Gorvallis Times. OClcial Paper of Benton County VCO BVALUS, OREGON. APKH. 19, 1905. AN UNFAIR FAIR. ' One of the absurdities of tha Lewis and Clark fair is the space alotted for the OAC exhibit. There has been preparation at the college for some time with a view of' mak ing an elaborate and comprehen sive display, illustrative of Oregon products, Oregon education and Oregon talent. An exhibit of more genuine interest to Eastern ers as well as to Oregonians could scarcely have been made. The fair authorities however, with fine discrimination have conceded to the college a floor space of eight by six teen feet. This concession is in the form of a' little room eight feet wide, and closed on two sides and one end, the other end being open.' It is a space inadequate to accomo date the display of even a single department. It is anabsurdity, and a very good " indication ' ' that some of the men on the earthworks in the Fair management have per haps more salary than calibre. The fact that the State University has been given with a space equally inadequate makes the conclusion doubly obvious. THE EASTER KING.- Preparations for Celebrating Next Sun day Features at one of the Churches. ' A feature of next Sunday's Easter services will be a cantata at the Presbyterian church in the ev ening at y.30. It is entitled The Easter King, and its prominent parts are as follows: : i. Chojus The King's Entry. 2. Contralto solo and quartet The' King in the Temple. 3. Tenor solo and quartet The . King in Darkness. , 4. Choral Hymn The King Crown ed with Thorns! 6. Sopranosolo The King'sSacra-.-, rice. , . 7. Tenor solo" and : chorus The - King's Victory. 8. Quartet The King's Command. 9. Tenor solo and double chorus , The King's Ascension. 10. Bass solo, female trio and chor , us The King's Final Glory. Other features of- the day's exer cises at the church will be: The 'school will have a special Easter program, Worship, i iva. m., sub ject, "Christ, Sovereign., the , Res urrection."; Union meeting of the ' Young People's societies at 6 p. m. , . . Supervisors Claims. Following is the list of various supervisor's salary for the first quarter, 1905: A. R. Locke SuprDist No. 1 $j 50 H. M. Fleming " " 2 6 25 E. M. Dodele ; " ' 6 5 do John Price " " 7 2 50 W. M. Clark " . '.' 8 5 00 A. Cadwalader . " 9 1000 W. P. McGee " "10 12 50 J. R. Fehler " , " 11 11 25 E. A. Buchanan " "12 5 00 J. E. Banton , " " 13 37 50 Doke Gray : " "17 000 Squire R. Strow " " 18 3 T2 H. Hector " V 19 3 75 A.M.Gray " "22 625 The above claims will be audited by the county court at the May, 1905 term. Objection to allowance of same should be filed on or be' fore May 6th, 1905. Published by order of county court. - , Victor P. Moses, . K ' County Clerk. Dated April 13th, 1905. . Referee's Notice ofSale of Real . Property. Notice is hereby eiven that unflpr and hvvir. rue of a decree and order of the Circuit Court , -of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton maae me win aay or March, lsitto, m a suit wherein George T. Vernon was plaintiff, and N. P. Slate ct al, were defendants, appointing the nderslgned referee, to sell the hereinafter des cribed real property, and directing the sale ol said property. Now therefore in pursuance to the said order and decree, I will on the 3th day of May , 1905, at the hour df two o'clock p. m. at the Court House door, in the City of Oor . Tallis, Benton County, Oregon, sell af public auction to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, the following described real estate towlt: Lots one and two of Section 2 Tp. 14 S. E. 8 West Wil . lamette Meridan, In Benton County, Oregon, containing 13.61 acres of land more or less, to gether with the appurtenances thereunto be- longing- Said sale will be made In the man ner required by law for the sale of real proper ty on execution. M. P. Burnett, Referee. Dated this 16th day of April, 1005. For Sale. Real estate, farm and city property .or sa!e. exchange or rent. No sales means no commission to be paid. . Your pat r nage kindly solicited. Help furnish ed and positions secured. lH M. Stone, South Main street, Corvallis. ' J'- AGFICS SKINNED THEM. Allcomers at the Big Colombia Meet ' How "Willie" ran the Quarter An immense building 200 feet long, 100 feet wide, 40 feet 'high, and shaped like a barrel, split in the middle lengthwise, ; rows of seats all around inside, rising tier on tier, crowds of people on the seats with the mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon among them, scores oi trained athletes struggling for supremacy, while the great audience cheered and applauded such was the annual indoor track meet at Columbia University at Portland last Satur day, and through it . all, OAC men came out winners 41 points against 19 for Multnomah, 13 for Pacific University, 11 for Columbia Uni versity, 5 for Fort Stevens Soldiers, five for University of Oregon, and 5 for the Portland Y. M. C. A. team. The victory in the matter of per centage, is a greater one than that achieved by the OAC men in same contest last year, for in this latest struggle they went against many more men and far better men. They scored points in every event save one,' the mile run, in which Beach ran a great race, only failing because a severe, cold suddenly cut his wind in the very last lap when victory was almost within " his grasp." They took, more ' medals than did all their' opponents com bined and brought "home the hand some silken banner which was the trophy of the meet as well as the magnificent silver cup yielded up to them as winners of the relay race. In all respects, the meet was splendidly successful and the after noon one of pleasurable incidents, not only for the winning athletes and their friends, but' for all the spectators. Of OAC s men. Finn took third in the shot put, Moores thirds in the broad and high jump, bwann, second in the pole vault and third in the hurdles, Williams third in the 220 and second in the quarter, Cathey, seconds ' in the fifty and the hurdles, Greenhaw, second in the half aud first in the quarter, and Smithson seconds in the 220 and-high jump and first in the fifty. In winning the fifty Smithson broke the world's record by a tenth of a second, ... The score of Williams in no sense reflects the true merit of his achievements. ; His race - in the quarter was a magnificent' display of grit and sgeed. Twelve men were in the event, and butv four could run abreast. They were posted in three ranks " for the start, like a small army. . Williams was in the worst position in the last row. His team mate was Green- haw, in a fairly good position in the second rank. When the gun went off Williams fell to the hinder most place. Greenhaw quickly took second place which he main tained until he ' passed to .; first. Meantime, all the runners for the first lap were bunched, ' with Wil liams behind , vainly endeavoring to get leeway for ---passing them. They were so grouped that he could not pass without leaving the track. . In the beginning of the second lap he cut off a few stragglers only to be forced to drop in behind1 the main bunch. After rounding an other turn, he cut off a few more and was again compelled to wait for the main body to string; out a little more. Thus running around in the stretches and dropping in on the turns, he finally 1 passed them all pulling up to Greenhaw, where the latter generously slowed , up for lFloyd to take . first place. The two by this time were in thelhome stretch and far in the ' lead. In stead of passing to the lead when his team mate offered it, .Williams too, slackened and so the pair , fin ished after a fine exhibition of manly spirit. The time of the race was a little more than which .Mr. Trine, says, makes of Williams work a great feat, better in fact than 53 seconds, all with the run ner in poor condition, and on an indoor track with narrow leeway and its many turns. One of the prettiest events of the day was the 220. There were four entries, Williams, Smithson and Kelly were among them. That meant and all the audience knew it, that it was to be a strenuous, as well as a mighty swift sprint. Kelly drew fourth, place, and Wil liams and Smithson second and third. At the crack of - the gun, all were off in a bunch, each run ning at the best speed - he could muster. Perfect silence preceded the start, but as the quartette sped away for the first turn the par tisans of each broke out into cheers of encouragement. It took a 1 lap ana a halt to make the 220 yams in the race. Kelly had a slight lead trom the start, with Smithson, a little behind, the latter closely pressed by Williams. As the last stretch but one was entered, Smith son began steadily to close in : on Kelly. -; Everyone of his . partisans believed he was sure to pass Kelly, and so it looked. The two were side by side when they rounded the turn on the homestretch and there Smithson :V slipped. It lost the ground he had gained, but as they went into the homestretch he set about to make it ; up. Inch by inch he neared the flying Kelly, but there wasn't time enough left to catch the Columbian. Still in the lead, he crossed the finish, though with only a foot to spare, ft is a race, that will be repeated out on OAC field, two weeks from next Saturday with a change in relative positions. , perhaps. Somebody. it was a stranger, commented., on the OAC men after fhe meet.-: -"They are a game lot,',' he said; ''and a gentlemanly lot. I noticed that when they entered an event, they went in without flour ish of trumpet and stayed in, dead game, until it ended. They played fair,' but they played hard and long as the score shows, and are a lot for any college to be proud of.' ' YATES & YATES. Bert Yates and W. E, Yates have formed a partnership under the firm name of Yates & Yates. They expect to do a general insurance and abstract business. They re present good reliable . insurance companies, and will furnish accur ate, neat and complete abstracts of Benton county property at reason able prices. Call on or write to Yates & Yates, Corvallis, Or. IN OLDEN TIME. The Midnight Orgy and its Terrible Sequel To be Told in Song. - : "Mene, Mene, Tekel Perez?" Such were the characters that blazed forth upon the wall of ,: Bel shazzar' s banquet hall, when the king and all his court were assem bled in a drunken . orgi, and at a time when the sacred vessels from the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, which had been carried by the former king, Nebuchadnezzar, were ordered to be brought forth that the haughty Belshazzar might show his contempt for the God pf the Is raelites. The great Nebuchadnezzar who had completed the conquest of Je rusalem, and carried away any captives, priests, women and even the sacred vessels from the temple, had not dared to openly defjr God to the extent of defiling tQfholy . chalicesbntyoung BelshazzarTdmnk en with wine, to show his power and disregard tor the previous warning to his people, ordered the gold and silver goblets to be produced and used in his licentious orgy. It was at this time that that the blaz ing message of warning : appeared upon the wall of the banquet hall, and which Daniel, one of the Jewish captives, was able to interpret to signify the doom of Belshazzar. By means of electrical appliances this same "Mene-mene, Tekel, Per ez" which will be flashed upon the wall, at the production of - "Bel shazzar' s Feast' ' at the Corvallis Opera House Wednesday . and Thursday nights, April 26th and 27th, and the consternation of the well trained chorus that has been practicing for -the past ten days un der the direction of Mr. Robinson, will only be equaled by the actual fright and horror of the real parti cipants in the scene at the time ofJ Belshazzar. A Word to the Wise . Oak wood is getting higher in price and farther from town every year. Or der now for summer delivery, .j 150 cords now partly sawed stove lengths, season ed oak wood. 6500 pounds "vetch seed. 3000 pounds red and white clover, alfalfa. Alsike, timothy, orchard and rye grass, speltz, rape, all fresh seeds. A Also a line of garden eeeds. Order . now before the spring rush. Tread power, silo, elevator and cutter, for sale cheap. ( . . Poland China swine, 100 goats - or less. ' : ;: r: Yours for Business. Telephone 155. L. L. Brooks. W. O. W. Convention At Los Aneeles. The Southern Pacific Co. will sell on -April 12 th, 13th and 14th, round trip'.' tickets to Los Aneeles at ereatlv reduced rates, account convention of Wood men ot World and Women of Woodcraft, to be held at Los An geles Aoril 18th. .iqoh. Call on nearest S. P.. agent for rates and till particulars. - Diamond Chick Food. Head Light oil the best for incubators. Field and garden seeds at ' 1 Dunn & Thatcher. ..Ladies skirts all kinds and prices at Moses' Bros. Call and see them. Swell line of shirt waists, just in at Moses Bros. ' WherTthe Boys Begin to Play Marbles it's Time to Buy their Glothes for Spring : Children's Suits, age 2 J to 8. A large selection of dressy becoming suits for little fellows. Novlties in Kuss'an .and Admiral Blouse Suits in attractive colors, $3 00 to $5 50. children's Suits, age 3 to 10. Many special lots that will appeal to all economical mothers. Made from plain and fan cy fabrics; XtragooD, in fact, $3 50 to $6 00. ; Boys Suits; age 7 to 16. Better suits than you usually get in double-breasted jackets and pants style. Made by Eder deimcr," Stein & Co from best all wool cassimeres and che viots, $5 00 to $7 00. Boys Suits, age 7. to 16. In the popular and attractive Norfolk style, bloomer or knickerbocker pants, plain fabrics and novelties, $5.50 to $7 50. ' ' w ' In the Furniture line. The latest thing added to our large stock is the New Eldrege "B" sew ing machine. The Eldrege is known as a stand ard machine all over the U.S. It has the Auto matic Drop Head, made of the best material, and finish, is fully warranted in every part. If you want a good machine it will be to your interest to examine the Eldrege. Our prices are low r than any others on the market, A new line of TRUNKS, AND SUIT OASES Now on display. ' It you are thinking of buying a new Stove or Range, donY forget to investigate ours. We h?ndle the Famous Charter Oak and Toledo, Old stoves taken as" part payment. HOLLENBERG & GADY. C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. , J At Dunn & Thatcher's. Cracked coin 1.60 per cwt. . Granulated shell 1.60 ' Granulated bone 1.75 " Crystal Grit 1.60 " ., And we handle the very best poultry and stock foods. Ladies! If you once use Com pressed Yeast, you will have no other. Ask for it, at Homing's. You will find full line of flooring Rus tic and finishing lumber at the Benton County lumber yards opposite S, P. de pot. Our No. 3 grade of the above can not be beat in price and , m. . '';... k and see. mi5-tf sfe&B e . Keep . Every otn in We have just received a new . line of the Justly Celebrated KA N X El B EI AT" Clo thing, prices ranging from ' $$00 tO $12.00 We also have other makes of Clothing we are selling at ALMOST COST Call and see our new line of overalls. WELLSHER 6c GRAY. ; Real Estate. You are much pleased with Willamette Valley, ' Yon like its breezes; its gentle rains, Bat if you cannot buy to suit You will take your family back again. Let us advise yon, for we can! If you wish to purchase a home, H. M.-STOXE. He has property to rent and sell, And about its quality be can tell. He don't take pro exclusively. If a deal is not made his time is free. Of TlMflir.cr TJrtlltinnl nffipD lit rlnti'f Twiact But forty three years has lived on the- Coast, And sure knows well the quality of land So place your business in his hands. H. M. Stone. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth slyiA Tafforann atvaatc T4nva lHln 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be eft at Graham & v'-ham'a drug store. J. FRED STATES ATTORAu I -AT-LAW. First Nat'l Bank Building, Only SC y G. K. FAKRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett Brick i deuce on the corner of Madison Seventh at. Phone at hoa seand offi Wood Srwing. :- I am prepared to saw w ood oni short notice with' gasolene wood com W T-f "Rndrl-iT , Ind. phone 351. "Wanted. Setting liens. Call on'or address Bowen Lester, Corvallis. The prettiest and best wall you can get for that new house is Whitney's concrete blocks.