The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 20, 1905, Image 1

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    Hi! (rtMKv l
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: ' : -W il llll :1EP
Vol. XVIII -No. 11.
v B. F. IKVimS Editor.
V- na Proprietor
) - r
V 1 . - r A I R a ' I E W K V V . - MW. M M B a I i? I
BTJB . V . .... tf
The Famous Busy Bee
, We now have on exhibition at our store the
above Graphone. Its - excellence can better be
appreciated by inspection. The pleasure of every
family can be a4ded to by having, one. Trada
$20 with us and get the Graphone free. Only
one given to each home. We have, an immense
line ; of merchandise , ; embracing . all the newest
y creations for you to make your selections. Big
gest line of, shoes. 1 The ''Bell . System "clothing"
highest grade. . Call and See
' Purchases to be made by Jane 15th.
Fine Light Sample-Rooms.
I J. C. Hammel, Prop.
PRISONMENT. ; in orvdllis. Recently opened. New
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes, Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
Rates: $1 .00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
For Shces Qothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery,
Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, see. 3 - 2 - . ' V
Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce
r" ' - . " . ' ' ' "
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
Popular Grocery & Crockery
Good Things For Eating
Always Fresh
Dairies, tasty and good.
Fresh and always direct
from the hens. .
Sweet and sour,
bottle and bulk.
See our Garden
Hienzes I Truck, nothing but best.
o ,
grown by good gardeners.
' The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market.
All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best
' groceries for the least money.
District Attorney AbandonB the
Charge and Recommands Her.
Discharge Danounces the -Newspapers
for Lying r
and Creating Sym- ::-:
pathy for Accused.
New York, May 12. Nan Patter
son, the one-time iaoroaora snow-
girl, was released from the - Tombs
prison today, after almost ' a year
within its walls awaiting a deter
mination of the charge that ihe had
murdered" her protector, Caesar
Young, a - racetrack' . bookmaker.
She will go to Washington tonight.
She was loudly cheered by a crowd
of 2000 persons as she left the pris
Her release was made at the' in
stance of District Attorney Jerome,
who said he did not beheye another
trial would result other than in a
disagreements At the same time he
declared that there had been a seri
ous miscarriage of justice. He said
many of the newspapers had labor
ed to create sympathy for the girl,'i
and that this case had. causea-ne
more step in - this course inwards
trial by newspapers ratbsrAhan trii
al by jury-'' . -i'''
He.criticised the newspapers for
their statements about jthe expanses
of the case, declaring that- thejt had
made ."gross? misrepresentation 3 of
the cost -of thetrials," -arid accounts
of "enormous expenditures' flaunted
beioreAtbe pu hue;' '.were erroneous.
He-said that hie own auditor had
made an estimate of the .cost of. the
case, which "did nOtMexceed: $8,UUU;
. ' He approved of all his " assistant,
.Mr'. Rand, had done or said in con
ducting the case and declared - that
the attacks upon his chief of -staff,
a a he teivned, Mr; Rand werewlil-
iui auu uJbuuaMuuo) auj wai
though made by his ''professional
brethren), he considered them un
j as t in the extreme. He said h.9
upheld Mr. Kand in .everything
that be did during the trials, and
considered nis conduct ot tne - case
an exhibition of bravery on his part.
He concluded:
"The people for whom I care, ap
prove our action. $ rom the same
part ot tne community we nave rer
ceived nothing but fairness. I have
information that admits of no doubt
that there was unanimity in the
jury room on three pointB: First-
Morgan Smith bought the pistol
second Nan Patterson took the
pistol in the cab with her
third Caesar YouDg did not com
mit suicide. I ask that the prison
er be discharged on her own recog
nizance." - '
Mi9s ratterfon, when Bhe came
into court, was smiling gaily, bat
as the Recorder began to address her
the tears came into her eyes and
before he concluded she was weep
ing. The recorder spoke with a
kindly note in his voice that seem'
ed to affect her verv much. He
said: .
"ine district attorney nas seen
fit to recommend your discharge,
fully coincide with him, and believe
that the interests of juetice will be
fully subserved by granting this
motion. There have been two tri
ais, ana in eacn ot tnem toe jury
failed to agree. These two trials
must have been terrible ordeals to
"There is nothing I can add to
this case that has not already been
said, but let me entreat you in all
your future life to remember the
terrible experience through which
you have just passed, and permit
every action of your life hereafter
to be guided by that experience.
feel sure that you will do so. that
you will remember your ordeal."
as miss Patterson 'ielt tne enm
inal courtroom she was met at the
threshold by her father, who threw
his arms around her and exclaimed
"thank God, my daughter."
as sne iett tne nuiiding she was
driven to her two lawyers' office
where she remained a short time,
When she left there, another great
outburst ot cheering and handclap
pingbya ciowd greeted her. She
then went to the St. Paul hotel
where she had lived before Young
. At the St. Paul Miss Patterson
received a number of newspaper
photographers and sketch artist
who wished to have a good portrait
of bet.. -: She said . the newspapers,
had treated her so -well that she
coulo .lot refuse - when thev' asked
the prilege of photographing her.
t wa iter desire ts go to Washing
ton , ?t once, - but she feared
she .'si'tild - not , s ett ujeadv . ij
time t j go Ibis afternoon, as it was
necessary to have a nonterence with
Mr. Lfvy,.her . senior , counsel) " be
fore gtfrjg away. S ' ' -
At any rate, ehs hoped to go away'
tomoiow, x She could not believe
she w&f tree, she eaid: Thevride
up Boadwaybewi!dered her'iiorr- a
time, -bit she declared ehe-was Very
appv and very gratefullo the ma
ny wKo' had been kind to her.
Mies Patterson declared she would
not thef Etage. . Her one
idea, she said, was to get home as
quickly as possible and take a loisg
resi.-. v, . - .
J. Magan Smith and his wife
Mrs. Juiia Smith, Nan Patterso6'
sister,' were discharged from .custo,-
dy by Judge Cowing in the court of
general tessions today. Roth had
been Ijeld on a charge of conspiracy
in coiicction's, with , the Patterson
case. " As soon as he wa? discharg
ed. Smith was rearrested on an at
tachment for, failing to obey -a sub
poena issued by the grand ; jary,
and 513 committed to i tle Tornba
prison for examination &a Tuesday
ptKAtg the. proceedings counsel
tor Saiits. Eaid in answer to a direct
question by 'Mr; Jerome s that his
client would admit - that- he ' fled state in willful defiance
of tho, court, and this . action was
taken on advice or counsel for Miss
Patttson. - ' t
Counsel for Smith Baid he would
make, application ' before the su
preme court for" a writ of habeas
corpu to tree mm. - Mr. Jerome re
plied, that he would do what he
could to aid in Smith's release, and.
JadgB Cowiagj upon signing the or
der tor commitment oL Smith, said
be wa also agreeable, and if hehad
arreti' sn any way the supreme court
woo?, adjust r. the matter. Judge,
Cowl ng then fined , Smith $250 faer
QontEjpt of court in failing to obey
the tbn?na nrvd qo jm:...'.
Ibis afternoon Miss Patterson
received a check for several hun
dred dollars, and at once sent $250
downtown to pay Smith's fine.
ine remainder ot the amount was
turned over to Smith's counsel
part payment of his fee.
The name of the sender of the
cbeok was not revealed.
Evidence. Very strong at Examiria
Vma'tiat Frank Rie? Killed
. His Neighbor and Burned
' ' Body With Cabin to
, t Hide Crime. -v '
The Dalles, - Or., May 17. The
disappearance of Mrs Riggs, the
that it perhaps does to others. Since
the arrest of Ries there have been -murmuringa
thai the affair would
not end there. - . 'y
Mrs. Riggs: left here last nighf'
for The Dalles in companv -with
eight other witnesses who had been
subpoenaed: by JJLsrrict Attorney
Menefes to appear at the prelimin
ary examination of Frank Ries
whom the coroner's jury charged
with the deathof Foss found burned
in his cabin last Friday morning.
H. A. Thomas, a brother of Mre.
Riggs, returned this afternoon from
The Dalles. W. H. Wilson, Ries'
attorney, was here at the time and
Thomas left word , that Mrs. Riggs
had been taken sick and could cot
m. 4. wff imiii imu run u w ii 1 1 u l: u car r n a n nr v n
wuiuau in .iuo ffVBS;wutuer unoo, u Knl,i( !
after coming to thisJ city in o.r;'ll fr't
. , ------ -- . M f. MW, UM. .- I, .
ine umBtiiia House on the t-rnvaJ''
of the early train this evening from :
Hood .River. " - J? i
ence to a subpoena, and the start
ling evidence given at the prelimin
ary examination of Frank Ries,
charged with . the death, of Mr.
Foss, tending to. prove that the - fa
tarshots were x fired from . airifie
owned by the. widow, were -the . da
velopments of the daj "
' as aTcouii vi -iuo cAamiuiiuuu
an information wilt be filed against
Ries at the end -of thia week. -Court
meets . Monday and the case - will
undoubtedly be brought up the first
of next week. ' J VV- "'
MrSRiggBawidow,- lives in the
Upper Hood Riverv Valley; in ? the
Mount Hood settlement. .- Not' far
from her home, :stood the cabin of
James Foss, a bachelor, -" aged - 50
years, of "eccentric habits.' - Foss
dm an anmtFRl1 -nf Mra vHinwa oa
Frank .Ries, ftvsneighboringcynIl i0"S Bg
a and -Hies -.had at WMojor me sai
rancner. oss
numerous times fallen ut and riv
alry Sol the widow's -'j hand-' sdemed
Fathmark will make the season at
Corvallis and at my home, In Corvallis
Thurs, Fri. and Sat. The rest of the
week at my borne, fathmark was sued
by I'atnmont, and Fatnmont was sired
by Altamont. Pathmark.s record ia
2.U !4; .rammont's 2.9JI. jfatnmark's
dam is Juliette, who was sired by Tibolt,
and Tipoli by Alumont. Juliette's record
ia 2.22. Pathmark is standard bred and
registered in every respect: is 16 hands
high: color dark dapple bay; weight, ov
er 1200 lbs. Terms $15, $20 and 25.
Money due when mare is known to be
with foal. Good pasture free of charge
from a distance. Responsible for no accidents.
A15-6W Jesse Brown.
Ufa, Russia, May 16. Major
General Scklavoeky, governor-gen
eral of the Province of Ufa, was
fired at several times and seriously
wounded this morning in the pub-
he garden during an entertainment.
His assailant disappeared. v
JGrPr.eral Soklavosky's life is de-
rirert ot, tnouan ne retains com
plete consciousness.
Vice Uovernor Bogdanovitch has
taken over the administration of
the province.
A Good Suggestion.
Mr. C. B. Wainwrieht of Lemon City,
Fla., has written the manufacturers that
much better results are obtained from
the use of Chatnbeilain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhosa Remedy in cases of pains
in the stomach, colic and cholera mor
bus by taking it in water as hot as can
be drank. That when taken in this way
the' effect ia double in rapidity, "It
seems to get at the right spot instantly,'
he says. For sale by Graham & Wor-
tham. .
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Very Best. '
"I have been using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and want to say it is the
best cough medicine I have ever taken,
says George L. Chubb, a merchant of
Harlan. Mich. There is no question
about its being the best, as it will cure a
cough or cold in less time than any other
treatment, it should always be kept in
the house ready for instant use for a cold
can be cured in much less time when
promptly treated. For sale by Graham
& Wortham. '. v
tdf haye much ia do with it. -.
Thursday evening. May H. the
rivals met and had a' war of words.
RieS stopped - immediately after
at the home of J. N. Knight, told
his tale and said he thought strong
ly ofjAng home after bis rifle , to
ki Foss. , ' ;J. h J-r
At 9:30 Bev'eral. Tifla shots ' were
heard in the-vift'Dity'of Fo3 j5biri.
George Perkins, a near- neighbor,
ran a quarter ot a mile to the place.
As be came np he heard a bolt w:th-
came out, gun in hind. Ries then
told Perkins he bad killed Foss and
announced that he was about to
bum the cabin.
As eood as Perkins could get
away he fled for home and eat all
night with a rifle e cross his knees,
fearing death,, for Ries had com
manded him not to tell, what he
bad seen or heard. A bright light
soon showed the destruction of the
scene of the tragedy. Foss' body
was found in the ruins the next
day, badly charred, but with enough
intact to show the perforation of
bullets. Ries' arrest followed.
This much of the story was ob
tained from the witnesses from
Mount Hood. Most of it had come
out at the coroner's inqneEt, which
charged Ries with the killing.The in
troduction of Mrs. Riggs in the-case
It was shown conclusively that
the rifle used was the property of
Mrs. Riggs. The gun was found
the next day in her house, and two
of the shells fitted the weapon.
These shells were picked up, one
at what was the door to the burned
cabin, the other in the road in front
of the place. '. No trace was found
of the other five shells fired. The
shells were old ones and had been
Ries owned no gun of his own.
It was shown to have been possible
for him to have reached Mrs. Riggs'
place and returned, by means of a
by-path, 60 that he would not have
been observed.
In answer to the summons of the
court Mrs. Riggs came to The
Dalles last night and registered at
a hotel. This morning she went to
her lawyer's office to consult him
in regard to the claim on which
she lived. -This claim had been
taken up by her husband, and there
was some trouble about the title.
Foss is eaid to have been in posses
sion oi information that was vital
to Mrs. Riggs' title. , Mrs. Riggs
left her lawyer's office with the
avowed intention of going to the
district attorney's office. She has
not been seen since. The examin
ation was delayed somewhat by the
widow's non attendance. V
VSt,'- PeterrburgMay- fr. Thef.
Bhoating 'of . Major-GeneraliSokla- '
vosky, i governor-general o& fUfA
yesterday, is the. second ctime , of $
this1 nature "which has occurred ' at
Ufa within two years, .his predecea- 1
eor, General BDgdanpyitch..having ' :
been assassinated in th-6treeterOB -:'
May 19; 1903. General Soklavosky
whawas yice-governof of Orenburg -.v
and later, as miUtary", governor 1 of,-1
the same province, acquired a rep-0
utation as a stern and vigorous of- v
ficialj'waB appointed ' to restore or- i
der in the turbulent government of
Ufa, and adopted a" repressive poli-.
caused him to m i u
same fate as Bogda-
novitch. r, .
Numerous revolulianary' societies -i
were broken up by General .Sokla-V
vosky and manifestations- were not
permitted under, his administration
and. the last acts of the governor"
general were the dispersal of an an-:;4:
ti-governmentaV clu b. and the " enp ' -pression
of the Mayday demonstra- . ;
tion with the arrest pf many armed -
;:. ' :
Hood River, Or., May 17. ;To
many people within the immediate
neighborhood of the recent tragedy
in which Foss lost his life and
whose body was cremated for the
purpose of hiding a crime, the re
ported disappearance of the widow
Riggs does not cause the sensation
Warsaw, May i6.-There were
disturbances in the Jewish quarters
this eveniog. Police wtreattacked -by
a mob and forced to take refuge .. -in
the hffarkef halT; froiifWiiltrtrtJiejr---
shot and killed one and wounded
another of the rioters, i:
The workmen's committee issued -
a manifesto today denouncing agi-'
itators, eaying they had deceived .
the workmen, who had been led to
believe a general revolution was
afoot throughout Russia and as a
result a number had been killed
without gain. The committee im- ' .
plored the workmen to return to
work and secure their ' aims by
peaceful measures.
A message by telephone from
Lodz reports tb at slight disorders
continue, but that many are return
ing to work.
St. Petersburg, May 16. The '
pioneer Russian political club has
been under the auspices of Baron
Tieznhausen and other prominent'
moderate liberals, and has been au
thorized by Interior Minister , Bou-
ligan. This example is expected
to be followed at Moscow and else
where. The formation of author
ized clubs for the . discussion and
propagation of political ideas will
mark a distinctly new phase in the ."
reform movement.
With the passing of the Russian
May day many foreign newspaper
correspondents who expected an in
terior crisis in the spring, are leav
ing St. Petersburg, convinced that
all prospects of serious disorders is
over for the preeect.
Riga, European Rassia, May 16,
Two policemen were killed by un- .'
known persons at midnight near
Gupenburg Park. A bomb waa
thrown at a police patrol, with the
result that a police commissioner -was
wounded and a policeman was
killed. A policeman, among those
who pursued the bombthrowers,
was shot and killed by the assas
sins, who' were armed with revolvers.-
St. Petersburg, May 16. The
court of appeals has decided that
the sentencing of four persons con
demned to death at Warsaw by a
military court-martial for aHempts '
on the life of Chief of Police von
Nolken and other official of that
city, waa illegal, as martial law did
not exist there at the time. The
prisoners will be tried again before
a civil court.
For Sale.
Cigar clippings of onr own manufact
ure, Rose & Son. ' D225 tf
- ' -
3, :