The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 06, 1905, Image 1

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    v i '.1
Vol, KVIII.-No. 11:;
B.F. IBVUm Krfttotw
and Proprietor
'". FREE! '
The Famous Busy Bee
Grapfione.; : ;
We now-have on exhibition at our; store the -above
Gra phone. Its excellence. rar; better - be ,
appreciate4 by inspection: The pleasure of every
family can be ,added to : by havingYone,. 0 -Trads
$20 with us and get the Graphone, free.' Only
one given to each fiome. We havQ an .immense'
line of merchandise , , embracing all the newest
creations for you to make your s selections. - Big
gest line of shoes;:Th;4,BelISystem! clothing" ;'
highest grade.'" Call and See;' 1
" v- ; ; Purchases to be made by June1 15th,
Fine Light Sample Rooms'.
-SS Hotel
42isa;irwrlr" Corvallis
Hamnel, Prop.
Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. Recently opened. New
brick building. . Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. - Farnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes, Hot and cold water on every .floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Vailey. ' . '.
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. '
- Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate of James
O. Irwin, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that the undersigned has been
duly appointed administrator of the es
tate of said James C. Irwin, deceased, by
the county court of Benton count v, state
of Oregon. All persons having claims
' against said estate of said James C. Irwin
deceased, are hereby required tc present
the same with the prop ir vouchers duly
verified as by lav reqa'red within six
months from the date hereof to the un
dersigned at his residence nearlBruce,
Benton county, Oregon, or at the law of
fice of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallis, Ore
gon. '
Dated this April 29, 1905.
" ' E..'S. Irwin,
Administrator of the Estate of James
C. Irwin, deceased. i - -
Largest line of matting in the city at
Blackledge's. .
Notice to Creditors.
Mobs,- Furs'ie- . TeamstersrBattle
Near the Auditorium Deeper-
ate Negroes Tarn on'AE 7
e ailants and Shoot and ; .
Club Them.
Chicago, May 2. The death of
ons man jand the injury of scores
of others were the immediate result
of today's . fighting between the
striking teamsters and their eym
Lpathiaer8 on the one sideband the
Dohce and " nonunion men on tne
other. HThere were riots in all parts
of the city, :,. Men were clubbed and
etoned almost: todeath within
equate of "police headquarters and
five -miles : away ' men .were,; shot
down in the streets - At a hundred
places between these two extremes
there were assaults' and fights in
the streets. - Blood was shed on
State street,: in the heart of the
fashionable shopping district, and
furious riots took : place almost in
the doorways of the:, leading .hotels.
Nonunion men were welted . witn
stones, bricks and every other con
ceivable sort of missile. They
were dragged from their wagons
beat, clabbed ' and stamped . upon
cela token t rom fhem and torn open,
and staffed by ' the pickets and
union sympathizers, to: see if they
are attempting to deliver goods - ta
custom r.ori. oply - carrying' their
own property to their homes.-. . '
;v ?In q e' instance a ; hired carriage
was stopped in Wabash avenue and
the .ctMpant, a woman BhopperJ
compelled to get out. and iwalk.
Anotp?r., woman with .both arms
full of bundles was caught by the
skirts end stopped as she was about
to step into a cab in ' State . street.
The .idriyetfiwasvwarned notv'tD
take her as a fare.'; " -V' t :'..-1;:;:;
. v,TTudaanted,' jthe shopper walked
to anotuer corner, where Bhe hailed
another cab. : Again she was etop-
ped; bgrS the ' qnion sympathizers.
Emallv he boarded a street car;
'4., "
District Attorney iy !,Aban'don
Prospcution Jury : . Was ; '.
" For merly Discharged
'. . Morning, v ' "
Dallas,-Texas; April 29
Only a few hacks. or cabs yentur-Ports have reached here of the cy
ed to Srive up to the entrance of
any of the State-Btreet stores ::'ln 1
most cases the drivers request their j
passengers to alight on the opposite
side of the street and walk over to
thftipdestination. : ; .
With jew exceptions, the liveries
generally refused to carry ' passen
gers to a boycotted store. . V-.
xna siaewaiKS ana ine sunace
and feievatel cars are thronged with
men, omen and children carrying
bund its of all size? : and ' descrip
tions.': K -';--
Od j of - the li veliest disturbances
of the day occurred near the Audi-
toriuhi Hotel. Three wagons were
being driven south in Wabash av
enue. A large crowd gathered
about ibe negro drivers and guards.
Stick', broken bottles and other
missPes 'were thrown, many of the
The Mobs that followed the wagons mUg striking the negroes.
At Bellfotmtain
in the
on which thev rode were ugly in
tbe extreme and, butlbr the splend
id service rendered by - the police,
the list of dead would be twenty in
stead of one.
, In return, the nonunion men,' al-
E. Carter, one of the negro guards,
whipped out a.revolver and shot at
Henry Sbultz, wb, it is "alleged,
was approaching Carter. The bul
let struck Sholtz in tbe left Bide.
He ran half a block before he fell,
though hopelessly . outnumbered m weakened by the loss ef blood. The
every struggle fought v desperately. cr0Wl-j was thoroughly enraged by
In several instances they.iirew their the sctionof the. negroes And, al-
revolvers and emptied ihem smto thnush two more shots were fired.
the crowds 'that ? pressed ' around tue r,',nn7iioniBta were ouicklv clbs-
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
For Shces, Qothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, .
Notions, -Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro- '
. ceries, see &
- Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
their wagone. pelting ""them with
stones and - threatening their -lives,
To e negro drivers especially -wtr
quick with their weapons, liarge
numbers of the nonunion; drivers
carried heavy clubs and they swung
them with terrific effect throughout
the day.
As far as can be ascertained to
night the list of iniured numbers
40, but it is far short of being ac
curate. Many men who were in
the mobs that attacked the . wagons
wsnt down before the clubs of the.
police and of the wagon guards,
but they were earned away by their
R oticg near the Auditorium
broke out afresh this afternoon at
Peck place and State street, when
coal wagons for the Edwin F. Dan
iels company, driven by ' two ne
groes and guarded ' by 0 others,
were at'acked bv a crowd of dUUu
persons. Tne wagons were without
police protection. ,AU along btate had a stormy time today. A crowd
street the negroes experienced trou- 0f 1000 pereons surrounded the
ble, but they were able to protect wagons and threw missiles at the
themselves with their hickory neorroes. who. meantime, used their
1 I TfTt .10- - '
C1U09. - wnenever iae . crowu ai- elnbs freelv. A number of women
tempted to rush at the wagons, tbe I wn0 had been shopping became
negroes would use tbeirchibs, maul- mJxed in the crowds. -The negroes
ing tne stride eympatnizeya unmer- drove the mob back and the women
fled into the big . retail ' establish
ments in the vicinity.
While delivering coal today at
Adams and Dearborn streets, a rion
union negro teamster " was strucK
by a pail filled with cement,: mor
tar and bricks." . His leg was bro
ken. Tbe bucket was thrown from
op of the Fair building, 12 stO'
ries high
edin uppn and beaten fearfully, A
riot was sent in to the nearest
under Insppctor Patrick J. Lavin
hurried to the scene and dispersed
the crowd. Carter was arrested.
Sbultz will recover. -
Thirty nonunion, teamsters were
attacked by a crowd of strike sym
pathizers at Jackson Boulevard and
Halstead street. Alllkinds of mis
siles were used. The , nonunion
teamsters, armed with stout hicko
rv clubs, attempted to fight the
mob, but were being overpowered
wnen the police arrived the po
lice clubbing right and left, rushed
the crowd off the Btref t. Five per
sons were arrested. Only lu 01 tne
nonunion teamsters can be found,
the others having fled
In tbe heart of the fashionable
district, two trucks driven by non
union negro teamsters and guarded
by 41) negroes armed with canes
clone that has swept the town of
Lamed, ; Tex;, this morning.. A
string of box cars was blown off the
International & Great Northern
tracks, i'-;'-':;-''-?1' :
- A long distance - telephone mee
ea6e from Cotulla says the bodies of
ten dead Mexicans have been recov
ered. .It is reported. that fourteen
persons have been- killed outside
Laredo. . - v--'i, '
Fifty railroad "coaches belonging
to the International & Great North
ern and Mexican Central railroad
were blown away. ..
Superintendent G atee, - of the
South-western Telegraph company,
with ; headquarters in Dallas, re
ceived a despatch from San Anto
nio that the repair crew at Cotulla
had learned from a conductor of a
train northbound that the bridge
across the Rio Grande had" been
wrecked by the storm. The con
ductor stated that 1 bis train : had
ust escaped the storm. "There are
two bridges at Laredo across the
river and it is not known which
one '"was destroyed. ""They are built
of steel and are costly structures.
Linemen. : making repairs to the
long-li8tance"telephone have re
ported within 50 miles north of La
redo. They" report tonight a terri
ble state of devastation.
J.X. VanBIarlcom has
the interest of Mr. Pugsley,
hrm of bcott & Pugsley.
. Mr, Homeyer, who recently mov
ed from Salem to Corvallis, was vis-,
iting last week at the home of his
brother-in-law, Mr. Seidenburg,
near Philomath, and last Saturday
morning was suddenly stricken with
paralysis. ' He is slowly recovering
and is now able to talk, and it U
thought he will recover. : :
, Mr. Alson Woodward, . of Hil(
City, Kansas, is visiting at the"
home of his 6on-in-law, DrrNewtn.
Mr. Ley on, of the firm of Moses
Bros., is moving to Corvallis be
cause of the-increase of business in.
their Corvallis store. S. Moses
will run the Philomath branch.
. Chester Mason, of Corvallis, came
out Tuesday to help on the Benton
Co. Review. Presiding Elder Ware,
of the Radical U. Bi church, has
gone .East to attend general conference.'-
Rev, Loudy, of Philomath, has
gone to Roseburg and Coos Bay to
hold quarterly conference for Rev.
Ware. - . ' .. ... -
E. Sharp is building a residence
on his ranch and will soon move
out there.
cimlly. lhe rnob 1 no ally pada -,-a
determined assault on. the negroes
and oyerpo'weredi andv;.beat -ttp.em
sivagely, -; ;One negro ;, broke .'his
stick across a small boy a should
ers. 4Ther negro '.was immediately
jumped on and given a terrific
thumping. -lie managed to draw. a
revolver and fire five shots while h
aesailants fled. Persons driving i
carriages and automobiles had a
narrow escape from the bullets. In
response to a riot call, the police ar
rived at the scene and rescued the
In the matter of the Estate of
W. Owen. deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that the undersigned has been
duly appointed administratrix of the es
tate of said George W. Owen, deceased,
by the county eourt of Benton county,
state of Oregon. ' All persons having
claims against said estate of Ge rge W.
Owen , deceased, are hereby required to
present the same, -with the nronnr vnniVh
ers duly verified as by law required with'
iu hi. uiouuiB irom toe date nereoi, to
the undersigned at the law o ffice of E.
E. Wilson in Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated this April 29th. 1905. '
. ' . . Margaret E. Owen.
Administrator of the Estate of George
W. Owen, dectased.
"Short on Peruns but "Long
on prunes, tplian prunes, 50-pound
boxes, $1.50. " F. L. Miller.
In Alsea.
negroes, xiugo yvener, a passeroy, feeen hed frQm R E Lee Steep
with canes and his head was split
open. -
A boy was taken away by the po
lice who was shot by a bullet from the
negro's revolver. , When one of the
negro guards was told to move along
by one of the detectives the negro
stabbed him in the right hand. The
crowd rushed for the negro and be
fore 20 policemen on the spot could
rescue him he had been, beaten into
The cordons of union pickets sta
tioned on the curbing in State street
and WabaBh avenue have been sup
plementei greatly in numbers, with
the result that, in spite of the vig
ilance of the police, carriages and
hacks are stopped and drivers and
their fares warned against attempt
ing to carry purchases: home from
the boycotted stoies. ...
' Store employes burdened : with
bundles are stopped and their par-
row boast? anothjer girl, while G.
E. Tharp, when . asked about the
new arrival, says "bygoshens it
another boy."
J. E. Banton commenced road
work in earnest, Monday. Road
district No. i3, of which ,he is su
pervisor, voted a special tax of five
mills for this year. So we expect
much permanent work to be ac
complished.. .
W. H. Malone, of Portland,"5 ar
rived in Alsea Monday evening o
look after his business interests here.
M. L. Seits found it necessary to
employ a clerk in bis store in order
to handle his rapidly increasing
trade. W. L. Brown is the new
man behind the counter. :
Jasper Hayden and J. M. Buster
two of Akea's leading citizens, . are
preparing to erect new dwellings
this summer. - John Henry. x
vNew -York, May s.i--X&n attex
son 6 case went to tne jury at i:oz
When Warden "Flynn, of the Tombs
went to Miss Patterson's cell to tell
her that the jury had gone to lunch
eon, he told her mat tne nrst Daiiot
taken by them had been nine to
three in her favor.
Nan Patterson left her cell in the
Tombs for the court of general ses
sions . today to witness the last
scenes of her trial on a charge of
killing Caesar Young. '" As Assist
ant District Attornev Rand had
finished bis argument yesterday
and the defense had already spoken
its final word, Recorder Goff began
his charge to the jury, as follows
"TbiB case has nothing extraor
dlnary in it. So far as the testimo'
ny goes, two persona, most spoken
of-during the entire proceedings.
the deceased, a man by the name
Young, a racetrack man, had this
defendant to live with him as his
mistress. The man's death, ,be'
cause of. the personality of this
man Young, bad nothing in it to
excite your passions or your preju
dices, tie was a mere gambler,
racetrack .man. , Iberetoie you
should be able to consider the facts
calmly without prejudice and pas
Bion. . :' V:. ' 1 .
- lThere Is no artificial atmospher
forvottto be excited or distracted
by. You most decide the circum
stances without any thought of the
atmosphere, calmly and with
quiet mind. " '
"Of course, gentlemen, you must
not think that, because of the hum
ble position of this woman, you
should not give her the same con
sideration as if ehe occupied a more
exalted position in society.; What-,
ever her position, slie "is entitled to
the same legal rights as the most
prominent" and most conspicuous.
If therebe a reasonable doubt in this
case on the evidence, this doubt
must be thrown into the balance for
the defendant. 1, A danger lies in
the remarks of counsel which might
take your mind off the direct issue.
You must avoid this danger.
"I understand that there is no
claim on the part of the defense.
that if the defendant committed
this homicide it was either justifia
ble or excusable. 1 also under
stand that the defense claims that
the crime was murder in the first
degree or nothing. But you are not
bound to accept the arguments of
counsel as to the nature of this
crime. You are the judges cf the
fact, if there was murder, and in
what degree.' The crucial question
is, 'Did the man kill himself or did
this defendant fire the fatal shot?
, You who have carpenter work, house
painting or papering to let by contract .
should get my figures on the same before .
placing contracts. My estimates will
cost you nothing and might save you dol- -lars.
Headquarters at H. M. Stone's
office.' Independent phone. Dixie line
' -'... ::''. Charles Holt
.-' Notice of Final Settlement ,
In the matter Of the estate of E mily
. Wright deceased. ,: ": ; ;.'
Notice is hereby given that I, John M.
Wright, as administrator of said estate of
Emily A. Wright, deceased, have filed
my final account as such administrator
with the clerk of the County j Court of :;
Benton county, State of Oregon, and the '
said court has fixed Monday the 5th day
ofjnne, jigoj. afevthfe; hour of to- o'clock:.
a. m.f eoid da? a tbert'me and-the ?.
county court room in the court house in
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, as
tbe place for hearing and all objections
to the said final account and for settle
ment thoreof.
John M. Wright.
Administrator of the estate of Emily
A Wright, deceased.
Pathmark. . -..
Pathmark will make the season at
Corvallis and at my' home, In Corvallis .
Thurs, Fri. and Sat. The rest of the
week at my borne, f atomark was sirGu
by Fathmont, and Pathmont was sired .
byAltamont. Pathmark .s record is
2.uyx; ratnmonrs 2.9 . i"atnmarK'
dam ia Juliette, who was sired by Tibolt, ,
and TiboH by Altimont. Juliette's record
is 2.22. Pathmark is standard brca ana
registered in every respect; is 16 hands :
high: color dark dapple bay; weight, ov
er 1200 lbs. Terms $15, f 20 and 25.
Money due when mare is known to be
with foal. Good pasture free.of . charge.
from a distance. : Responsible for no ac
cidents. . - ' -. '-'.
Ai5-6w Jesse Brown.
To Lewis and Clark Fair Over the
i Southern Pacific. :
; Individual Rates. . '
Rate One hb& one third fare for the
round trip, 3.50.
Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct
ober 15, 1903.
Limit Thirty days but not later than
. October 31st, 1905.
Parties of 10 or more.
Parties of 10 or more from one ljoint.
must travel together on one ticket both
ways, party tickets will be sold as fol
lows; . . - .- - .
Rate One fare for the round trip, 2.60.
Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct-
, ober 15th, 1905. .
Limit -Ten days. . '
Organized Parties of 1000 or More.
For organized parties of one hundred or
more moving on one day from one place
individual tickets will be sold as follows:
Rate One fare for the round trip, $2.60.
Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct
ober 15th, 1905. '
Limit Ten days.
Stop-Overs. ,
No Btop-overs will be allowed on any
of the above tickets; they must be used
for continuous passage in each direction, -
For further information call on
W. E. Coman,
" , Gen. Pas. Agt.
J. E. Farmer, '
Agt. Corvallis.
To contract for one to fiye tons vetch
seed, season 1905. -
v S. L, Kline.