The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 20, 1905, Image 4

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; The Comings and Goings of People
, Social Gossip, Personal M$n- "
tion and Other Items of
. Public Interest..
After ,a six weeks' tussle with
typhoid lever, Robert Johnson is
able to be about town.
... Rev. E. F. Green will go to
Brownsville to address the'Y. P. S
C. E. convention Saturday morn-
Reports ' , from neighboring
farms is that aphis abounds on
growing wheat, and warm weather
is longed for as a means of driving
, the bugs away. '
Rev. Carrick, formerly of Cor
vallis, was installed as pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Browns
ville Thursday night. Rev. Bush
of the Corvallis Presbyterian church
conducted the installation service.
A. S. Hulburt got returns from
three and a half dozen broilers
shipped to Portland the other day.
The birds were eight weeks old,
and" netted $5.25 per dozen. He
has already about 600 young chicks
on his farm and there is an -:. addi
tional 320 eggs in the incubators.
Much talk has already been
created by the cantata to be - given
June 2nd under the direction of
Prof. Taillandier. The proceeds
are to go to the Young Men's
Chistian Association building fund.
It is anticipated that this occasion
will be patronized as liberally as it
Next Sunday r morning the
pastor of the Christian church will
preach on the subject, "The city of
God. At 8 p.m. he - will talk a-
bout a man that offered a preacher
' over $50,000 for his services, (it is
needless to say that this man does
' not live in Corvallis) . All are
welcome to attend these services.
A general desire has ; been ex
pressed for a repetition of the popu
lar cantata rendered on Easter Sun-
, day by the Presbyterian : church
choir. The evening that it was
given scores of people were turned
away at the doors and went away
without being able even to gain ad
mittance to tne building, ah tnese
. and many of those who heard the
music are anxious to have the can
. teta repeated. Such a repetition
would undoubtedly draw , a large
.' audience. : 1 '
Qutat his home in Wren' pre
cinct. Tames Robinson, a well
known and highly esteemed pion
eer resident of Benton is slowly dy
ing. William Ryals was in town
Wednesday, after being at the bed
side the day before. His account
is that the vcuce of the patient is
scarci to be heard above a whis-
per, and that, on account of weak-
. ness, only a few words - can be
spoken at a time. The malady is
consumption, and the sufferer tells
his friends that the end cannot be
long postponed. Mr. Robinson is
one of the good men of the county,
and bis friends are legion. .
The purpose of the Rose Fair
to be given by the Presbyterian
ladies Saturday evening is to culti-
Nte a love of flowers and to pro
cote rivalry in their oroduction.
it is the plan to make "the event one
of annual recurrence, and probably
to add to it a Chrysanthemum Fair
in the autumn: , The- purpose de
serves encouragement, because the
beautifying of homes and the con
version of dooryards into bowers of
. loses and other flower beauty is a
condition that, once achieved,
would thereafter be a source of per
petual enjoyment. ' kThen when the
traveler should come to Corvallis,
he would love to linger long within
sts limits. ' ;
t The funeral of the late John
Peterson occurred from . the family
home at Inavale .Wednesday. The
service was conducted by Rev B.
F. Totten. , A large gathering of
neighbors and acquaintances were
present to pay a last tribute of re
spect to the dead. " The burial was
at Locke Cemetery, 20 miles distant
from the home. The deceased was
born in Denmark, February 26,
1830, and became a citizen of the
United States in September 1859.
,He was married to Anna C. Han
. son at Morley Michigan, and from
there went to Texas to reside. In
1886 the family came to Oregon
and settled in Benton county The
deceased was a member from child
hood of the Lutheran church; The
- wife died September 5, 1889. The
survivors are two daughters and
': three sons.
Ssrvices at the Catbolic church
at the usual time tomorrow. The
new tll will not be blessed till some
time next June.
In Alsea the other day the Al
sea Cemetery Association was re
organized. A former organization
of the kind fell to pieces, and the
Alsea graveyard over which it pre
sided fell into a similar condition of
decay. An appeal, was made' for
better conditions, and a reorgamz
ing meeting named S. N. Warfield,
(i. T. Vernon and U. J. KQble a
board of trustees to taka care of the
cemetery. A. committee of three of
which A. L. Clark and Willis Vid
ito are members was appointed to
prepare by-la've.
The annual contests between
0. A. C. and U. of 0. on gridiron
and trm-k are by al! odds the two
moat interesting athletic events of
the year. They draw out more ab
sorbing jctrest than moit other
evenie, because of the unrivalled
prominence of the two institutions.
Next Saturoay one of these events
s ta occur on O. A. C. field. It
will be the aocual field and track
meet, and it will involve the beet
energies of ths best athletes of both
ottitutiocs. Last vear at Eugene
O. Al C. defeated the University
men badly, but tneir team is
strengthened this year, and the con
test promises to be close and excit
ing. All along the line, the con
tests will show b-tter powers and
tter trainicg than has ever been
exhibited before on O. A. C. field.
Tne meet will be the last to occur
this season on college field, and
that, with the absorbing interest
that otherwise attaches ta the occa
sion is certain to draw a great big
crowd.'. ' "
At Summit.
School is progressing nicely with
R. Miller, of Sbedds, as teacher,
and 30 pupils in attendance.
Mrs. Jack. Coe is visiting her
mother at Albany.
J. N. McFadden and Mr. Avery
of Corvallis, were Summit visit
ors Wednesday.
Otto Wo'.dt visited at this place
last week.
Several are leaving for the chit-
tini fields from here. ' .
Mrs. Needham, of Turn Turn,
made us a call Tuesday.
Clyde Fox bad business at Sum
mit Sunday. ; '
Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Butler, cf
Blodgftt, visited at the Skaggs
home Sunday.
.. . ...... ..
Laura 8kagg3 has returned home
from Yequioa City.
R. Q, M'ller is trjnig to organize
a braes band.
. 200,00o lbs clean vetch seed in etrong
sacks -1905 crop If you have vetch seed
for sale, correspond, with me.
' - L. L. Brooks. :"
Not a Sick Day Since.
"I was taken severely sick with kidney
trouble. I tiied all sorts of medicines.
none of which relieved me. One day I
saw an ad. of yonr .Electric Bitters and
determined to try that. After taking
a few (doses I felt relieved, and soon
thereafter was entirely cured, and have
not seen a sick day since.' Neighbors of
mine have been cured of Kheumatistn,
Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles
and General Debilitv." This is what B
FBass, of Fremont, Nt-C writes. Only
50c, at Allen & Woodward's and Davis
& Son, Philomath.
r "
label, . "- &Jg'
" . Summons
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon
for the County of Jenton. - ,
J. H. Moore, Plaintiff, vs. Lyle L. L. Howe,
Aggie M. Howe, T. C. Baker, A. A. Baker and
E. D. Baiter, defendants. ,
- To Lyle L. L. Howe. Amrle M. Howe, T. C.
Baker, A. A. Baker and t. D. -Biker, detend
snts above named.
Tn the name of the State of Oregon : You are
hprebv reo ulred to aoDear and answer the com
plaint filed against yon in the above entitle d
suit on or before the 1st day of July. 1905. An d
It you fall to so appear or answer plaintiff will
take a decree of the court tor toe reUef prayed
for in the complaint herein, tow.t:
For a judgment against the defendants.
Lyle li. JU Mowe, Aggie m. tiowe, tor tne sum
ol tloOo.09 In United Suites Quid Coin with the
Interest thereon In like goia coin at trie rate 01
six per cent per annum from My 1, lo4, and
for the further sum of $350.00 attorney teen to
getner with the costs and disbursements of this
suit and f r an order and decree of said court ft r
the sale of the following described real prop
erty in satisfaction thereof towlt:
Tne original donation land claim ot jacoD
Modle and Eachael Modi, his wife. Deing claim
tio. 46 Not. No. 2678 In Sections 28 27-85 and 81 in
Township 10, South of Bange five West of tne
Will Mer. containing 319.91 acres moie or legs
Excepting therefrom ten acres sold by Jacob
Modle to anas n. clones on tne otn oi august,
1858 by deed recorded on page 114 Book "E ' re
cord oi deeds of Benton county, Oregon; . and
also excepting 24,75 acrs sod by Jacob Modi
to John Bums on the 30th dy of May, 1867, by
deed recorded on page 64(5, Book "G" record of
deeds pi Kenton county, iwegon.j
Also the following: Being the original Dona
tion LandClaim oi William 11. Garrison, towlt:
Commencing at the South west corner of Claim
No. 40 of Jacob llodie and wife in T. 16 S. R. 5
W, Will Mer. thence running South to the Hue
dividing Section 34 East and West, thence East
16.) rods, thence North 80 rods, theuce East 81)
ioos, thence JSorth 80 rods, thence West abont
12 rods, thence Souta about 27 rods to the south
east corner of said Claim No. 46, thence west to
the placa of beginning, containing 150 acres,
more or less.
Also the following towit: The Southwest
quarter of the Northeast quart ar; the West half
of the Southeast quarter: and the -southeast
quarter of the Northwest quarter, of Section 35 s
and the northeast quarter of tne Southeast
quarter of Section 34, all in T. 10 S. E. 5 . West
Will, Mer. containing 200 acres more or less.
excepting from the land last above one acre
sold by J. H. Moore, and Elizabeth, bis wife, to
School District No. 32 on Benton .County, fcOre-
gon on the tn oay oi April, iuo. d- aeeo. re
corded on page 30s of Book 37, record of deeds
of Benton oounty, 'Oregon. All of the said des
cribed premises lying and being situated in Ben
ton County. St ,teof Oregon, amounting to 634,16
acres, more or less, xogemer wim ail ana
singular the tenements hereditaments and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging of In any
wise appertaining, and the remainder and re
mainders, reversion and reversions, rents, is
sues and nrofits thereof- and also all the light.
title, estate, interest, dower or right of dower
property, possession, Claim ana aemana what
soever ot the said defendants of, in and to tbe
above described premises and every part and
parcel thereof with the appurtenances by the
Sherifl of Benton County, Oregon, in the man
ner prescribed by lawt and ;that the proceeds
arising from such sale be applied to the pay
ment of the costs and disbursements of this suit
and the expenses of such sale, and the amount
decreed to be due plaintiff on the said $4,500.00
evidenced by five certain promissory notes with
the interest thereon at the rate of six per ceut
per annum from May 1st, 1904, and described in
a certain mortgage heretofore (executed by Lyle
X,. 1.. Howe ana Aggie At. Howe, his wife, aud re
corded on the 3rd day of May, 1902, in Book : S"
of Mortgages at page 334 thereof; oi Bentou
Countv, Oregon, In which this plaintlrlls the
mortgagee, and including attorney lees in the
sum of SodO.OO and that the plaintiff . have the
right - to become the purchaser atuch sale, and
that tne anerin.mau.iug sucnsaie ueuirecieu w
put the purchaser at the sale to be made herein
in the immediate possession of said premises,
and toevlct anyaua allot the defendants here
in, and all persons holding through them since
May 3rd, 1902, from said premises. And that the
said defendants and all other persons claiming
any right, tiUe and interest of, m or to said
preiiioeb through or unoer euner oi me saia at
tendants since the 3rd day ot May, 1902, be for
ever debarred and foreclosed ot all light, title.
Interest, claim, lienor estate, or iqulty ot re
demption of, In or to the said premises. ' Save
only tne Statutory right of redemption.
Tne time prescribed for the publication oi
thle Summons Is six successive weeks in corval-
is Tunes and the date of the first publication
thereon Is May 20th, an 1 the last -publication
thereon is July 1st, 1905.. Thlssummons is pub
lished by order of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters,
County J udge ot Benton county, Oregon, oi date
aiay nth, i9o..
Y. S. McFadden, Attorney for Plain titf.
Diamond "Chick Food.
Head Light oil the best for incubators.
Field and garden eeeds at
- Hay For Sale. . , '
Vfcb and alfalfa, best cow hay in the
woi-ii. Ind Tel 155. L. I,. Brooks.
For Sale.
2 good milch cows and 5 head of
young cattle cheap. Call on John
Petti son, Corvallis, or F. C. Peter
son, Inavale. ;
; A ladys money purse. k Owner can
have same by proving. property and pay
ing for this notice, -
is a grace and style in the cut of
a suit or overcoat made by the Bell -System
that is particularly pleasing.
Carefully constructed of the most ser
viceable materials, the label . of the
Bell System assures you the
, garment to be found anywhere.
The Bell System fronts are so constructed .
that they retain their graceful set
throughout the entire life of the coat. .
. Designed and Tailored by ' . ,-v
Stern, Lauer, Shohl & Co. ,
Cincinnati, O.
J- Pi Harris
When you get a hurry
call for Trousers for knocks
about or Sunday best-there's
one sure place you can rely
on, and that's right here. If
you're looking for values you
can t do better than "Wer-
nermade Pants."
- When pou reach the question of "fit" try them on you
will wonder why you paid more for the kind you're wearing
Know where to come for Trousers. Be posted on
"Wernermade" stfles and Wernermade" prices $1 to $5
Patent Flour
ThV a handsome
A a with every
Old Glory
Roast Goffee
This coffee is packed in four pound
tins and warranted to be of the
finest quality. For sale at
Tlodes Grocery
. Use
'-Patent Flour
:mm ' do mot, oftem : Q
Our ad., but our goods change hands
I every day. Your money exchanged
, for Value and Quality is the idea.
w -
Domestic and Imported.
Plain anfl Fancy CMnaware
A large and
We always keep Vegetables when
when they are toba had .
e; B Bornlna;
Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Sewing M ach. Extras,
Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery
If you are looking foKsome real good bargains , in
Stock, Grain, Fruit, and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you Sail the reliable information you wish, also i
showing you over the country. . :
Real Estate,' Loan and Insurance -Gorvallis
and Philomath, Oregon.; .
Patent Flour
cup and saucer
can of
3 , tS1
use ; ;
Patent Flour "
e Fresh Groceries
varied line.
- Physician & Surgeon
OSce, room 14, BasK Eldg. . Hoarit
- ' IO to 12 and 2 Co .
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Ccrvallis, Oregon.
P. A. Klines line Phone r.
O. Address, Box n. .
Fays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience. .
"Short on Peruns but "Ivong"
on prunes, .cplian prunes, 50-pound
boxes, $1.50.1. F. L Miller.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Both Phones
E. R. Bryson,
Physician & Surgeon
OfBce over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth Bnd Jeffereon streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graharo & v ""ham's drug store.
Urst Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
Physician &ISurgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Bricfc:
idence on the corner of Madison
Seventh at. Phone it h) 1521 1 n
Notice of Sheriff's Sale. . ":.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue ot a de
cree, execution aud order of stile, Issued out of
the circuit cou; t ol the State of Oregon for tne
County of Benton, bearing date of April 13th,
m'D, utmer tne sai ot sti i court, on a aecree
aud order of sale in favor of Mary H. Whitby,
plaintiff, and against M. P. Totten and'Leah J.
Totteu, defendants, for the sum of four hund
red ninety and 38 lOo dollars, 8490.38, with in
terest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per .
annum from date of said decree unttl paid and
the further sum ol forty nine dollars, ?iy.uu, at
torneys fees, and for the further sum of forty
eight dollars, $48.00, costs and disbursements
oiisaid suit, which said decree ws auly enter.
ed in said court on the 27th day of March.- 1905,
and duly docketed on- the 77tn oi Marco, isms, m
a suit wherein Mary J -H. Whitby was plaintiff,
and Roscoe E. Edwards, Alice Edwards, Augus
ta Strake, John Strake, M. P. Totten, Leah 1.
Totten, et al, were defendants; said decree, ex
ecution and order of sale to me delivered, com
manding me as sheriff of Benton county, Ore
gon, to sell in the manner prnvuea Dy law ior
tbe saleot real oronertv on execution, all of the
following described real property towlt. The
South west quarter ot tne aortn jbnst quarter;
the North East quarter ot the South West quart
er, the South East qnarter of the Njith West
quarter, and the Nor'h West quarter of - the '
South East quarter of Section Eight s in Town'
ship 14 R. S W. of the Willamette Meridan In
Beuton County, Orpffoit, together with all the
tenements, neriuitnruenis una appurtenances -thereunto
belonging or in any wise Appertain
ine: and in obedience to the command of said
decree, execution and order of sale I will on Sat ''
urday. the wia oay oi juay, iwo. at tne uuur oi.
two o'clock p. m, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the front
door of the Court House iu the City of Corvallis,
Benton county Oregon, the above described
premises to satisfy saia sums ot money, costs
ana accruing costs,
April 22, 1905. M.P.Burnett.
t Sheriff ot Benton County, Oregon,
Referee's Notice ofSale of Real
Notice Is hereby given that under and by vir-.
tue of a decree and order of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton
made the 27th day of March, 1905, in a suit
wherein George T. Vernon was plaintiff, and N.
P. Slate et al, were defendants, appointing the
nderslgned referee, to sell the hereinafter des
cribed real property, and directing the sale ot
said property. Now therefore In pursuance
to the said order and decree, I will on the 13th
day of May ,1905, at the hour of two o'clock p.
m. at the Court House door, in the City of Cor
vallis, Benton County, Oregon, sell af public
auction to the highest bidder, for cash In hand,
the following described real estate towlt: Lots
one and two ot Section 2 Tp. 14 S. B. 8 West Wil
lamette Meridan, in Benton County, Oregon,
contnininff 13.61 acres of land more or less, to
gether with the appurtenances thereunto belonging-
Said sale will be made In the man
ner required by law for the sale of real proper
ty on execution.
M. f. uurnett, neieree.
Dated this 15th day ot April, 1905. ; ,
Banking Company
. Deals in Foreign and Domestic
. ' Exchange. '
Boys County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND 7 fTh.e Bank o ':
SEATTLE - r ( California '
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The.Kepttb-
Ho. '
LONDON, ENG N M Rothschilds ft Sons
CANADA, Ualoa Bank of Oanada