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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1905)
Vol.XVm.-No. 1. B.F. IRTTKK Bdtto. ' and Proprietor - CORVALLIS, OREGON, APRIL 29. 1905. We all Wear Shoes! Never befoie have we received sh quantities and qualities in foot wear as this SPRING. Tans, Browns and Black Low High and Medium cuts Prices High, Medium and Low But in all grade3 the very lowest price for the quality of the shoe. Our efforts will be great to increase our shoe sales. Shoes for all Ladies, Misses, Children, Mens, Boys and Little Gents. Don't forget our Shoe Department. WEBER MUST HANG SENTENCE OF DOOM IS PRO NOUNCED BY JUDGE PREWETT. Court, After Hearing Arguments For a New Trial, Fixes June 30th as Date When Young" Weber Pays the Pen alty Other News. fas Fine Light Sample Rooms. Hotel i Corvallis J. C. Earsrcei, Proj?. Auburn, April 13. Adolph We ber was sentenced to death today for the murder of his mother. 'I hope yon are not deceiving me, Mr. John6on." roese were Adolph Weber's words to his chief counsel shortly after Superior J udge Prewett pronounced the death pen alty and fixed the date of hanging at June 30, 1905. . Johnson had offered a wager with Sheriff Keena that the su preme court would grant a new tri al. 1 be sentence came at 4 o ciock this afternoon, after six hours of argument by the defense on their motioafor a new trial. When ask ed to stand up this morning, Weber faltered and had to be lifted up by Under Sheriff May. This afternoon when the court made the same re quest, Weber had to be urged to do so by his counsel. He seemed to have lost his indifference and self- composure. H9 was not defiant to day, neither - did - he display that contemptous smile he used eo fre quently during the trial. Weber is changed. Time is telling on hico. He is more pleasant to the officials and is more easily controlled by his attorneys. ' ' Indeed, he agreed with his coun sel to a settlement of the bank rob bery case, if it could- be arranged. This compromise was expected ; to be made this morning, bat for the balking of the young men, Geear, MonogiianWdDapender, who,' with Coroner Snepard, found the stolen bank money under the Weber barn . Toe proposition was that all suits ba dropped, that the $5,500 iound be returned to the estate and that the bank take judgment gainet the e-tate for $ 6,7U0. representing the full amount Ftolea with interest. A reward of $500 wa3 to be paid to Coroner Shepard, who would divide i with the others. ' - was run out over some of the heav iest grades, and otherwise tested as to it ability to maintain speed and power under tryiog conditions. Uoder all situations the new inven tion lias demonstrated itself to be a success, and there is no doubt' that it will prove itself worthy of the tri al from the time it is pat in . com mission in the Willamette -Valley. General Manager B." A, . Worth- ingtoa yesterday received notice of the -progress of the car in a message sect Dy. A.- Lr. Jdofaler; ; vice-presi' dent and general manager- of the Union-Pacific. , rMrr 'Mobler : said: ' We ran thr motor - car " from North Piatt to Denver yesterday, actual running lime,-1:26, at Jules bufg. Average rate, as milesin- cladicg meeting and passing trains. The car Works splendidly and will make another trip ffom Denver to Greely tomorrow. The' day- after we shall go to CheyerTne and, west if Mr. Kruttschnitt approves, which 1 have wired him about.'' . ;. '- It is, - thmforeVrwtically'.f'cer tain that the V pepple of Portland win be able .to seei the first , motor car to be built in the United States operated in Jthe valleyjlwithin; the next two weeks. j- " e-.vii ' ANXIETY. and Effects of This Form of Mental v v r Fhyaieal Derangement. i In a paper read before the 'congress of French alienists at Grenoble Dr. Gaston Lalanne pointed out that anxiety is a disturbance' which is ex pressed toy the entire being. ' The ex citing . manses are sometimes physical and . sometimes "psychical, .and the symptoms manifested are both phys ical and mental. The physical Symp toms comprise cold feelings and chills of the scalp -and body, . general lassitude,- ' incoordination 1 of . voluntary movements far - more. . apparent - than real emotional coloring of speech",- and vertigo, which is dependent npon vaso- motor cerebral disturbances or npon digestive : troubles. In the anxious states " there are . always --circulatory. troubles, such as accelerated heart beat, irregularity oi. lue uearia acuun, i ,. . , .. . heightened arterial tension and cold- Ume' 19 elowly improving cess or tne extremities.'' iiespiratory, disturbances are also present. .- The psychical symptoms of anxiety, include various degrees of vague dread and ' appreh'ensiveness, often taking definite forms,-in. which case they are designated as "phobias" or "obessipns ox tear.weaKening tne-capacity or at tention;; and 'f memory; : and a tend ency, to confusion of ideas.1 Halluci nations of the senses: are prone to oc cur.:- . ' ' .. - . .- ' At Kings Valley. T ' There is demand for good hands at good wages in the logging camp3 . up tht JLiDckiamuts. - . 4 ; Grain la generally looking find. - From the bloom on the apple trees the apple crop will bs - very- ehortjother fruii ' will - be a good crop. :,: Early gardens are looking well t and pasture is good. J Mrs. Frank Plunkett, who has been eick for the last Bix weaka ias rtfcovered sofficiently to go home with her mother to stay for a few days. ' " , Mrs. Vanmeeter,. who has been sick for about the same length of BakerCityt Xit;i April 25 'The two young men j Gay Wescott and William. Smith, who. appeared : .be fore Committing Magistrate Curry this evening at 6 o'clock to anewer to a most serious . charge, - scted greatiy surprised- when the judge said:.-tij t ! '.iii-. v;iv'y "Young" men, I talked with the father of one of you - this morning and intimated "to him J that " when you were arraigned the bond which COMEDIAN -SAM VALE. He Was the Original d Sam Welle ? -.'V ' ' Piekwielc .fame.' , . : - The' original ofSam Weller was iSam Vale,: au English low .comedian, who, " in ihe early part of the last century, was quite popular in the south of England.1 In the year 1811, and for a-few years after,: he 'made quite a reputation in the musical farce called "The Boarding House," written by Beasley ; In this lie -played, the part of Simon Spatter dash, a person who indulged in odd and Whimsical sayings.". ?'Come n,. as the old man said to-the ticrht boot:" "1 am I shculd fixtv'would "? be . very "low. 4 doym oh yon, as the extinguisher said . . ui. rernoi ana ur, JUUtner per formed an operation oa MrB. Ho sier last week to remove water from her lungs and she is said to be very week. . : ; - . John , Price is .working on the roads some this week. v , - " There was a bear hunt Sunday over at Hoskios shortly after noon. By Frantz saw a large .black b9ar cross, an open space and enter a 6mall brush thicket on the, Ring Hill. J He gave the alarm and very quickly raised a crowd of about a dozen men and half as many guns, whojquickly surrounded the thick et. They didn't get any bear but By took the crowd down to Hoskins and eet .np the soda if they would not give the thing away, and when an of the crowd was asked about the bear hunt it only brought a oroadgrin. - . Leading Hotel in Gorvallis. Recently opened. 1ft New x oriUK. inniuxng. itjwiy iurmsueu, vvilu iuuubiu cuii-s veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es- capes. Hot and. cold water on every floor. Fine single jf rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam- M ette Valley. -u Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. Star Brand Shoes are Better! For Shces, Qothingt Hatst Gloves, Hosiery, -Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro- -ceries, see , & . & WELLSHER & GRAY; Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce Star Brand Shoes are Better! Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of James C. Irwin, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the es tate of said James C. Irwin, deceased, by the county court of Benton county, state of Oregon. All .persons having claimB against said estate of said James C. Irwin deceased, are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers duly verified as by law required within six months from the date hereof to the un dersigned at his residence near Bruce, Benton county, Oregon, or at tVie law of fice of E. E., Wilson, in Corvallis, Ore gon. ....... . - Dated this April 29, 1905. v . R- S. Irwin, ' Administrator of the Estate of Jamss C. Irwin, deceased. Largest I n? ef inatlui? ia BlacktcdgVg.' - ci:r at Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of George W. Owen, deceased, Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the es tate of said George W. Owen, deceased, by the county court of Benton county, state of Oregon.' All persons having claims against said estate of George W. Owen , deceased, are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouch ers duly verified as by law required with in Eix months from the date hereof, to the undersigned at the law office of E . E. Wilson in Corvallis, Oregon. Dated this April 29th. 1905. Margaret E. Owen. Administrator of the Estate of George W. Owen, deceased. Albany, O.., April 25. Propaga tion of Eastern oysters in Oregon has begun. Yesterday a carload of hoe young oysters from Old Point Comfort, Va., arrived in Albany and wtre immediately sent over the Cjrvallis & Eastern to Yaquina Bay, whet e a two-acre bed had been prepared for them. For ' several years experiments with-Eastern oyster3 have been made at Yaquina Bay, and they wire very successful. Ths oysters not only grew rapidly and became folly developedljat they have the fine flavor of the be3t article from the Atlantic Coast. Those which were eent to the coast yesterday were the property of Dr. M. M. Da vis, of Newport, who.with "some others, owns several acres of the finest oyster beds on the Oregon Coast. - ' ' 1 ttri t . ' i wnne yesieroay s carioaa win plant but two acres of this bed, a like amount will bs planted each year until the entire tract is sup plied. As it takes four or five years for the young oysters to fully ma ture and be ready for market, this system will have fresh oysters com ieg on every year when once they bacome marketable. The men are going into oyster propagation as a business proposition and are confi dent of success. . In addition to the Atlantic Coast oyster, Dr. Davis is Tareparingi to plant a small bed of the big Hero shimo oyster from the Japan Coast. The conditions of the Pacific Coast are more like those ofv Japan than of the Atlantic seaboard, and it is possible that the big Japanese oys ter will do even better than the Old Point Comfort variety. since tnen T. -oaye: .cBansea . my mindi j Facta are coming'; to . light that make this case very, eerious: Public eentiment is rising and I find the charge against you is felo ny, and, if convicted T the penalty wilt-be from three to 20 years in the gtate penitentiary. I fix your bond Those were the ' words that took f all the hilarity out of the - young men s faces. Sunday r.ight, May Wilkinson aged 15, called at Ihe'Bounds' home and, asked that little Jane, aged 13 be allowed to go to church with her. The mother protested, but as eh9 would be right along on their heel? to the same church in a few min utes she finally -consented- That was the last seen of the girl? uutil Monday morning at 6 o'clo Wescott and Smith met tr etn on the street. The girls v;-"- induced to take in an an act 0: '. , v,o at the Star Theatre. Aftei ihe theatre, a walk, in this close! town of Ba ker, and all four of them under age, too, beer, plentv of it. Then they went ta the St. tawrence Hotel and stved all night. When the judge and public een timent was rising the words did not half express it. It is up. To morrow at 2 o'clock the examina tion will take place. - Gay Wes cott ia i9 years of age and Smith 2O. "Short" on Peruaa but "Long" on prunes. Italian prunes. W-taund Ibexes, i.5o. F. I,. Mil!tr. to the- candle;" :" every - one - take care of himself ia's-- the', donkey said when dancjngl' among . the chickens,' are7 fair illustrations of his witticisms in. the course' of that - play,! the resem blance between them and some of. the sayings of Sam " AVeller.- being very marked. !. In private life Vale rttsa wit, and, many, good things in his own excellent temper he had- no-enemits, and the good humor which pervaded every saying, together with the droll ery of his manner", gave his witticisms unusual value. His sayings were called Sam Valerisms, and on the appearance of Tick-wick in 1SS0 the character of Weller was generally recognized as a portraiture of Tale. The comedian died in 1S4S at the age of fifty-one. Gorvallis & Eastern - Railroad Time Card Number 28. TbiE VViLLOV TREE. Wanted tons To contract for one to fiye seed, season 1905. S. L. Kline vet'jh Dry Fir Wood Portland, April 26. Orego nian : The new motor car will be ia Port land in a little more than a week and will be at once put to'' work on the West Side fun between Port land and Hillsboro. The car has now been gent from Omaha, where it wa3 built,, and is on the road west, being pat to all of the most severe, tf.sU a3 it covers the journey. B fore kaving the shops at OAiaha it At $3.50 per cord. Orders solicited for grub oak for summer delivery, i -' Frank Francisco,. ' Corvallis. . Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the bewer Committee until the 8th day of May at 12 o'clock noon for the construction of a sewer through blocks 31 and 32 Avery's Thiid addition to the city of" Corvallis accord, ing to the plans and speculations now on file in the office of police judce. A certified check on a responsible bank must accompany each bid. P. Avery, Alex Rennie, Ed Buxton, Sewer Committee. John Pcrlie Custls Fla-ted tlie First One In Tills Co entry. When the south sea bubble in Eng land collapsed one of the speculators went to Smyrna to repair his fortune. He was a fj-iend of Alexander Pope and sent him a box of figs in which had been placed a twig of a tree. Tope planted the twig on his groundson the shore of the Thames, not knowing of what tfee it was. It grew and was a weeping willow.. Ia 1775, when the tree was over fifty years old, one of the young British officers who came to Boston with theBritish army brought a twig from the tree, which he intend ed to plant on his lands after the re bellion had been crushed. John Parke Custis, son, of Mrs. Washington, going on errands to the British camp under a -flag of -truce, became acquainted with the owner of the willow twig, which was draped in oiled silk, and ob tained it from him, which he planted near his home at Abingdon, Va., where it became the progenitor f all the weeping willows in America. 2 For Yaquina: : Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 P .' . ; Corvallis...... 1:45 p. m ; ; ' arrives Yaqujna ...... t . 5 mo t. to i : .Returning: . - Leaves Yaquina .7:15 a. in Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m ; Arrives Albany .12:15 p. bj 3 Fcr Detroit: Leaves Corvallis.. 6:00 a. m. Leaves Albany ' 7:30 a. m Arrives Detroit 12:02 p. m 4 from Detroit: Leaves Detroit 12:35 p. m Arrives Albany... 5:15 p. m Arrives Corvallis. 7:55 p. tn. Train No 2 oinaects with tne S P train. . at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train. For further information apply to T. H. CURTIS, Acting Manager. H. H.Cronise, Asrent Corvallis. Thos. CockreU. Aaect Albany. WILLAMETTE ILL Ef . Banking Company Corvallis, Oregon. Anemone Facta. ' . . Naturalists have duly recorded that that if a sea anemone be divided in halves longitudinally a new animal will in time be reproduced by each half, as Burning the anemone is kept in pure sea water. An old. zflSlogist relates how he watched an anemone which somehow or other had contrived to half swallow one of the valves of an oyster shell. Practically the shell struck in its giz zard and gradually cut its way down through the soft tissues of the anem one -until it halved the animal as by a partition. Perfect reproduction of two anemones through the division of one was noted to be the result of this accident. Even a fragment or two of an anemone body left attached to its rock may in due season reproduce a new body: London News. - , Resp&ftSf&Hity, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrants. Principal Sot-respondents. SAN FKANCISCO FOKTLAM) TIie Bank of , SEATTLE f California ' - TAOOMA I x SEW TOKK-Mmwi. .T. P. Morgan Co. CHICAGO N.i! im.;U Bank of The Republic. CONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds & Sona CAN AD 4 .-Union Bank of Canada : ..-v-... Wood Srwing. I am prepared to saw w ood on short notice with gasolene wood- saw. - W.M2,. lioaay. Ind. phone 351. . The S. P, is selling round trip tickets between Corvallis and Port land for $3 good going Saturdays or Sundays and returning Sunday or Monday following, either on East or West side, but . good only on afternoon train from Albany to Portland oa Saturdays if East side is taken. Passengers to pay local fare between Corvallis and Albany. -Stacks for chimneys at Whitney. Soldiers' Superstitions. Among the numerous superstitions of the Cossacks there is none stronger than the belief that they will enter heaven in a better state if they are per sonally clean at the time they are killed. Consequently before an expected battle they perform their toilets with scrupu lous care, dress themselves in clean garment3 and put on the best they have. This superstition Is not eonSned to the Cossr.clis alone, but is widely prevalent , in all branches of the Itus elan army. . .. 1 ' 1 . With " L wis and Clark By Julia Fraser in an interesting article in Sunset Magazine ;Bi?fil number This article is well illustrated and sho uld be read by people of the Northwest and then sect to their eastern friends. It will help to sliow them the enterprise and progress of the nortnvrest better than many '"letters would. Other articles, . short stories and actses. ' Sold Lv all Sews Dealers .