The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 26, 1905, Image 2

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iorvailis Times.
Oflklil Taper ot Benton County.
Council From Employing Mountain
"Water Engineer Emery Says so
So Does Yates.
The statement is made that the
city council is to be enjoined in
its effort to secure a preliminary
survey and estimates for the moun
tain water system. . Councilman
Emery made the announcement to
the council at a meeting Monday
evening, and W, E. Yates declared
after the meeting, that he was 'pre
paring papers for the injunction
proceedings. It is not known when
the matter will develop, - but it is
expected at any time. With ; the
exception of Emery, all the council
present are in fayoj of going ahead
with the survey in . srriteV -of "the
"Yates-Emery opposition, - and the
case, if brought, will be fought to
a finish, by the council: '
The matter came up? when- an or
dinance was proposed, authorizing
a special committee of the council
consisting of Rennie, Avery- and
Hansell to contract with 3-'; N. Mil
ler for a preliminary ; 'survey of the
water route and to gutnish estimates
of the cost of the jjslem. The
committee recommenggdthe pas
sage of the ordinance, but Emery
objected to its introduction., He
claimed that there is no need fof the
survey until after the people had
voted on the question ot whether
or not they want mountain water
and that it is the purpose of certain
taxpayers to enjoin any attempt by
the council to employ ; an engineer
and secure a survey. Engineer
' Miller, with whom the committee
had concluded terms for the sur
vey was present, and in his speech,
Emery notified him that there is op
position to the pending mountain
water proposition. Councilman
Avery replied, saying that a sur
vey was a first essential to any act
ion on the water question. Until
they could know by : a competent
engineer's estimate . about what the
system would cost, people could not
-y .faMdfltwthg "i$..Ig..t Moses' Eros.Xa;LaM4k-tJau
.atfTa survey niigbf by determining ?
that the system,", wouid. cofc-airo"re'
' than $75,000, eliminate the neces
sity of a vote at all. Mr. Avery
continued that unless a survey be
made at once the system could not
be installed this year, and added
that the only persons to be benefit
ted by the delay would be holders
of stock in the old.Water Company
which company would greatly .prof
it by a continuance of present con
ditions. Councilman Emery re
plied that he was not acting for the
old Water Company' "but as the re
presentative of heavy taxpayers
who want the mountain water plan
When the ordinance came to a
vote, Mr. Emery explained his vote
saying, that he would vote against
the plan to employ ; the engineer
and get the survey, because he did
not want to be held personally liable
lor the cost of the survey. Mr Av
ery explained his vote, saying that
i e would be glad to stand his part
s.long with the rest of. the council
men if necessary in order to secure
the survey, and for that reason he
voted yea. Councilman Rennie ex
plained his vote with much direct
ness, v He said that the people had
been clamoring for mountain water
and that practically all of them
want it, Some of them differ as to
the best plan to get it, but all can
not be suited. A survey is neces
sary before any other step is taken.
There ought to have been a survey
a long time ago so that in discus
sing mountain water people could
- speak advisedly. A survey is an
.important thing for 'the town, be
cause even in dealing with a pri
, vate company for mountain water,
' it is necessary to be advised . In
the present situation in Corvallis,
some step for a better water supply
' is extremely important. Most of
the town is actually without fire
protection. No part of the town
is adequately protected. Laying
aside all reasons of health ' . every
consideration suggested that steps
for more water are of vital import
ance to everybody in Corvallis.
. Councilman Hansell also explain
ed his vote. He said he concurred
fully in the remarks of Mr. Rennie.
With a large part of the town whol
ly unprotected against fire, he felt
that something should be . done to
. improve conditions. The lowering
of insurance rates that would re
sult from a oetter protected town
would be a benefit to every house
. owner in what it would save Tittn
in the cost of insuring his home,
to say nothing of the added safety
vto his property. 1 . . ,
"The only vote against the ordin-
was Emery's. . The roll call
ed the following: Ayes. Av-
Irvine, Covell, Rennie, Buxton
Hansell; nays, Emery: absent, Col
bert, Porter.
The grounds upon which the al
leged injunction will'be brought are
supposed to be that the city has ex
ceeded its limit of authorized debt,
and cannot - legally contract any
further indebtedness. The limit
allowed under the charter is $19,000
while the city is in debt $20,000.
If the attempt to enjoin would
stick; it would prevent the survey.
That, in turn would make it neces
sary, if there should be a vote at
'all, to vote without, knowledge of
what the system might cost. It
might result in a vote authorizing
a bond issue with the subsequent
discovery that the city could not
build because the plant would cost
too much. That in : turnt would
force the city to pay for the survey
because if no plant is built, the com
mission will have no money to pay
for .surveys or anything else. In
short, the very thing that it is alleg
ed 4s the reason for the injunction,
is after all, the very thing that the
injunction itself will force upon the
city, towit, payment for the survey.
.Consequently, the alleged reason,
is not the true reason, and the real
purpose of it becomes a simple effort
to postpone, harass, hinder, or " if
possible defeat the mountain water
proposition altogether. That is
whafMr. Yates is paid .for and
what his representative in.the coui
cil, Mr. Emery is working for. If
the litigation comes, it will prob
ably cost the city ' more than the
expense of the . survey would be.
The ordinance that was passed
authorizes the special committee to
contract wnn ivir. miner to supply
M. r . ' -r'ii . 1
a.survey and estimates at a cost of
Sis per day and expenses, not'to
exceed 15 days. Mr, Miller built
the Seattle works at a cost of $1,
250,000, he is completing the Colfax
works and is beginning a new grav
ity system for Athena.
For . shoe repairing see Fowells sec
ond door west of Berman grocery.
. - .
Some one to haul 160 corda of wood,
Anyone wanting the job call on
G. R. Farra.
April 20th, 1905.
For Corvallis Water Co.
Ladies skirts all kinds and nrices
Referee's Notice of Sale of Real
. Notice Is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of a decree and orderof the Circuit Court
of- the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton
made the 27th day of March, 1905, in a suit
wherein George T. Vernon was plaintiff, and N.
P. Slate et al, were defendants, appointing the
- nderslgned referee, to sell the hereinafter des
cribed real property, and directing the sale of
said property. Now therefore in pursuance
to the said order and decree, I will on the 13th
day of May , 1905, at the hour of two o'clock p.
m. at the Court House door, in the City of Cor
vallis, Beaton County, Oregon, seU af public
auction to the highest bidder, for cash In hand,
the following described real estate towm Lots
one and two of Section 2 Tp. 14 S. B. 8 West Wil
lamette Meridnn, in Benton County, Oregon,
containing 13.61 acres of land more or less, to
gether with the appurtenances thereunto belonging-
Said sale will be made In the man
ner required by law for the sale of real proper
ty on execution.
- M. T. Burnett, Referee."
Dated this 15th day of April, 1905,
For Sale.
Real estate, farm and city property .or
sale, exchange or rent. No sales means
no commission to be paid.. Your pat-
, ge kindly solicited. Help furnish
ed and positions secured.
v II M. Stone,
South Main street, Corvallis.
"Short" on Peruna but "Long"
on prunes. Italian prunes, 50-pound
boxes, $1.50. F. I,. Miller.
Special Excursion Train on the
C. & E. , Corvallis to Albany '
. and Return May 7th.
A special train fer the accommodation
of the people of Corvallis and . vicinity
will run from Coryallisto Albany Sunday
morning May 7th, to connect with the
Cooductors Excursion ' train at Albany,
leaving Corvallis at 6-45 a. m. and return
ing leave Albany on arrival of excursion
train from Portland about 9 p. m. Cars
fro mCorvallis will run through to Port
land without change. . . .
Round trip rate Corvallis to Albany ,
50 cents.
Through rate from Corvallis to Port
land and return.
, For further information apply to H, H
Cronise, agent C. & E. or to
vT. H. Curtis, Manager.
Pathmark will make - the season at
Corvallis and at my home, In Corvallis
Thurs, Fri. and Sat. The rest of the
week at mv home. Pathmark was sired
by Pathmont, and Pathmont was sired
by Altamont. Pathmark. s record is
a.lil4; Pathmont's 2.9!. . Pathmark's
dam is Tuliette. who was sired by Tibolt,
and Tibolii by Altimont. Juliette's record
is 2.22. ratnmark is standard bred and
registered ia every respect; is 16 hands
high: color dark dapple bay; weight, ov
er 1200 lbs. , Terms $15, $20 and $25,
Money due when mare is inown to be
with foal. Good pasture free of charge
from, a distance. Responsible for no ac
cidents. , , X
A15-6W Jesse Brown. v
Will Hake Ftee Showing the Lewis
-and Oark Fahv. . ....
That Benton county will do her:
self proud at the Lswis and Clark
Fair would seem likely, if one may
judge by the specimens in various
lines that are being collected tor
the Benton exhibit. - Besides the
OAC collection and the general ex
hibit from the county, there will
be readv for disDlav one of the
finest collections of school , wort 1
ever sent out from this part of the
state. Exhibit work is now being
received by Superintendent Den
man from all parts of the county,
and much of it is now on display
in different show windows of the
stores about town. . J t
Two schools are competing - for
the five and ten dollar prizes offered
by the county court for the best
collection of polished woods. These
are the Mt. View and Belliountain
schools, and the specimens submit
ted are a credit to Benton. TbaJ
en Z:;.
These same schools prepared the
wood exhibit that was - sent from
Benton to St. Louis.
Among the other exhibits so fr
received from the various schools
of the county, is a quilt made of
woolen goods, sent by the 7th, 8th
and 9th grades of the Philomath
school. The quilt is a perfect map
of Oregon, the names of the counr
ties being worked with silk fioss-4-
Other work from the same school
consists of outline maps giving Ore
gon's river system, its cities and
animal and mineral distribution.
Relief maps of North America,
Europe Africa, Oregon and the
United States are made on heavy
card board, the design being made
of salt and cornstarch. This is a
new style of work, and" Superin
tendent Denman is confident that
from no other county will a similar
exhibit be sent.
The Corvallis public school has
done much to its credit in this col
lection. , There is work of various
kinds showing the course oi study
in all the grades. Each subject
treated is furnished with a fronts
piece of pen and ink work done
by the student. One series of. pa
pers shows illustrations done in
colored inks, the life and career of
gou Indian who in by gone years
owned great herds of cattle on the
plains of Eastern Oregon, which
he sold to the early settlers. An
other series of pen and ink draw
ings illustrates the hop culture in
the Willamette.
From Alsea comes the story of
Hiawatha, illustrated in what is
known as "busy work" or needle
work done by pupils in their
spare time. The specimens are a
credit to the school. Other schools
that have so far conrributed splend
id work are Beaver Creek, Dis
tricts 43 and 74 near Albany, lon-
roej Kings Valley, Wells, Blodgett,
Summit and others.
Special mention is merited by
Otto Karstens of distirct No 4, and
by Elmer Williamson of the same
school. Both have contributed
maps that in point of excellence
can not be beaten, it being impos
sible to tell at a , glance ' whether
they are hand work or printed.
Work from these two lad3 was sent
to St. Louis exposition, and re
ceived special mention.
Blackledge sells refrigerators.
A Word to the Wise
Oak wood is getting higher in price
and farther from town every year. Or
der now for summer delivery. 150 cords
now partly sawed stove lengths, season
ed oak--wood.
6500 pounds vetch seed.
3000 pounds red and j white clover.
alfalfa, ,, ' :
Alsike, timothy: orchard and rve
grass, speltz, rape, all fresh " Beeds. A
Also a line of garden seeds. Order now
before the spring rush.
' Tread power, silo, elevator and cutter,
for sale cheap. ,
Poland China swine, 100 goats or
Yours for Business.
Telephone 155. L. L. Brooks..
- W. O. W. Convention
At Los Angeles. The Southern
Pacific Co. will sell on April 12th,
13th and 14th, round trip tickets
to Eos Angeles at greatly reduced
rates, account convention of Wood
men of World and Women of
Woodcraft, to be held at Los An-
geies April iarn, 1905. L.aii on
nearest S. P. agent for rates and
nil particulars..
The Orchestra,
The orchestra score for the opera
Belshazzar contains some of the
most beautiful harmonies and will
add much to the effort of the pro
duction at the Opera House Wed.
nesday and Thursday evenings
The Albany orchestra has been ett
gaged to play and this is a guaran
tee of the excellence of the rendi
tion. .
IX. W!
; It will pay you to walk a Llock or two to see and exam
ine: our exhibit of New Spring and Summer Merchandise for
; All the fashionable fabrics and shades in the latest pat
terns ave shown in profusion.- They are as heretofore up to
the highest standard. A few of our specialties: -
' 1 Royal Worchester Corsets, McGee Petticoats, Pearless
Underwear, Derby Kid Gloves, Uts & Dunns Ladies Fine
Shoes. Ruth Shirt Waists, Gilberts Dress Linings. Broad-
head Dress Goods, Radium Silks and Skinner Satins.
W. L. Douglas Mens Shoes, Hawes $3 Hat, Crouse &
Brandegees Hand Tailored Suits for Men, Extra Good
for Boys and Young Men, Dutchess Trousers 10c
$1 a rip, Monarch White and
Shoe for Men, Women and children, CapPs all Wool Mens
.$10 Suits.
That we are better than ever prepared to furnish your home with
everything in the House Furnishing line. Having just received a large
supply of Couches, Linoleums, Art Squares, Rugs, etc. We can show
you a good line of goods and quote prices that are within the means of
everyone, ,
Have you seen those new Japanese Mats? They are the never
wear-out kind nothing like them m town.
V . , Camping Out Time will soon be here and we shall keep - in stock
in thtir seasons, Tents Hammocks, co'.s, camp chairs, camp stoves, etc.
. A good second-hand sewing machine for sale cheap.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
- At Dunn & Thatcher's. - .
Cracked coin 1.60 per cwt. i
' Granulated sheU 1,60 "
Granulated bone 1.75 "
Crystal Grit 1.60 ' "
And we handle the very best poultry
and stock foods. '
Ladies I If yon once usa Com
pressed Yeast, yjou will have no
other. Ask for it, at Homing's.
You will find full line of flooring Bus
tic and finishing lumber st the Benton
County lumber yards opposite S, P. de
pot. Our No. 3 grade of the above can
not be beat in price
and gee.1 v - mrs-tf -
a button,
Colored Shirts, Hamilton brown
Us To Remind You
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
For Shoes. Qothingv Hats. Gloves, Hosiery,
Notions- Fruits, Meats. Staple and Fancy Gro- .
ceries, see J . & jt
Highest Ma-fcct Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce
Star Brand Shoes are
AtN the Brick Stable '
Everything to sell. Come Early.
Real Estate.
You are much pleased with Willamette
' Valley, .
You like its breezes; its gentle rainB,
But if you cannot buy to suit .
Vou will take your family back again.
Now before you leave forEasteru lands
Let us advise you, for we can!
If you wish to purchase a home,
.Why don't you have a talk with
II. M. STONE. ' ,
He has property to rent and sell,
And about its quality he can tell.
He don't take pro . exclusively.
If a deal is not made his time is free.
Of holding political office he'don't boast
But forty three yeais has lived on the
And sure knows well the quality of land
So place your business in his hands.
H. M. Stone
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. ' Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham &. ham's drug store.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Afcstract Bjsofsln Benton County
Physician &Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick
i dence on the corner of Madison
Seventh st. Phone at ho ase and offi
Wood Srwing.
I am prepared to saw w ood
short notice with. .
W. E. Boddy.
Ind. phone 351.
Setting hens. Call on'or address
. Bowen Lester, Corvallis. '
The prettiest and best wall you can
get for that new house is Whitney's
concrete blocks''N (
Better 1