jorvaliis Times. Official Faper of Beaton Uoaajv. COBTJJUUS, OREGOX APRIL, 23 190j. THE HASTE OYER. - : Proceedings in the . f enteral c ourt ; at Portland indicate SenatojfMitch- ell not to bein teally feverish haste fnr trftil of his.dase. , The evident jfoliey df s djsisnguishedittorney is not to brin to the quickest po&: - sible determination that vital ques tion, are the government" s charges true, but on the contrary, it is he apparent .'purpose- first, if possible, to secure delay, and second, if pos sible, to avoid the real issue 'and se lect one that is not . the real issue to fight on. r Nothing so much tends to discredit Senator1. Mitchell's prc- testations of his own "virtue in the premises, as do . these tactics" that a hinder, rather than hurry. , '" ' '" ' , ' -: ' EUROPEAN POTATOES. Come to Corallis Are to be Planted ; ; . ' onColkg Farm. , ; " More than 1 ,000 pounds; . of . mail " Mnmn ... nrt AlhOflXTCT'inrfl H 11 ?" C . day morning. When it was piled off xn the pavement in front of the : postoffica, it looked like a steamboat had unloaded there. There was P5 sacks in all. To the stage com . pany they were the equivalent.' in avoirdupois, but not in dollars, of six healthy passengers. : In the lot there were six sacks of . potatoes that the mail clerks had to wrestle with. It looked a little extraordin ary to see potatoes by the sackfull in the United States mail, but that is what . the bystanders observed and talked about. Each f the sacks seemed to contain as .much as two bushels of spuds,, involving v nf mnip a TvfMcrTif nf "Ton Tv-mtnler The potatoes are from the depart- -: ment of Agriculture at Washington .rand are for experimental purposes at the college. ' I hey include 49 varieties, all of them European po tatoes. -The purpose of the expert ' mentation with-them is .to discover . . their value as: a crop in this - soil and climate. . It is a-: co-operative . experiment carried on all 'over the tt.: o,4.- j.. -'.. - , Ulll C-Vi OLcU.CO 111 JL 1 1: JLi V 1 lit the bureau bf Plant Pathology. . . For shoe repairing see Fowells sec ond door west of Bertnan grocery. Wanted. .. Some one to haul 160 cords of wood. Anyone wanting the job call on G. R. Farra. April 20th, 1905. For Corvallia Water Co. Ladies skirts all kinds and prices at Moses' Bros. Call and see them. Supervisors Claims. Following is the list of various supervisor's salary for the first quarter, 1905: A. R. Iocke SuprDist No. 1 tl. M. Fleming " " 2 E. M. Dodele v " 6 John Price " " 7 W. M. Clark " 8 A. Cadwalader '' 9 W. P. McGee " "10 J. R. Fehler " "11 Ei. A. Buchanan " ". 12 J. E..Banton " ' " 13 Ooke Gray " ' " 17 Squire R. Strow " "18 H. Hector " " 19 A. M. Gray " " 22 $7 50 6 25 5 00 2 50 5 00 10 00 12 50 11 25 5 00 37 50 o 00 3 12 3 75 6 25 The above claims will be audited by the county court at the May, j 905 term. Objection to allowance of same should be filed on or be' fore May 6th, 1905. Published by order of county court. . Victor P. Moses, County Clerk. Datad April 13th, 1905. Referee's Notice of Sale of Real ., Property. Notice Is. hereby given that trader and bv vir tue of a deciee and order oi the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Benton made the 2th day of March, 1S05, in a suit wherein weorge T. Vernon was plaintiff, and N. P. Slateet al, were defendants, appointing the ndersigned referee, to sell the hereinafter des cribed real property, and directing the sale of said property. Now therefore In pursuance to the said order and decree, I will on the ISih day of May , 1905, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. at the Court House door, in the City of Cor vallis, Benton County, Oregon, sell af public auction to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, the following described real estate towlt: Lots one and two of 8e tlon 2 Tp. 14 S. B. 8 West Wil lamette MeridRD, in Benton County, Oregon, containing 13.61 acres of land more or less, to gether with the appurtenances thereunto belonging- Said sale will be made In the man ner required by law for the sale of real proper ty on execution. M. P. Burnett, Referee. .. Sated this 15th day of April, 1905. For Sale. Real eBtate, farm and city property lor , sale, exchange or rent.: ;. No sales means no commission to be paid. Your, pat ge kindly solicited. Help furnish ed and positions secured. IHM. Stone, ( , South Main street, Corvallis. NINE MILLION EGGS. " For HaUhiftg Parpeses-''B!g Lot Went Through Comllis fcrr Lewis and . . '- dark. - big hjt of salmon eggs, des tined for : unusual use, passed thr&ugh Corvallis Thursday ? enr route to Portland from L the ,-. ' Elk river hatchery near Elk City. : 1 he eggs are intended for the . working exhibit placed in the : exposition by the department of fisheries of Oregon, Washington and the federr al government under the direction of the Oregon State Fish Commis sion. The eggs will ' be taken out of cold storage as needed for the exhibit, and salmon in'1 all -: stages of hatching will be shown in glass. The eggs while in cold storageiwill lie. dormant and will - remain so for anv lensrth of time until . taken out and placed where natural- warmth and other conditions will bring the spark of life to work. - ' - The fisheries exhibit , promises to be one of the great .attractions . of the exposition, and v: efforts will be made by this state and the state bf Washington,' aided by the fisheries department of the federal . govern ment to make .it as interesting and instructive as possible.,, . Ovpm million eees are .reported .. fly the Albany' Herald to have been taken at the Elk river hatchery this sea son. v r ' - ' TO RUN PULLMAN; On C. & E. for .Summer -Travel- - ernauling all the Coaches. Oy ' The statement is that new con ditions are to prevail on the C. & E. this summer." Additional roll- in? stock is to go on the line, and all the old coaches are going into the shops for complete overhauling before the summer travel . begins, Most of the coaches are now in the round house being thoroughly ov erhauled and painted and when the entire string is given the new dress the people who formerly knew the trains on the road will hardly rec ognize the cars! In their new dress the coaches are as neat as a. : new u,.liw iiA-A .(.:, 1... and" .... sibie, in order to make - the"; tiwvel on the road more pleasant." Among the. new eoiichss" a one or the sleep ers formerly used on the Astoria & Seasi'de railroad, and this will' be placed on the C. & E. in the com ing season on the excursion trains. The large comfortable . sections in the car offer a fine lounging place for excursion parties, and those be ing lortunute enough to secure pas sage in this coach to the bay on ex cursion trains will find the trip far more easily and comfortably made than in the ordinary coach. The road bed is being thoroughly im proved and will be thoioughly kept up to the highest, point ot ef ficiency possible, in order to make travel safe and pleasant during the summer rush. THOUGHT IT AN ANIMAL. It Came From Inside a Cow's Heart . Was Brought to Corvallis From Lane County. Some strange things come to light in the bacterlogical depart , ment at the college. A man came there the other day with a Mason quart jar, inside of which was an object that the bearer believed to be some sort of an animal. The thing was large enough to almost completly fill the jar. It had been taken from the heart of a cow that died at Loraine, Iane county. The cow had died under unusual cir cumstances, and the post mortem revealed the fact thatyber heart was unusually large. It weighed in fact more than.sixty pounds. When the heart was opened the thing which the investigators thought to be an animal, was found inside. At first sight it struck the behold ers as resembling in appearance a very large water dog. One of its tentacles Extended far up the aorta, and was 32 inches in length. . . v The phenomenon was so unusual that the Grange of the vicinity voted to pay the expenses of a man to bring the strange object to the college for examination, and the plan was carried out. The speci men was turned over to the bacter iological department, where an in vestigation showed it to be a poly pus. In its growth it had filled one of the ventricles completely and had extended to other parts of, the heart, among other ramfications, sending a 32 inch tentacle far up into the aorta. A polypus is a tumorous growth sometimes found in the nose of human beings. Its presence in the heart of a cow. is one of 4 the new things to scientists. A STORY OF OLD. But Many a Time .Re-told A Feast, ' and a Fall of a King. ' . Belshazzar has ever been a pop ular character in history. . Just S the ill-fated Charles of England has been studied, and the present Nicholas of Russia is a subject of keen interest. The story of the dissipation, overthrow and utter loss makes the lite or Jttelshazzar stand out in history as no other, with the possible exception of his great ancestor Nebuchadnezzar. The scripture story of Belshazzar is found in the fitth chapter of the book of Daniel, ; and in this one chapter the sacred writer pens one of the most vivid and striking des criptions of dissipation, sacrilege and utter indifference to imminent danger that the world has ever seen. The opening sentence reminds one of Byron's "The Eve of Waterloo" VThere was a sound of revelry by night and Belgium's capital had gathered there her beauty and her chivalry." "So in Babylon of old. when Cyrus and his Medes were on all sides and had --completed the great canal for the draining of the Euphrates, Belshazzar - made a feast to a thousand of his lords. But in the "midst of their revelry the hand of God penned the words of doom." Daniel, ; the only man who could interpret " the ; signs of the times, read the message. Cyrus and his hosts were all ready en tering the city. : Belshazzar was captured and the empire given to the Medes and the Persians. Con cerning this history we are not lim ited to thebible for our facts but find themcorroborated I elsewhere. ' Xenophon tells us that Babylon was taken by night while the city was revelling. Among the most interesting Babylonian tablet in scriptions - about - Belshazzar are found several notes, which he gave in the ordinary transaction of busi ness. " In these the date of making the security,-and the time of pay ment are given. : On mother tab let he is mentioned as the first born of the king and hence was the prince regent in-the absence of his father- -during.' war. " -His name means, "May .Bel protect the king Bel is the Babylonian for Eaal and was iuc suuicujc .vusiaiB'-JiW ml 2.1 i. .-i. J r ing tablet is a prayer .tablet" ot Belshazro.r's- iV&.?r rrirjis son. It reads," ''Do .thoutausa ihe adora tion otthy great divinity to exist ir Viiq liMTt' milu TiA tint. ovt( viraxr to sin; may he cot be satisfied with prayer was unanswered by Bel. One of the strongest proofs of the accuracy of the Bible narrative is the fact that, though there are many tablets found concerning Belshazzar while he was a prince, not one has been' found concerning his acts as king. This shows al most conclusively that he was cut off almost at the beginning of ' his reign. Perhaps this very ' ; feast was the one celebrating his acces sion to the throne. Because his father lost the battle of Seppar to Cyrus and was probably killed and the son at Babylon amid revelry ac ceded to the throne. But in his dissipation, negligence and sacri lege he was cut off, and in history, song and story the world continues to take fresh, lessons of " warning from his felly. A Word to the Wise Oak wood is getting higher in price and farther from town every year. Or der now for summer delivery. : eords now partly sawedstove lengths, season ed oak wood. -, 6500 pounds vetch seed. 3000 pounds red and white clover, alfalfa, . Aleike, timothy, orchard end rye grass, speltz, rape, all fresh seeds. A Also a line of garden seeds. Order now before the spring rush. Tread power, silo, elevator aad cutter, for sale cheap. Poland China swine, 100 goats - or less. - - - ? . Yours for Business. Telephone 155. L.L.Brooks. W. O. W. Convention At l,os Angeles. The Southern Pacific Co. will sell on April 12 th, 13th and 14th, round trip tickets to LOS Angeles at greatly f educed rates, account convention o Wood men of World and Women of Woodcraft, to be held at Xos An geles April 18th, 1905. Call on nearest S.- P. agent for rates and -ull particulars. -1" - Pathmark. '- ' - . v : - ' " - Pathmark will make the season at Corvallis and at my home, In Corvallis Thurs, Fri. and Sat. The rest : of the week at my home. Pathmark was sired by Pathmont, andPathmont was sired by Altamont. Pathmark.s record is 2.nrPathmont's 2.9X. Pathmark's dam ia Juliette, who was sired by Tibolt, and Tiboli by Altimont. Juliette's record ia 2.22. Pathmark is standard bred and registered In every : respect; is 16 hands high: color dark dapple bay; weight, ov er 1200 lbs.-. - Terms $15, $20 a5d $ 25. Money due when mare is known to be with foal; Good pasture free of " charge from a distance. Responsible for no ac cidents. - A15-6W ; Jesse Brown. t Ira mtw ty'Jww ferf -IPm - s When the Boys Begin to Play Marbles it's Time to Buy their Clothes for Spring Children's Suits, age 2 to 8. A large selection of dressy becoming suits for little fellows. . Novlties in Russian and Admiral Blouse Suits in attractive colors, $3 00 to $5 50. I en's Suits, age 3 to 10. Many special lots that will appeal to all economical mothers. Made from plain and fan cy fabrics; XtragooD, in fact, $3 50 to $6 00. Boys Suits, ago 7 to 16. Better suits than you usually get in double-breasted jackets and pants style. Made by Eder deimcr, Stein & Co from best all wool cassimeres and che viots, 5 00 to $7 00.' Boys Suits,Nage 7 to 16. In. the popular and attractive Norfolk style, bloomer or knickerbocker pants, plain fabrics and novelties, $5 50 to $7 50. or m 8 Allow That we are better than ever prepared to furnish your home with everything in the Honse Furnishing line. Having just received a large supply of Couches, Linoleums, Art Squares, Rugs, etc. We can show you a good line of goods and quote prices that are within the means of everyone, Have you seen those new Japanese Mats ? They are the never wear-out kind nothing like them in town. . ... . Camping Out Time will soon be here and we shall keep in stock in their seasons, Tents Hammocks, cots, camp chairs, camp stoves, etc. A good second-hand sewing machine for sale cheap. HOLLENBERG & C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath,yOregon. - At Dunn & Thatcher's. - ' Cracked coin " 1.60 per cwt. Granulated shell -i,6o . " Granulated bone 1.75 . " Crystal Grit ' 1.60 " And we handle the very best poultry and stock foods. . , I,adiee! If yon once use Com pressed Yeast, you will have no other. Ask for it, at Homing's, You will find full line of flooring Bus tic and finishing lumber at the . Benton County lumber yards opposite 6, P. de pot. Our No. 3 grade of the above can not be beat in price and - V and see. ' mis-tf Us To Remind You Star Brand Shoes are Better! ... For Shoes, Qothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, ' Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, see Jfi : Jf & Jfi ' WELLSHER & GRAY. highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce - Star Brand Shoes are Better! AUCTION SAL OF BRICK .LIVERY STABLE 10 O'CLOCK WED. APRIL 26T : . At the Brick Stable , . Everything to Real Estate Yon are much pleased with Willamette Valley, . ,' You like its breezes; ita gentle rains, But if you cannot bny to suit You will take your family back again. Now before you leave forEasteru lands Let us advise you, for we can! If you wish to purchase a home, Why don't you have a talk with - II. M. STOXE. He has property to rent and sell, And about ita quality he can tell. He don't take pro exclusively. If a deal is not made his time is free. Of holding political office he don't boast But forty three yeais has lived on the Coast, And sure knows well the quality of laud So place your business in his hands. H. M. Stone. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. . Eesidence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & V-.ham's drug store. J. FRED FATES ATTORKh l-AT-LAW. First Nat'l Bank Building, . I Only SO y G. K. FARRA, Pnysician fi5surgeon Office np stairs in Burnett Brick i dence on the corner of Madison Seventh at. Phone at hons e ani offi Wood Srwing. T .... 3 - ' A saw. W. E. Boddy. Ind. phone 351. Wanted. Setting hens. Call ou'or address Bowen Lester, Corvallis. r j - - opt for that, new house is Whitnev" 1 n titt T l per anil M.Hr wh 1 1 villi i:h concrete blocks. CADY, sell. Come EarJ