The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 14, 1905, Image 1

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    - bounty Uerk 'a OOn - .'1 1 " ' - ' 1 "',-"- "
Vol. xvra.-No. 11.
. and Proprietor .
The Famous
Busy Bee
-;;r Graphone
, .We now have on exhibition at our store the
above Graphone. Its ' excellence can better be
appreciated by inspection. The pleasure of every
family can be added to by having t one. ' Trad;j
$20 with us and get the Graphone free. Only
one given to each home. We have an immense 4
line of"- merchandise , r embracing all ,the newest
creations for you to make your, selections. Big-
gest line of shoes. The : "Bell System clothing"
highest grade. : Call and See : . .rr . ; ,
Purchases to be made by June 15th.
r NIA'S -LAND . jPFFIOEs- 13 ;
I Agents and Land Thieves Combine
Two-Thirds of tbe Golden V
.Stated P ricejess v -Timber
'.:" Lands Stolen.
.'Sm?ranciscof June 10. There
I are the e&t . reason for -believing
that the scandals in the land offioe
idpregon will'scoa ba dwarfedby
the exposure of yet .more- gigantic
frauds in connection with' the land
office of California.' : If otwitbstand
ing the determined, inactioa of ; the
men whose omcial position makes
r them' guardians of.: the . public r dO'
main and who are in- honor -bound
to checkmate every attempt to ac-
aiiire state or federal lerntorv by
illicit means, the explosion cannot that he had ho
Fine Light Sample Rooms. -
f :
ffstw. a:
J. C. Sammel, Prop.
Leading Hotelin Cofvaliis. Recently opened.
Newly furnished, with
brick building,
modern -con-
Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-
capes. . Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette "VaHey. ;
$' 0, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.- . .' V
much longer be - delayed. The- ad
ministration at," Washington , has
been informed ofwhat is going, and
that big stick is ready to - fall upon
guilty heads however- high in au
thority. ' - . r -
Francis J. Ueney, who lett-'loc
Portland last night to prosecute his
investigations as special government
counsel, deserves tbe credit of set
ting the wheels of investigation in
motion, i In an interview yesterday
he revealed some startling iacts in
connection with tbe land grabbing
in this state,
"There is no use in pounding
away at ; private individaals " who
have been trying to tarn a dishon
est penny at the ; state's expense,
he said. "1 he center of corruption
is in tbe land offices of tbe state of
California itself As before; it has
been band and glove with the ring
and any pretense of ignorance in
regard to the scheme of graft which
have been hatched under its nose-ia
ed favorers from this office ever
since the last election until fnow
two-thirds of the 'state's priceless
timber lands have been practically
It is known on , good - authority
that Attorney ileney, wher in
Washington, D. C, repotted to
President Roosevelt that hes'had
j uncovered unmistakable evidence
of fraud in the methods by which
public lands bad been acquired by
reached - the city yesterday; from
San Francisco and is now - at the
H6tel Portland where he will stay
during his residence in Portland. :
- United States At'orney Heney
aleo reached ths city yesterday and is
at tbe Portland.
t Ther circuifc court of the . .United
States will be called this morning
at 10 o'clock in the new quarters at
the.FedtTrl building when the ar
gumentsfor jaod ' against the de
murrer to the. Mitchell indictment
will be made by Judge A. S. Ban
rett,, of the Dalles, and . Senator
Thurston, on behalf of Senator
Mitchell while the - cause of the
government will be defended by
, The defendants in their demurrer,
place their chief reliance upon the
allegation that the indictment
shows that the money paid by Fred
erick A. Kribs for the expedition
of the land claims involved in the
case was paid to the firm of Mitch-
ell & Tanner, and not , to Senator
Mitchell.N From this it is also con
tended that Sanator Mitchell knew
nothing of the source from which
bis ebara Qi the farm income . arose,
knowledge of ny
Arrested in California for Passing
Worthless Check Girl Said to
Have - Been Unsound "in
; Mind Russian War
r . Ships Interned at
-, . Manila.
fraudulent practice and that, noth;
ing of the kind is alleged in the in
dictment.- This is the main, point
m the tiemurrer that wilt be argued
before thecourt. rl i .j
Unless Judge Bennett and Sena
tor Thurs'ton take; up more time
with their speeches than is expect
ed, it now seems certain that the
end of -the argument will be reach
ed today, or, if not:tbat". Boon, to
morrow by noon at the latest;
if the orguments ace concluded
to day it is possible that ."the. deei--slon
of Judge De Haven;;, will be
rendered by Wednesday, -in ; which
case there is but little doubt of the
trial commencing by Monday, Jane
19, It will not take more than nve
days for the order to draw the jury
to be observed and for i the-future
arbiters- of Senator's : Mitchell fate
to arrive, in the city in pursuance
to the orders of the court
interest is manifested in President's
Roosevelt's note endeavoring to
bring Japan and Russia to an un
derstanding. - While the British
government is not taking any part
in the negotiations, it is giving the
most cordial support to the presi
dent, of whose actions in tbe mat
ter it has been kept fully informed.
Diplomatic and . omcial circles
speak in the highest terms of the
dinlomatic manner in which the
large syndicates in California, Ida-, president handled the matter, and
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
For Shoes, Clothing;, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, : ;
Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, see , 2 ...2 2 2
Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce .
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
'The Popular .Grocery & Crockery
Good Things-For Eating
Always Fresh from
Dairies, tasty and good.
: Sweet and sour,
bottle and bulk.
Fresh and always direct '
from the hens.
ho and Oregon. - The president, it
is stated , requested him tar proceed
at once with the probing process,
Whether Heney will; " accept tbe
commission and clean every stall
in the Augean stables, or : whether
tbe completion of the taBk will de
volve upon other shoulders, is as
yet uncertain. ' " ' ;S
It is stated that some of tbe same
men who stole vast quantities of
land in Oregon are also involved in
the California frauds.
F. P. Hyde andtH. P. Dimond,
charged with conspiracy to defraud
the government of ' public lands,
have given bonds in the sum of
$20,000 and . $10,000 respectively
for their appearance before the su
preme court.
' B. F. Barrettiwill be tried t Wed-
netaay beforeJudge Hanfordin the
United States district court on ac
quiringMmber lands in Montana
illegally. . ; ;,. .
A conspiracy is alleged to have
been entered into in Spokane by
Barrett, who is a'wealthy banker of
Winona, Minnesota, and three oth
er men. Judge Hanford, sometime
ago, disposed of the preliminary
questions of law so the caee is sent
to him for trial.
The government claims that Jo-
seoh Placiona Bigned a contract
with. Barrett whereby he was to
furnish the banker with fellow
countrymenwhowouldfile on land.
See our Garden
Hienzes I Truck, nothing, but best,
grown by good gardeners.
The best canned Fruits and Vegetables oh the market.
All appeal to. the thrifty housewife who wants the very best
groceries for the least money.
are fully in accord with what they
consider to be theonly nay in which
thedifficulty could be overcome.
The United States not being en
tangled in any way, waBx really the
only country wmcn couia taite ac
tion, bat even President Roosevelt
could cot do more than endeavor to
start direct negotiations between
the belligerents. Japan, it can be
stated, refused to start the negotia.
tions until fully assured of the
earnestnesss of Russia and that her
proposals would be seriously con
sidered. Her demands will include
an indemnity, the amount of which
point the president is urging leni
ent treatment. . -.
It is considered bete that Japan
is entitled to an indemnity, and it
is pointed out that, while the pay
ment of an indemnity might affes
the standing of Russia among the
powers, it is nat so serious a9 the
!m-s ff territory: besides the pay
intot of an indemnity would be for
gotten sooner than tbe loss of ter
ritory, and would leave no teellng
for revenge.
Financial circles in London are
of th opinion that the Japanese
will demand an indemnity amount
ing to about $l,ooo,ooo,oco, that
being their estimate of the cost to
the Japanese of the 16 months
hgbting. ibis is considered in
some quarters to be too large an es
timate of the expenditures, which
later to;be turned over to Barrett it is thought to be nearer $600,000,
and in return the men were to re
ceive $1,000 each. All tbe land in
volved is in the yiclnity of Kalis
pell. : ' ' : ' - ' ; ;
Portland, June 12. Oregonlanr
Today the mill of the government
begins to grind once more. The
material that has baen gathered
with such care by the net of the de
partment ol justice is ready to be
placed in the hopper for the reduc
tion, and the engineers of the Unit
ed, states are in waiting to turn on
the power and start the wheels.
Judge John De Haven, who has
been detailed by Judge Gilbert to
preside over the land-fraud cases,
It is also understood that Russia
now admits in principle that the
demand for an indemnity is jus-ti
fied. It is suggested that the terms
of Japan will probably also include
the acknowledgement of a Japan
ese protectorate over Corea, the to
tal Russians evacuation of Manchu
ria, the banding ' over of - Russian
interests on tbe Liao Tung Penin
sula and at rort Arthur to Japan
and the cession of tbe railroad from
Port Arthur to Harbin. The ques
tion of the Ieland of Sakhalin will
also be raised. ' ; - .
Portland,-June 9 Evening Tel
egram: - Lying still and cold on a
slab in the morgue is an attractive
young woman, supposed to- be Miss
Wavelle. Cunningham, of Pendle
ton, daughter of Mrs. B. Cunning
ham, of that place, who committed
suicide at a, rooming house at 691
East Alder street this morning by
inhaling gas fiom a rubber tube
which she had connected wtth a let
in the room that had been rented
by ber yesterday.' Coroner Finley
has wired to Pendleton in the hope
of obtaining information of the un
fortunate and as to what disposition
shall be made of the body. , This is
believed to be the young woman
who was arreBted in San Francisco
on a charge of cashing a $160 check
on A. & C. Feldenheimer, in this
city, -when she - had no . money ' in
tbe bans. " 1 he matte? was settled
out of court.- - -" :
' From the evidence gathered at
the scene Coroner Finley says 1 the
woman -appeared there yesterday
and rented a room, agreeing to stay
a' week. She eaid fche wanted to be
where it waB quiet, saying she was
from Stanford University and was
reeling 111. one leit tne nouee at 3
o clock yesterday afternoon and re
turned again at o o clocK, and re
mained quietly in her room after
that. " Early this morning- lhe ; in
Lmstes 01 toe aweuing detected tne
od or of gasrand Son ffierink
partment found the young woman,
ying at the foot of the bed, arrayed
in her night clothing.
She had removed a pillow from
the head of the bed and.- placed it
at the foot, connecting the tube
with the gas jet she covered the
ower end of the hose with the pil
low and, after turning off the dead
ly fumeg, had evidently deliberate
ly prepated ior ine eno, tor ner ieaf
tures were composed and displayed
no signs of pain.
Coroner Finley Eays the body
was yet warm when he reached the
scene after a physician had made
an examin ation and found that
ife was extinct. The suicide had
written a letter and then destroyed
it, pieces of the missive being
found on tbe floor, and from this
the address of Mrs. B. Cunningham
was learned and on one coruer of
the paper was a message to tbe coi-
oner saying 6be had committed su
icide and not to hold an inquest.
The deceased was about 23 or 24
years of age, of medium height and
rather stout. Her clothing was of
good quality but quietly made, and
ebe had a ticnk, suit case and
email crrip, together with a small
amount of change.
Miss Cunningham was arrested
in San Francisco last Saturday a
ternoon, being wanted in Portland
on a charge of passing a worthless
check to the amocct of $160. Prep:
arations were made to send Deteo
tive Resing after and bring, her
back for trial. The case, however
was settled and the woman was re
leased Monday afternoon. Shortly
after her release she started for
Portland, arriving here last night
Miss Cunningham did not have s
bad reputation, and was raised by
respectable parents. For a while
she was a student of Pacific Uni'
vereity at forest u rove, bbe was
in Portland two weeks ago.
daughter's' rash act, said : , 1 -
"Since he' brother died, about a
year ago, my daughter ;has acted
strangely, and. we . have reason to
believe that ebe was mentally de
raDged. - She . was . suffering , from
consumption and did not have long .
to live. We believe that because
she was mentally distressed ebe
passed the forged check for $190 at
the A. & C. Feldenheimer jewelry
store As far as her character is
concerned, we believe she was pore.
Bhall accompany; the remains to
Arlington, Or., where we used to
live, tonight, and she will be buried
by the side of her brother." - ,. '
. Washington, June 9. Secretary
Taft bas received the following ca
blegram from Governor Wright, at
Manila: "
"Russian war ships did not leave
harbor within the required 24 hours
and as a result are now in custody
of Admiral Train, who informs me
he has taken the necessary steps to
intern them. They are now behind
the breakwater under the guns of
the Ohio and Monadnock. He will
disable their machinery and remove
breechblocks of guns., .He has
doubtless reported full details to
navy department. :,:
Washington, " June 9. Rear-Ad
miral Train has reported to the na
vy department that the Russian
ships at Manila have been interned.
In addition to the information con-'
yejed in Governor Wright's cable
gram, Rear-Admiral 1 rain said that
the coal supply of the ships has
been' limited and "the officers and
men paroled upon condition that
they take-no furtherpart in the war.
London, June 10. -The Tokio '
correspondent of the Daily Times
says that some of the Japan
ese torpedo-boat destroyers which
were chasing the Russian cruis
er Izumrud were ordered back,
the Japanese allowing the ship to
escape.' " .- '
, Tokio, June 10. Three torpedo
boat destroyers will be' launched at
-okoeuka-a-S3turda.w ne.xt.4 ,
Tokio, June 9. Army headquar
ters have given out the following:
"A.detachment of our forces which
advanced from Lianehuichnan, two
miles east of Chenchengtsu, dis
lodging one company, of foot" and
one company of horsemen of the
enemy, holding the hills north of
that place, at 3 o'clock in the morn
ing of June 7,' occupied an emi
nence east of Chapengan an four
miles northeast of Chenchengtsu.
"At 6 o'clock on the eame morn
ing the enemy attempted an attack
on soufaugtai, ten miles north 01
Changtu, and on Taaotun, five
miles northwest of Changtu, and on
Shihtiuti, two miles north of Taao
All attacks were repulsed."
Paris, June 9. The French gov
ernment has indicated its willing
ness to assign a torpedo boat to
carry the body cf Paul Jones down
the River Seine from Paris to Havre
where a French equadron will de
liver the body to the American
squadron. This will necessitate a.
change in the rendezvous or tbe
American squadron.fiom Cherbourg
to Havre, which is now under con
sideration. ;
Blackledge sells refrigerators.
John Ccmningham, of Pendleton
Or., arrived in Portland this morn
ing and will leave for Arlington
this-evening with"the remains of
bis daughter, Miss Wavella Cun
ningham, aged 20 years, who com
mitted Buicide by inhaling gas at
her room at 694 East Ader etieet
yesterday morning. 1 he lather is
heart-broken over the affair. In
the Cunningham family there were
two children, a eon who died ir
consumption about a year ago, and
Miss Wavelle Cunningham, who
took her life yesterday -after a short
period of much trouble. The fath
er in giving an explanation of his
For want of room we will
close out at cost all our trunks
telescopes, small Rugs and
Art Squares. . This Sale is
bona fide, we want the room
for a ladies , Suit' and Cloak
: J. M. Nolan & Son.
Just What Every One Should Do.
Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga., al
ways keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at
hand ready for instant use. - Attacks of
colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come
on eo suddenly that there ia r.o time to
hnnt a doctor or go to the store for med
icine. Mr. Barber says: "I have tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy which is one of the best
medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of
it in my room as I have had several at
tacks of colic and it has proved to be th
best medicine I ever used." For sale br
Graham & Wortham. -:- r: