LOCAL LOSE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents, per line will be charged. C. S. Benson returned Monday evening from a few days' visit in Portland. ' Mrs. A. B. Cordley left Sun day for Portland, where she is to enter a hospital for a surgical ' op eration. ' There is a new clerk at the El gin bakery. She is Miss Ida Shupp of Albany, and she assumed her duties Saturday. Red Horse Dan. "Kin ye handle a gun, stranger ?" Strang er. "I don't have to. I own an auto. It's more deadly than any gun." - Mrs. Charles Beach was taken to Portland Monday, where she will take treatment at a hospital for stomach trouble from which she has been for several weeks, a suf ferer. Easter services . will be held at the Episcopal church on Sunday next at n a. tn. and 7:30 p. m. by the Rev. I. T: Simpson of Van couver, Wash. Special Easter music. A cordial invitation to all to attend these services. "Do you expect to send your son to college? "Well, I have- n' t decided yet. , In view of the hazing and the football, I'm half inclined to believe it would be more merciful, to finish him up with chloroform. . .. , v In the State prohibition ora torical contest, held at Me Minn ville last Friday night, first place was won by Chester Gate9 of Dal las, well remembered in Corvallis - as a basket ball player in the con tests of the season. - The winner takes part in the interstate contest to be held in Portland. Second place was won by Miss Alice Wick lund of O. A. C. The newly elect ed president of the Association is Miss Mary Sutherland, which indi cates that the contest next year will be held in Corvallis. Manager - Stimson returned Monday evening from Salem where he met representatives and arrang ed 'for the state intercollegiate track meet. Four places instead of three are to be given in each ev ent, and are to count as - follows: 1st place, five points; second, three; third, two; fourth, one. J The fiity yard dash is to ' be cut out of the schedule, but the "relay is admitted with a count of nve points. 1 he other three colleges wanted to cut out both the relay and ; the fifty, but Manaeer Stimson contended for both to be left-in, and compromised with admission of the relay. A old medgl is to go to the winner of each first, and a silver medal to the winner of each second place. . Preparations on an elaborate scale are being made by the local lodge of Odd Fellows for an event that is to take, place on the. evening of the 25th. The 26th is the 86th anniversary of . Odd Fellowship, but owing to some difficulty in hav ing access to thtir hallon that ev ening, the event is to be celebrated on the evening of the 25th. An anniversary programme is furnished by the order for thisv occasion, and besides this, there will be music, a banquet, toasts, and other fea . tures of interest. There is a' de sire on the part of the local lodge to make the occasion memorable in the history ot the order in Corval lis. All members in Corvallis and vicinity will be heartily welcomed . There will be a great battle of sprinters on OAC field two weeks from next Saturday. Kelly, the great Columbia ; athlete will be here at that time to contest for supremacy over Smithson and Wil liams., He is a great athlete.. In build he is more siender than Smith son, about as tall as Williams, and with an immense spring and- a beau tiful stride. ,, He nearly defeated Smithson in the fifty; and at a time when Smithson was breaking the world's indoor record.' He defeat ed both Williams and Smithson in the 220, all in Saturday's great meet, but out on college hill there is a pretty f well settled conviction that he can't and shan't do it again. Kelly and his admirers doubtless think differently. The question will be, determined , when the Columbia University track team of which Kelly is the star, comes to Corvallis to go against the OAC team' in a dual meet Saturday : May 6th. Kelly will be in three sprints , of that day the fifty, 100 and the 220. In all he will go against Smithson and Williams. The day will undoubtedly see the greatest battle of sprinters that ever took place in Willamette Valley, with, an almost certainty . that State, North west and all Lother kinds of rec ords will be broken. The. men w,ho will take part in it are among the fastest in the world. H. W. Brooks, of the Portland Journal, has been a Corvallis visit or since Monday. Father Springer returned Mon day evening from Albany, .where he was called to officiate at a funer al. ' ' : ; - " Mr. and Mrs. Von der Hellen are to arrive this week from south ern Oregon, to spend Easter with their children, George and Agnes, who are students atO. A. C. Minister. ' 'Don' t you know, little boy, that you should not fish on the Sabbath day?:' Tommy "I ain't a-fiihin , Boss; I'm jest teachin' worms how ter swim." Referendum petitions asking submission of the appropriation bill have been filed at the clerk's office. They are from Bellfountain," and are the first filed in Benton county. 1 here are 45 signers. The order ot events for the State Intercollegiate track meet at faalem was agreed upon by the managers at a meeting at Salem Monday. It is as follows: 100 yard dash, broad jump, 220 hurdle, half mile run, discus, pole vault, 220 dash, hammer throw, mile run, high jump, 440 run,' 120 hurdle, shotput, relay. : ,' Mrs. J. A. Pressley left yester day for her home at Myrtle Point, after a brief visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilkins. She expects to return shortly, and buy a home and locate in Corvallis. Her opinion of Corvallis after an extended Eastern trip is that it is the prettiest town she has seen, An afternoon with 16 ladies as guests was given Mrs. Pressley by Mrs. A. E. Wilkins Saturday. Two young men who, without his permission, rode William Lead better's horses a-fishing last, Sun day are known. The horses were taken from the pasture, and when the fishing ground was reached, they were turned loose. It took the rest of the day for the persons Mr. Leadbetter sent after them to catch and get the horses home. Mr. Iyeadbetter is hot exactly an gry about it, but a repetition of .the case will result in a vigorous pros ecution and a great deal of trouble for the boys who do it.- -J Fruit & Waggoner, the popu lar liverymen, have arranged for an auction sale of all the livestock and vehicles in their brick stable' Their lease expires in a short time, and they, have, after, an extended discussion of the matter, determin ed to go out of business. -They .have a fine stable of horses, teams and vehicles all of which are to go under the hammer, at a date yet to be "fixed, but expected to be next Wednesday, April 26th. The sale will be withotit reserve. Ernst f. Hinrichs of the last graduating class at O. A. C. has just received notice of his "appoint ment to a position in the great e lectrical , works at . Schenectady, New" York. . He is to leave Hood River in a few days to take up his new duties. - A. S. Hall of - the same class left a month ago to take up a position in the same establish ment. . He writes back that stud ents from O. A. C. are admitted to the same place and on the came basis "with graduates ot Stanford and Berkeley. The plant turns out 40 to 50 carloads of finished, product daily, and employs to. 000 men. Miss Eugenia Shelby arrived Monday from Portland, and assum ed charge ot Wells Fargo & Cos office, vice S- t. Hays, resigned, Miss Shelby is the daughter of Eu gene Shelby, the well known super intendent .01 the company with headquarters at Portland, and has been for a number of years stenog rapher and correspondent in the Portland pfhce. r Miss Shelby is an obliging . and capable business woman and will doubtless become popular with the Corvallis business people, as well as in a social way. - -. ; . r. v . , . . . An adjourned meeting of the city council was held Monday even ing to hear the " report of the com mittee appointed to secure a pre liminary survey of the route for the proposed . mountain water system. Chairman Rennie of the committee, read an extensive correspondence on which , the committee has been engaged, involving - letters, reconi' mendations and offers from a num ber of engineers. Among the let ters was one from G N. Miller; designing and consulting engineer f6r a large number of water works,. among them, one for the city - of Colfax with a pipe line fifteen miles long, which is just being complet ed. He is also just beginning a gravity plant at Athena, Eastern Oregon. He was for three years designing and consulting engineer for the Cedar River water works which cost a million and a quarter dollars, and which now supplies the city of beattle; , The i committee is to report further at an" adjourned meeting of - the council next. Mon daynight. On account of the cantata Bel shazzar, he Coffee, Club party is postponed indefinitely. -- After an absence of two years Miss Lettie Wicks arrived from Xos Angeles yesterday. ; , ' A marriage license has been is sued to Charles Follett and Miss Rowlard of Alsea. , Argument of the Abatement plea in the Land Fraud cases was in progress in the Federal court at Portland Monday and yesterday. Heney gets to the scratch line with arguments that seem to settle the question against the defendants. , Mrs. Wheeler Cline died at three o'clock Monday afternoon. She was operated on last Thursday for an abscess on the kidney. The funeral occurred at ; three o'clock yesterday, afternoon, Rev. S. M. Wood conducting the service. The interment was in Crystal . Lake cemetery. The deceased was Miss Anna Ford. She was born in Polk county, 24. years ago last month. She wS carried June 29. 1902 to Wheeler Cline of Corvallis. The survivors are the ' husband and a little daughter, aged two years. OVER TWO THOUSAND NOW. Winding up Census . of CorvalKs As sessor Davis' Figures, v Assessor Davis is still working on the census of ' Corvallis, and up-" to date has 2,064 souls. , In the main, the task is ' finished, but a few more stragglers remain to bem added in order-to make the enumer ation complete. It is figured that the final figures may be 2, 1 50, with in the city limits. - In the enumera tion, 30 to 40 families,- in Corvallis for educational purposes, are not : i.-j-j mi j 1 ... - , iuuiuucu. jl ney ao nor claim xneir . residence in Corvallis, and conse quently are not included in the count The colony on the south side of Mary's river, all of College hill and the country to the south-i ward as well as the northern sub urbs are of course not counted, be cause not in the city limits., . If the extension of the city limits attempt ed recently by the council had been made, it is figured that the popula tion of the town would have touch ed 2,500.' If the families in town for schodl purposes should beadded, it is estimated that the limit -would reach 2,700; so that Corvallis, after all is growing at a rapid rate, ..The census of 1900 placed the popula tion of Corvallis at a little over 1,800. Wanted. To contract for one to five tons veteh seed, season 1905. S. I, Kline. ' : Lost. V .- - Lart Tuesday on the Wyatt road. be tween Philomath and the John Wyatt gate', a black . purse - containing 20. Finder will please leave the purse at the Times office and receive reward. ' Stockholders of Corvallis Indepen : dent Tel. Co. " -:' . Notice is hereby giveiMhat the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cor-' vallis Independent Telephone Company will be held at the office of the Company in Zierolf building in Corvallis, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of May, 1905. at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of electing!' di rectors for the ensuing year, -Jand the transaction of such. - other business as may legally come before . the . meeting. . - Robert Johnson, see. Corvallis, Or. April 8, 1905. The " SrP.y is selling round trip tickets between Corvallis and Port land for $3 good . g6ing Saturdays or Sundays and returning Sunday or Monday following, either on East or West - side, but "good only on afternoon train from -Albany to Portland on, Satutdays if jEast side is taken. Passengers to pay local fare between Corvallis and Albany. Pathmark. Pathmark will- make-, the season at Corvallis and at soy home, In Corvallis Thurs, Fri. and Sat. - The rest of the week at my home. Pathmark was sired by Pathmont, and Pathmont was sired by Altamont. ,. Pathmark. s record is 2.11 Pathmont's Pathmark's dam is Juliette, who was sired by Tibolt, and Tiboli by Altimont. Juliette's record is 2.22.' Pathmark is standard bred and registered in every . respect; is 16 hands high: color dark dapple bay; weight, ov er 1200 lbs. 1 Terms $15, $20 and 25. Money due when mare is known to be with foal. Good pasture free of charge from a distance. Responsible for no ac cidents. ' , - ' . . A15-6W . . Jesse Brown. : Largest line of matting in the city at Elackledge's. , .: ' .. "For Sale. ,Two work horses. ' 'W K. Taylor. WANT THEIR GRANDCHILD. And Gone to Law to get her Corval lis Grand Parents in Albany Court. - . - ,-. ( - . . Corvallis grand parents are in an Albany court petitioning for trie re turn to them of their . little grand daughter. The child is but a little more than two years old, and is the only-born of their dead daughter who passed Beyond a year or two ago. The grand parents are , Mr. and Mrs. Senger of this city,' em inently respectable people, former-. ly of Brownsville. The story . of the effort to secure possession 1 of the child, now detained by their dead daughter s husband, . is told as follows in' the Albany Herald: "Elizabeth and John Senger of Corvallis, yesterday afternoon filed a petition for habeas corpus in the county court, asking that Wilma Ruth Warren, their grand child be produced in court." The petition alleges, that the daughter of . peti tioners was married to one,xLuther Warren in 1902, that later the daughter returned to the home of her parents where the child was born and wiere heir daughter died, after exacting a- promise of her husband - that the . child shoud remain with the mother's parents. Tht petitioners further allege that their daughter carried an insurance policy for $1,000 pay able to the petitioners and that $700 of the proceeds were given - to the son-in-law in return for the promise that the child should remain with them. The allegation is made that the father of the child took the little oneto his parents who now have control of the little girl, that the father is intemperate and unfit to bring up a child and they ask that the little one be returned " to them. ' The writ was issued, re turnable Wednesday. . April 19th, when it was expected " the little girl will be brought into court. WITHOUT HONEY NOW. 0. A. C. Executive Committee Has Woes Trouble Ahead for Union : : ; Statton. The executive committee of the OAC board of regents is wrestling with a perplexing question of what to do with the Eastern Oregon ex periment station. If the appropria tion bill goes to the referendum ihe station will -be- withouta.f unds A $15,000 , appropriation was pro vided for, which would have been ample for the two ensuing years. Even the income from the farm which amounts to $5,000 in two years cannot be spent tor maintain ance of the' experimental farm and laboratories. A law passed by the late legislature provided . that the revenues from the .farm should be turned over to the secretary of state and thence into the state treas ury, whence it can only be paid out by special legislative appro priation. The effect of the law is to tie up the farm revenues and to leave the executive committee practically without means for pay ing even the salary of a laborer to look after thesimpliest details of the place. The executive commit tee met in Portland last Saturday night, and appointed a sub-committee to I interview the secre tary V of state and a 1 1 o r- ney general, to . ascertain if there is not some way out of the difficulty. The present prospect is " that the station may have to be abando ned. For Sale. , Vetch hay. Call on or address Ai2-tf . Spencer Bicknell, Corvallis- Blocks for chimneys at Whitney's. : Six dozen school hats for children, 30 cents each at Mrs, J. Mason's 3rd '- St.' : All new wall paper at Blackledgels. ;' Musical Instruments. ' -: -: For first class piano: and organs"- at prices dnheard of elsewhere see or phone M. A. Goodnough. th st.- 2nd door north of court house. -; : Again Open. ; ' ' -T . ' ' The repair department of mybicycle and sporting goods business is again open, for business second door south of- postoiSce, Quick repairing or first-class work a specialty. . i . . . "... ; . , . James E. Berry, Estimates -cheerfully given on any kind of concrete work at Whitney's k : For Sale; Seed 4 -wheat and ' Burbank - cota toes. ' - . v - f25-tf Eoy Bickard. Women's " v. . ' We are now showing all the newest and most popular styles of Womns Oxfords both in tan and black leathers. ' ' 1 A New Ribbon Tie Price from $1.00 to $3.50 For The Little Folks Grecian Sandals, Strap Shoes, Oxfords and Moccasin in the newest Spring colors :;xcJ:-&:kijne'., The White House - - Corvallis, Oregon v . We pay special attention to Mail Orders. ' Spring Display of Mens Fine Toggery! An enticing array of exclusive . designs, i n Neckwear Underwear, Plain and Fancy Hosiery, Shirts, Gloves, Etc. . Kuppenheimer Clothes Patterns are ex clusive. Spring Suits $10 to $16-50 The Best $3 Hat on earth is the Kingsbury F. I MILLER Chicken oses Watches, Clocks,- Jewelry and Silverware, - Eyes tested free of charge - - : and glasses fitted correctly - , . 1 at prides within reach of all - . , y!Fine watch repairing a spe" , cialty Sratt The Jeweler : Optician. Oxfords IOPYRICHT 1905 BY SHE HOUSE OFKUPPENHEIMB wanted orothes