The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 19, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVlII.-No. 1.
isvm Bdito. .
nd Prftprlutor
We all Wear Shoes!
Never befoi e have we received sh quantities
and qualities in foot wear as Ibis
Tans, Browns and Black ; -: - -
Low Hirh and Medium cuts
- Prices High, Medium and Low
But in all grades the very lowest price ,
for the quality of the shoe. Our efforts '
will be great to increase our shoe sales ;
Shoes for all Ladies, Misses, Children,
Mens, Boys and Little . Gents. Don't f
forget our Shoe Department. -
Fine Light Sample Rooms.'
i imfWmmm - Hotel
Corvallis .
Hammel, Prop.
-v -.aft -
jK Leading HoteVinOorvallis. Recently opened. ' New :
j brick bnilding. Newly furnished, with modern con-'
H veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, , Fire Es-
Eg capes. ' Hot and cold water on everyfloor. Fine single;
ffl rooms. Elegant suites. . Leading house in the Willam-:
etteVfcky. ' - . ' . r
Bates: j $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Rubber Goods
GreT Shoe "Szi: The Largest': Assort
ment of Shoes ever offere on "special sale in Philo
math, comprising the entire stock of Men's, "Women's
and Children's Shoes, will be on sale during thomonlh
of February, at . Y - '
J. E. Henkle's Gash Store.
Each will be offered at reduced prices, This reduc-
Liyu is maue ior casn oniy. mere are special prices
, boys', children's
We also call your
on ivjDoer uooas men s, women
rubber boots, rubber and oil coats,
attention to our larce assortment
'which, are offered on epecial sale.
J. E. HENKLE, Philomath, Or.
Found in an Old French Cemetery
on Which Buildings Had been;
v"' .Erected Was Buried ia a V
, it- t'eaden Coffirv-Sema ' v
Facis From a-Mag -( - -,
1 , ''r aziae.
Paris, Aptil 1 1 4 The -remarka
ble search? which Ambassador Por
ter has conducted for the body of
Paul Jones has been crowned with
success byjhe discovery of the body
and its identification' today by the
highest French, medical experts as
unquestionably that ot the lamous
American .Admiral who founded
the American navy., ; ' . 'r
-v Ambassador Porter, cabled to
Washington tonight,; announcing
the successful results - of bis long
and difficult search : The body ia
In a good tate of preservation, con
sidering that' interment took place
over 100 years aeo. v"! - -,
The circumstances leading to tne
final discovery of the body are par
ticularly interesting. General For
ter his conducted vthe search for
the last five yearSj and when Con
grass recently took no action upon
the president a recommendation tor
the expenses incident to the search,
the ambassador continued the ex
tensive labors at his own expense
A large force of workmen has been
engaged, eight and day, ' tunneling
and crosErtunneliDg' the " old St,
Louis cemetery - This constituted
a huge operation, embracing near
ly a block covered wilh buildings
and requiring a svstem of subter
ranean jnining. "'J -
i Hundreds of wooden caskets were
fourid, but .'not- until 'Wednesday
were unearthed four leaden caskets
,wh;!phja, ye nrpmisa .oL containing
tt;e Doay oi tne aamirai.- inree ot
tfieoi- bora-.platesv designating the
uame3 of tbe deceased., The fourth
stowed superior solidity -of work-
macsbip. , No plate was found on
thie catket, and it is euppoeed it
was removed, when another coffin
w is sdper-imposed on it. The lead--en
coffin was " opened in Jthe pres
ence of General Porter, Colonel Bai
ley Blanchard, second secretary of
the Americau.ebaesy,: and Engin
eer Weis, who has been directing
the excavation. :
The body was found to be 'well
preserved, owing to its being im
mersed in alcohol, it was wrap
ped in a eheet with a packing . of
straw and hay. ThoBe present were
immediately, struck by the resemb
lance of the head to that on the me
dallions and bust of the admiral.
As was anticipated, no uniform,
decoration or sword was found.v as
all such articles bad been accounted
for after the burial. The coffin is
shaped like a mummy coffin, which
coffins were common at . that - peri-
riod, widening from' the feet to the
shoulders, with' round top fitting
over the head. ' ; " "
The coffin was taken to the med
ical school, where Drs. Capitan and
Padileau, the distinguiehed profes
sora of the school of Anthropology,
recognized authorities on euch in
vestigations, were charged with
caking a thorough examination
for the purpose of identification.
To facilitate this, the ambassador
famished them with poitraits and
medallions, two busts by Houdin
acd authentic descriptions of the
color of the admiral's hair and the
height and measurement of his
body. After the most minute ex
amination the following facts were
fully substantiated: . " -
Length of body, five feet, seven
irche; the admiral's height. Size
ami shape of the head agree, with
several peculiarities, identical with
the head of the admiral. Hair,
dark brown,, the same as the ad
miral's, ia places slightly gray, in
dicating a person of -hia age, 454
years. The hair is long, reaching
below the shoulders, and is combed
back aud gathered in a clasp at the
back of the neck. The face is clean
ehaveD, all corresponding exactly
with the descriptions, portraits and
busts of the admiral. The linen is
in good condition. One article
bears an. initial, either, "J" cr au
inverted "P."
The body was carefully packed.'
The limbn were wrapped in tinfoil,
presumably for eea transportation,
as indicated in a letter 'ot the ad
miral's nearest friend and a pall
bearer at hia funeral.Colonel Black?
den. who said: - ;.-.,
"HTi body was put in a leaden
coffin, so that in case the - United
States, which he had so essentially
eerveu,' should claim his remains,
they might he more easily remov
Finding that all the-Internal or
gans vrsre singularly well-preserved
the doctors made an autopsy, which
howed distinct tiroofs- of the dis
ease from which the - admiral - is
knovrui to .have died The identifi
cation was pronounced complete In
every particular, ,
Care has be.eji taken to keep the
body jrn its present state of preser
vation-. J t, will be placed in a hand
some casket and deposited in the re
ceiving - vault vof ;the American
church, orthe Avenue de TAlma,
until the ambassador can learn the
opinion of the government concern-
. . -" . r
ing ice most appropriate means oi
transporting it to the United Slates
and giving v"a - fitting sep-
ulcher to the body of the illustrious
sailor whose place of burial had eo
long remained a mystery. -
Washington," April 14.' Ambas
sad or Porter's dispatch announcing
the finding of the body of John
Paul Jones reached the Btate depart
ment today.- It is probable that . a
recommendation will be made to
congre ss at its- next eession looking
to Ambaseador" Porter's reimburee-
ment., " ' .
The remains ot John Paul Jones
are to be brought here and to be in
terred in the national cemetery at
ArliLgton, and jt is likely that the
transfer will be made the occasion
of a i interesting demonstration
It is probable that Secretary Mor
ton will send a battle ship to France
to briag the body .home. .- ....-
- Tom' WatsouTs Magazines When
John Paul JoBes-? old, broken, and
poorlay dying ia Paris,- our high
Attends Church in the Tombs-
Showgirl io Good. Spirits-
. Pawnbroker Unable , to y
- Identify Mao Who
,T Bought Pistol.
New 'York, April 16.--With her
third trial on the charge of. murd
ering Caesar Young, the bookmak
er, set for tomorrow. Nan Patterson
today attended religious services in
the Tombs, for the first time, it is
eaid, since he was placed in the
prison following ,. the tragedy in
June last. When her sister, Mrs.
J. Morgan Smith, who is in the
Tombs under indictment charging
conspiracy to extort money from
Young, the Patterson girl went to
the Catholic chapel and listened to
the sermon preaohed by Rev. Fath
er Luke Evers. -
To- friends who saw. her today
Nan Patterson said she was in ex
cellent spirits, and ' was anxious
that the trial should go on tomor
row without further . delay. . The
first trial of the girl was suspended
after several days had been consum
ed in securing a jury, and after the
taking of testimony had progressed
to a critical point one of the jury
men became ill, the attack " becom
ing so serious as to necessitate the
declaration-of a mistrial. , The sec
ond trial went to a conclusion, but
resulted in a disagreement of the
aha third trial was set ior Mon
day, April 10, but was postponed
until tomorrow at -the request of
the district attorney, who desired
to have the matter of - the extradi
tion of the - J. MoTgan Smiths from
toncvJ minister to rancej,.uouver-4X!iDcInnati settled before the hear-
neur Morris, sat feasting with, ftris- iner should proceed. " . ' : :
toorfijornpany, and that high. . It is Baid'that Hymtm Stern, the
tQa'JS .mete; Jaued tQ mart .tne pawnbroker from whom it . is alleg-
dress yesterday afternoon before the
mothers meeting, held in the as
sembly ball of the Holladay school,
under the auspices of the Home -Training
Association,. There were
over 100 mothers present.
In his talk Governor Chamber
lain expressed his deep interest in
the objects of the association, and
said he agreed with President
Roosevelt in that he did not believe
in race suicide. He was - glad to
contribute to the subject from his
own experience. The governor.'
commended the movements that
bring parent and teacher into clos-
er relationship and better under
standing. Governor Chamberlain
eaid in part:
"We all have differeatr methods "
of managing our children, and we
get information by interchange of
laeas. - -1 o my mina tnere are sev-.
eral things necessary, in the man-
agemegtjrf children. . We should
reeol v -Srtbat a child un
derstands mere than he is usually
I given credit for, and when a child
is treated unfairly by a parent it
does not forget it. An injustice is
never forgotten. We should be
careful, and be ourselves just what
we want our children to be. A, "
parent should7 not fall below the ;
standard required of ' the
child; Truth should be cultivated.
Business men encounter untruth in '
their affairs. The principle of
truthfulness should be ground into
chances might have-done even more.
tbao Nelson on the sea.
- His grave was made inanobEcure
churchyard, his resting place Ineg
lected and forgotten, covered with
accumulated deposits, and built ov?
er with houses. . .i--
Those who seek the "bones are
sinkiBg bolesfeventeen feet deep, in
the search. ; ,
Of course they will find the body
of Commodore Jones. That is what
they are hunting for.- : Therefore,
they will find it. " -:;"r:-v
But whether the dust they bring
back to America will be that of
our Paul JoneB no mortal will ever
know. ' ; ' '.-'r
, In his diary, Gouverneur Morris
a"A message from Paul Jones that
he is dying..
" "I go thither aud make his will,
' Ssnd for a notary,
and leave him struggling with his
enemy." : . "
The American minister to France
left Paul Jones struggling with
death! ; - .-
'; Left him alone with a French no
tary, and went away.
To do what?
To "dine with Lord Gower and
Lady Sutherland!" i;.
The American minister knew
tljfif'Paul Joces was dying, for' he
sa;s so. ; '
After tne dinner with the ling
lish Lord and Lady, does the Amer
ican minister hasten . back to the
bedside of the fellow countryman,
whom he had left "struggling with
his enemy? .
By no means,
He goes to the Louvre to look at
the paintings; and .then takes- Tal-
Jones' lodging.
"But he is dead not yet cold
And this i3 ill that Gouverneur
Morris's diary records of Paul
Jones' death, until the indignation
aroused in America by his shock
ing lack of attention to the dying
hero had thrown him upon the de
fensive. . .
Who paid the burial expenses of
Paul Jones?
A Frenchman claims that he did
Morris, in his diary, certainly
seeks to make the impression that
he paid them. out of -Jones' estate.
The hero left sufficient property
for the purpose, as can easily be
shown. Further than that we- are
left in.doubt
. But Morria.was requested to au
continued on page four.
was killed was bought has been un
able to identity, smith, and a seri
ous question has arisen at the dis
trict attorney's othce as to whether
the Smiths will be called as witnes
ses at the forthcoming trial.
Reno, Nevi, April 14. Hundreds
of people flocked into Reno on the
Virginia and- lruckee train tonight,
fleeing from the sickness now so
prevalent at Tpnopah. Every train
for a week has been crowded, and,
strange as it may seem, the ingoing
trains have been .filled also. The
people of the town have taken the
matter in band, . and - tomorrow
morning the Nevada State Journal,
of this place, will send in a physi
cian, Dr. Heppner, late of the Unit
ed -States army, who f has been
through a number, of plagues. ; He
goes to find the true conditions in
the camp, and will submit a. report
soon after his arrival there , Uov-
ernor Sparka tomorrow will also ap
point a special medical commission
and send the members into Tono-
pah. Theee men will co-operate
with the pbysicians ot tne camp
and at once begin a campaign to
check the disease that is mowing
down people at the rate cf from five
to 25 each day.
Yesterday 12 bodies were stretch
ed out on slabs in the onlv under
taking establisnment in the camp
An equal number at least, were
dead around the town. The disease
strikes without warning, the healthy
being the most susceptible, and ia j
from 12 to 24 hours are dead, the
bodies blackened by the mysterious
poison that saps their lives away.
A quarantine has not been de
clared as yet, but probably will be
witnin the next. 24 hours. .
Every train into Reno for the
past week has been bringing all the
way from iOO to 250 people, bound
anywhere to escape the ravages of a
dread disease or plague that has
fastened itself upon the great min
ing camp. Some are terror-stricken
Others frightened, but all are Intent
on the one object to get to a coun
try where people are not stricken
without warning and die in , a day.
They. all bring storits oi death.
With it all, the people of Tono
pah held a mass meeting. In less
than an hour $2,000, was raised, and
now tba fight to stamp out tha
dread malady, whatever it is, is in
progress. . ' '
the child i' Home should J be made
pleasant! , ; The r home :: should be .
made the most attfgfitive place to -the
child in the wijrpt,; The boy
6hou'd be permitted'- to bring his
wagon and drum into the house and
make all the noise he sees fit. In
my t9rm as district attorney I found " ;
many boy s. had become criminala'
by being driven from" their homes, ':
and through lack of pleasant home .
surroundings. I have talkedi with -
boys between 10. and 20 arrested,
and found their homes were cot at-V,
tractive, though their 'fathers and '
mothers were good people. I repeat -
that home should be made attrac
tive, and that the parent should be' i
a companion 01 tne cnna. nuareu
should not be repelled by too mcch
austerenessvi w ; :s A5i
together in all things. I believe in
the public schools. I have 6ent mv
children to them. They represent .
our democratic institutions, which -does
not place the rich man's son
above those of the poor, but all are '
equal and have the same apportun-
lties. "' . ..
" For Sale,
Good milch cows.
m29-im I'1
navale. Ore
Broke into His House.
S. LeQainn of Cavendish. Vt., was
robbed of his customary health by inva
sion ot chronic constipation, wnen JJr,
King's New Life Fills broke into hia
house, his trouble was arrested and now :
he's entirely cured. They're guaranteed
to cure. 25c at Allen & Woodward' drug
store. .
Dry Fir Wood
At $3.50 per cord. Orders solicited
for grub oak for summer delivery.
. - Frank Francis co,
Saves Two From Death.
. "Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. W. Haviland, of
Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved ber life with
Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece,
who had consumption . in an advanced
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
and today she is perfectly well." Des
perate throat'and lung diseases yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible for coughs
and colda. 50c and 1.00 bottles guar
anteed by' Allen & Woodward. Trial
bottles free. '.-;,.-.
Blocks for piers at Whitney's, ;
- r-. y ;
"Short" on Peruna but "Long"
on prunes. Italian prunes, 50-pound
boxes, $1.50. . L- Miller.
,ire you going to build?
about concrete blocks. '
rock or brick.
e than
' For Sale. -
Cigar clippings of our own roanufact-m
ure, - Hose & Son. 11125 tf
SalemOr., April 15.-Gov Georga
E. Chamberlain delivered . an . ad-
CoHege View Poultry Farm.
Barred Plymouth Rocks. Brown Leg '
horns. Egs, 1 per 15 at yards. .
My BavrMl Rock hens are of the best
laying strsia on Coit: I have added
cockerels from Parks world's best egg
strain. jCrown Leghorns as good 3 t&e
best. " :.. .
- " s , V ' S. II. Moore.
Ind. phone 555. " ,,; ' . Corvallis,