water near,
he did not drink. .More
and more his throat parched and
his toague grew dry, but still he
did not drink. , ''I tell you it waft
dry and hot, and I was thirsty;
but I didn't go to the hydrant and
set a drink," he said, describing the
in6ident to a friend. Bsfore &the
long afternosn wore away, howev
er, he had to"have water. Men who
toil and perspire can not do with
out it. But he didn't drink from
the Willamette River hydrant. He
dropped his tools and walked sev
eral blocks to where he knew ; there
is a well, and there he got water to
queoch his- burning thirst. Why
didn't he drink from tb.9 hjdrant,
but a few feet from where he toiled?
Why not? Because, as everybody
knows, the water in the hydrant is
not the kind that quenches thirst.
Drink it when thirsty, and immedi
ately there is another thirst. "I
didn't want to diink that water, be
cause it doesn't satisfy a man who
is toiling and sweating," said the
laborer. And then, there were the
thoughts of the carcass of the dead
horse, floating somewhere in the
river somewhere, nobody knows
where, maybe under the brush
along the bank. That, however,
wouldn't be so bad, if one but knew
what was the disease the animal
died of.
Revolution Imminent, r ...
r- A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious trouble in your system U a
vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up
sets. Electric BitterB will quickly dis
member the troublesome causes. It nev
er fails to tone the stomach, regulate the
Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liv
er, and clarify the blood. Run down sys
tems benefit particularly and all the usu
al attending aches vanish under its
searching and thorough effectiveness.
Electric Bitters ii only 50c, and that is
returned if it don't give perfect satisfac
tion,. - Guaranteed byAllen & Wood
ward. ,
Cuban Diarrhoea.
U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba dur
ing the Spanish war know what this dis- j
ease is, and that ordinary remedies have ;
little more effect than so much water. '
Cuban Diarrhoea is almost as severe and
dangerous as a mild attack of cholera.
There is one remedy, however, that can
always be depended upon as will be seen
by the followine certificate from Mrs.
Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Texas: "I
hereby certify that Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured
my husband of a severe attack of Cuban
Diarrhoea, which he brought home from
Cuba. We had several doctors but they
did him no good. One bottle of this rem
edy cured him, as our neighbors will tes
tify I thank God for so valuable a med
icine." For sale by Graham & Wortbam.
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Gard Number 28.
For Yaquina: -Train
leaves Albany. . i .... 12:45 p. in
' " Corvallis 1:45 p. id
" arrives Yaquina. . . . 5:40 p. trt
Ieaves Yaquina.
Leaves Corvallis.
Arrives Albany . .
... 7:15 a.
...11:30 a.
...12:15 p.
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis. . . ...
"Leaves Albany. . ...
Arrives Detroit.
......... 6:00 a. m.
7:30 a. m
12:02 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit...
Arrives Albany . . .
- Arrives Corvallis.
.12:35 P- rn
. 5:15 P. m
7:55 p. m.
Train No 2 connects with the S P train
at Corvallis and Albany giviDg direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. .
For further information apply to
Acting Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. '
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany. .
A Costly Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very expen
sive. Occasionally life itself is the price
of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong
if you take Dr. King's New Life fills for
Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or
Bowel troubles. They are gentle vet
thorough. 25c, at Allen & Woodward's
See the
Dr.- Lowe wont be hack for 6 months.
Sheriffs Sale.
Ob Saturday the 24th day of June, 1905. at the :
hour t-f one o'clock in the afternoon, at the front
doot of the court house in Corvallis, Benton
Coup:ty, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to
the highest bidder, for cash in hand allot the
following described real prope.ty situated In
Benton county, towit:
The southwest quarter and the west half of'
the souneast quarter of section 6, township 15,
south, range 5 west-, also beginning at the south
west corner of section 5, township 15 South,
rango5 west and running .theuce south tothe
county line between Benton and Lane count v,
in the state of Oregon, thence east along the
said county line to a point south of . the south
east corner of the west half of the southeast
quarter of said section 5 theuoe north to said
southeast corner of the said west hall of the
southeast quarter of said section 5 aud running
thence west along the south line of said section
R to t.hft Tln.ftA nf heplnniniy. n.lan TiniritiTiiTK at
I the southwest corner of the donation land claim
oi Kobert Boyd, being claim No. 44, in town
ship 15 sonth, range 5 west, and running thence
north along the west line of said Boyd claim to
the center or the county road as now traveled
thence north 82 degrees ana 30 minntes west
4.10 chains along said center of road, thence west
along the center ef said roa d 16.80 chains to the
point on the west llne.o said section 5 township
15 south, range 5 west, thence south to the
southwest comer of the northwest quarter of
said section 5, thence east to the place of be
ginning, excepting irom last described tract a
certain tract oi land, containing About 10 icres
deeded by George A. Houck and wife to Char
les Clem by deed dated AprilSrh, 1898, and re
corded in Book "W" at page 491 thereof records"
ofdeedsfor Benton county, Oregonr
Said sale is made under an execution in my
hands issued out of the circuit court of the state
of Oregon, for Benton County, in the suit of Geo.
E. Chamberlain, et al, constituting the State
Land Board, plaintiff vs. H. M. Donat, et al, de
fendants, a proceeding to foreclose a mortgage.
May 27, 1905. -
M. P. Burnett,
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon
Sheriffs Sale.
On Saturday the 24th dny of June, 1905. at tie
hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at the
front door of tte court bouse in Corvallis, Ben
ton county, Oregon, I will sell at public auctioa
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the
following described real property situated in
Benton county, Oregon towit:
The east half of the southeast quarter cf sect
ion 0; the west halt of the southwest quarter
the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter
the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter,
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter,
the south half of the northwest quarter oi Sect
ion 4 all in township 15 south range 5 west; al
so beginning at the , southeast corner of the
northeast quarter of section 5, township 15
south range 5 west, and run thence weft 15.25
chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east
15.25 chains, thence south 20 chains to the place
of beginning, containing 30 a acres more or less
. Said sale is made under an execution in mv
hands.l ssued out of 'the cirouit court of the
state of Oregon, for Benton county, in the suit of
Geo. E. Chamberlain et al constituting the Stitte
Land Boa; d, plaintiff, vs. Geow Schafer et al
defendants, a proceeding to fcrecl a mort
gage. ....... .: . - ...
. :, - v , M. P, Burnett, :
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon- t
May 27th. 1905.
... , 1
yi ..M'A'vf $
11 'fr ! 's fefp
1 ill ,
Copyright I
Hart Schaffner
904 by
5 Marx
Patent Flour
a handsome
x cc with every
Old Glory
Roast Coffee
This coffee is packed in fourf pound
tins and warranted to be of the
finest quality. For sale at
Patent Flour
Our ad., but our goods change hands :
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea. -
A large and
We always keep Vegetables when
when they are tobe had.
:'.6. B Somite
Pioneer, Gun Store
. Hunters' Supplies,. Fishing Tackle;'
porting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras,
Keys of ah Kinds, and Fine Cutlery
Better clothes atany
price than you find here
made hy Hart, Schaffner &
Marx from $10 to 25.
There's not a thread of
cotton in this make of clo
thes. We put all wool and
silk into ours, the lahel is
the sign of it, a small thing
to look for, a big thing to
find,. keep3 their shape ' till
worn out, a new one free if
they go wrong. Mail orders
filled correctly. For sale
only by
Patent Flour
cup and saucer
can oi &
Patent Flour
38 Fresh Groceriei
Domestic and Imported.
varied line.
Physician & Surgeon "- ' -.
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoars 1
10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residenee351.
Corvallis, - , Oregon.
P. A. Klines line Phone 1.
O. Address, Bos n.
Fays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience. -
For Sale.
Cigar clippings of our own manufact
ure, Rose & Son. m25 tf
E. R. Bryson,
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v'--4iarn's drug store.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
QoJy Set Abstract Books in Beaton County
G. B. FARRA, .
Physician &ISurgeont.
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick
idence on the corner of Madison
Seventh st. Phone it hrisiia i i
IF. E. Yates Bert Yates
Yates 6c Yates
Law, Abstracting' & Insurance
Zicrolf Building
Both Phones. Corvallis, Or.
To Lewis and Clark Fair Over the
Southern Pacific.
Rate One and one third fare for the
round trip, 3.50.
Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct
ober 15, 1903.
Limit Thirty days but not later than.
October 3ist,.i905.
Parties of lo or H20re
Parties of 10 or more from one point,
must travel together on one ticket both
wajs, party tickets -will be sold as fol
lows ;
Rate One fare for the round trip, $2.60.
Sale Date Dtily from May 29th to Oct
ober 15th, 1905. ' "
Limit Ten days. - ' -
Organized Parties,
For organized parties of one hundred or
more moving on one day from one place
individual tickets will be sold as follows:
Rate -One fare for the round trip, 2 60.
Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct-
ober 15th, 1905.
Limit Ten days.
: No stop-overs will be allowed 011 any
of the above tickets; they must be used
for continuous passage in each direction,
' For further information call on
- W. E. Coman,
Gen. Pas. Agt.
. E. Farmer,
Agt. Corvallis.
Diamond Chick Food.
Head Light oil the best for incubators.
Field and garden seeds at
' Banking . Company
Corvaxxjs, Oregon.
ifc$p$iiiWfy, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Exchange. v
Bnys County, City and School 7- '
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND f The Bank o v
SEATTLE , r California
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Honan A Co
CHICAGO National Bank of The licpnb-
.- lie. - - --'::') . . . ...
LONDON, ENG. M Rothschilds & Sons '
CANADA .Union Bank of Canada , '