The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 27, 1905, Image 2

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    (Jorvallis Times. graduating exercises.
Official Paper of Benton County.
Bow They Stripped a Prime Orchard-
Arid How They get Stripped.
What to do with the caterpillars
is a question of the hour in var
ious districts of is an up
permost question in fact in Cor
vallis. The pests infest rosebushes,
crawl over the flowers and inhabit
the ornamental trees. . Housewives
in the midst of hbuse cleaning are
corrmelled to stoo freauently - to
vent spleen and a horrible death on
stray pillars that have crawled
from house vine into the pantry.
A prune orchard out at Norton's on
the C. & E.. is said to have been
completely stripped of every green
leaf. An Alspa correspondent re
cently related that the pests were
prevalent in that section in march-
ing armies.
In Corvallis, home owners are
fighting them with fire and poison.
A pole with a blazing rag saturated
with coal oil and set afire at one
end and a fierce and furious woman
at the other end, is one of the chief
perils that beset the pillars. Some
times there is danger by this meth
od to the house, but the story is
At the Public School They Take Place
Next Week.
At the Opera House Monday ev
ening another class of eighth grade
graduates will receive their diplo
mas for which the members ' have
labored so long and faithfully. The
program to be. rendered Monday
evening, is as follows:
Selection, Turney's Orchestra.
Invocation, Rev. Feese. ,
Vocal solo, Mamie Hall.
Salutatory, Helen Raber.
Recitation, Otto Morgan. '
Vocal solo. Hazel Kyle.
Recitation. Harry Cady.
j Recitation, Carrie Pimm.
Inst, solo, Blanche Robinson.
Recitation, Clifford Raber.
Recitation, Bertha Herse.
Selection, Orchestra.
Declamation, Cecil Evens.
Vocal solo, Winona Woodward.
Recitation. Ruby Fo wells.
Class prophecy, Nellie Barnhart
Inst, solo, Inez Johnson.
Valedictory, Viola Gardner.
Presentation of diplomas, T. T.
Selection, Orchestra.
The eighth grade motto is, "Row
mg not Drifting; class colors, pink
and cream. The graduates numb
er 23, as follows:
Nellie Barnhart
Thad Blackledge
A. J. Fuller
that an angry woman aftera cater
pillar is oblivious to the little things Ethel JHendryx
like a burned home or an imperilled wmie K.eaay
family. Another method of attack Arnold Kester
is witn a spray 01 jraris ureen. r-aueue iviuier
The poison is terribly fatal to the Pansy Peters
pillars, and as it puts them through Beryl Robinson
about as agonizing a death as Moes Blanche Robinson
the hell-fire plan, it is quite as sat- Gordon Rosendorf
isfactory to the average lady, " and Winona Woodward Vera Chambers
less dangerous because after its use Mamie Hall Clyde Hayden
the house is likely to be standing Myra Hukill Hazel Kyle
Ruby Fowells
Viola Gardner
Bertha Herse
Clara Baker
Myrtle Langley
Ethel Norton
Carrie Pimm
Jennie Tom
Harry Cady
Dollie Fouts
At Twenty Eight Cents Something
About a Small Boy's Transaction.
Eighteen dollars and ' twenty
cents was what a fourteen year old
boy, who hails from the north of
town sold hisfwool for Thursday.
His name is Wilson, and his $18.20
was the wool product form only five
sheep. It is a big story, but it is
a fact, this $18.20 for the wool
from only five sheep. The ' aver
age per-head was $3.64. This is
nearly four times what some sheep
sold for last fall, and yet it is only
what the wool went at, and the
youngster has the sheep left. The
average fleece was 13 pounds, and
the price was 28 cents per pound.
The five sheep were pets that the
boy rescued as orphans a year ago
and has since cared tor on his
father' sf arm. It is probably one
of the best sold wool clips of the
year, and one of the best handled
flocks of sheep, and 'it was all done
by a boy.
On the same day wool was de
livered in town that was contracted
months ago that went at - only 20
cents per pound. The price rose
Wednesday to 28 cents and it stood
at that figure Thursday, and had
not yet fallen yesterday, though a
drop was expected. Only small
lots scattered here and tnere, like
that of the thrifty lad from the di
rection of Soap Creek, remain un
sold. - The wool price is the high
est touched in Oregon in 30 , or 40
George Miller
Helen Raber
Otto Morgan
Clifford Raber
Zoe Adams.
Will Soon Exhibit Here-Slendid Col-
iedioaof Performing Pets,
When Cozads California dog,
pony, monkey asd goat circus
makes its appearance here Monday
it will be found that this class of
entertainment has made great
strides towards " improvements,
The show Jopens with a'" Beautiful
fifty minature horse" act. : ' Ponies
march and drill; a number of pon
ies have bells fastened to their
heads and at the word of command
play various tunes by shaking the
chimes. It is the sort of entertain
ment that makes a child happy and
at the same time instructs him in
the . nature of our dumb compan
10ns. 1
The ninth grade commencement
exercises of the Corvallis public
schools are to be held in the Opera
House- next Thursday evening
The class colors are, crimsom and
cream; class motto, "Launched
but not Anchored." Following is
the program:
Selection, Orchestra.
Invocation, Revi Hurd.
" Inst, duet, Georgje White,
belWoo&V T
SalutaWry, Sadie Bell.
Recitation, Sydney Evans.
Recitation, Claire Holgate.
Essay, Modesta Rosendorf.
Vocal solo, Mabelle Keady
Recitation, Leslie Evens.
Essay, Pearl Vincent.
Selection, Orchestra.
Recitation, Rova Hayes.
Recitation, Alda Metcalf.
Vocal solo, Collie Cathey.
Class prophecy. Bertha Cramer
Inst, solo, Winnie Michael.
Valedictory, Nora Thomson
Inst, solo. Pearl Horner.
Presentation diplomas, F. L
Miller. ,
Selection, Orchestra.
1 he ninth grade graduates are
Sidney Abbott.
Alfred Schoel
Claire Holgate
Edythe Kea y
Leslie Evens,
Fred McHenry
Lizzie Kester
Sadie Bell
Mabel Wood
Rova Hayes
Georgie White
The following deeds
filed for record:
have been
Gorvallis 5t Eastern
Time Card Number 28.
a For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 P- m
V Corvallis 1:45 p. m
" arrives Yaquina.. 5:40 p. m
I .Returning:
Leaves Yaqnina 7:15 a. m
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m
" Arrives Albany... ia:i5 p. m
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis 6:00 a.m.
Leaves Albany 7:30 a. m
Arrives Detroit 12:02 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit. ......... ...12:35 p. m
Arrives Albany 5:15 p. m
Arrives Corvallis. 7:00 p. m.
Train No 2 connects with the S P train
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
Train No. I arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train.
as well as giving two or three hours in
Ainany before departure of S F north
bonnd train.
For further information apply to
N Acting Manager.
H. H. Cronlse, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
For Sale.
Vetch hay. Call on or address
Ai2-tf Spencer,Bicknell, Corvafiis-
T. O. Wilson and wife to J. L.
Underwood, 2 lots bl 29, Avery's
2nd addition to Corvallis, $500.
OAC to Louisa Gardner lot 12I 2-
- - A -'"V,
21, CO. aaa, $500.
T. E. Waggoner et al, 1 1 b lots
bl 6 old town, S800.
Eliza E. Landerking and hus to
Adelia S. Baird, 12 acres near Mon
roe, $500. , '
Wiley Winkle to Parmelia Win
kle, 148 acres near Monroe, $1.
:;. " : .Wanted.
"Women to represent ug in their home
arid adjoining counties to distribute
samples and advertise our goodsl; Sal
ary $21 per week and expenses guaran
teed. : Expenses advanced. ' Experience
unnecessary. Address, with stamp, stat
ing age, Reeve Co. 415 Dearborn st,
For Sale.
Wagons, hacks, plows, harrows, and
mowers, driving horses, draft horses,
buggies and- harness : fresh cows. If
you want to buy, come in. lean save
yon money.
. - H M. Stone.
For Albany Evening Local That
Would Mean no More Round Trips
to Portland in one day.
v Jack Mayo, the well known rail
road man and former Corvallisite
was in town for ari hour Thursday
In addition to his duties as traffic
manager of the Astoria railroad, he Bertha Cramer
has recently been made general Marie Cathey
freight and passenger agent of the Nora Thomson
Corvallis & Eastern, and Thursday Modesta Rosendorf Frances Dilley
stopped over enroute on a Dusmess PearllVincent . Alda Metcalf
trip from Yaquina to Portland. Winnie Michael Pearl Horner
The proposed change of time on
the Albany local, referred to else
where, may interfere seriously with
the Corvallis train facilities. The
local is scheduled to leave Portland
ai six in the evenine, arriving in
Albany so late that the C. & E.
evening train cannot wait for it.
The consequence would be tht
the round trip to Portland in a day
could no longer be made, and that
at a time when it is most desirable,
viz. durine the fair. ' It would
also put the Portland evening pa
pers in this city out of businass in
a large measure, as they would not
reach Corvallis until the morning
Albany mail.
The only way to obviate the
difficulty would be for the evening
train to wait the arrival of the Al
bany local from Portland at nine
o'clock, but that, Mr. Mayo says
it is not likely to be done because
it would involve an extra railroad
crew, which would not pay. All
in all, the prospect for the evening
train service." at the moment, is not
New Gasolene Wood Saw.
I am now ready to attend promptly
to all orders. Ind. phone 835.
; W. R. kansell.
The S. P. is selling round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Satutdays if East side
is taken. Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany.
Wood Srwing.
1 am prepared to saw w ood on
short notice with gasolene wood
saw. .W. E.Bpddiy.
Ind. phone 3sr. "" " - ' ''
All new wall paper at Blackledge 's.
- 150 cords oak wood, stove length ready
lor delivery on snort notice, -L.
L. Brooks
Good Clothes News of Stirring
Interest to Young Men.
We are offering a special line of finely tailored garments
in sizes 30 to 36, designed especially for young men from
age fifteen and up; choice imported and domestic fabrics
made up into "hand-molded" suits of rare style, grace an$
beauty. f
From $7.50 to $16.50.
For Exchange.
A nearly new 3 1-4 farm wagon, four
inch tire will be exchanged for lighter
A- A, J, Irwin, Philomath.
Bell phone 4x3. . '
Trespass Notice. ;
Hunting or fisuing or trespassing on
our premises is. strictly forbidden and
any pei son found violating this notice
will be prosecuted to the fall extent of
the law. ' .
. M. Porter.
' Jesse Porter. ,
J. F. Porter. :
You who have carpenter work, hcuse
painting or papering to let by contract
should get my figures on the same before
placing contracts. . My estimates will
cost yon nothing and might save yon dol
lars. Headquarters at H. M. Stone's
office. - Independent phone. Dixie line
- , - ' " Charles Holt.
Iewis and Clark Exposition.
During the Xewis and Clark ex
position the Southern Pacific com
pany will sell round trip tickets to
Portland, limit 30 days, at one and
one third for the round trip. For
parties of ten or more : traveling on
the one ticket, one fare for the
round trip. For organized parties
of one hundred or more, individ
ual tickets at one fare for the round
trip..- '"v. ''
Stopover of ten days win oe -giv
en at Portland on all one way
tickets reading through that point
during ' the exposition. Tickets
must be deposited with point agent
at Portland and charge 01 50 cents
will be made for extension of time.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate of James
C. Irwin, deceased. -
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that the undersigned has been
duly appointed administrator of the es
tate of said James C. Irwin, deceased, by
the county cour of .Benton county, state
of Oregon. AH persons having claims
against said estate of said James C. Irwin
deceased, are hereby required tc present
the same with the proper vouchers duly
verified as by law required within six
months from the date hereof to the. un
dersigned at his residence near . Bruce,
Benton county, Oregon, or at the law of
fice of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallis, Ore
gon. - - .
Dated this April 29, 1905. -
TEL S. Irwin,
Administrator of the Estate of Tames
C. Irwin, deceased. -
For Sale. V
wheat and Bur bank
Roy Bickard.
Hay For Sale.
Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in the
world. Ind Tel 155. L. L. Brooks.
; : Cord Wood Sale.
Call up No,
1 Phone, P. A. Kline line.
- P. A. Kline. -
: : For Sale. ' .. - .-.
Cigar clippings of our own manufact
ure, aoBt & Bon. m25ti
Blackledge sells refrigerators.
: 4 Broke into His House.
S. LeQnmn of Cavendish, Vt., wa
robbed of his customary health by inva
sion of chronic constipation. When Dr
King's New Life Pills broke into his
house, his trouble was arrested and sow
he's entirely cared. They're guaranteed
to cure. '25c at Allen & Woodward' drag
You Can't Go
It you take the right road to Hoilenberg & Cady's furniture store They
keep everything for House Furnishing. If you need a stove or range
don't forget us. The Charter Oak and Toledo Ranges are fully warran
teed. We are having great success with these ranges. They have all
the latest improvements and we sell them with or without reserivoirs.
;We have reduced the price on all our new cook stoves and can sell
you a good stove at a nominal price. Old stoves taken m exchange.
Remember we set up these stoves and guarantee satisfaction.
N. B. We Sell Refrigerators,
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Dry Fir Wood
At I3.50 per cord. Orders solicited
for grub oak for summer delivery.
Frank Francisco,
For shoe repairing see Fowells
ond door west of Berman grocery.
Ladies! - If too once use Com
pressed Yeast, you will have no
other. - Ask for
Yon will find full line of flooring Rus
tic and finishing lumber at the Benton
County lumber yards opposite S, P. de
pot. Our No. 3 grade of the above can-
and see..
mi 5-tf
C M.
For Bicycles, Ammun
ition, Pishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
J K Berry, Salesman
The Right Prices.
Two Doors South
All Fresh Goods,
of the Post Office.