The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 31, 1905, Image 2

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    'jorvallis Times.
Oficial Paper of Benton County.
CORVALLIS, OR, MAY 31, 1905.
. ' TOGO.
Togo planned well. Togo execut
ed well. He chose the spot and
fixed the time wherein . to give bat
tle to the Russian admiral. He laid
in wait for weeks with fine cunning
biding patiently the time when the
aoemwiftuuuiu &-luc .. "'J Promptly at io o'clock the guest
At the right moment he Struckfiii-j fh- heaiirifiillv decorated ban
and to the overwhelming Russian
fieet, it was a blow as though earth,
heaven andThell had joined in the
work of annihilation. Shot and
shell, fire and dreadful torpedoes
were delivered from every quarter
upon the confused Slavs, until re
sistance became a mockery. Six
ships and their crews surrendered,
and 13 sent to the bottom, all with
out loss to the Japs is the grim
story of the battle. Great is Togo.
Postoffice Force Cannot Stand
Pressure of a ten O'clock
The new train arrangement has
one serious drawback, it practic
ally cuts out delivery of mail at the
postoffice in the evening. " Post
master Johnson, who has been long
suffering and of sur-passing patience
in handling the evening mail de
clares the limit to have been reach.
ed, He was not required under
postal regulations to distribute the
eight o'clock mail on arrival, but
he did it as an accommodation to
the public, even in spite of the mul
tiplication of mails and mail routes,
To wait now. however tor the ,.10
o'clock train from Albany and af-
ter that to spend an hour or more
in distribution of the arriving mat
ter, all in an untiring effort to just
be good, is more than so obliging
an official as Postmaster Johnson
can stand, and so the line is to be
drawn. .
Possibly, after the- lair ,is over
the evening train arrangement will
go back to the old schedule, which
will g;ve Corvallis people Portland
evening papers at a seasdnable hour
and hot from the press, as well ' as
an evening letter mail in '. time to
: get it and read it i without stayin;
up all night for the purpose.
Work Wanted.
Jacob Gmeinor does all kind of work
around house and premises, cleaning
carpets, wash windows, carry wood, etc
Phone 162, Indp.
Mrs. Viola Pate and daughter
have arrived from Jefferson for a
visit at the home cf Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Moses. The two ladies are
sisters. , y
' . Hay For Sale.
Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in the
world. Ind Tel 155. L. L. Brooks.
, For Exchange.
, ' .
A nearly new 3 1-4 farm wagon, four
inch tire will be exchanged for lighter
wagon .
A. J, Irwin, Philomath.
Bell phone 4x3.
At Hotel Corvallis Saturday Evet'-ng
. , Philadelpflians and Friends.
The "Philadelphian literary so
ciety gave their first annual ban
quet to their friends Saturday ev
ening. In all plates were spread
for eighty guests. The banquet
ers began to arrive in the hotel
parlors at nine o'clock where a
light program was rendered, con-
sisting of piano solos by Miss Inez
Colvig and J. C. Caldwell, and mu
sic by the Philadelphian Quartette.
filled the beautifully decorated ban
queted hall where feasting prevail
ed until midnight. M. D. McCal
lister was toast master, and with
very appropriate remarks he intro
duced the first speaker, who res-
poned to the toast "Womankind."
Mr. McCormack is a v very fluent
speaker and demonstrated himself
to be an after dinner speaker of no
ill means. With a hearty round of
applause resumed his seat, and Miss
Minnette Phillips told of "111 Used
Men" from a woman's point of
view, beginning with the garden of
Eden. He has according to Miss
Phillips been very ill used. Miss
Phillips is witty and her remarks
were received joyously by the hap
py banqueters.
Mr. Berman said, there are two
presidents who exemplify the
"Strenuous Life President Roos
evelt of the nation in reality and
President Gatch of a miniature one.
In fact Mr. Berman believes in the
strenuous life. He practiced it and
would urge it upon others as the
surest road to success. Miss Stella
Parsons considers this an age of op
portunity. She deems the little
red school house an oppor
tunity of all the American people.
The college an . opportunity of
nearly all the American people
Upon these two depend the success
Miss Parson says, of our country.
: The toast master and Thomas
Bilyeu dmered as to the meaning
of grind.. The one thinking that
grind required a turner at the grind
stone, and the other the grinder.
The responder advocates grind to
be tne .only sure path to betterment,
and the only sure path to prosper
ity. He considers that nothing
has been accomplished of note with
out unceasing, unremitting grind.
Other refreshments were brought
and-the fertsters did their part well,
Miss Mary Sutherland told of Real
ism vs. Romanticism. She thinks
the two blend together harmon
iously making a happy career,
Carrol Cummings told of old times
and Miss Ada Finley pleasantly re
minded all present that it was due
to the Anna Mater that such oc
casions as this are made possible
Clay Darby believes in air castles
even though the wind may blow
them down in the evening of the
day of their construction, and Miss
Laura Waggoner told of the "Un
solved Problems." We encounter
them at every crossway and byway
of life.
When all had finished they ; de
parted declaring it to have been
one of the very pleasant social ev
ents of the year. It is tha purpose
of the Philadelphians to have this
recur annually end to make it a
meeting place for Philadelphians
past and present' and their
friends. It was well conducted and
is worthy of Emulation by other
similar college organizations. -
To Portland Thursday for Lewis and
dark Opening Special Train.
The OAC cadet regimfnt is to be
in the parade at the opening of the
Lewis and Clark Exposition Thurs
day. . The trip to . the metropolis
and return will be made in a single
day and on a special train provided
for the purpose. The train will
consist of six coaches and will leave
the Westside station at 5:30 a. m.
Thursday morning. It will stop
only at Independence and Whiteson
and will reach the Yamhill street
station at 9 or 9:30 a. ni. The
parade leaves the Portland Hotel
at 10 o'clock a. m. The fairgrounds
will be reached at 1 1:30. The ex
ercises at the grounds will begin at
12, and at 1:30 the cadets will
stack arms and have lunch at the
American Inn on the grounds.
They will be free to . follow their
own wishes until five p. m. when
they march to the Union depot to
take their train for he return home
at six o'clock.
The regimental band of course
will be a f eatnre, and for the oc
casion will number 32 pieces.
Two huge banners, 90 feet long
and three feet wide are being pre
pared for decoration of the train,
one on each side. The inscription
will be, "Oregon Agricultural Col
lege Cadets." The cadets" are re
quested to appear in" full uniform.
and not to , don white gloves
until they alight from the train at
Yamhill street, Portland. -
The cadets pay no fare.
than cadets, to a limited
can accompany the : excursion at
one and one-third fare for the round
trip. ; ' -
Gorvallis Eastern
Time Card Number 28.
Pathmark. .
Pathmark will make the season at
Corvallis and at my home, In Corvallis
Thurs, Fn. and Sat. The rest of the
week at my home. Pathmark was sired
by Pathmont, and Pathmont was sired
by Altamont. Pathmark.s -record is
2.H5; Pathmont's 2.9X. Pathmark's
dam is Juliette, who was sired by Tibolt,
and Tiboli by Altimont. Juliette's record
is 2.22. Pathmark is standard bred and
registered in every respect: is 16 hands
high: color dark dapple bay; weight, ov
er 1200 ids. . ierms $15, 520 and 25,
Money due when mare is h no wn to be
with foal. Good pasture free of charge
from a distance. Responsible for no ac
cidents. A15-6W Jesse Brown.
We are here to do ail kinds ', of ma
chine, work, . c4fci!igf---- te9aMMr - ad
building engines, etc; on short- notice,
and at reasonable prices. . Work - guar
anteed. - Franklin Iron Works Co.
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious trouble in your system is ner
vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up
sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dis
member the troublesome causes. It nev
er fails to .tone the stomach, regulate the
Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liv
er, and clarify the blood. Run down sys
tems benefit particularly and all the usu
al attending aches vanish under its
searching and thorough effectiveness.
Electric Bitters ii only 50c, and that is
relumed if it don't give perfect satisfac
tion. Guaranteed by Allen & Wood
ward. . .
Wanted. "- :
Women to represent us in their home
and adjoining counties to distribute
samples and advertise our goods. Sal
ary $21 per week and expenses guaran
teed. Expenses advanced. Experience
unnecessary. . Address, with stamp, stat
ing age, Reeve Co. 415 Dearborn st,
. You who have carpenter work, house
painting or papering to let by contract
should get my figures on the same before
placing contracts. My estimates will
cost you nothing and might save yon dol
lars. Headquarters at H. M. Stone's
office. Independent phone. Dixie line
Charles Holt.
- Wanted.
Good girl to do bouse work: cook,
wash and iron. Inquire at M. E. - par
sonage, South, -
For Sale', 'v .: :
Wagons, hacks, plows, harrows, and
mowers, driving horses, draft horses,
buggies and harness- fresh cows. If
you want to buy, come in. I can save
you money. . '
H M. Stone.
a For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. . ,
arrives Yaquina.
.12:45 P- m
. 1:45 P- m
. 5:40 p. m
Leaves Yaquina...
Leaves Corvallis. . .
Arrives Albany. . . .
. 7:15 a. m
.11:30 a. m
.12:15 P- m
For Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis.
Leaves Albany..
Arrives Detroit. . ,
6:00 a. m.
.. 70 a. m
.12:02 p. ra
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit 12:35 p. m
Arrives Albany 5:15 p. m
Arrives Corvallis 7:60 p. m.
Train No 2 connects with the 15 P train
at Corvallis and Albany giviDg direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south .bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. J
For further information apply to
Actiner Manasrer.
H. H. Cronise, Agent. Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany,
-Notice: Boat Rates.
For the accommodation of those
who desire to go to Portland by
boat after the close of Commence
ment exercises June 14, the com
pany will run a steamer out of Cor
vallis that night, water permitting.
The company has made the fol
lowing cut rates; One way, Cor
vallis to Portland, $1.50; round
trip, $1.75, ten days' limit.
Trespass Notice.
Hunting or fia ling or trespassing on
our premises is strictly forbidden and
any peison found violating this notice
will be prosecuted to the full extent of
the law. v
M. Porter.
Jesse Poster.
J. F. Porter.
Bearfthe Tho Kind Jtou Have Always Bo
- fiirmaTi-m
. Lewis and Clark Exposition.
During the Lewis and Clark ex
position the Southern Pacific com
pany will sell round trip tickets to
Portland, limit 30 days, at one and
one third for the round trip. For
parties pf ten or more traveling on
the one ticket, one fare for the
round trip. For , ' organized parties
of one hundred or more, individ
ual tickets at one fare for the round
Stopover of ten days will be giv
en at Portland on all one way
tickets reading through that point
during the exposition. Tickets
must be deposited with point agent
at Portland and charge ot 50 cents
will be made for extension, of time.
New Gasolene Wood Saw.
I am now ready to attend ; promptly
to all orders. Ind. phone 835.
- W. R. Hansell. -
, . Notice to Creditors. : , J. -In
the matter of the Estate of James
C. Irwin, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that the undersigned has been
duly appointed administrator of the -estate
of said James C. Irwin, deceased, by
the county cour ot uenton county, state
of Oregon. All persons having claims
against said estate of said James C. Irwin
deceased, are hereby required tc present
the same with the proper vouchers duly
verified as by law required within six
months from the date hereof to the un
dersigned at his residence near Bruce,
Benton county, Oregon, or at the law of
fice of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallis, Orc
gn-. . ... . .. -r
iJatea tnis Apui 29, 1905.
R. S. Irwin,
Administrator of the Estate of Tames
C. Irwin, deceased. t
. For Sale,
wheat and Bur bank pota-
Eoy ICickard.
For Sale.
Cigar clippings of our own manufact
ure, ' ' nose ot eon. 1112511
Cows for Sale.
Three good young cowa in full milk,
Alfred Bicknell.
Five miles north of Corvallis.
Broke into His House.
S. LeQninn of Cavendish, Vt., wa
robbed of his customary health by inva
sion of chronic constipation. , When Dr
King's New Life Pills broke into, his
house, his trouble was arrested and now
he's entirely cured. They're guaranteed
to cure. 25c t Allen & Woodward' drug
For Sale.
Vetch hay. Call on or address
Ai2-tf Spencer Bicknell. Corvallis-
The S. P. is selling-round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Satutdays if East side
is taken. Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany.
Wood Srwing.
I am prepared to saw w ood on
short notice with gasolene wood
saw. W. Er Boddy.
Ind. phone 35r. -
wm ISPt if im
ilnP W Wit
All new wall paper at Blackledge's.
150 cords oak wood, stove length ready
for delivery on short notice,
L. L. Brooks
Good Clothes News of Stirrin
Interest to Young Men.
We are offering a special line of finely tailored garmJ
in sizes 30 to 36, designed especially for young men f J
age fifteen and up; choice imported and domestic fabj
made up into "hand-molded" suits of rare style, grace
From $7.50 to $16.50.
You Gan't Go' Wrom
It you take the right road to Hollenberg & Cady's furniture store They
keep everything for House Furnishing. If you need a stove or range
don't forget us. The Charter Oak and Toledo Ranges are fully warran
teed. We are having great success with these ranges. They have all
the latest improvements and we sell them with or without reserivoirs.
We have reduced the price on all our new cook stoves and can sell
you a good stove at a nominal priee. Old stoves taken m exchange.
Remember we set up these stoves and guarantee satisfaction.
N. B, We Sell Refrigerators,
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Dry Fir Wood.
At 3.50 per cord. Orders solicited
for grub oak for summer delivery.
Frank Francisco,
For shoe repairing see Fowells sec
ond door west of Berman grocery.
Ladies! If you once nsa Com
pressed Yeast, you will have no
other. Ask :-,.;.
You will find full line of flooring Hus
tle and finishing lumber st the Benton
County lumber yards opposite S, P. de
pot. Our No. 3 grade of the above can-
For Bicycles, Ammun
ition, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
JV IC Berry, Salesman
The Right Prices. All Fresh Goods.
Two Doors South of the Post Office.