The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 10, 1905, Image 4

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The CamJngs and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men- ,
tion and Other Items
. Public Interest.
Clyde Fox, C. & E. agent at
Philomath, was the guest of Cor-
va!lis friends over Sunday.
R. E. Gibson of Portland has
been in Corvallis for several days.
Born, Monday, to Mr. and
Mrs. James K. Berry, a son.
Barnum and Bailey's circus,
"the largest show on earth' ' will
exhibit in Portland in August.
E. E. White departed Satur
day for the East, where he will
look after business interests.
- Miss Nellie Jones of Summit
is the guest of friends in Corvallis.
She arrived yesterday.
Rev. Handsaker, formerly
pastor of ' the Christian church in
Corvallis, has been in the city the
past few days.
Mrsl A. J. Hall returned Sun
s day to her home in' Polk county,
after a several days visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Hall.
" Mrs. Woldt and daughter left
Monday for Portland, to ..reside.
.Otto joins them there on the 15th.
Robert Horning and Will
lane spent Sunday with relatives
at Rowland, a few miles East of
Mr. and Mrs Thomas Alex
ander of Kings Valley came in Sat:
urday, and Mr. Alexander went to
Portland Sunday, r returning the
same evening.
Mrs. Charles Everett, accompan
ied by two of her little sons, leaves
today for a three weeks' visit
with Portland relatives.
Mrs. Nettie Stow of Holbrook
Nebraska, arrived Sunday for a
two month's visit at the home of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Miss Edna Groves returned
Saturday evening from Hood Riv
' er where . she has been teaching
in the public schools during the
past year. - "
s Mrs. J. A. Mears of ; Polk
county was the guest last week of
her parents, Mr.- and Mrs. R. N.
White, in Corvallis. She returned
home Monday. '
Mi?s LuIj Locke .returned to
her home near Independence San
day, after a two week's visit with
relatives in and near Corvallis.
Jay Cooler was a Portland
visitor from Saturday until Mon
day. During his absence, rural
route number one was served by
.:. Chancey Levee.
At the meeting of the Men's
Club of the Congregational church
on Friday everting of this week at
7:30. Prcf. A. B. Cordley will
speak on "Insects in Relation to
Public Health," and Prof. ' Pernot
on "Bacteria in Relation to Public
; Health." You are cordially in
vited to attend.
There were several especially
glod features in the services Sun
day morning and evening at the
First Methodist church. Two an
thems, "Great is the Lord," and
'Thy Will, not Mine, O Lord,"
were well rendered by the choir,
In the evening, Collie Cathey gave
an excellent vocal solo, Face to
Face," that has since-been spoken
highly of by many who were ore3
, A large stretch of street gra'c'e
has just been completed by the city,
In all, 31 blocks, covering a dis
tance of nearly two miles has been
graded and rolled, and is now
ready for gravel. The streets im
proved, cover 10 blocks on Polk in
Job:s addition, eight blocks on Van
Buren in ' Wilkin's addition, five
blocks on 'Harrison from White
horn's house to the United Evan
gelical church, three blocks near
the carriage factory and five blocks
- in various stretches of one block
each in Wilkin's addition.
Two Philomath men paid $50
fine each, Saturday, for violation of
the local option law. They ' were
Al Haggarty and Tobiatha New
ton, and along with James McClain
they gave liquor to a boy named
Custer, son of Si Custer residing
near Philomath. The father
. Srought the matter to the attention
, of Deputy District Attorney Bryson
and an investigation resulted in
' formal complaints and the arrest of
two of the parties. Haggarty and
; Newton pleaded guilty, but Mc
Clain left the state before being ar
. - rested. The proceeding was in the
Justice Court at Philomath.
All usual services at the Bap
tist church next Lord's Day. . 1
E. R. Bryeon went to Toledo
... There will be a picnic at Bell
fountain camp grounds on June 3d.
W. S. MoFadden spent several
days at his Junction farm this
week. . 1 :.
John Hugging, who has beeD
bo seriously ill with typhoid fever
at the .home of his lather, David
Huggins, near Beilfountain, i con-
valeecent ;- ,
Miss Maggie Peterson, employ
ed in the dressmaking shoo of Mrs
SpajDgler, was called 10 her home at
Inavale. Saturday, by the serious
illness of har father.
J. H. Harris and eon Earl, W
H. W.liianks and Thomas Bell com'
poeed a party of fishermen return-
ii from Nashville, Monday. They
report a good catch.
Judge McFadden is .attending
nrt at Dallas. Ha ia expected
home today.
Today is to be a holiday for
the seniors at 0. A. C, and they
have ptepared a programme as fol
lows: A picnic in the forenoon, &t
tendance" at the circus in the after
noon, and a bay rack party in the
The Baptist church ,13 much
pleased with Mr. Strange's excel
lent work In putting electric lights
in their church, and very gratetul
to all the good friends who enabled
them to make the very desirable
The horse market i? active
Gsorge Brown has purchased a fine
Percheron. draft horee at a -good
figure and has brought him home,
He is declared to be' one. or the
finest horses in Benton.
Excavations are in progress for
, new residence, Prof. Horner is to
erect 10 the southwest corner of the
Irwin block, at the corner of Eighth
and Adams. The building is to
contain seven rooms, is to consist
of two stories and basement . and
will he modern in 'all appointments
The plans provide for parlor, hall
dining room acd . kitchen on the
first floor and four rooms on the
second. The cost 'will be from
$1,500 to $1,800. Ed Buxton is to
be the builder.
The dredger that wrb to have
arrived up last week to begin im
provements of the Willamette, did
Dot come. Sba was originally pro
grammed to leave Portland on - the
4th of May. A letter from Capt.
Langfilt assured the Corvallis Uiti-z-ns'
League that such was the case.
She did not, however, conform to
that schedule. Indeed, it -is not
certain when she will leave Port
land. C-irvallisites werein commun
ication 1 yesterday .with Portland
people on that S'lbject.- - The occa
sion of the dflay was not 66t out by
the latter. The Corvallieites were,
however, given assurance that by
tbie, Wednesday, morning, inform
ation would be available as to when
ehe would etart for Corvallis. Mean
time the Oregona is making regu
lar trips to Corvallis, and experi
encing trouble in getting over the
bars, which bars the dredge could
better, and for which bettering
there is $50,000 of congressionally
appropriated money available.
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 28.
For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. ...... 12:45 p. n
' UorvaUis.,.... 1:45 p. mi
" arrives Yaqmna. ....... 5:40 p. m
1 Returning: "
Leaves Yaquina.....".."..,. 7:15 a. m
Leaves Corvallis....!. 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany...... 12:15 p. m
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis. 6:00 a. m.
Iveaves Albany . . , . i . , 7:30 a. at
Arrives Detroit . . .' 12:62 p. m
4 from Detroit: . : '
leaves Detroit....... ......12:35 p. m
Arrives Albany 5:15 p. m
Arrives Corvallis. . . .... .". . 7:55 p. m.
Train Xo 2 connects with the S P train j
at Corvallis and Albany giviDg direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
. Train No. I arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. -
- For further information apply to
Acting Manager.
H. H. Cronise.'Agent Corvallis.
Thoa. Oockrell. Agent Albany.
' ... For Sale.
Real estate, farm and city property ,or
sale, exchange or rent.- No sales means
no commission to be paid. Your ' pat
ge kindly solicited. Help furnish
ed and positions secured.
H M. Stone,
South Main street, Corvallis.
. Wanted.
Setting hens. Call on'or address
. Eowen Lester, Corvallis. ; '
: -j Alsea Philosophy. -
And Sound at That John Henry's Let
ter How Fares the Referendum?
Editor Times:
At this time when there are peti
tions in circulation to invoke the
referendum, to' defeat the general
appropriation bill passed in the last
legislature, it certainly behooves
the voter of the ttate of Oregon to
stop and consider.
We shall not attempt to excuse
the members of the legislature, but
we cope to nx at least a pari 01 me
responsibility where it rightly be
longs. As the Times euggested
some time ago, the usefulness of
this great power of the people de
pends largely (upon tee intelligence
with which it Is exercised by the
voters of the state. ,
What is this monster which the
tix pavers of the ttate are so anx
ious to knock on the head with
their great constitutional club? Is
it not a grand aggregate of what we
demanded of our representatives
and senators when we sent them to
the legislature? What losality or
county is it that does not only ex
pect but frequently demands of
their representatives that they get
their hand as deep into the public
crib as possible? And if they fail
to do so they thus dig their politic
al grave. .
Of course the part of the great
bill which we consider "graft" is
what the other fellow gets not what
we get for our share. But what do
we hope to gain by invoking the
referendum? All the institutions
provided for, are in accord with the
law and their expenses must be
paid. If we kill the present bill
we will have to take - the dose in
double quantity later on. The
proper course is to take the Orego
nian's advice and initiate at least
two laws first to eliminate the nor
mal school proposition, and second,
to adopt a measure providing for
the governor to veto individual
items of the . general appropriation
bill. We blame the legislature be
cause they do. not pass these law?,
but they cannot do this and at the
fame time secure the part of the
"grait" which ; their constituents
have demanded that they secure.
Polk county would bs willing for
all the normal schools to be cut out
but one, provided hers should be
the one, so with other counties
where normals are located. -Lane
and Beaton are not in position to
have their representatives vote for
the-elimination of normal schools.
So let us not blame our men for log
rolling as long as we demand, what
they can secure in no oth-r way.
But above all let the people, the
supreme power in our great at at,
exercise good, sound sense ' when
they turn to the ballot, to remedy
defects for which they ar largely
responsible. And whi'n we ?ry t'
naeft laws by the initiatiive let us
also use judgment as Jaws passed by
thn people must stand the fire : of
the vourts, or we will not be rs-gar;-d
as any better law makers
this, the average body of legislator-.
For instance, there is a, pro
posed law to tax railroad lands for
30 ; cars back. This measure was
drn v. a up by leading lawyers and
ha- i.o doubt been signed by dozens
of c- cn pe tent attorneys, yet the bill,
if p.ssed, would not stand in the
cou ts long enough to pav for writ
ing it. So let us take heed to what
we do. . John Henry.
A Runaway Bicycle.
1 Terminated with an ngly cut on the
leg of J. B Orner, Franklin Grove, 111.
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding
to doctors and remedies for lour years.
Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cuied. It's
jast as good for Burns, ' Scalds, Skin
Eruptions and piles. 25c, at Allen &
Woodward, and Davis & Sons, philo
math, druggists -
For Sale.
Green vetch, delivered or other
wise. Enquire of J. A. Applegate,
Independent phone 55 Dixie line.
... For Sale.
Cigar clippings of our own
ure,. Rose & Son.
m25tf Notice of City Electicn. . ;
Notice is hereby siven thattlie animal
election of the City of CorvalU will be
held on Monday the 15th day of - May,
I905, for the purpose of electing the fol
lowing officers:
.Mayor. '
Chief of Police.
Police Judge. -v
Treasurer. - , - '
One Councilman for First Ward.
Two Councilmen for Second Ward
One Councilman lor Third Ward.
The following has. been designated as
the polling place, Council Chambers, in
City Hall, on the southeast corner ' of
Fourth & Madison streets, the : polling
place will open at 9 o'clock a. m. and re
main . open continuously until 6 o'clock
The following persons have been ap
pointed to conduct said election Judges
Caleb Davis, Joseph Yates, J. W. Craw
ford; clerks, C. A. Gould. -Grant Elgin,
Given under my hand and seal of the
City of Corvallis, this 3rd day of May,
E. P. Greffoz.
Police Judge of the city of Corvallis.
When you get a hurry '
call for Trousers-for knock
about or Sunday best-there's
one sure place you can rely
on, and that's right here. If
you're looking for values you
cant do better than "Wer-
nermade Pants
r When pou reach the question of "fit" try them on you
will wonder why you paid more for the kind you're wearing
Know where to come for Trousers. Be t posted on
"Wernermade" styles and "Wernermade" prices $1 to $5
i, Patent Flour
"CV a handsome cup and saucer
i l2C with every can of & &
Old Glory
Roast Coffee
This coffee is packed in four pound
tins and warranted to be of the
finest quality. For sale at ...
Patent Flour
- Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality i the idea.
Plain and Fmy CMnaware
, A large and varied line. "
"We always keep
when they are to
6. B,
v! rr-v n n Z- xS-
Hunters Supplies,
Sporting Goods,
rveys 01 ail rvinus, ana r ine vuueiy
If you are looking; for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, -Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for" our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all thi reliable; information you wish, also
showing you over the country. ,, . ;
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon! 1 -
Patent Flour
Sil liFOC
and Imported.
Vegetables when
be had.
a '
Gun "Morel
Fishing Tackle, .
Sewing Mach. Extras,
- (t
Gorvallis Marble Shop
Third door north Hotel Corvalli.
Physician 8c Surgeon .
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoursi
lO to 12 and 2 to 4.
' 'Phone, office 83. ' Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
-V- -
' P. A. Klines line Phone 1.
O. Address, Box rr.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Both Phones
E. It. Bryson,
Physician & Surgeon
'Office over posteffice. . Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to ;
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v . - ham's drug store.
A TTORAn I -A T-LA W. -First
Nat'l Bank Building,
Qnly Set Abstract Books in Benton County
Physician &l Surgeon,
Office up "stairs in Burnett Brick
idence on the corner of Madison
Seventh st. Phone at hoassaa I 1 fi
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a de
cree, execution and order of sale. Issued out ot
the circuit cou, t of the mate ot Oregon for tne
County of Beiiiou. bearing date of April 13th.
1905. under tne seal of aal i court, on a decree
and order of sale in favor of Mary H. Whitby,
pfumtirr, ana airaiust M. r. rotten ana .Lean J.
Totteu, defendants, tor the sum of four hund
red ninety and S8 lOo dollars, $!90.3S, with In
terest thereon at the rate ol seven per cent per
annum ftoin date of said decree until paid and
the further sum or rorty nine aouars, w.uo, at
torneys fees, and for the further sum of forty
eight dollars, $4$. 00, costs and disbursements
of said suit, which said decree w8 duly enter
ed in-said court on the 27tb day of March. 1905,
and duly docketed on the 27th ot March, 1905, iu
a suit "herein Mary j-H. Whitby was plaintiff ,
and Koscoe js. jsowarcts, Alice towards, Augus
ta Strake. John Strake. M. P. Totten, Leah J.
Totten, et al, were defendants; said decree, ex
ecution and order of sale to me delivered, com
mnnding me as shentt of Benton county, Ore
gon, to sell In the manner provided by law tor
tbe sale of real property on execution, all of the
following described real property towlt. The
South west quarter of the North iSast quarter;
tbe North East quarter of the oou'h West, quart
er, the South East quarter of tbe North West
quarter, and the Nor'h West quarter of the
South ilast quarter of Section Eight 8 in Town 1
ship 14 b. R. 8 W. of the Willamette Meridan In
Beuton County. 0"kuo, .ogether with all the
tenements, horiuituiiients and appurtenances
thereunto beioueing or in any wise appertain
lng; and in obedience to the command of said
decree, execution and order of sale I will on Sat
urday. the 20th day of May, 1900. at tbe hour ol
two o'clock p. m, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the front
door of the Court House in the City of Corvallis,
Rpntnn wnintv orpnn. the above described
premises to satisfy said sums ot money, costs
and accruing costs,
April 22, 1905. M. P.Burnett,
:' Referee's Notice of Sale of Real
Vnttmt In hAr.hv tviTpn thflt nnder and bv vir
tue of a decree and order of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton
made the 27th day of March, 1905, in a suit
wherein George T. Vernon was plaintiff, and N.
P. Slate et al, were defendants, appointing the
ndersigned referee, to sell the hereinafter des
cribed real property, and directing the sale ot
said property. Now therefore in pursuance
to the said order and decree, I will on the 13th
day of May , 1905, at the hour of two o'clock p.
m. at the Court House door, in the City of Oor
vallis, Beaton County, Oregon, sell af public
auction to the highest bidder, for cash lu hand,
the following described real estate to wit: Lots
one and two of Section 2 Tp. 11 S. B. S West Wil
lamette Meridan, in Benton County, Oregon,
containing 13.61 acres of land more or less, to
gether with the appurtenances thereunto belonging-
Said sale will be made in the man
ner required by law lor the sale of real proper
ty on execution.
M. P. Burnett, Beleree.
Dated this 15th day ot April, 1905.
Banking Company
Responsibility, $500,000
' Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
FOBTLAND .. (The Bank o
SEATTLE f California
NXW VORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co.
OillCAGO National Bank of The.Bepub-
LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds A Sons
CAN AD A , tfnlon Bank of Canada