The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 19, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items" of
.'... Public Interest.
Clarence Vidito left Sunday for
a visit with friends at The Dalles.
Mrs. H. Stratton is the guest
of Mrs. Ida Babcock at Salem.
Mrs. Charles Everett is confin
ed to her home' with a severe at -
. -1 - - r i :
lacs. 01 in giippc.
Mrs. Maggie Browning and
children of Lane county spent Sun
day in Corvallis with relatives.
Robert Jackson of Anacor.ea
lias arrived 'and is looking after
business interests in this city.
William Fouts. residing on
the island above town, went to
Salem Saturday where he has en
tered a hospital for treatment.
-rHon. George E Rhodes of
Centralia, Wash was 'a -Corvallis
visitor Sunday and Monday. Mr.
Rhodes was enroute to California.
Last Saturday Mr. Wright "of
Portland purchased 10 head of
horses in the . vicinity of Corvallis.
He shipped them on Monday morn
ing's boat. ; - . . '
A small dwelling house that
stands just west of the Episcopal
ehnrch was bought Saturday by
Marshall Miller, who is to have it
moved on to lots in the Greffoz
Mock near the S. P, depot.
Eugene Guard: Prof. C.' A.
' Burden, Dave Graham and Harley.
Glafke are spending their vacation
mi a novel manner. . Yesterday
they set out on foot to walk from
Eugene to Florence, and thence to
- Newport and then return.
i-' . " -
Ihe nrst trip over tne newj
mail route between Corvallis and
Inavale was made by C. C. Huff
Monday, It is stated that Mr.
Huff is so enthusiastic over the job
- that be arrived in Corvallis an hour
and a half ahead of schedule time.
Easter social and sale of home
made candy and fancy eggs com
mencing. at 2 o'clock Friday "April
21 1905 will be given by the ladies
of the Baptist church at a room
near Rae's shoe shop on Main St.
An Easter supper will be served at
5 o'clock at 2Cycents a ticket. Your
patronage is earnestly solicited. . . .
At the meeting of the Presby
tery at Dallas, arrangements were
made for the. installation of Rev.
31. S. Bush as pastor of the First
Presbyterian church of Corvallis
May 4. Rev. T. B. Griswold of
Albany will preside, Rev. M. D;
McClelland of Portland will preach
the sermon. Rev. A. Carrick of
L Brownsville will charge the pastor,
, and Rev. E. J. Thompson, D. D.
of , Independence will charge the
people... A cordial invitation is ex
tended to the" people of , this com
munity to attend this service.'
The fourth debate in a series for
the.Gatch cup was won over the
Feronians, by the ; Utopians. It
was a debate between young ladies.
Eha question was, "Resolved: that
' - ioter-collegiate " athletics, result in
more good than harm." , and the
winners had the . negative.' The
teams were, Feronians, Miss Bessie
; Yates, Miss Alice Jones and Miss
l,ura Flett; Utopians, Miss Wright,
Miss Parsons and Miss Tartar. The
judges were, Prof; Kent, . Prof.
Cummings and Prof. Schmitt of
-Albany. The Feronians are the
present holders of the cup. Three
. more debates are required to settle
the question of which society shall
- hold the coveted trophy next year.
The surviving competitors are, go
rosis, Pierians, Utopians and Ami-
- citian3. . '. '."x":-.
The following real estate
transfers have been filed for record
Abe jHenkle to J. W. Berreman,
2 a. adj. Philomath, $675. F.
Jones & hus. to Eugenia Pierce,
jjg a. $1,500. A. J. Johnson &
wf. to Sarah F. Weir, 160 a. (1-2
int.) Kings .Valley, $6,000. M. L.
V Adams to Harriet Adams, 1 1-2
Jots in Bl ii, Wilkin's add. $ 1. T.
' K. Fawcett & wf. to W. H. Kin"
& wf. 921 a. near Bellefountaiir,
57,000. W. M. Xadd . & wf. to
Ghas. Lulard, lot 4 BI. A. Job' si
: add. $30. Chas. Lillard & wf. to
Lucy G. Young, lot 4 Bl. A, Job's
add, $110. J. C. Pritchett & wf.
to J. A. Franklin, 40 a. near Philo
math, $150. Kate B. Daniel, to
Abbie O. Fegler, 3 lots, Bl. 14 Co.
add. $2,000. United States i to
. John Olson, 169 a. West of Wells.
, . United States to J. E. Winegar ,
167 a. N. W. Corvallis. j: O.
. Wilson c wf. to Minnie A. Wilson
l-ii 9, Bl, 29, Avery's add.'$r. ' '
J. J. Cady left yestesday on a
business trip to Newport.
Miss Rose Ingram, of Monroe,
was a guest over Sunday, ; of Cor
vallis friends.
Mr. and Mrs. T.'U. Wtllab. r
spent Sunday with relatives Bnd
friends at Monroe. ..-' -
Mre.-Eugene Wurtz ' went to
Portland Monday on business.' Sae
returned the eanoe evening.
. .- v -
Miss Bertha Buchanan; of In
dependence, is the guest of Mrs.
Willard Ireland.
Mies Juliet
Monday from a
Cooper returned
brief visit with
Portland friends. .
Mrs. Morrison, mother of
Archie Morrison, of Carlton,' form
erly of Corvallis, was stricken with
paralysis at her come mar Oakvillf,
Monday. ' " -
The Mietes Paiker, after a visit
of several days with Corvallis
Iriend?, rtturned ta their home at
xilbany yesterday. ..
P.J. Walton and family, now
occupy their new refidence below
the sawmill, which has ju6t been
completed. . '?' : .. .
We have positive proof that a
certain boy in Corvallis is the smart
est toy of his age in the world: his
mother told us so. ; v
Afler a month's visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Well
sher, Mrs. E. C. Cummings left
Monday for her home in Portland.
Miss Daisy Woods, who has
been in Corvallis visiting relatives,
leftMonday for her home in Port
land. Sbe was accompanied by her
sister, Miss Lola Woods.
Dr. Withycombe acted as judge
Friday evening at Eugene in a de
bate between Eugene and Salem
high school teams. '?--
There is to be an Easter eer
vice at SimpEon chapel next Sun
day. The announcement that there
was to be a baeket dinner is an er
ror. ;:"' . - '. "J- . ' X";'--
Rehearsals for the Belshazzar
cantata, to be produced at tne opera
house in the near future, are going
v nightly, about bu people are to
take part and the affair will be
quite elaborate.
Salem Journal: Gordon Moores
of the U. of O.," and Merrill Moores,
of O. A. C, are- epending their East
er vacation with their parents, Hon
and Mrs. C. B. Moores, of this city.
Saturday, Walter Brown told
t Mr.-Homire, of Salem, five acres,
north of this pity, for $1300. The
eals was negotiated by James Lewis-
Judges and clerks of election
were -appointed at an 'adjourned
meeting of the ; couneil Monday
night. Tbev are, judges, Caleb Da
vis, Joseph Yates ar.4 J. W. Craw
ford; clerk?T Clifford : Gould aou
Grant Elgin.
Rev, C. T. Hurd and family
arrived Monday. Rev. Hurd is the
new pastor of the Evangelical
church and will deliver his first
Sfrraon to his new congregation
next Sunday. All are invited to
come and- welcome the new pastor.
After a nine months'a visit at
the borne of her uncle, J. H. Har
ris, Miss Cloy Buchanan leaves to
day for San Francisco. After a
month's visit with relatives in that
city, Miss Buchanan will proceed
to her home in Mississippi.
Edith M. Howard has filed
a suit for divorce from Victor How
ard. The complaint ets forth that
the couple were married March,
1904, in Linn county, and three
months later the husband was sen
tenced to the penitentiary for horse
stealing. The plaintiff asks for di
vorce and her maiden name, Edith
Maud Gats. . , .
Enterprising citizens ot Union
are fattening a hog for the Lewis
and Clark Fair, It weighs at the
present time 1150 pounds, juBt
27 pounds more than the prize hog
at St7 Louis. : It is wheat fed, the
Eastern people doubting whether
a hog can be fattened on anythtng
except corn, and this demonstration
is being made for their benefit.
, :Laet Saturday evening the En
deavorers of the Evangelical church
tendered a birthday surprise to Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Schriber. The
guests numbered 38. After a pro
gramme, refreshments consisting of
pop-corn balls, candy and dough
cut?, "like mother aged to -make,"
were served. Mr. and Mrs. Shriber
were the recipients of a number of
silver presents.
An auction sale of horses held
in town Saturday resulted in the
sale of one cow, and a town cow at
that. She was purchased by F. L
Miller at $20, and is to go to his
farm. ' The bovine was owned by
Mr. Johnson, Mr. Miller's second-
door neighbor.- lhe horses were
offered for sale and the barn was
full cf buyers but the latter got the
idea that tbeie was by-bidding and
the whole things was off. - One of
the horses eold subsequently at pri
vale ea'.e for $70.
j Paul Jones' Bodyv y .
continued from page one.
thdrize a public funeral,' io - which
fitting honors should be paid to the
dead hero. Morris refused." He
states that he (Morris) desired "a
private and economical funeral." .
H3 got it. The funeral was bo
private and economical that neither
the tongue of repute, identifying the
grave from generation to generation,
nor the more unerring evidence of
shaft or vault guides the footsteps
of those who come so late, fo late!
to repair the neglect of a 100. years.
Had Gouverneur Morrife; the
American -minister to France, don
his duty at the time of Paul Jones'
-deathly giving him a respectable
funeral and a rrodest tombstonei
the people of this country would not
now be taxed $35,000 "to find the
hero's grave.
Paul Jones - was the first and
the greateet sea captain whoever
flew the Stars and Stripes from the
masthead of a battleship, and "held
the ocean lists againsb the world in
Congress gives $35,000 to find the
bones, and .of course they will be
found not those of the original
Jones, perhaps, but a good enough
heap of bones for that amouct
of money. - . "
. ,
At Bellf otihtain.
Born to the wife of Cliff Bale,
of Monroe, April 7th, a nins pound
bov.- Grave doubts of the father's
recovery are entertained by his
friends. -'" ..: 1-
Born to the wife of Joe Strone,
April 7th, a son.
Mrs. Reed, mother of Mrs: Dolly
Wilhelm, is in Monroe, taking care
of her grandchildren. " : .
Mrs. Williim Garlinghouse has
almost recovered from her recent at
tack.of paralysis. T V
Mrs. Clarence Lerwill,-who had
been seriously ill at : her home for
more than a week past, was taken
to Port! a ad Monday for an opera
tion. . "W; ; ,. : '
Miss Linnie Lerwill has returned
to school at Corvallis. '
The Monroe boys were beaten in
the baseball game which came off
Sunday at Junction. '
Sherman Simpson made a busi
ness trip to Junction last week.-
James Hamilton, of Salem, is
near Monroe .looking about proper
ty interests. :a.V;-- ' :-yt'
Mrs. Mary E. Rickard returned
home last week after several weeks
vibit among relatives in the Barclay
vicinity. .
-William Hugins receotly pur
chased a fine shepherd pup from
Homer Trout, of Monroe. '
; John Crow, of Monroe, has mov
ed o Ingram Island to reside, and
is , now busily engagsd in -clearing
up land on his recently purchased
pr..i;erty. . . ;
Monroe ' school cloted Friday,
A iil 7th.
Ye various lodges of Monroe are
tsk "g in many members.
The M. W. A. camp, of Monroe,
Ex oect to go to Junction City , the
22 .10 organize a M. W. A camp
at that place. Ecarg.
To Yaquina Bay Which to People Wish
ing to Enjoy Nature's Beauties
- Proye so Popular.
The low rates in effect from points on
the S. P. to Yaquina Bay during the
winter which proved so popular with the
people wishing to view nature at ' that
magnificent seaside resort iave been
extended during April and tickets will
sold on Wednesdays and Saturdays until
the last of April good for return at any
time up to May 31st, 1905. .- -
The month of April should be a favor
ite one for v. siting the seaside where the
health-giving breezes ef the Pacific will
banish "spring fever' and other ills' to
which flesh is heir." i
Tickets from all eastside points to all.
westside points, and vice versa,' via the
C & E are also on sale; and on April 1st
tickets to all westside points will be on
sale by the C & E at Albany; and- to all
eaBtside points on the S P by the CAE
at Corvallis on which baggage can be
checked through to destination;'"
Full infoimation in regard to rates etc
can be obtained from any'.S P or C & E
agent or from W. E. Coman G P A S P
Co Portland, or T H Curtis Acting man
ager C&E E E Company Albany, - Or,
.. For Sale or Rent. ,
An upright piano : in good condition ,
Addrers Mrs. G. W. Young, - Corvallis
. For Sale. -
. jjenance seea wneat. aenverable in
Corvallis. Price one dollar per bushel
sacked. - Richard Kiger. - .""
-Have your groceries delivered by the
quick, up-to-date wagon-Moaes Bio
Listen for the bells. . - "' mir-2t-
In Qxfords in all the latest
lasts and leathers. . The Rals
ton $4 Health Shoe-is the only
NShoe built on scientific princi
ples that retains the style -J on
the outside while on the Unside
it gives comfort.
Sold ExclusiveTyiby
Something New!
- And of the Best Branda on the Market -
Warrenton Clam Co Pure Minced Clams
Harbor Brand Mustard Sardines - "
Diamond W, Brand Cream Sugar Corn
Jasmine Brand Asparagus .
A Fresh Supply of
i," -- "S- "S" -S- "N-
Our "ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
m '
to H ff
for Value and
Line Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported. .
Plain anfl Fancy CWnaware
A large and
Orders Filled Promptly and Co
plete. V our Store we do the
.s -
. B. Borning.
j v. vc- ,- var -sa.-
Pioneer Gun Store
Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras,
Keys" of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery
H. E. HODES, "
If you are looking for some real good - bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list or come and see us. We take , pleasure '.in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country. - . . "
; Real Estate LLoan and Insurance :
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.'
S. L.
-Marvilfa Garden Ceylon Tea
-Montarde De Bordeaux French
-Chou Fong, Perserved Ginger in
Cr -r -r .1"t 1
is the idea.
varied line.
v-ow tsu -c -t
Offlce at Huston's Hardware Store. P.
O. Address, Box ir.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
CorvalBs, Oregon.
Both Phones.'
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed by the County
Court of Benton County, Oregon, in pro
bate, as (xecutrix of the last Will and
testament of Louisa J. Stewart, deceased.
All persons having claims against the es
tate of said deceased aTe hereby required
and Boiified to present them, with the
proper vouchers, within six months from
the date of this notice to the undersigned
executrix at my residence in Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon.
Dated March 18, 1905.
Henrietta Randall,
" Executrix.
E. It. Bryson,
A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber
all length?.
At, Corvallis saw mill J6.50 per M
GorvalHs Marble Shop
Third door north Hofel Corvallie.
With Lewis and Clark
By Julia Fraser
in an interesting article ia ,
Sunset Magazine
Jlpril number
This article is well illustrated and sho
uld be read by people of the Northwest
and then sent to their eastern friends.
It will help to show them the enterprise
and progress ofthenortn west better than
many, letters would. Other articles,
short stories and aerses. -
Sold by all News Dealers
Gorvallis K Eastern
Time Card Number 28.
For Yuijuina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 P- &
. Corvallis 1:45 p. m
" arrives Yaquina.....-.. 5:40 p. m
.Leaves Yaquina..
Leaves Corvallis . .
Arrives Albany . . .
. . 7:15 a. nt
. .11:30 a. m
..ia:i5 p. m
3 For Detroit: .
Leaves uorvaius. .
Leaves Albany
Arrives Detroit.. .
.. 6:00 a. m .
.... 7:30 a. m
...12:02 p. m
4 from Detroit: ;
ieaves uetroit...
Arrives Albany...
Arrives Corvallis.
.12:35 p. m
. 5:i5 P. m
7:55 p. m.
Train No 2 connects with the S P train
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
Train No. I arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. - .
' For further information apply to
Acting Manager.
H. H. Uronise, Ageni uui voiiiB.
Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany.
Physician & Surgeon . '
OSce, room M, Ban& Eldg. ; Eotirsi
io to-12 sod 2 to A, . : j .
.-.'..Phone, offica 83. " : RasIdenoaSl.
Corvallis, Oregon.