QorvalSis Times. Official Paper of Benton Count?. CORVALLIS, OR., MAY 6, 1905. NAN PATTERSON. J. A hung jury with most of the jurors for acquittal is the result of the third trial of Nan Patterson. In many an instance there will be regret that the result had not been an acquittal. Caesar Young, the man for whose alleged murder she has been so vigorously prosecuted, though a married man, plotted a gainst andbrokeup Nan Patterson's home, inducing her to leave her husband on promise that she should be made Young's wife. Young's own acts in the premises, his treach ery to his own home, made him a justfiiable target for Nan Pattersons weapon, if. indeed, it was her hand that sent him Over There His character made his death tragic as it was, a matter of too small consequence to justify the triple trials, the furore of prosecn tion and the immense cost that it has been to the people of New York. , Besides, since the contrary after so many attempts and such vehement effort has not been prov en, the presumption of innocence rests with Nan Patterson, and most of the public will be pleased with the latest turn in the wheel of fate, that promises her freedom and immunity from further perse cution by a bloodthirsty prosecutor. The sensational trials, in the ex tieme interest they have awakened have done far more harm to society than her conviction and execution in case of guilt would have done good,, in that they have made of her a sort of demi-heroine to be imitated and applauded now and hereafter by the morbidly senti mental, and others. THE MUDDY PROJECT. It has been demonstrated over and over again that the reclamation of large bodies of land lies in better drainage. Waste. land thus re claimed, is in most ' instances, the best in the world. A plan is afoot in which farmers along Muddy pn pose to clear out the- channel of that stream so that waste .water can be drawn from their lands. The undertaking would undoubted' ly involve a considerable outlay of time and labor, but when once ac complished it would be for time and eternity. The outlay of today would come back with interest doubtless tomorrow, . and thereafter yield a never ceasing 'profit. - Per haps the richest lands on earth are the low valleys of th$ Netherlands reclaimed by the labor of human - hands, in dikes built to restrain the encroaching sea. A NOVEL PLAN.- By Farmers Along Muddy Their Ef fort for Better Drainage. The farmers along Muddy creek are talking of cleaning out 5 aid stream'so as to thoroughly " drain the adjacent lands. An attempt wa3 made a few years ago to clean out Muddyr by pulling out the brush and cutting off what could not be pulled out, but on account of the density of - the young growth and the crooked ness of the stream the project was a failure. - It is now proposed to do the work in a business like manner, by straightening the stream and cutting a new channel where nec essary. This is a much needed improve ment as' Muddy drains much of the southern part of the county; and as it is now, it does not begin to to carry off the surplus water. Therefore many acres of land ad jacent to the stream are swampy and fit only for summer pasture, To thoroughly drain this land ' will restore it to new life and will increase its value many fold and much of the now waste land can then be cultivated. , A meeting of those interested is called to be held at ' the . Grange Hall May 12. A good attendance ..is requested, Jas. M. Hebron. " . Bruce, Or. i Cows for Sale. Three good young cows in fall milk, Alfred Bicknell. Five miles north of Corvallis. BILLS ALLOWED, List of Claims Ordered Paid at Slay Term of Court. , The following bill were allowed by the county court at . its regular May 1905 term. Lewis Gray mil J. P. court $ 2 50 Barney Seits constable fees 3 00 Corvallis Ind Tel Co tel May 4 50 Corvsllis Times printing 34 75 Bushong Co blanks ' 6 50 Cervallis Gazette printing . 18 00 J. D. Wells janitor o 25 R. H. Huston mil lock 2 25 P. M. Zierolf gro Mrs Sears 6 00 Wellsher& Gray groZumwalti2 09 Geo. E. Lilly house rent Mrs Sargent 5 5 Mrs. Huggins care co poor 102 85 E. Bennett county physician 9 00 J. E. Michael ferryman - 51 75 B. A. Cathey ex insane 500 Earl W. Kigec road grader road fund 42500 C. L. Blakeslee ferry work 4 00 Vidito Bros team hire rd fund 4 00 1 J. H. Simpson rd sup " 37 40 H. E. Hodes powder roads road fund 51 24 R. M. Wade & Co road sup plies rd fund .3 75 A. Wilhelm & Sons, road sup plies, etc. road fund 5 95 R. M. Gilbert rd wk rd fund 63 60 A Bunker " " 5250 R. W. Jones " " 29 50 Geo Berry " ' 2900 Sam King , " " -. 5 00 City Transfer Co team: hire 12 00 W. E. Starr rd work rd fund 2 50 Ellsworth Postindigentsoldieriooo C. A. Gerhard stationary 19 24 A. Coombs expensepauper 6 00 Nat. Drill & Mafg Co road ma-: chine road fund 290 70 V. E, Watters ex road grader 1 55 Peter Speedie wit pros atty 2 90 A.Newton " 290 Dick Zahn " " 570 Ray Lamberson " ' 150 H. C. Leonard, "v " 1 50 Al Haggarty " . " 2 90 Cal Kramer " ' 450 Chas. Nixon " 1 50 c Jvreterson . 300 Roy Hathaway " " 1 50 John Martin " " , 520 Aibert Brown " 52b C. A. Hyland " " 1 50 Richard Turner" " 1 60 A. J. Shirley " " : 150 Pat Stewart " V " 1 50 Chester Taylor " "150 Oil Felger ' " " 300 A. M. Austin road work 8 25 A. K. Locke sal. supervisor ,7 50 II. M. Fleming "- 6 25 a. M. Dodele " 5 00 John Price " 2 50 W. M. Clark. - ' 5 00 A. Cadwalader " 10 00 W. P. McGee " 12 50 J. R. Fehler. " n 25 h,. A. .Buchanan , 500 J. E. Banton : " '' 37 50 S. R. Strow " 3 12 H. Hector " 3 75 A.M.Gray " 625 Wren Mayrette wit pros atty 1 50 Geo. Belt " " 1 50 Frank Allen . " . " 3 50 Ray Lamberson " " 1 50 John Scott " " 1 50 Fruit & Waggener team hire 3 00 W. A. Jolly county com 1040 Peter Rickard " 1620 Robert Kyle road work special dist 15 , 120 75 H. M. Fleming road work county and city ferry 5 00 Attest: . Victor P. Moses. County Clerk, Benton Co. Notice of City Election. '. Notice is hereby given that the annual election of the City of Corvallij will be held on Monday the 15th day of May, I905, for the purpose of electing the fol lowing officers: - Mayor. v Chief of Police. Police Judge. Treasurer. One Councilman for First Ward. .. Two Counuilnien for Second Ward One Councilman lor Third Ward. The following has been designated as the polling place, Council Chambers, in City Hall, on the southeast corner of Fourth & Madison streets, the polling place will open at 9 o'clock a. m. and re main open continuously nntil 6 o'clock p. m. . The following persons have been ap pointed to conduct said election : Judges Caleb Davis. Joseph Yates, J. W. Craw ford; clerks, C. A. Gould. Grant Elgin, Given under my band and seal of the City of Corvallis, this 3rd day of May, 1905. E. P, Greffoz. -Police Judge of the city of Corvallis. . For Police Judge. ' I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of nolice indsre snbiect to the decision of the voters at the elec tion to be held on Monday the i5th day of May. Yours respectfully, m. v. ureaoz. House to rent. J. J. Cady. For Sale. Cigar clippings of onr own mannfact nre, : Rose & Son. - m2S tf Hay For Sale. . - Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in the world, laa Tel 155. h. li. -Brooks. - IS FINISHED NOW. And will be Shipped Monday Fixtures for Benton Exhibit at the Fair. When Benton county people go to the Lewis and - Clark fair : and gaze on the JBenton exhibit there, they will have every reason for just pride. The fixtures for the exhib it are about - complete, and will be shipped to Portland by rail Mon day next. The general plan' for the construction of the fixtures was drawn by H. T. French, who will have charge of the exhibit."'' The securing and selection ' of various woods and the arrangement of the same, as well as the construction of the work was all by F. P. Sheas green, of the Central Planing Mills & Box Factory, where the work is now to be seen. The furniture is pronounced by those who have ex amined it to be beautiful in design, artistic in arrangement and most excellent in finish. Some of the e panels illustrate strange freaks of nature in the growth of the wood, Some resemble waves and ripples on the surface or the water, others, formations of perpendicular rocks of various forms, while in others the grain of the wood resembles growing vines and flowers. One curious specimen resembles a lion at lest. - The various woods used in the manufacture of the fixtures, will show what Benton county produces in the way of timber suitable . for the manufacture of high class fur niture, as well as for other 'pur poses. In the latter respect, Mr, Sheasgreen aimed to show only such woods as are produced in suf ficient quantities to be of value for manufacturing purposes and of best commercial value. . The space used for the purpose would not permit a completd exhibit for all the woods in the county, and only selections of the most valuable could be used, Far more time for seasoning " the lumber and for .other purposes would have been required for a complete showing of all the com mercial woods of the county. The collection however, is of rare beauty that will be a surprise and delight to Easterners who behold them. The space secured by Benton coun ty at the Fair, is small being 20 x 2& feet, but the county is most for tunate in securing one of the very best locations. The spot is near one of the main entrances, and has aisles on three sides. It will bkr closed by panel work in the woods described above. The enclosure will contain an octagonal pyramid, eight feet in diameter, standing 10 feet high, to be used " for the same purpose. A photograph rack with 2,500 square feet of avail able surface, will show views of Benton county scenery and archi tecture. These stands will be sur mounted by stuffed birds and flow ers." . There will also be four glass cas es, three feet square and nine feet high, displaying a general variety of miscellaneous products and articles. The glass cases will stand on either side of the entrance and will - be surmounted by a large arch decor ated with Benton grains and grass es, with an elegant pair of deer horns tor a center piece. Over all on three sides, the name "Benton County" will appear in large gold letters. . Mr. Sheasgreen and Mr- French will go to Portland early next week to attend to installing the , fixtures and exhibits. . For Chief of Police. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of chief of po lice. W. G. Lane. Notice to Contractors. - . Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Sewer Committee nntil the 8th day of May at 12 o'clock noon for the construction of a sewer through blocks 31 and 32 Avery's Third addition to the city of Corvallis accord, ing te the plans and specifications now on file in the office of police judge. - A certified check on a responsible bank must accompany each bid. . r -P. Avery, Alex Rennie, Ed Buxton, oewer Committee. " Ladies skirts all kinds and prices at Moses' Bros. Call and see them. For shoe repairing see . Powells sec ond door west of Berman grocery. : . Wanted. " Some one to haul 160 cords of wood. Anyone wanting the job call on c . - - G. R. Farra. April 20th, 1905. , For Corvallifl Water Co. . '-v. 1 Blackledge sells refrigerators. Broke into His House. ' S. LeQulnn of Cavendish, Vt., wa robbed of his customary health by inva Bion of chronic constipation. When Dr King's New Life Pills broke into bis honse, his trouble was arrested and now he's entirely cured. They're guaranteed to cure. 25c at Allen & Woodward' drug EXTENDING WIN TER RATES. To Yaquina Bay Which to People Wish ing to Enjoy' Natare's Beauties " Proye so Popular. The low rates in effect from points xn the S. P. to Yaquina Bay during the winter which proved so popnlarwith the people wishing to view nature at that magnificent seaside reEOrt have been extended during April and tickets will sold on Wednesdays and Saturdays until the last of April good for return at any time up to May 31st, 1905. - The month of April should be a favors ite one for v.siting the seaside where the health-giving breezes of the Pacific will banish "spring fever and other ills to which flesh is heir. Tickets from all eastside points to all westside points, and vice veraa, via the C & E are also on sale; and on April 1st tickets to all -westside points will be on sale by the C'& Eat Albany; and to all eastside points on the S P by the C cl E at Corvallis on which baggage can be checked through to destination. Pull information in regard to rates etc can be obtained from anyS P or C & E agent or from W. E. Coman G P A S P Co. Portland, or T H Curtis Acting man ager C&EEE Company Albany, Or. All new wall paper aBlatkledge's. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & t"--tham'B drug store. J. FRED STATES ; 1 ATTORNh l-AT-LA W. First Nat'l Bank Building, Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County G. K. FARRA, Physician Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett Brick idence on the corner of Madison Seventh st. Phone at ho sse ando ffi 150 cords oak wood, stove length ready for delivery on short notice, 5 " L. L. Brooks You It you take the right road to Hollenberg & Cady's furniture store They everything for Honse Furnishing. If you need a stove or range don't forget us. The Charter Oak and Toledo Ranges are fully warran teed. We are having great success with these ranges. They have all the latest improvements and we sell them with or without resivoirs. We have reduced the price on all our new cook stoves and can sell you a good stove at a nominal price. Old stoves taken m exchange. Remember we set up these stoves and guarantee satisfaction. HOLLENBERG & C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon .. Philomath, Oregon. .Ice Cream Social. ' The Indies Guild ot the Episco pal church will give an ice cream social at the Rectory, Saturday, May 6th from 4 to 10 p. m. Besides ice cream and cake , the ladles will have home made candies and other articles on sale. All are invited. Ladies! - Mf yon once OS9 Com pressed Yeast, you will have no other. Ask for it, at Homing's. . You will find fuU line of flooring Rus tic and finishing lumber st the ' Benton County lumber yards opposite 8, P. de pet. Our No, 3 grade of the above can not be b eat 5r. put - v;. ;' f and see. , - . - v ." jinis-tf wi "E seldom refer to w as we do not place our store on record as being a "bargain counter." To us the term "bargain"1. has a meaning. It has been described as being "a disease common among women, caught from the Sun day papers and developed in the department stores on Monday." CROUSE & BRANDEGEE overcoats, such as you see herewith faithfully illustrated from their Spring models, cannot be termed "bargains." They are not mistakes which are being forced upon the public, but they are the product of a thoroughly studied, economically sifted ' ' - tailoring system of the twentieth century class. Our garments are essentially low in price ; that you will agree when you become aware that these carefully-thought-out, high-class top coats and Spring coats are exact reproductions and counterparts of the Met ropolitan tailors' art. From this point of view our Spring overcoats are indeed a thing much greater in importance to you than "bargains." If you enjoy seeing hand some merchandise, let us show you these coats; prices, $15 to $35. TIMES PRINTING IS Can't Go N. B. We Sell Refrigerators, C M. VIDITO For Bicycles, Ammun ition, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods, Etc. J K Berry, Salesman The Right Prices. All Fresh Goods. Two : Doors South of the Post Office. our merchandise as "bargains," 1 icy YBfe'- 1 4; m. J . . . I OMBIGHT J90SBT BrWNU.CjtE.UTlCA.WEVVjYQRrI Wrom CADY.