The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 26, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. XVIII.-Nb. 1.
owr. -? j
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We all Wear Shoes!
Never befoie have we received 'sh quantities
: and qualities in foot wear as this '
Tans, Browns and Black - -
, Low High and Medium cuts - ;-t
Prices High,' Medium and Low
Bat iii all grades the very lowest price "
oohe-uality of the-shoe.' ' Oar efforts- -will
b9 great to increase our - shoe" sales. - '
Shoes' for all' Ladies, Misses, Children;
Mens,- Boys and Little Oents. v Don't
. .. forget our Shoe Department.
Object of the Scouts Is Evidently
to Delay the Advanca Until To
go Geta: Ready ' to. Give '
- Them Battle Firing-
During tho Night
Jsf '-.- , v- - . .
7 Fine Lifbt Samn'e Rnm J
J. C. Eammel, Prop.
Paris, April 24. It n i9 . believed
here that there was some fighting
between Admiral Rojestvensky's
fleet and the Japanese ecotttiog di
vieion , lata " Saturday afternoon,
This' belief is based upon a- special
dispatch to the Temps from its cor-:
respondent at Saigon, who cabled
as follows. v ' ,
' "The entire Russian, fleet which
has been anchored in Kamranh bay
tor-some days,, sailed northward at
noon Saturday," ' -
Soon after they had passed out
of sight " a!, vigorous : cannonading
was heard in the direction ia which
they had sailed, which ". continued
until evening. ; The firiig continu
ed until late in the evening and it
is believed to have been caused eith
er by an - attack on the advance
guard of the Russian fleet by a Jap
anese scouting squadron or else an
Lattack- by destroyers on the, Rus-
elans.'' -Z
A laty dispatch from the corres
pondent jsay6: , -' -
' ''Four Russian transports, with
troop aboard,, arrived at Saigon
Saturday. No one was perciitted
to ooard tbem, ana there is no
means of finding -put where" they
are bound. . - .
."The captain of a coasting schoon
er which varrived here late on Sat
urday night reports that he sighted
a Japanese .cruise?-; squadron- Fri-
day and it is surmised that these
arp t.hf vr-.aKfla. that VrnVfi hccn ft.?i
sra&Vta Wtn tne xitissiade.' 1 r
"The firing previously reported
is declared to have been heard by a
number, of vessel in the route that
the Russians took, and the belief is
general here that the Japanese are
doing iheir be?t to harae3 the Rus
sians, and will continue to do eo
; until Togo etta his main fleet into
I position to give battle." ,
in ti.ite forasatibn outjde" of the
sourvrPi'eh trance to the bay.-1:'."'
rsported af St. t, Petersburg J
on ECauthHty that toe emperor
has -rc;ered rR.T3SBtveneky'aL:paaad.-
t an ;tj liye. Frnoh . territorial wai
Urs, ; TiieQtde'ls vgaid to : be ion-
HePBras-. correspondent of the
PalTM-ill Gazette savs that be un-
dei3'.iid.81tbat the. British" ambas
eador ft. Paris "has .been interrupted
i.W'.Mswt noxiaays ana nas .iYt
ijiusiv a u-.:, Kj-ji.jjceseut a, note
trotn fcij-. governtne
the protest of; Japan
stay tf the Baltic fleet
A 'i okio dispatch
reoot ted mat the fin:
cenl rating in Possiet bay,. .whlch.,i'8 j
loctit-, (J iohe vcortheast jangle' sof-
K''fKv. ani? that. Hiptj n.r nlnnninu in -'
wu'p tutu A.uiciuvrur m u&t t"".v
iff w
piralic i n iir
CI J, JLi'JSS 1,11
C-9ry- vsnip
of rjayrlil prc--
rJry.Robinsoa, 1
V-"jf rlla bpfera. so
-t!.- understands'
is tha reasoi
: .1 - : " , -
attain it sa -nzxs . rrett;o"a, -'ia'so..S - - '
Kijtrfpi , r-orite;,.,:
' heattifal .
."l . '. ? .. .-..1. .
nt supporting r --r-;, .,vr. fjT.' r . r'
ftates that iriar f, -ritvT?' v t J . a. ... . , a,--,f
tberadvanc9 of the Japanese toward ET, '
vu"'wtA r - 'i '
Siason.'CAl.," April. Is A
Shvt' active aeain? " Torn ".op:
by -ipme powerful' internal dietut
ancti the condition of the vac's
lotfijoiniog A. XoIetzkaV lieri ;
stable . - Hy
, Kirilr 4of . Bafiylo'a
JJamel, 'the Prophet.. ..,..a6b u a.
; Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. ; Eecently opened. New
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace -Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam-
ette Valley. . - -
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2,00 per day. " '
For Bicycles, Ammun
ition, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
J IC Berry, Salesman
The Right Prices.
Two Doors South
All Fresh Goods
of the Post Office.
Siigon, April 2i According to
the last news received here, the
Russian equadroa was 15 miles
from the coatt. The vessels were
stsering northward. : - ,
London, April 24. A dispatch
from Manila, April 22, to the Daily
Mail says: ;
"Vice-Admiral Togo's main fleet
will assemble off Formosa on April
"The Japanese counsel here has
received a long cipher message con
cerning Kamimura's squadron,
which is expected tomorrow, Sun
day. - The const:! eays the shipB
will not enter Manila harbor but
will cruise outside. -
"There is great official activity
here. The Ameiican admiral, the
Japanese consul and the general in
command have held conferences.
Tbe admiral on Monday will 'con
fer with Governor-General Wright."
1 he correspondent at Saigon of
the Daily Mail, under dat9 of April
22, states that the Russian squac
ron is short of stores and thtit
French and German ships are leav
ing baigon almost daily with huge
supplies and dispatches, and that
other steamers are being chartered
for the same purpose. . :
London, April 22. A; report is
circulated hete to the effect that
the Japanese consul at Manila has
received a wireless message from
Admiral Togo etating that he ex
pected to engage the Russian fleet
shortly off the island of Formosa.
London, April 22. A dispatch
to the Central ' NewB from Paris
states that it is anoounced there
Rojestvensky left Kamranh Bay
today for the , island of Hainan,
where the. vessels go to coal. Hai
nan is a large island north of Kam
ranh Bay, in the gu'f of Ponquin,
and beloDgsto China.
A Toklo dispatch states that the
ministry if marine announces that
trustworthy eye witnesses report
the four Rusrian cruise'rs today out
side of Kamranh' '..harbor and seven
battleships icside. " "
feix other warships were 'noticed
frO'YWwhlch c.gntant etreama of
datks -colored oily mod . are- still
flowing in great quantities? About
the same time the upper aide of the
big fill across b:g canyon : Bank, 40
feet, ; 'Tnis phenomenon occurred
abj'iril0:30 o'clock thlscoorning.
The fill across big canyon es built
about six years ago by theMcCJoud
River Railway-Company and - was
considered one of the safest fills' on
the entire road. '
:s The sinking of tha fill and the
upheyal in Sisaon occurring at the
same time giye ground for much
spetuiation as to the probable cause.
Maii of the older citizens here, are
inclUicd to favor the. theory: that
Mt; ahaeta is on the verge of anoth
er upheaval. In support of such a
theory they point out that there has recent .cold spell followed
by f lidden thaw or heavy; rains
whichv might cause a slide. .: The
M 'id Ri vpf RaLI way , Com nany
regard to the cause ot the einkmg
of their roadbed. They intend- to
rebuild across Big canyon at once
and say their trains will soon be
running to Upton again.
Sisson is built on a hillside and
is divided by the Southern Pacific
railroad. Koletzka's livery stable
is situated on the highest side,
about 500 yards from the railroad.
- Wiaen the mud first began flow
ing from the lot above the - livery
stable Mrs. Koletzka was at the
barn, alone. She saw at once the
mud would flood the town if left to
Its : own course, so she gave an
alarm and soon had men at work
digging trenches from the barn to
the main sewer ditch. The trench
es, however, cannot carry the vol
ume ot flowing mud. and the
streets below are gradually filling
with it.
- Some of the mud was thrown in
to a pale of clear water and an oily
substance soon covered the toD of
the water, which would indicate
the piesence of much oil. It is re
ported here tonight that the mesa
above town is gradually sinking in
several places.
It is well known that the level
land in this section has only a thin
sod surface. The subsoil is a soft,
spongy mass. The Southern Paci
fic 'people have had trouble with
their roadbed between here and
Up.oafor fifteen years, owing: to
the rottenness of the -land under
the top surface.
, Some claim that the now of mud
was started by the sinking of the"
mesa above and that it broke out
in the yard of the livery stable be
cause tbe horses running, on tbe lot
had worn the surface there thin and
therefore there was an easy outlet
for the pressure caused by the sink
ing of the mesa. Judge Jesse Burge
says he remembers that seven or
eight years ago the mud started to
boil up as it did today, but it only
flowed for an hour or so. The mud
is yet flowing and the volume in
creases every hour. Hundreds of
people yisited the scene today.
4he Court:...
nestoi uaai.,.....jj
lev - vMaidens
Gertty $ McBee,,5
. ,Tr. Wj -
Wise lin
M. A. Strati
Daniel'-s" ComptsAoiis
V 'lilaiden. i.'..'. '.JA ). i , . 4 ,
rifOr-d .tnecourx..... ..a'yra ca. J -.
Sm.-i 'f. ' '.'.'.;. .. ' "' .' J' ' " , :'.
- i,- - v 10 i tx
ing otPersia:.iC w-v
j. Jcreo. vates, uusnroa -.W Wilson, -o, J. Blac
ledge.' - jT . ;.,
Jewish Quintet
Mrs. C. E. Peterson, Mrs. Mary Bryson, M.t S.
Busli, Percy E. Clark, John Allen -
Pages..'..:.... ..' ..i
Helen Lewis, . Grace Wilson,"- Gertrude
,v ' -. - : Bertha. Wilson
Blacky: j
1 1 -
Nolanj v
Belshazzar's Maidens.
Mary Dannenian, Pauline Davis,- Mary Colvig
Gladys Moore, Faye Hill, Gerttjide McBee :;
jewish omenJi.
Ethel Kyle, Mrs"; Simpson, Mrs La'Ee, - Gertrude -
McBee, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Greffoz,' Edna Gillett,"
Mrs.' Bryson, Eva Myers, Mrs, Wicks, ' .
' Floy Johnson . "
Accompanist, Piano.. ...... ......Mrs. Inez Wilson.
Violin. .- ..;.W. D. Fechter
Cornet......................... ,E. D. Wetmore
Bass..... M. Gross
Director Martin E. Robinson
Mrs. O. J. Blackledge
Ethel B. Kyle
Mrs. E. R. Lake
Helen Lewis v
- Gladys Moore
Lula Newhouse
Loretto Sheasgreen
Mrs. J. H. Simpson
Mrs.. Woodcock
Emma Crawford
Hazel Kyle .
Mrs F. L. Miller
Gertrude McBee
Mrs. C. E. Peterson
Gertrude Nolan .
Mary. Sutherland '
Lulu Spangler
Mina Yates
7 Wanted ;. : ;-:
To coiitract for one to fiye tone vefch
seed, season 1905. -
: . S. L. Kline.
Dry Fir Wood
At 3.50 per cord. " Orders solicited
for grul oak for eummer delivery.
- 1 Prank Francis. co,
- -.. Corvailis.
Mrs. M. S. Bush
MaryColvig -Pauline
Mrs. J. E. Farmer
Faye Hill
Mrs. E. W. Liddle
Eva T. Myers
Mrs. W. H. Wicks
Mrs.. Mary Bryson
Mary Danneman
Mrs. E. P. Greffoz
Floy Johnson "
Ethel E. Linville
Libbie Rice
Agnes Wison
Bertha Wilson -
' Grace Wilson. - - .
-' ; ' Tenor. -
M. S. Bush . Otto F. L. Herse .
O. , A. Tozier , ' Frank A. White
J. Fred Yates.
' ,.. Bass.
R. B. Adams
C. C. Cathey
Collie F. Cathey .
Percy E. Clark
Ed Pratt
M. A. Stratton
' ' ' Bushrod W( Wilson
Wm. H. Wicks.
John Allen
S. B. Bane
Dr. Harper
O., J. Blackledge
J.R. Pruett
Arthur J. Rich
Vance Taylor
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received by the Sewer Committee
until the 8th day of May at 12 , o'clock
noon for the construction of a sewer
through blocks 31 and 32 Avery's Third
addition to the city of Uorvalha accord,
ing to the plans tiud specifications now
on file hi the office ot police judge. A
certified check on a responsible back
must accompany each bid. v
P. Avery, Ales Rennie, Ed Buxton,
- . " Sewer Coniraittee. .
The S. P. is selling round trip '
tickets between Corvailis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or , Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Saturdays if East' side
is taken. Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvailis and Albany.
Blocks for chimneys at -Whitney's.