Gorvallis Times. ARE CHAMPIONS NOW. Official IMer ot Benton County. Q WQn Meet With Many Points to Spare. CORVALLIS, OR. JUNE 14, 1905. W EIGHT STATES. vt a Yr What Last Year's X IVi - Graduates at OAC are Doing. Total points in meet, .148. : Half total points, 74. Oregon Agricultural College 82, University of Oregon, 45. Pacific University, 17 Willametce University, 4. n a r: fits her students with that enables them to j fVn'rifT TVipv cro from Al Affor into the busv walks 01 life and at once take places where thev have standing. A most elo- tocfimnnial ml this POint IS the present engagements of the members of last year's graduating class. After a year, they are scat-eio-Vit states, and all 10 - . . Following is the list: Mricrs W. Bartness, mathematics and manual training in Hill Military Academy. . pioronr! W. Beaver, first assist foods department of San Francisco; and candidate for chemist in the civil service. Horace C. Brodie, studying law with the firm of Bentley & Brodie, Portland, and a student at the Ben u Rt WnlVpr business college. . Ti-,n n Rums, farmine. Mult- jvu" amo1i rrvtffitT - TnViTi W. Buster, druggist, Eu- Carrie A. Byerlee. teacher Hood- 3JTTor nti hi if schools. X.. T . I Etta B. Carter, teacher in Albany public schools. Claud Cate, store keeper, Hills- boro. ,r ,T oiarlr. state secretarv Y. M J w?J-. -- j - C'A. of Idaho, at Boise. Maud Cockran, teacher at Au rora, Ore. , Percy Cupper, a member of the U. S. coast and geodetic survey. Lucy A. Dflley, Mrs. J. E. John Vn1e Oreson. . Thomas W. Espey, graduate student of the University of Cal ifornia. Clara Fuller, teacher, Wells, Ore gon. - . Albert S. Hall and Ernst Hin richs, located in the Edison Elect rical Co. in Schnectady, N. Y. - Edna Hershner, teacher, Gresh- s Dave Hirstel, draughtman in the A. J. Gill Co., Portland. ' Alva O. Horton, druggist, Prine- : ville. John R. Howard, farmer, Prine-ville. Elmer Jackson, instructor ot manual training at Whitney, Ind. and candidate for state superintend :: -eat. - Guy Moore, student Chicago Srhnnl of Oratorv. : V Chester Proebstel, graduate stud ent TTniwrsitv of California. Carl Rinehart, inspector General Electncal Co. Portland. Juanita Rosendorf, stenographer, TV acid Ant's office. OAC. Alice L. Rusk, clerk Woodard- riafk Portland. T. W. Scott, druggist, Boise, Idaho. C. I. Shepard, state secretary Y. M. C. A. of Ore". Cecil Staats, medical student, St . Louis, Mo. Inez St. Germain, teacher, Doug las county, Wash. Mary Sutherland, instructor in dressmaking OAC. Alhprt S. Wells, assaver .Hiko, .Lincoln county, and manager of " a prospecting party. W. H. Wicks, assistant An the Horticultural dept. OAC. Isabel H, Whitby, teacher Mon ument, Ore. - John T. Witty, druggist in firm of Burncugh & May field, Enterprise. tVip ahnve figures tell the story of the supremacy of the OAC track team, and of a victory surpassing oni7 triiimnh ever achieved on any field in the history of track athletics in Oregon. It is the story 01 tne state meet, held atbalem last Satur day in which OAC men took ev erything they wanted, smashed records at will and sent tneir op- npnt home beautifullv and tho- rnn 0-hlv skinned, and themselves f , f I came home labelled, ' 'champions." instructor- of t. fl,c ;tw took more points than all the other teams combined, tnus; iNumuci uipuiuu scored by OAC. 82: total score 01 all other teams, 66: UAJ s major ity over all, 16. rirpat features ot the meet were tTie Aefcnt of Peterson of Pacific, in the half mile by Greenhaw ot rAO in the unorecedented Oregon record of 1:58 3-5. the smashing of oil Orecrnn and Northwest records in the quarter Dy w imams wnu wu the distance in 48 4-5 seconds, and the smashing of all the usual rec -Ha in the 2 la bv Smithson. WllO - 1 mith Williams close bv MS siae, hreasterl the taoe at the hmsn in 21 2-5 seconds. After defeating Peterson with a heart breaking record in tne nan, green haw astonished all the experts, shortly afterwards by appearing in the a an. which he ran in less than 50 seconds, finishing close to Wil liams and far in advance of all oth er runners. To add to his achieve ment of the day, within, a short time after the AAo. he ran a swift miarter in the mile relav. Williams, Smithson and Beacn Deing nis team mates, and their combined time T.16 for the mile. The 2t 2-5 sec onds in which Smithson and Wil liams ran 220 vards makes their average ot speed per nunarea vards in the event 9-72 seconds, a feature that makes the perform ance most remarkable. The per f ormances of the two and ot Green haw. touts the trio inTi class ' by themselves among the sprinters of the Northwest." Very excellent in every respect was the perform ance ot iiavoit in tne mne. xi is the '03. Notice. We are here to do all kinds of chine work, casting, repairing huildina engines, etc: on short notice, and at reasonable prices. Work guar anteed. .Franklin Iron Works Co, ma- and Again Open. The repair department of tny bicycle and sportiDg goods business is again open for business second door south of postoffice, Quick repairing or first cla ss work a specialty. James K. Berry, Cows for Sale. Three good young cows in full milk, Alfred Bicknell. Five miles north' of Corvallis. ' Work Wanted. Jacob Gmeinor does all kind of work around house and , ' premises, r cleaning carpets, wash windows, carry wood, etc. Phone 16a, Indp. - Largest line of matting in the city., at ' Elackledge's. Hay For Sale! Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in the . 1 m i -r T Tt worJo, ma iei 155. , u. l. .muuks. his first season on the track and he went against Gates, one of the best men in the Northwest in the Northwest in the event. Davolt finished stronsr while Gates, who led him but half a dozen yards, had given the race everything he had to give. Davolt' s time for triumph will certainly come next season, at least, if he continues under that master hand at speed development. Physical Director Trine. Harold Woodcock of OAC broke the state field record in the pole vanlt, in a vault of 10 7 3-4 inches. The event was supposed to helon? to Claud Swann, but it was an off day and 10 feet 6 inches was the limit. A feature of the meet was that in ante-meet guesses by Trainer Hayward of- Eugene, OAC, was not given a place or point in the hieh iump. Merrill Moores proved the mathematical trainer a false prophet by clearing the pole at five feet seven and taking a nrst piace and a gold medal, Hayward had given his own team seven points in his estimate, but what his team actually got was a shut out with no points. Trainer Hayward also predicted that his team would win by a score of 61 to 58. His team lost 45 to 82. The OAC men got 19 ; out ot the o medals awarded at the meet. Thev took also a mammoth silver cup, .which if they can hold three seasons, will become their perman ent nronertv. Thev also won the undisputed championship of the state, and bv, their late decisive defeat of the University of Wash ington team, have a very good claim to the cliampionsnip 01 tne Northwest, a title that is certain no team of the Northwest states would care to dispute. ; Not onlv does the: new tnumpn bring fame to his men and to the college, but" adds greatly to : the already high reputation of Physical Director Trine as a wizard ;.. in the art of hrineiher out alLthat is best in the physical makeup of men Tt is notable that none of , his men suffered inconvenience as a result of their hard : races. Director Trine knows how to put men in ex actlv that condition in whicn tney are capable of using all the strength and endurance that - nature gave them without evil effect. He has a subtle instinct and deep knowledge of the fibre of his men that other trainers do not have. He never tests one of his bovs" too sharply. hut selects for them that event that they can give their utmost effortwith nnt iniurv to themselves, he is the man of all men on the Coast able to take a body of men and fashion from it a team that can win. He trained at Eugene five seasons. and every time during those sea sons, Eugene won. iie came to OAC where their was nothing here but raw boys, unacquainted with track work, and came within a few points of winning the champion ship the first year. He has been at the college three vears and tne last two of those years saw OAC onrressfiil over the University, the last defeat being a Waterloo for the U. of O. men. A great feature of the meet was the crowd of rooters that- accom panied the team. They were near ly 200 in number, l hey were ioinen at Salem bv OAtJ men, graduates and otherwise, from ev erywhere. iAarvey isodine, tne old football guard was there,. So was John Van Gross, Meiggs Bart- mess, Beatty, JJranK ward, ana scores of others . One lad j ourney ed all the wav from Seattle to see the sport. It all showed a college spirit good to see. me summary of events is as follows: 100 yard dash Smithson. OAO, rsf Williams. OAC, 2nd: Moores, U, of O., 3rd; Graham, OAC, 4th; time. 10 1-2 sec. Broad lump Peterson, tr. v.; Mooies, OAC; Henderson, U- ot O araham. OAC: distance, 21 2 1-4 hurdles Moores. U Ot U; Smithson, OAC; Cathey," OAC; Mason. P. TT .: 2S 2-;. RRo vard run Greenhaw. OAC; Peterson. P. U.; Perkins, U. of'O.; Forbes. W. U.: time 1:58 3-8; Shot out Mug. u. ot u.: mc Tntvre. U. of O.: Walker, OAC Knwen. OAC: AO 7 2-2. Pole, vault Woodcock,' OAC; Swnnn' OAC: Winslow. U. of O. Tinrns. OAC: 10 A in. 220 yard dash Smithson, OAC Williams, OAC; Moores, - u or u Veatch, U of O; 212-5. Hammer throw Hug, U. ot u.; Gardiner, U of O.: Dimtnick, P. U. Walker, OAC; 118 3 in. Hijh lump Moores, . UAt; Lounsbury, W. U. : Swan, OAC; Smithson, OAC; 5 It. 7 in. Mile run Gates, P. U. : Davolt, OAC; Mitchell, U. of O.; Leonard, OAC: i'.it'd-v 440-yard dash Williams, OAC; Greenhaw, OAC; Veatch, IIO; Beach, OAC; time, 49 1-5. This breaks .the Northwest recfd. . 120-yard nurdies smunson, v AC; Moores, UO; Beldon. OAC; Kuykendall, UO; time, 16 2-5 sec. Discus throw Hng, UU; btout, OAC; Abraham. OaC; Philbrook, PU; distance, 109 feet 6 in. Relay race OAC; time, 3:36 2-5.,. R. D. Burgess PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Ofiice brer glackledges furniture store. , Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Phone, office 216; Res Corvallis, Oregon. Attention. You who have carpenter work, hcuse painting or papering to let by contract should get my figures on the same before placing contracts. My estimates will ost you nothing and might save you dol lars. Headquarters at Jti. M. btone's office. . Independent phone. Dixie line Charles Holt. Cord Wood Sale Call up So, 1 Phone, P. A. Kline line P. A. Kline. The S. P. is selling round trip tickets between Corvallis and Port land for $3 good going Saturdays or Sundays and returning Sunday or Monday tollowmg, eitner on East or West side, but good onlv on afternoon train from Albany to Portland on satutdays it iiast side is taken. Passengers to pay local fare between Corvallis and Albany. Wood Sawing. T am prepared to saw w ood on short notice with gasoline wood saw. W. E. Boddy. Ind. phone 351. m tm aw. ,t i'l hi ml - chicaso ! All new wall paper at Blackledge's. 150 cords oak wood, stove length ready for delivery on short notice, Jj. L. Brooks - Buy your outfits from Son. Lewis J. M. & Clark Nolan & ' : For Sale. Wagons, hackB, plows, harrows, and mowers, driving horses, draft horses, buggies and harness; fresh cows. If you want to buy, come in. I can save you money. ' ' , ! II M. Stone. Ladies skirts all kinds and prices at Moses' Bros. Call and see them. Good Clothes News of Stirrinj Interest to Young Men. We are offering a special line of finely tailored garment in sizes 30 to 36, designed especially for young men froi ot, iir. Vhnim imnor-ted and domestic fabric age iuuccu uu wj - a ii,QTimrtUorV' enis nf rarfi stvle. srrace ai beauty. From $7.50 to $16.50. Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. Ttiovft ova fVi cnmmfiti ailments ' for which Ct.amberlain's Pain Balm is espe- ciauv vaiuaoie.' n promptly appiiou u. will save you time, money and suffering when troubled with any one of - these ail ments. For sale by Graham & Wortham. ' Notice of Final Settlement In the Matter of the Estate ot Jane Eli vaKotli "Piclior. deceased. ' . Notice is hereby given that the under oiimpfl oe ariminiKtratnr wihhthe will an- thrt eatatft of Tane Elizabeth P,eliat lArfiaapfl nnrl hn.Q filed his final account as such administrator, with the clerk of the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, and the said court has fixed Saturday, the Sth day of July 1905, at the hour of n o'lock in fnTonnnn nf anid fifiv as tnfi titne. ana the county court room in the court house in Corvallis, Oregon as tne place ior hearing any and all objections to said account, and tor settlement uiereoi. Dated June 10, 1905. ' E. E.Wilson, Administrator of the will annexed of the est ate of Jane Eliz. Fisher, deed. Corvallis Day Excursion June 15. Tir-kets will be sold as follows: Round trip go and return same day $2 :oo. Round trip good tor seven days $2.60. , ; - Special trains richly decorated with 400 fedt banners leave Corval lis 6 a. m. Returning, leave Port land 7 p. m. Four hundred cadets in bright uniforms go' on this spec ial excursion, and as this is Corval lis and Benton county day, every one that can should lay aside busi ness cares and co and make our day the Red Letter day of the Ex- oosition. Purchase tickets day be fore excursion, if possible. . For turther mtormation call on J. E. Farmer, Agent S. P. Co. Corvallis. &rea Removal Sale! In order to reduce our stock and save moving we will offer a reduction of 5 per cent on all goods bought for CASH commencing June 5th and con tinue until removal occurs, about June 25th. Quite frequently a merchant offers a reduction on a special line of goods, but not often a discount is given on everything you buy as will be the case in this SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE. This does not apply to small purchases of less than $1. Remember the date, June 5th. HOLLENBERG & CADY. The House Furnishers. C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement, TIaM ia herphv enven that, the under- Bicrned. administratrix of the estate of Jacob Whitakei, deceased has filed in the county court ol the state ot. uregon, fnr "UentAti nnnntv. tiftr final amntint aS auch administratrix of raid estate, and that Saturday the 8ih day of July, 1905, at the hour of ten oclock a. m. has be en fii-ed hv said rnnrt ns the time for hear- ins obiections to said'reDort , and .- the settlement thereof. ; - . s "Nfltifv T,. Wh! taker. Administratrix of the estate of ' Jacob Whitaker, deceased. - : Dry Fir Wood Atfo.so per cord. Orders solicited for grub oak for summer delivery. Frank Francisco, Corvallis. For shoe reoairine see Fowells sec ond door west of Berman grocery. Wood Sawing. Done promptly. Satisfaction guaran teed and prices reasonable. Cnmmings & Cady. Ind phone 349 or 692, Yon will find full line of flooring Bus tic and finishing lumber at the : Benton Connty lumber yards opposite S, P. de pot. Our JTo; 3 grade of the above can and eee. mi5-tf G M VIDITO For Bicycles, Ammun ition, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods, Etc, J K Berry, Salesman The Right Prices. Two Doors South of All Fresh Goods, the Post Office.