Vol. XVIII.-No. 11. CORVALLIS, OREGON, JUNE 10. 1905. B. F. IRVINE Editol and Proprietor FREE! The Famous Busy Bee: Graphone, "We now have on exhibition at our store the above Graphone. Its excellence can better be appreciated by inspection. The pleasure of every family can be added to by having! one. Trado '$20. with us and get the Graphone free. Only one given to each home. We have an immense line of merchandise, 'embracing all the newest creations for you to make your ' Selections. Big gest line of shoes. The "Bell System clothing" highest grade. Call and See . X M. HARRIS. A purchases to be made by Jqne 15tk LINIEVITCH SAYS HE HAS NOT ENOUGH AND HOPES V TO CONTINUE IT. Believes He Can and Will Defeat Japanese Army Japan -Is ; " Ready to Give Him' a . 20,. 30 or 100 Years' War. . ' Fine Light Sample Rooms. J. C. Hammel, Prop. Leading H teVin Oorvallis. Recently opened. New brick building. Newly furnished, with' modern con veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. $1 r0, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. WANTS MORE WAR Gunsbu Pass, Manchuria, ; June 6.1 -Undismayed by Eojestvensky's defeat and full of confidence as : to tbe outcome of, the ' approaching battle, Lieutenant-General ; Linie- vitch is for war to the bitter end, and he believes that the Manchun- an army is now strong enough to assume the aggressive. ' ' -r To a question put to him by the correspondent, oi tne- Associated Press, as to whether he was for war or peace, tbe commander-in-chief. replied firmly and without tbe slightest hesitation: ; . : . " ' 'Most certainly i. am lor war. i mi . Ml am a eoiaier. ; xne emperor s win is naturally my law,- but my voice now. as before, ib for - the continu ance of the fight. ' ."With the . destruction oi our fleet, vanishes, of . course, the hope of those who, at the beginuing :Of the war, wished to make peace at Tokio, bnt our defeat at sea has not , - i ? a lit. l rUAr lDierierreu wnn uuy - pinjiB-rrauou- lutely not one whit? I consider mvself strong enough not. only to hold my ground. -but 7 ejen , to "ad vaoce. .' ', - J,- "I am no nronbet and nave no desire to be one, but I certainly be' lieve that I can and 1 will defeat .the Japanese in Manchuria. - - J'l have asked the war omce : to send me reservists of the youngest classes instead of older ones,; not because the latter make poor sol diers, but because with plenty of young and vigorous reseryists it would be unjust as well, as inadvis? able t to caUjbe older r men -from their more settled life', . ;. l --j. himself did not leave the ship till ne visneu itojestveneky on June 2. j Copenhagen, June 6 The Cbris- tiania correspondent of theation al Tidenden say's: , y It is- the general opinion -that a dissolution between Norway - and Sweden in now inevitable, but that it cannot now occur without remov ing or suspending the existing Nor wegian legal pawer. ' JiercTe the end 01 this week the Storthing will have' adopted reso lutions which, from the instant they come in force; will mean the dethronement of the king. lheJNorweglans maintain that the kieg, by notrevoking bis veto given at Stockholm of the law for separate consular representation and partly by his absence from v Norway, has suspend ed) his rights and duties as king of Norway. Uuder article 13 of the constitu tion,- the Storthing ,'will install a re sponsible government, which in the absence of the kit-g will' govern in the king's name. -. Notifications of eventual changes in the constitutional situation will probably be given to the powers by special mission. TRYING TO MAKE PEACE RUSSIA HAS ASKED JAPAN'S TERMS TO SECURE . . ' PEACE. Star Brand Shoes are Better! For Shoes, Qothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple arid Fancy Gro ceries, see 3 2 2 ." WELLSHER 6c GRAY. Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce Star Brand Shoes are Better! Tokio, June 6. "If Russia pre fers to continue the war, Japan is willing to meet the enemy's chal lenge," says the KokuminShimbun, a leading paper of this city, com menting on Russia's apparent stub bornness in admitting that the time ha scome to arrange for ending hostil ities It declares that.did the responsi bility re6t upon Japan to decide the question, the Japanese could not af- lord to ignore the demands of other countries for the cessation of hos tilities, though based upon purely humanitarian principles. As the case stands, however, the Kokumin Shimbun, it is the enemy who de sires the indefinite protraction of hostilities, and nothing prevents Japan from shearing Russia of her military strength as she has de prived her of her naval power. In this way it would be po6sebla to liberate the czar's stricken peo ple, who have long suffered from the oppression of the autocracy, to restore independence to the Poles and Finns, to establish a free state out of the remoiniug portion oi Russia and to bridge the chasm di viding that country from the pow ers. Japan, it adds, is ready tor any war programme, whether for 2O, 30 or 100 years. Christiania, June 7. The storth ing today declared the union be tween Norway and Sweden under one king dissolved and that King Oscar cease to act as king of Nor way. . Tbe storthing empowered the present state council to act as the government of Norway. "An. address to the king was adopt ed declaring that no ill feeling is en tertained against him,; his dynasty or the Swedish nation, and asking him to co-operate in tbe selection of a young, prince of the house of Ber- nadotte, the royal house of Sweden, to occupy the throne of Norway, "It . is, currently reported upon good authority that Sweden has in directly aesured .Norway J tnat no forcible measures will be employed to hold her within the . bonds of the present ttnion. ; By ths ster taken today Norway constitutionally sev.ers.its connection with Swtden.- She jsaust howr either elect a king as a successor to Oscar or as is equally probable, b come a republic. Popular feeling is run ning high in tavor of a republic and it is probable the constitution and government will be adopted based upon the lineE of the Swiss confederacy. The most probable candidate for the presidency is Dr Nansen, the Arctic exrlorer. Broke into His House. The Popular Grocery & Crockery Good Things For Eating Eggs. the I Fresh and always direct from the hens. Butter Always Fresh from Dairies, tasty and good. Pickles. Sweet and sour, bottle and bulk. See our Garden 1 . Hienzes I Truck, nothing but best. grown by good gardeners. The best canned Fruits" and Vegetables on the market, A OUR METHODS OF BUSINESS All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best . groceries for the least money, HERE IS THE STORE P. IVL ZIEROLF. H. JUeUuinn of Uavenmsh, Vt.t wa robbed of his customary health.by inva sion of chronic constipation. When Dr King s New Life Fills broke into nia u se, his trouble was arrested and now s entirely cured. They're guaranteed ure. 25c at Allen & Woodward' drug Chicago. June 3. "Bluebeard" Johan Hoch is to be hanged June 23, Judge Kersten, who sometime ago sentenced Hoch to be hanged, fixed that date as tbe day of execution. Takahira Sends inquiry Asks Ja ' pan to Tell Terny to Roosevelt President Acts as Chan nel of Communication Alfonso Dethroned. . St. Petersburg, June 7. As a re eult cf the meeting of the council of ministers held at the Tearskoe- lo palace yesterday, instructions were telegraphed this afternoon to the Russian ambassador at Wash ington and Paris to the effect that Russia Is desirouB of learning Ja pan's peaceconditlonB. Washington, June 7. Prelimin ary peace negotiations between Russia and 'Japan are generally be lieved to De under way, and vit . is conceded that President Roosevelt will in all probability act, not as a mediator, but as "the friendly chan net 01 communication. mere - is yet no official admission that Rus sia has accepted what.- Count Cat sini in his cablegram to Count Lamsdorff last week described &s "the offer of good will of the Presi dent,'' although instructions to the ambassador are believed to have reached here tonight in a long" ca blegram which was received at the Rustian embassy quite late and was laid before the Ambassador just be fore he retired.' ' ' V. Immediately " after his return from a long conference with the president, Mr. Takahira, the Jap anese minister, began tne prepara tion of a dispatch to bis govern ment, upon which he was occupied until quite late. For the first time since the annihilation of the Rus sian fleet the minister did not feel at liberty to comment on any phase of tbe Situation. Tnlr Bitrnrtiorr 'is -too" Jde'licate this moment for me thine," he remarked. "When there is something definite, perhaps I may have something to say, but I do not expect anything definite for forue days." It can be stated that the president through Mr. Takahira, is endeav oring to get some definite idea re garding Japan's peace terms. Mr. Takahira is giving him all the as sistance that he can, but the most he can do is to lntorm his govern ment of the president's wishes and to emphasize his personal convic tion that tbe president can be trust ed absolutely to guard Japan's le gitimate interests. Indeed a for tunate phase of tbe present situa tion is tbat both Mr. Takhari and Count Cassini are personally con vinced ot tbe president's absolute impaitiaiity, and sincerity of pur pose in tbe delicate undertaking which he bas shouldered. Washington, June. 7. Diploma tic Washington tonight was arous ed to a point ot expectancy une qualed Bince th9 . inception of war in the Far East by the news from St. Petersburg of the czar's wish to know Japan's peace terms. This interest -was heightened by a call which Mr. Takahira, the Japanese minister, 'made at the White Hocse by appointment.duringthe evening. He called shortly after 9 o'clock and immediately went into confer ence with the president. They re mained together about 20 mmu'es. When the minister left he declined to answer any questions about his call. The Associated Press bulle tin, announcing the cabling of a message to the Russian ambassa dors at Washingtoh, that Russia wished to know Japan's peace terms was immediately communicated to the diplomats most interested: Great Britain, as the ally of the Japanese, ft is understood here, has felt unable to participate in the pre liminary activities initiated by tee president ejnee the annihilation of the Russian fleet. Desirous as is the British government for . peace, its officials point out that, so far as an ally can determine; Japan has not been unreasonable throughout the present struggle. v It is declared on. good authority that thus far no circular note hts been addressed t3 tbe American' ambassalors abroad, but that di rect instructions have been inform al though dictate! directly from the White House. V ' ' Saa Francisco, June 5. sixty five butcher shops have been nam ed by the health board as hives f. r adulteration. A complaint is beirg , nrnnarail fnr ennh nf ftia vanAera - . u thus accused, to be followed bv ar rests, of the entire 55 on Monday i. As these complaints are beicg prepared under the personal super vision of the district attorney, with the bestowal of particular attention to the specific adulterant which each offender is eccused of using, fViA Vi a q 1 r V, Knarrl foda rnnfiHnt nf securing a conviction on every rrtntit'iThere will not bfrr sav-fchia-w to sav anv- 'n charge of this prosecution, anv suca wuuieeaie eeuue iruui ieg;ti penalties as was enjoyed by the 23 cream sellers arraigned some weeks ago, and speedily released on a claim of technical flaws in the for- Ibe principal adulterant em plooed seems to have been sulphate?, another name for sulphurous acid, a real poison and an extremely dangerous one. Others on the lirt of mischief were boracic acid, where a pound of meat so treated contained four or five more grails than a physician's maximum dos ; formaldehyde, which paraiyze3 tl action of tbe gastric juices, and ccal tar dye, serviig to keep exposed meat fresh in color, even after ex posure bas tainted it, but com pounded in anilite constituents from which the digestive organs revolt. Biackledge sells refrigerators. London, June 6. The Tokio cor respondent of the Daily Telegraph says there were ladies on board the hospital ships captured by Japan ese, including Vice-Admiral Rojest vensky's niece, who asked permis sion to nurse her uncle. rr--f The correspondent says that the total Russian casualties in the na val battle were 14,ooo perished and 46oo captured, while 3ooo escaped. He adds tbat a large percentage of the pneoners are suffering from dis ease. . London, ,' June 7. The corres pondent at Tokio of the Daily Tel egraph says: "It is officially stated that sub marines actually were used in the Tsu Straits battle. During the battle Admiral Togo, on the Mikasa, displayed admirable coolness, r The Mikasa approached nearer the Russians than any other battle ship. While standing in the conning tower a lieutenant at To go's side was wounded with a splin ter from a shell. Togo, unmoved, went on his knees and tenderly lift ed up the young officer. 'After the battle, when he arrived at Saeebo, I SUMMER llf Jj 1 I M 'JL 1 " tW II fit SYSTEM Tailor-Made Clothes PERFECTION OF FIT, SHAPE and STYLE. INDIVIDUAUTY and COMFORT. CLOTHES BEARING LABEL may be bought with confidence. They are conscientiously tailored, look well, wear well and will positively hold their shape during the life of the goods. Designed and Tailored By Stern, Lauer, Shohl & Co. .v- Cincinnati, O. SOLD BY s J. K Harris 1 SPRING I Togo allowed no one to land, and