LOCAL LORE. NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men- , tion and Other Items of Public Interest. f Mrs. Borst returned tVednes dav from a week's visit in Cen tralia, Wash., "V Prof.'Cordley went to Portland Thursday, to visit his wife who is in a hospital there. . . ' ' ' -' Samuel Jackson returned yes terday from a business trip to Inde pendence. Dr. Morrison arrived Thurs day irorn Carlton, being again summoned to the bedside ofihis mother at Oakville, who is very ill. The J. H. Simpson hardware store has been re-painted this week. - Artistic work -was done by Alva Miner. ' Miss Eva Mifner left Wednes day for a week's visit in Portland. During her absence, Miss Mamie Starr is night operator in the Inde pendent telephone office. . . O. S. Noyes and family now occupy their new house in the western part of town. The remov al occurred Tuesday. At their hall Wednesday evening the Artisans had a jolly time. There were games and refreshments, and a general good time for all. Burt Bryant, a former well known student at O. A. C. has been a college visitor for a day or two. He is now a telegraph manager and operator at Prescptt, Wash. Mr. Miller, who recently pur chased the Beach ranch- just across the river from Corvallis began Wednesday the erection of a barq,' 48 x 80, on the property. -Presbyterian church, Rev. M. S.. Bush, pastor. Reception of new members and communion 1 1 a. m. C. E. consecration meeting 7 p. m. Miss Hanna will address the En deavorers. Evening service at 8, subject, "Tell John." - ; : - - Workmen began 'Wednesday on the fine new residence that Norman Eilly is to have built oa his ranch south of town.. The dwelling will be quite large, and in all respects modern. ' Warren Hartley and wife left for their home at Cottage Grove Wednesday, after a visit of two weeks ' with Corvallis relatives. They were .accompanied home by Mrs. A. F. Peterson. - , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Underwood returned Wednesday from a three weeks visit to Los ADgeles, where Mr. Underwood went as a delegate to the'W- O. W. national, conven tion. They report a delightful trip. ' ? Claude " Starr and family left Wednesday for Albany, where they will reside. Mr. Starr and Mr. Anderson have purchased and will conduct a general grocery store. . Lindsay Sharp succeeds Mr. Starr as book keeper at the Hodes gro- . eery. " A force of men are repairing ihe Dave Irvin building, a few doors south ot the.J.- H. Harris store. ; The ceiling is being raised, a new floor put in and the interior ireshly painted and papered. , Rev. - M. J. Ballanty ne of Dal . las, Presiding Elder of the Dallas district of the United Evangelical church will preach in that church here on Sunday next both morning and evening. The communion service will be held in the morning. A preliminary service will be held on Saturday evening at which Rev. Ballantyne will preach and - after which the first Quarterly con " ference of this year will beheld. The field meet on College field this afternoon begins at 2 '130 o'clock and should not occupy two hours of time. It is the purpose of the management to pull off the even- . in rapid succession, m, order tc . void tedious delays. Special ar rangements are also to be made so that people in. the grand stand will . get an unobscured view of the fin ish in the sprints which are expect ed to be of most spectacular char acter. The report is that people are coming from as far as Browns ville to see the meet. In chapel Wednesday morning, Physical di rector Trine announced that the sprints will be the greatest of the kind to be seen in Oregon this year in college athletics, " declaring it to be his belief that the three men to participate, Williams,-1 , Kelly and Smilhson are the fastest men on the Coast. Harold Rumbaugh is confined to his room with illness. t .. . t Born, Wednesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor, a daughter. Mrel Lura Campbell, of Alba ny, is expected to arrive today for a visit with Miss Bessie Irvine. Wa'ter Kline, who has been seriously ill at the home of his par ents, is slowly recovering. CouDty Clerk Wade and Com missioner King, of Toledo, were Corvallis visitors Thursday. Quite a number of Corvallis youDg people attended the dance at Wells station laet night. Deputy CouDty Clerk John F. Iiwio left yesterday for the home of his sister, Mrs. David Hood, near Philomath, where he will spend his vacation.. : Married, at the home of the bride's father, Iaac JacksOD, at Wren, Tuesday noon, James Blodg ett and Misa Emma Jackson. The couple will reside at Blodgett. Fifty dollars was donated by the county court in session Wed nesday and Thursday, to the Citi zens League. The county couit is'preparing to build a new bridge across the Long Tom at Monroe. The span is about 80 feet. Work is to begin in a short time, Congregational church tomor row: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; worship and sermon at il; veeper service and sermon at 8 p. m. Sub ject morning sermon, "Are All Meo God-a Children?" evening sub ject. "Elijah, or One With God Is a Majority." - Mrs. Lincoln, who is a deaconess at the Presidio, San Francisco, gave a highly interesting lecture at the First Methodist church Monday evening. While only a fair- sized audience was present, the verdict of all was that the address waB de cidedly good. The affair was given by the W. H. M., 8. of the church. A special feature of the evening was an excellent vocal quartet, render ed by Dr. Cathey and his sons, Ce cil, George and Collie. F. P. Sheasgreen made a short visit to Portland this week for the pnrpose of taking measurements and arranging plans for the fitting up of the space to be used by tha Independent Telephone Co. for dis play in the electrical buildicg at the Lewis and . Clark Fair. The space secured by this company will be 16x24 feet and will be .nclosed by a veiy fine arrangement of panel work and massive turned columns. Mr. DeVarney will reserve a small corner of this space for a private of fice and a resting place for his ma ny friends. ;An adjourned term Of theciunty court is to be held next Saturday. in part, it will be aevotea to an examination ol Oak Creek road, the improvement of which, the court has in contemplation. Beyond it, is what i?v perhaps, the best stretch of road in the county. It is the road that was built by tha county court two years ago, and which has been the occasion of unjustifiable newspaper criticism, but -which has turned out to be a road that will stand for all time. If the Oak Creek road can be made, equally excellent as a highway, then all 'the roads leading into the county seat will be practically without bad spots. More fleeces are needed for the Benton county wool exhibit. In particular, Mejrino, Cotswold and Downs fleeces are now needed. It is requested that the fleeces be de livered in the county court room on Saturday of next week when the court will be in session, and at which time a committee consisting of Dr. Withycombe, Mack Porter and one other person, name on known, will make selections of the best. All fleeces accepted by ? this committee will be paid for by the court. . Dry Fir Wood . At $3.50 per cord. Orders solicited for grub oak for summer delivery. ; ' Frank Francisco, , - Corvallis. For" Sale or Rent. 1 An upright piano Addrers Mrs. C. W. in good Young, condition. Corvallis Referee's Notice of Sale of Real Property. - Notice is hereby given that under and by vir tue of a decree and order of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Benton made the 27th day of March. 1903, in a suit wherein George T. Vernon was plaintiff, and N P. Slate et al, were defendants, appointing the ndersigned referee, to sell the hereinafter des cribed real property, and directing the sale ot said property, now inererore in pursuance to the said order and decree, I will on the 13th day of Hay , 1905, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. at the Court House door, in the City of Oor yalliSi Benton County, Oregon, sell af public auction to the highest bidder, (or cash In hand. the following described real estate to wit: Lots one and two of Section 2 Tn. 14 S. B. 8 West WU lamette Heridan, In Benton County, Oregon, containing 13.61 acres of land more or less, to gether with the appurtenances thereunto be longing- Said sale will be made In the man ner required by law tor the sale of real proper ty on execution. - M. V, Burnett, Referee. Dated this 15th day ot April, 1905. Something- New! And of the Best Brands on the Market IMPORTED Marvilla Garden Ceylon Tea' IMPORTED Montarde De Bordeaux French Mustard ' IMPORTED Chou Fong, Perserved Ginger in - Jars -. : ' ' . ' "Varrenton Clam Co Pare Minced Clams Harbor Brand Mustard Sardines Diamond W, Brand Cream Sugar Corn Jasmine Brand Asparagus A Fresh Supply of VOLYMPIC PAN CAKE FLOUR CAKE AND PAST RYFLOUR AND WHEAT HEARTS HODES' SZ- T. y7. s. szr. Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and . Quality is the idea. Big line Fpl Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain and Fancy CWnaware A large and varied line. - Orders bv Y G, B turning 1 CZZTS)ZZiZ&ZZiZ.''&ki SxjSJy; ij irvf'Jcv izv -2?'?? loneer uun Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle, N Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras, Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery H. E. HODES, -. v HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking; for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list,' or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, 1 also showing you over the country. " - 3 AMBLER 6c WAITERS ' Real Estate, Loan and Insurance 5 " Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. . CONDUCTORS EXCURSION ! Special ; Excursion Train on the . C. & E. , Corvallis to Albany . and Return May 7th. ; A special train far the accommodation of the people of Corvallis . and -vicinity will run from Corvallisto Albany Sunday morning May 7th, to" connect' with the Cooductora Excursion train, at Albany, leaving Corvallis at 6-45 a. m. aad return ing leave Albany on arrival of excursion train from Portland about-9 p. m.' Carsl fro mCorvallis will run through to Port land without change. Round trip rate Corvallis to , Albany, 50 cents Through rate 11 land and return. ' : For further information apply to H, H Croniae, agent C. & E". or to r ; ? T. H. Curtis, Manager. ' r3" For Sale. Vetch hay. Call on or address . Au-tf Spencer Bicknell, Corvallis- GROCERY. Vs. .5 J" CORVALLIS, OR. P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER F. A.: Klines line Phone 1. : O. Address, Box 11. ' Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. E. E, WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. W. R YATES, The , Lawyer Corvallis, Oregon. - Both Phones Store E. R. Bryson; Mtorneii-M-Law," When you get a hurry call for Trousers for knock about or Sunday best-there's one sure place you can rely on, and that's right here. If you're looking for values you can't do better than "Wer- nermade Pants." When poii reach the question of "fit" try them on you will wonder why you paid more for the kind you're wearing Know where to come for Trousers. Ee posted on ' "Wernermade" styles and "Wernermade" prices $1 to $5 S. L. KLINE GORVALLIS WEDNESDAY MAY ilO 1 905 Brno im iaJntm BOYAl R0N9.q HiP-OOROfWE' 1 WE OmE MAtm .'t A Multitude of Neve Features $ Bae-Back Acrobats, Gymnasts Trained Animal Riders Mirfafc Performers Acts Rose Dockrill Seven Marvelous Belfords Herd of Elephants Dolly Miller Melnotte,LaNoSe& WeJaotte Con gi-.ss of Seals EsteUe Settler Flying Victorelias Troupe Camels, Ll3mas. - M'lle Julien Darinst Aerial Weavers Dromedaries Broken George Holland Five Flying Banvards , to Harness. Frank Miller Famous Gardner Family Fierce Siberian Bears Austin King Graceful flsDonald Trio Cake-Walking Stallions Jos. Lyons Seven Klsnimcr a Japanese One Hundred Shetland Herbert RumJsy Six Sugimfu .capsnese . Pony Ballet & Drill Win. Dution Lady S words wJ--nsen Fencers Trained Pelicans & Pigs" 1QQ Circus Otatpisms SCsifbri HUGE ROMAN All Bands of Exciting, ThrGling, Real Races and JOLLY JESTING i Headed by "Cheerful Jim" The Grotesque Olipans Tote MILLION DOLLAR MENAGERIE An Imperial Collection of Rare Wild Beasts Biggest sad Best cf &il Features of Every Kind GRAND GOLD GLITTERING STREET PARADE ' Will Leave the Show Grounds Every Morning at 10:30 . Adults, 50c, Children, 25. One Ticket Admits You to Everything B. A. CATHEY Physician & StrRGEou Office, room 14, BanK Bld. Hoursi lO to 12 ud 2 to 4. ' " Phone, office 83. . Residence 351. Corvallis, i ; Oregon. M. W. A. Picnic. Tiere will be a picnic at Ridders Grove near Suver, Saturday, June 3rd. under the auspices of Suver Camp No. 7332 M. W. of A. : Wood Srwing. . I am prepared to saw w ood on short notice with gasolene wood' saw. - W. E. Boddy. . - Ind. phone 351. A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber all lengths. At Corva 15 For Sale. . Defiance seed wheat, deliverable in Corvallis. Price one dollar per bushel, Backed. v Richard Kiger." , - Have yrur g-oceries delivered by the quick, np-tc date ' wagon Moses Bros. n ' - ' , S&gVER CHANGED Never Before Presented in America H I PPODROM b of Skill WNS kf West, .ppy Billy" La Rne, Duckrow f'Funny Bill" Scott Gorvallis Marble Shop ST AIGER & VANHOOSEN Third door north Hotel Corvallis. Notice of Sheriff s Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a de cree, execution and order of sale, issued out of the circuit cou, t of-the State of Oregon for tne County of Beriton, bearing date of April 13th, 1905, under tile seal of said court, on a rteoree and order of sale in favor of Mary H. Whitby, plaintiff, and against M. P. Totten and Leah J. Totten, defendants, for the sum of four hund red ninety and 88 IO0 dollars, 490.38, with In terest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum from date of said decree until paid and the further sum of forty nine dollars. I4U.00, at torneys fees, and for the further sum of forty eight dollars, $48.00, costs and disbursements of said suit, which said decree was auly enter ed in said court on the 27th day of March. 1905, and duly docketed on the 27th of March, 1905, m a suit wherel'i Mary J-H. Whitby was plaintiff, and Rose Of E. V.: wards, Alice Edwards, Augus ta Strake, Jobu Slrake, M. P. Totten. Leah J. Totten, et al, were defendants; said decree, ex ecution and order of sale to me delivered, com manding me as sheriff of Benton county, Ore gon, to sell In the manner prnvUed by law for the sale of real property on execution, all of the following described real property towlt. The South west quarter of the North ast quarter j the North East quarter of the South West quart er, the South East quarter of the North West ouarler. and the Nor'h West quarter of the 2cti East quarter of Section Elght8 inTown ship 14 S, R. 8 W. of the Willamette Meridan In Beuton Oountv, Oregon, together with all the tenements, heriditaments and appurtenancea thereunto belonging or in anywise appertain lng-and In obedience to the command or said decree, execution and order of sale I will on Sat urday. the 20th day of May, 1905. at the hour of two o'clock p. m, sell at public auction to the hishest bidder, lor cash In hand, at the front door of the Oou rt House In the City of Corvallis, Benton county Oregon, the above described premises to satisfy said sums ot money, costs and accruing costs, v , . April 22, 190S . - K. P.Burnett. k Sheriff ot Benton County, Oregon,