The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 22, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men-
tion and Other Items
Public Interest.
' Mrs. Eliza Sharp is visiting
relatives and friends in and around
Born -Thursday to Mr. and
Mrs. I. A. Henry,, near the saw!
mill, a son.
- Mr. Porter and family, who
have been residing near tbe.laun
dry, are to leave Monday for Cali
fornia. ;. The trip is to be made by
team. ' . . ,
Prof. Cordley returned Tuesday
from Portland, where he accompan
ied Mrs. Cordley on Sunday, when
she entered a hospital there for
Mr- and Mrs. Ed Cummitigs,
who have been residing in Portland
for some time, have gone to Walla
Walla, where they are to remain for
the next three or four months.
Di. and Mrs. A. D. Morrison
arrived Tuesday from Carlton, to
; be at the bedside of Dr. Morrison's
mother, who was stricken with
" paralysis at Oakville, Monday.
Sarah A. Wilkinson has filed
her final account in the estate of
-James M. Wilkinson and June 5th
has been set as the date for final
settlement. .
f. .-.
rMrs. Iyincoln, who has been
deaconess at the Presidio, San
Francisco -for the past five years,
will lecture at the First , Methodist
church Monday, May 1st at 7:30
At their hall Wednesday even
ing the United Artisans had a very
pleasant social affair. Besides re-
. freshments there was "a "hunting
- frame." in which Miss Eva Starr
' won first prize, and Chief Lane, the
feaoby. -
The services in the- United
, Evangelical church next Sunday
. will be at. usual hours except the
the evening preach'.Dg service
which will be held at 8 tn. The
jrastor C. T. Hurd will preach both
morning and evening..
Wednesday, on his ranch, west
'-TV a" T r T iL
ill luwu, u. v. j.ue uciiaii me
erection of a barn, which, will be
followed by the building of a,d well
ing, later on. The barn is being
built by Adams brothers.
. -Victor P. Moses " went to Al
bany Thurso y to meet his cousin,
Miss Hattie-Moes who-arri'ved yes
terday morning for a with
Corvallis relatives.- Miss Moses is
from Tennessee; .
At the First Methodist church
tomorrow, in the morning, there
will be special Easier services, that
will include a selection, "He is
Risen," by the choir, anthem. '"He
Rose from the Dead," by a; ladies'
quartette; a vocal solo by Dr. Cath
ey, and a spe:ial Easter sermon,
"In the Garden of Lilies" .by Rev:
Feese. , In the evening there will
be an excellent programme, arrang
ed by Prof. Chajles Gabriel, the
noted writer 6f sacred- concert
music. This will be given by the
children and young-; people of the
church. A cordial invitation is ex
tended the public. . ..
' At the Congregational church
"tomorrow morning special Easter
services will be- held as follows:
Organ voluntary, Mrs. Green; dox
elogy and invocation; anthem,
"Allelujah, Christ is Risen" .choir,
30I0S by Mrs. Berchtold and Miss
" Allen; responsive reading, congre
gation; hymn; prayer; solo, "The
Holy City"., Miss Agnes von der
Hellen; scripture 'lesson; anthem,
"Unto Him Who Loved Us",. choir
duet Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Pernor.;
notices and offering; duet "The
Hill of Calvary; Miss Edna Allen
and Mr. ; J.C. Knapp; sermon;
hymn; celebration of the IOrd's
'Supper; reception of members;
hymn ; benediction. The order of
evening service is as follow: Organ
r prelude; invocation; gloria, male
quartette; childrens'v exercises;
solo. ' "Softly now the Light' of
- Day.", Miss Hettie Lilly; respon
sive reading; solo, "Upheld" Mrs.
Frederic Berchtold; male quartette,
"Low in the Grave He Lay"; Mes
srs. Knapp Ingle, vSelleck, Hill;
soloy "Sun of my Soul" Miss Edna
Allen; prayer; sold, Resurrection!'
Mrs. Peterson; anthem, "Let
Mount Zion Rejoice", choir, solo
Mr.' Knapp; solo "Plains of Peace"
Miss von der Hellen; hymn .and
benediction; postlude. . .The choir:
Mrs.Y Berchtold; Mrs. Peterson,
'Hisses Allen,-. Lilly,; ;: Huff, Hill,
, von der Hellen,; Fo wells,' Richards,
"Adams. ?.Ic. srs. P. mot, -Krarp,
VA, Nichols. Kr:A, Ilill, Icgie,
. Selleclc, Vyott. -
C. L. Davis and J. E. Henkle,
of Philomath,' were transacting bus
ineea in Corvallis .yesterday. .
Thursday's Albany Herald;
J. Fred Yates, of Corvallis, epent
yeetarday afternoon in AlbaDj,
having business' at the court house.
P. M. Zierolf is expected to re
turn today from a two weeks' etay
in Portland, where be has been tak
ing treatment for rheumatism
Frank Seits, of Five Rivers,
baa been in-, the city duriog the
week. While in town he disposed
of his eeacon'd wool clip. -
Monday, C C Huff began eer
vice as cairn r on the Inavale mail
route.. The arrangement will only
eDdure until thel5.bof next month
when a new R. F. D. route will
bpgin oi)ration in the country serv
ed y me lnavala postomce.
Charles Foilett and Miss Nora
R iwland were married at Philomath
Tuesday evening. The wedding
oicurred at tbe home of the groom's
lather, who owns the Pnilomath
livery stable. Mr. and Mrs. Foilett
have gone to Al-ea to reside.
R'c'iard Dunn has filed his first
semi annual account in tbe
guardianship estate of the minor
heirs of James Dunn. Tbe report
cites that there is $6,073 in the
bands of the guardian who has been
authorized by the court to pay in
full all claims against the estate
that have been presented and allow
ed. Tbe final tyrout for places on
the 0. A. C. track team occurs on
college field on Saturday of next
week. There are more athletes than
places, and there will be strong
competition in each event. The
team, as' last Saturday's victory
shows is the best the college ever
sent out.
-The eyes of the world are on the
China sea. Two great fleets of mod
ern warships are there in hostile ar
ray. The errand of each is to de
stroy the other, if possible. Their
meeting is one of the things that is
inevitable, and it is not destined to
be a great while postponed. It is
fraught with tremendous - conse
quences, for the etakes may be the
naval supremacy of the China Sa8,
and the final decision of the graat
war. - " -1 ....... ..
' On of the bieaeet auction sales
offered Benton co'Sntyiies in along
ticna occurs nexjt .Wednesday at the
brick stable, Corvallis. The lease
of Fruit & Waggoner on the build
ir g expires shoruy, and they are
"compelled to give up the place.
Tim-v feave determined to sell at
uublic auction their horses, bug
gies, carriages, backs, and every
thing el-e, including laprobes, mon
ey safe, whips and every other de
vice incident to a first-class livery
stable. There is rt a bit of doubt
in tbe world. but there will be
no by-biddiDg, and that every item
in the long list will be told, it' there
be a bid at all. The hour for the
auction to begin is ten o'clock, and
the dav is ntxt Wednesday, April
26th. '
- Notice of Final Settlement .
Ia the matter of tbe estate of Easily
A. Wright deceased. '
Notice is hereby given that I, Tohn M.
Wright, as administrator of said estate of
Emily A. Wright, deceased, have filed
my, final account as such administrator
with tbe clerk of the County Court of
Benton county, State of Oregon, and the
said court has fixed Monday the 5th day
of June, 1905. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m. of said day as- the time and the
county court room in the court house in
Uorvallis, Benton Uounty, Oregon, as
the place for hearing and all objections
to the said final account and for settle
ment thoreof. . ' - -
- - -r ,;.v; John M. Wright,
Administrator of the estate of Emily
A Wright, deceased!
' ' For Sale.
Vetch hay. v Call on or address
Ai2-tf Spencer Bicknell, Corvallis-
Notice of. Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby elven that by virtue ot a de
cree, execution and older of sale, issued out of
the circuit cou. t of the State ot Oregon for tne
County of Bentoh, bearing date of April 13th,
iau:., unaer tne seal 01 eaia court, on a aeoree
and order of sale In favor of Mary H. Whitby,
nlaintiff. and against M. p. Totten and Leah J.
Totten, defendants, tor the sum ot tour hund
red ninety and sh-hio dollars,, with in
terest thereon at the rate ot seven per cent per
annum from date of said decree until paid and
the further sum of forty nine dollars, $49.00, at
torneys fees, and for the further sum of forty
eight dollars, S1S.00, costs and disbursements
of said suit, -which said decree was duly enter
ed in said court on the 27th day of March. 1903,
and duly docketed on the 27th of March, 1905, in
a suit herein Mary J H. Whitby was plaintiff,
and Roscoe E. Edwards, Alice Edwards, Augus
ta Strake, John Strake, M. P. Totten, Leah J.,
Totten, et al, were defendants ; said decree, e
edition and order of sale to me delivered, com
manding me as sheriff of Benton county, Ore
gon, to sell in tbe- mannet prnvifled by law tor
the sale ot real property on execution, all of the
iouowing aesciiDea real property town. iua
South west quarter of the North ast quarter ;
the North East quarter of the South West quart
er, the South East quarter of the North West
quarter, and the Nor'h. West quarter of the
South East quarter of Section Eight 8 in Town
ship U d, R. 8 W. of the Willamette Meridan In
Beuton County. Oreeon. together with all the
tenements, heriditamenta and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise appertain
iug; and in obedience to the command of said
decree, execution and order of sale I will on Sat
urdny. the 20th day of May, 1905. at the hour of
two o'clock D.-m. sell at cublie auction o the
highest bidder, for cash in hand,-at ihe front
rioor of the Cou t House in the Oij of Corvallis,
Jienton county Oreon. the above "described
premises to-satisfy 'said sunis of money, costs
ana aVrUtn cats, . ' .. - . r. ,
A1H1122, !'... M P. Burnett, -.
i-.. v ehoriff of Bcatou Gounty, Oregon,
At Kings Valley. ' i :
Six camps are now Tunning on
tbe Luckiamute. " Pby Simpson
moved in last week. : - :
Born on the 7tb, to - the . wife of
W. B. Price, a girl. .; - ,
Born to the wife at- Abe West, a
girl. .. '
Hoskins' Lumber jCompany will
commence sawing the- firtt of next
week. . . .". ":
Potatoes are scarce, .and sell for
75 cents per bushel, i . - :
Sheep men are going to poolthe'r
wool this season. ' F. X.- Chambers
will have charge of the poll. - They
will receive from two to. three cents
more for their wool this 'way than
id the old way of s-ellingV '
A fierce thunder storm struck
this valley oa the' evening ot the
eighteenth. .The telephone .bells
rang with almost every, .flash of
IghtniDE. The Bell phone, at
King's Valley store, was damaged.
Rev. Plowmao has moved to
Sweet Home. V ; v
The new parson of this place will
preach his first sermon Sunday.
Farmers are all through seeding
and are now busy planting garden.
As your correspondents, Uno,
and Don't Know, have failed in
tbeir duty, I take it upon myself to
send you these few linee.
At - Summit.
Our supervisor is having
work done on roads here. r . :
Mrs. James Groshong, of Hos
kins, has been visiting her parents,
Mr. aod Mrs. Hotflar. She return
ed home Wednesday.
Mr. James Patzina and his fam
ily,' from Nebraska City, Neb., are
late arrivals at this . place. They
purchased Max Winkler's ranch.
It was formerly owned by Oliver
Hamar. They chartered a car and
brought all their household goods,
including their family cow and calf.
Cassia Harrison' returned from
bis EaBtern trip lat Tbgrsday. He
visited -several of the large cities,
Omaha, Neb., Chicago,: 111.,' and
Detroit, Mich. He went viarsouth-s
ern route and returned via. . of : El
ler s' urg, Wash, and paid his broth er
Jack and his sister, Mrs. Will
Murray a visit. It was a very- th
joyable trip. '. i v 1
The people of this town are paint:
jng up their residences, as follows:
Mr. Coe, our merchant; H. Harri
sonand the postoffiee building is
beirg painted up by Mrs. Mattoofa,
the P. M.
. For Sale.
Good milch cows.
m29'im .
W. H. Ish,
Inavale. Ore.
T contract for one to five tons, vetvh
see.u, season 1905. , . -.
' S. L. Kline.
Dry Fir Wood
A $3.50 per cord. Orders solicited
for k' ub oak for summer delivery. ,
Frank. FrancL co,v
; . , Corvallis.
To Yaquina Bay Which to People Wish
' ing to Enjoy Nature's Beauties
. Proye so Popular.
The low rates in effect from points on
theS. P. to -Yaquina Bay daring the
winter which proved so popular with the
people wishing to view nature at that
magnificent seaside resort . have . been
extended during April and tickets will
sold on Wednesdays and Saturdays until
the last of A'pril good for return at any.
time up to Hay 31st, 1905. . '
; The month of April should be a favor- (
ite one for v. siting the seaside where the '
health-giving breezes of the Pacific will
banish "spring fever' and other ills to
which flesh ia heir.'' ' . ', . - -" :. ; '
Tickets from all" east side points to all
westside points, and vice versa,' Via 1 the
C & E are also on sale; and on April 1st
tickets to all westside points will he on
sale by the C & E at Albany; and to all
eastside points on the S P by the C & E
at Corvallis on which baggage : can - be
checked through to destination. ;
Full information in regard to rates etc
can be obtained from anyS P or C & E
agent or from W. E,. Coman G P A S P
Co Portland, or T H Curtis Acting man
ager C4EEE Company Albany, Or.
For Sale or Rent.
- An upright piano in good
Addrers Mrs. C. W. Young,
For Sale.
uenance seea wneac, aenverabie in
Qorvallia. .Price one dollar per bushel,
sacked. '. "' - Richard Kiger. '
Have your groceries delivered by the
quick, up-to-date , wagon Moses Bro?
Listen for the bells. , mn-2t
v In Oxfords in all the latest
lasts and leathers. The Rals
ton $4 Health Shoe is the only;
Shoe built on:, scientific princi
ples that retains the style "on
the outside while on the inside v
it gives comfort ,
Sold Exclusively by
Something New!
And of the Best Brands on the Market
IMPORTED Marvilla Garden Ceylon Tea
IMPORTED Montarde De Bordeaux French
. Mustard '.
IMPORTED Chou Fong, Perserved Ginger in
Warrenton Clam Co Pare Minced Clams - v
Harbor Brand Mustard Sardines
Diamond W. Brand Cream Sugar Corn'
Jasmine Brand Asparagus ..
A Fresh' Supply of , .
.J ; Our ad., but our goods change hands '
every day. Your money exchanged "
for Value and Quality is the idea.
1 Big Line Fresh Groceries
V Domestic and Imported.
I Plain and Fancy CWnaware
: : , ... ' A large and varied line.
. , -4 .
Orders Filled Promptly and Co
plete. V i our Store we do the
. s. '
Pioneer Gun Store
Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle,
. Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras,
. Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery
H. E. HODES, .
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. :We take pleasure in
giving you ail the reliable information you wish, also
showing you. over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance r,
GSrvallis and Philomath, Oregon: . '
s. i.
. 0orvallis
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box it.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience. .
Lawyer .
Corvallis, Oregon.
Both .Phones.
"- '. Notice to Creditors . :
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed by the County
Court of Benton County, Oregon, in pro
bate, as executrix of the daat Will and
testament of Louisa J. Stewart, deceased.
All persons having claims against the es- '
tate of said deceased are hereby required
and noiiGed to . present them, with the
proper vouchers, within six months from
tbe date of this notice to the undersigned
executrix at my residence in Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon.
Dated March 18, I905.
:. Henrietta Kandall.
... -' i -. -.. '- Executrix.
E. It. Bryson,
Attorney-At-Law , -
A large amount of no. 2 rougt) lumber'
all lengths. . r ,
At Corvallis s'aw mill .. f 6.50 per M '
Gorvallis Marble Shop"
Third door north Hotel Corvallb.
With Lewis and Clark
By Julia Fraser
' in an interesting article in
Sunset Magazine
Jlpril number
This article is well illustrated and sho
uld be read by people of the North west
and then sent to their eastern friends.
It will help to show them the enterprise
and progress of the nortn west better than
many letters would. Other articles,
short stories and aerses.
Sold by all News Dealers
Gorvallis & Eastern
j, ...... . -
Time Card Number 28.
ior Yaquina: - ! .
Train leaves Albany. ...... 12:45 p. m
f -; ..." Corvallis...... 1:45 p. m
" arrives Yaquina. ...... v 5:40 p. m
Leaves Yaquina....
Leaves Corvallis
Arrives Albany
........ 7:15 a-m
11:30 a. m
12:15 p. m
3 ror uetroit:
Leaves uorvaiiis.
Leaves Albany . .
Arrives Detroit. . .
6:00 a.m.
7:30 a. m
.12:62 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit
,.12:35 p. m
.. 5:15 P. m
. 7U5 p. m.
Arrives Albany
Arrives .Corvallis
Train. So 2 connects with the S P train '
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
; Train N.o. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south, bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train..
For further information apply to
T. H. CURTIS, -'
v Acting Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. ,
Thos. Cockreli. Aeect Albany. . -
. Physician & Susgeon
C2ce, room M, CaaS
. 10- to 12 and. 2 to 4.- .
;phono,'offloa 83. . Keiid6nce3Sl. , ..
Corvallis, - ' Crcen.