The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 12, 1905, Image 2

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Gorvallis Times.
Real Estate.
Official Paper ot Benton County.
Ttotjeffersonians ot Decision From
One Judge Third Debate for
- Cup. t
The Amicitians are winners of
the third debate in the series for
the Gatch cup, held in College
chapel Friday night. -. The ques
tion was, "Resolved that the Tend
ency of trades unions is not detri
mental to the government of the
United States." The Jefferson
ian literary society had the affirm
ative and the Amicitians the nega
tive. The Jeffersonians urged that
the trades unions had lifted the
wage scale and bettered the con
dition, not only of the actual mem
bership in the unions, but of the
non-union men as well.
The Amicitians from ttie nega
tive standpoint urged that the
tendency of the unions is to "make
their interests paramount to the in
terests of all other classes of people
and that such an attitude is hostile
to the best interest of the commun
ity. The negative also insisted
that bloodshed always attends
strikes, that strikes are often with
out just cause, arid that this is a
detrimental .feature. The affirm
ative denied this, and went ( exten
sively into the causes and condi
. tions of various strikes to prove the
contrary. The question was close
ly contested, one judge rendering
a decision for the affirmative and
two for the negative. The judges
were B. W. Johnson, Prof.. Knise
ly and Mrs. Skelton. -
The fourth debate in the series
occurs Friday night, and is be
tweerrthe Feronians and the Utop
iansl The Feronians are the pres
ent holders of the cup. The ques
tion is, "Resolved that inter-collegiate
athletics do more good than
harm." The Feronians have the
. To Whom it May Concern.
In putting up'the telephone lines
which are becoming so numerous
along our public highways it is the
custom to use trees instead of plac
ing poles wherever this is conven
ient and we find that where - this
has been done that the branches,
whether the tree is in the road or
"across the fence in someone's field,
; are throne and left in the road; It
would be a small matter for each
one who has been helping in this
work to clear his share of it away
and it is hereby requested that the
brush piled up along the public
highway be removed by the persons
who placed it there, as it is a nui
sance during, road working time
' and would create Unnecessary, work
' and therefore unnecessary expense.
J. RI Fehler,
: Supr. Dist. No. n.
Spring Opening.
Pattern hats and novelties at Mrs
J. Masons, Friday Mar. 31,
following days. ,
' Poverty Social.
The ladies of the W. R. C, will
give a Poverty social Thursday Apr
6, at I. O. O. F...- hall. Entertain
ment and supper 15 cents. Prize
for best Poverty costume. Every
body come.
Real Estate Transfers.' , 7
Elizabeth E. Cox to- Lincoln
Chambers, lot 4 bl 17, Job's add.
$30. '
Wilbur Starr and wf to Fritz
Schlie, 40 a near Monroe, $1.
Fritz Schie and wf to Phillip B.
Lurwell, 40 a. near Monroe, $1500.
Harry E. I00re and wf to Geo.
B. Green, land near Philomath
N. E. Newton and wf to Geo. W
Soule 159 a west of Philomath,
$2000. )
Abe Henkle to J V Berryman,
land near Philomath, $670.
For Sale.
Vetch hay. Call on or address
Au-tf Spencer Bicknell, Corvallis-
For Sale or Rent.
An upright piano in good
Addrers Mrs. C. "W. Young,
. For Sale. . -.
Real estate, farm and city property .or
: sale, exchange or rent. , No sales means
no commission to be paid. Your pat
ronage kindly solicited. . Help furnish
ed and positions secured. -
II M. Stone,. , '
South Main streef, Corvallis.
List of Warrants -Ordered Drawn at
April Term of County Court.
,The following bills were allowed
by the county court at its regular
April 905 term towit:
D P Mishler jur. & mil. cir. ct. $ 6 00
M. Coffee " " 7 60
Thos. H. Cooper" " 460
G. G. Horning " " 620
C. A. Gould " " 4 00
T. L. Read " " " 6 80
S. T. Kerr " " 4 00
G. W. Dixon . ' 5 00
Jasper Rickard " " 8 60
W. S. Tomhnson" " 640
Enos Conger " 5 60
J. W. Crawford " - 4 00
G. Harding ' . " 4 70
E. F. Strouts " ' " 9 40
E. J. Martin " " 7 60
Geo. Lindeman " " 500
J. H. Moore " " 400
Geo. Lhfck " " 6 30
Wm. R Stantanf " " 800
E. A. Blake " " 6 20
C, E. Rice " 8 00
R. H. Huston " " 400
B. F. Totten " " 5 80
R.J.Moses V ' " 400
R. M. Gilbert " 4 00
John Bier " " 4 00
Willis Vidito " " 400
John Rowland " . ' 4 00
H. H. Glassford" " ' 400
Hotel Corvallis meals jurors 325
T. V. Vidito constable fees 2090
Vidito Bros team hire 3 00
W. G. ,Lane expense hobo 3 40
A. S. Dresser list for assessor . 1 20
Glass & Prudhomme office sup 5 00
C. A. Gerhard stationary 14 91
Graham &rWells , 6 50
Allen & Woodward " 495
Corvallis Times printing etc 56 00
P. S. T. & T. Co telephones 2 00
Benton Co. Review stationery 6 20
A. Hodes brooms --1 00
J. D. Wells janitor ' 40 00
Mrs. D. Hugginscare co poor 106 28
Virgil E. Watters expenses C.
H. Mattoon - 7 70
A. Wilhelm & Sons gro poor 5 50
P. M. Zierolf " . 1800
A. Coombs expense pauper 6 00
W. T. Gardner Supt, expense
Buffum boy 1 65
E. Bennett M. D. co physician 8 75
Frank Francisco wood for Zum-
wait .. - 4 25
Wellsher & Gray gro for Zum-
" wait ' 34 31
Geo. E. Lilly house rent poor 5 50
W. H. Malone ex burial & -1
care P. V. Wustrow 37 50
J. D. Wells ex com reform -school
. 7 10
II. S. Pernot ex insane . . 5 00
C. II. Lee . "... . - ' 5 00
Ellsworth Post G. A. R. indig
ent soldier " . 10 60
O. W. Beckwtih work ferry
boat " 1 00
J. E. Michael run Cor ferry 51 60
A. M. Taylor election exp. 2 50
S. P. R. R. Co. R R iron 12 00
A M Austin repair grader , 15 00
Beall & Co - " 48 50
City Transfer Co drayage &
freight " ""780
J. H. Simpson road supplies 14 50
A.-Bunker - " work 525
Lee Henkle hauling r& scraper 1 50
R. M. Gilbert road work 16 50
T A. Jones surveying roads , 6 50
T. A. Jones surveying S. T.
Frazier road ... 20 00
John Harris viewer S. T. Fraz- i
ier road 1600
W. D. Barclay viewer S. T.
Frazier road 16 00
H. L. French ex L & C fair 6 00
Madison Brown wit pros atty 5 90
Robert Brown " 590
John Brown ' 5 90
Frank Williams " 320
Lou Gray "" 1 50
A. G. Allen " - r 50
V. P. Moses P O books for as
sessor" . - 10 50
Corvallis Ind. Tel. Co. telephone
for March & April 9 00
Holgatejustice peace lees 6 30
M. P, Buinett fees J P court
T. V. Vidito fees constable I
W. C. Corbett juror J P court
L. F. Wilson " '
2 00
7 55
1 .00
1 06
1 00
1 00
1 50
3 80
4 co
4 00
5 50
1 50
2 10
2 10
Alex Rennie "
M. C. Miller "
Mary Flet wit
Lewis Gray
Arthur Allen "
Marion Brown .' -y
Noah Davidson '.
C. C. Huff4 . "
Geo. Cooper "
Thos. Cooper "
Alva Newton "
Beall & Co road grader
2 50
275 00
C L Heckart work, sheriff
' office v '
R. C. Kiger salary stock in
13 50
spector ; r 25 00
D- D. Berman supplies c Ji 85
Mrs. H. McDonald board Wil
lie Middlestadt : . 2 85
S L Kline mohair for exhibit 5 18
W A Jolly county com -Peter
Rickard " ,r
Dated this April 8th, 1905.
Attest: -Victor P. Moses,
County Clerk.
13 40
16 80
' ; Musical Instruments.
For first class piano and organs - at
prices unheard of elsewhere see or phone
M. A. Goodnongh, 4lh st. 1 2nd door
north of court house. .
Logan Hays Goes to Portland to Ac
cept Position in Banking
On the 15th inst, - Logan Hays
of this city is to go to Portland,
to become assistant cashier of the
Oregon Savings Bank, one of the
big banking institutions of "Port-
land. His position as manager of
the Western Union 1 elegraph Co
pany m this city goes to Er
Miller. ' The question of wh
become agent of Wells Far,
Company has not yet been defer
mined. Mr. Hays resignation is
to take effect on the fifteenth inst
is in the hands of the compact,
and the selection of a successor will
be settled shortly. The news of
the coming changes "created much
surprise about town when announc
ed Monday morning. Last Satur
day Mrr Hays completed his sev
enteenth consecutive year in charge
of the local Western Union and
Wells Fargo office. Seventeen
years is more than half the life" of
a generation of the human family
and to have served so long in a
single position is in itself a living
testimonial of the good service that
has been rendered. Many friends
in Corvallis regret Mr. Hays' de
parture, but are glad of the "Op
portunities that fall to him in the
larger field. For the present his
mother will -remain in Corvallis,
but later she expeets to join Mr.
Hays in Portland.
One Recalls ihe Other A5now Storm
and a Death Old Times.
A handsome new awning at
Huston's hardware store recalls
the last awning that occupied a po
sition in front of the same building
and of the manner of its going. It
was in the last days of i893,"about
Christmas time. All natnre ' was
overspread with a heavy snowfall,
Rev. W. T. Ligon, a talented
young preacher, was pastor of the
M. E. church South, and at the
time in question, stood on the side
walk under an old wooden awning
over the door of the. Huston build
ing. Without warning, the awn
ing collapsed under the heavy
weight of the snow, and Rev. Lig
on was buried under the debris.
The loud crash attracted attention
and help was immediate! The vict
im was extricated from the r uinS
and carried across the street to the
Hemphill house, where everything
possible to save was done, but with
out avail. Young ' Mr. Logan
died of his injuries shortly after
ward, and his remains were shipped
hast to his home in the South for
interment. . The awning that after
a dozen years takes the place of
the old one is a canvas affair, such
only as ought to have place on the
main thoroughfare of the town.
. - For Sale,
oats -and Defiance seed
Grover Avery,
" Inavale, Or.
' Seed
Wood Srwing. '
I am prepared to saw w ood
short notice with gasolene wood
saw. W. E. Boddy.
Ind. phone 351.
5000 -.
Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock
Brown Leghorn hatching eggs for
at $1 per setting if obtained at my resi
dence north of Mechanical Hall. These
fowls were bred to lay eggs and not for
the show room, You are invited to in
spect the breeding pens.
Otto F. L. Herse,
mn im , Corvallis, Or.
' ' ' Wanted.
;. ; ' A .. ,
Setting hens., ' Call on'or address
; , Bowen Lester, Corvallis.
Dry Fir Wood
At $3.50 per cord. Orders solicited
for grub oak for summer delivery.
" Frank Francisco,
, 4 - Corvallis..
- For Sale.
Barred Plymouth rocks 75c and
Brown Leghorn eggs at 50-' c per
dozen. J. B. Irvine.
The prettiest and best wall
you can
get for that new house
concrete blocks.
. Whitney buys cement in large quan
tities and can mate the price right with
you.' - , " " ... ,. .
For Sale Cheap.
Good horse and buggy. Inquire
Times office. L. , : , - mi5-tf
Prices always right on all lines of
goods at Moses' Bros.
7 I
Spring Arrivals
Ladies Store!
New spring Jackets in Black and Tan, Al-
paca Suits, Wash Suits, New Skirts in Alpaca
, and Chiviots, New Mohairs and Silks' for Shirt
Waist Suit, New Waists in Jap Silk" and Wash
Goods, New Shoes and Oxford! in Black and
Tan, New Batistes and Flowered Organdies for
party. New laces, Embroidery and Trimmings.
We Keep
In the Furniture line. The latest thing added
to our large stock is the New Eldrege "B" sew
ing machine. The Eldrege is known as a stand
ard machine all over the XJ. S. It has the Auto-'
matic Drop Head made of the best material, and
finish, is fully warranted in every part. If you
want a good machine it will be to your interest
to examine She Eldrege. Our prices are low r
than any others on the market. A new line of
Now on display. -"
It you are thinking of buying a new Stove, or Range, -don't
forget to investigate ours. . We h? ndle the Famous Charter "Oak
and Toledo, Old stoves taken as part payment,
C. H. Nowth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
At Dunn & Thatcher's.
Cracked coin ,
Granulated shell
1.60 per cwt.
1.60 " '
Granulated bone r.75 "
Crystal Grit 1.60 "'
' And we handle the very best poultry
and stock foods. .
The S. P. is selling round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
Monday following, eitner on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Satutdays if East side
is taken. Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany.
For Sale.-
The Corvallis street
to City Transfer Co.
App ly
Iadiee! a If you once usa Com
pressed. Yeast, you will have no
other, 4 Ask for it, at Homing's.
You will find full line of flooring Bus'
tic and finishing lumber rt the Benton
Connty lumber jards opposite S, P. de
pot. Our No. 3 grade of the above can
not be beat in price and material, Call
and see. " , mi5-tf '
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silverware, "
. ' Eyes tested free of charge
- - ' and glasses' fitted correctly
at prices-within reach of all -Fine
watch repairing a spe
cialty Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
MmiliyMliiiimm mm iuij uiii.ii... n , nJJrJ. miljm mmtU Ill 1 1 III I IK
i xi. , iL ii xi 1.1 La o
We have just received a new line of the Justly
Celebrated KANTBEB EAT Clo-.
thing, prices ranging from
iS.OO' te
We also have other
selling at ALMOST COST
. ; Call and see our new line of overalls.
You are much ' pleased with . Willamette
Yon like its breezes; its gentle rains,
But 5 you cannot buy to suit '
You will take your family back again.
Now before you leave for'Easteru lands!
- Let us advise you, . for we can!
If you wish to purchase a tiome,
Why don't you have a talk with-.-.
Hi M. STONE. , - -
He has property to rent and sell,
: And about its quality he can tell.
Hedbn'ttake pro exclusively.
If a deal is not made his time is free.
Of holding political o flics he don't boast
But forty three yeais has lived on the
Coast, ,
And sure knows well the quality of land
So place your business in his hands.
H. M. Stone.
Physician & Surgeon?
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 tq
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may ba
eft at Graham & v-.ham's drug store
First Nat'Bank Building,
Only SC v y
G. 11. FAHRA,
Physician & Surgeon
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick R
i dence on the corner of Madison
Seventh st. Phone at honse and ofii
. $12.00
makes of
we are