The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 08, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
. Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items ot
. , Public Interest.
Frank Hurt is down from Se
attle for a week's visit.
George A. Houck was in town
Thursday to sell his mohair com-
1 13lUg WVVil, IjAVV UUUJ.
W. R. Hansell has purchased
a gasoliue engine and is 10 engage
again in the woodsaw business. ,
Miss Emma Crawford returned
Wednesday from a visit with "Al
bany friends.
A large awning was placed a-
bove F. L. Miller's store door
way Thursday afternoon.
After a week's visit with her
daughters, Mrs. M. Mason and
Mrs.Campbell, Mrs. S. A. Kisor
returned to her home at Philomath
Miss uston was to arrive yes-
for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. M.
Elston Lee. ,
The statement of Henry Stone
' i that prune orchards across the
Willamette have not been at all in
jured by the cold rains and- that s
full crop is assured.
The regular services will be
held at the M. E Church, South,
by tne faster, tomorrow morning
and evening.' Sunday school at 10
o'clock, All cordially invited.
Mrs. Andrews, who is
taking treatment in Portland is re
ported to be steadily improving.
news which will be pleasing to her
many rrienas in vjorvauie.
Ira Bodine, accompanied by
, his aunt, Mrs. Martha Bodine.
went to Portland Thursday. Mrs.
Bodnie is enroute to her home in
New York, and Mr. Bodine may go
on to Washinffton on business be
fore his return.
F. O. Gray expects to have his
new house in the Irwin block ready
wood, pmp plastering is used on
the inside, iaud there has been de
lay on this account, because a sup-
- ply of the plaster was not available
at once, due to the extreme demand
- "The Easter King" is the title
of a cantata that is m preparation
Dy tne rresDytenan choir lor pre
sentation the -evening of Easter
csunaay. Among tne singers to
take part are, Prof. Fulton, Mr,
Herse, Miss Spangler, . Mrs. Lake
. Mrs Miller, Miss Holgate, Miss
Wil1iaiTit R.'- W Mnsnn Mr
Bouquet, Mr. Bauer, Mr. Pruett
and others, making fourteen voices
in all.1;. , ;. -
. a uiner assauu on iootDau re
eently appeared in one of the maga
zines and President Gatch, arte
having the article read in 'chapel
enerea-a rewara 01 2,5 ior tne Dest
- answer to it, written by a student
f the college. A number of articles
were handed in, and Wednesday,
tne judges awarded the Mnze to
Hallie Wilkins.
-t-Preparation ot the site for the
new livery stable to be built on
- - Main street has begun. The con
'. tract for Construction is to be
warded today. The plans provide
for a structure 75 by 100 feet, and
equipted with every convenience.
' About 30 to 35 days will be requir
ed to complete it. It will . stand on
lots east across the street .from the
. Farmers Hotel. '" -..
A spark from the kitchen stove
lighted a blaze in the root of the
Hemphill house Thursday fore
noon. The fire was between the
roof and ceiling, but was discover
ed before it had gained much head
ways The . fireman responded
promptly to the alarm , but a buck
et of water had ; extinguished the
flames . before they reached the
scene. ,
:" There has been a general fear
at college that this year's track
team would be marred by lack . of
weight men. Dow Walker sent
: these gloomy' anticipations " glim
mering, the other day by tossing the
sixteen pound hammer 112 feet, ty
ing the college record, held by
Grant Elgin. So great a distance'
so earlyin the season, and after
enly a little practice in an event in
which he is only a novice makes
it sure that Walker has it in him
to be great in the .hammer throw.
Prof.- Trine thinks Walker's possi
bilities with the hammer are almost
limitless." Another new weight
man, . though an old student, is
Stout, who puts the shot at 36 and
the discus 106.
M. M. Davis left - Wednesday
for a brief visit at Ecgene. r
Homer Lilly arrived yesterday
from a bueinesstrip of several days
at balem. .
Miss Mae -Pollock, elocutionist
of Dallas college, is to give a recital
n the Mcthocmt church this eve
Mrs. Sarah Eigin and family
offfcupy the Trask house near tLe
Canstian church.
William Steusloff, a leading
butcher of Salem, purchased beet
cattle in thiB vicinity early In the
week. . . .
Mrs. Car'er Allinsham, of Ha!
eey, was. caiucu to the Deasiae,
Thorsday, of Mrs. McMihaD, who
B quite seriously ill.
Mrs. Dier, of Ontirio, after a
phort visit with her daughter, Miss
Susie, who is attftridirg, coilig, re
turned to her home last Monday.
Karl Sleiwer uttfnJed the fur-
eral at Jefferson Tnnrsday, of his
grandmother, Mrs Susan StPiwer,
who died at her Lome in Salem
0. Da Haven and family have
removed to a farm nx miles across
the Willamette in Linn county. The
removal occurred Monday. .
Mr. Marietta and family, re
cently arrived from Iowa, have tak
en roims for the present at the
Fowells home.
Presbyterian church, Rav. M.
S. Bush. Bible school 10 a. m.,
worship 11 a. m., subject, "Half
Sight." C. E. meeting 6:30; evening
eervice 7:30, subject, "The Delayed
The prune crop in the big
orchard is not injured, and there is
prospect of a great crop. This fa
the announcement made by Mana
ger Johnson, after the examination
of the orchard Thursday afternoon.
It tallies withthe statements of oth
er orchardiajs of the vicinity. -
' The preparations for the canta
ta which is to be given for. the ben
efit of the Y. M. C. A. Building
Fund are progressing very satisfac
torily.' The first rehearsal wtfs at
tended by 3" persons. The next
rehearsal will take place nextTues
day at 7:30 p. m. in the college
chapel. - ' - -
The 'sale of the-Sheasgreen in
terests in the L'ectral Planing mill
has miscarried. Mr. -Harlan, . the
purchaser, after the contract bad
been fully made and $150 bad been
paid fully thereon, changed his
mind, and with the consent of Mr.
Sheasegreen withdrew from the
deal. Of the sum paid on. the pur
chase price, $100 was returned by
Mr. Sheasgreeo to Mr. Hanan.
Butt W. Johnson, president of
the Citizens League, rtquests the
Times to announce, that tbe.Ltagua
Is to be made a working factor in
the affairs of Oorvallis. An ad
journed business meeting is to take
place in City Hall next Tuesday
evening. Every business man in
town 13 expected to be present to
personally observe the plans and
purposes that the revivified League
will present.
The O. A. C. Camera, Club
was organized last Tuesday evening
with Sherman Brown, of Klamath
Falls, as president and H. A. Sikes
of Athena, as secretary. The pur
pose of the organization is to study
nature with the camera. - Among
the members are several professors.
The place of meeting for the pree
ent is at Agricultural Hall.
- A big time was in prospect out
on College Hill ; when the Times
went to press lae t evening. At
seven o'clock a debate, the third In
the series for the- Gatch cup wag
announced for college chape). ' .At
8:30 was to begin n college Armo
ry, a band concert, a wrestling and
boxing bcut, and - championship
game of baseball- the whole bill
for an admission fee .-tf 25 cents.
The prospect waB that ; every body
was going to Bee, first the debate
and then the big athletic bill at the
1sod noi jubji x
icq jannnni Xcq 0 aawsi iaBViodraj ub
SAsq i 'nosrtAl "BiJi pn?3 'JBep -
, TtosnM "an pasB jaoj jbooj9ao
m jo ejasiooa eqi rra dn paAias noA"
i.Bq aajxdnf 30 smvu etrj nr JuttAL,
'n jo Snjqx ong v Saprsp
noX 30 Saq jgnni 1 poapj jreap
:prsa pro Xiroj
-aoBoS jniSaBO aq "ttrpr cioiiq bbai
anrnjoA XiBaq puB a3jBj XiiBpionjBcI
b uaqjA. 'souo tojuoa Jjas pua X
-nqBltnB JB3J3 jo uosiad b uaaq. eAvtf
sntn qqa eqi "aqqw oqj jb' sooq
Jioiqi q si jbj os udM. sanraamos
oqM. paB sa;rtdsip paBurraB pBq Gsurri
-anzos eq taoqJi qjpu. a ARBiaj pajadtna)
qojnb XjaA pjoqasnoq siq nj pq eono
ernaa qqy qauai.a eqj Bqj proa bi H
Are you going to build? See Whitney
about concrete blocks. Cheaper than
rock or brick. X s. "
At Bellf contain. -
Born, to th9wifeof,George Hum
phrey, March 3otb, a eon. :.:.r.
T. K. Fawcett bas sold his farm
in this vicinity. The price has not
been madepullc as ytt.".
D. P. Starr was' taken suddenly
sick wbila driving his cream wagon
and but for the help of others be
would not have been able to bave
reached home. . 1
. , ( -
Eleie Banton acd family, of Al
sea, are visitiog in this neighbor
l ornood. ' ,
. .-tS. A. and Clyde Tharp were in
Corvallis Wednesday on b'usiness
The f oclal at W. C. Belkcap'is on
(Thursday evening was well attend
ed, and a very erjoyable evening
passed by the young people.
Virg Landingham wilL; move to
the Charley Hodge place to while
away the. long summer days at a
job of slashing..
Telephone meeting at this place
Saturday evening, April 8th..
A. H. Buckingham went to-the
mountains with a drove of cattle
one day this week. - ,
Johnnie Minton is again et home
with J. H. Edwards after spending
the winter in school at Philomath.
C. E. Batron is working for
Ernest Brimner. They aie build
ing a barn lor Albert Ziieroit.
W. O. W. Convention
At Los Angeles. The Southern
Pacific Co. will sell on "April 12 th,
13th and 14th, round trip tickets
to Los Angeles at greatly reduced
rates, account convention of Wood
men of World and "Women of
Woodcraft, to be held at Los An
geles April 18th, 1905. : Call on
fcearest S. P. agent for rates and
All new wall paper at Black ledge's.
Saves Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooins; cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. K. W. Haviland, of
Armonk, N. Y., "but,, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life with
Dr. Kine s New Discovery. Our niece,
who had consumption in an advanced
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
and today she is perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung diseases yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible for coughs
and colds. 50c and 1.00 bottles guar
anteed by Allen & Woodward, fnal
bottles free. - . . .
v . For Sale.
- Cigar clippings of. our own
nre. Rose & Son.
m25 tf
To the Publk'.
: The underignpfl cave phrclas
ed the ictarett ot Lvi Hankie in
:tb City "Dray Company. The
tprms of the transaction include
t iood will of the busitie8, Mr.
H ikle having n tired from' the
fir . Thanking the public for
p t patronage and soliciting a con
ti aoce of the: business of a l the
ol patrons and of such new ones
ae uiay see fit to favor us.- We are
Very respectfully,
Robinson & Fuller.
Headquarters of the firm are at
W ilsher & Gray's ttore. Ind,
phone 126. f3-im
With Lewis and Clark
By Julia Fraser v ;
in an interesting article in ? ,
Sunset Magazine
Jljpril number
This article is well illustrated and sho
uld be read by people ot the Northwest
and then sent to their .eastern friends.
It will help to show them the enterprise
and progress of the nortn west better than'
many letters would. Other articles,
short stories and aerses.
Sold liy all Jews Dealers
Diamond Chick Food
Head Light oil the best for incubators.
Field and garden seeds at ' - .
Dunn & Thatcher.
-; For Sale. .
Defiance seed- wheat, deliverable : in
Corvallis. . Price one dollar per bushel,
sacked. Richard Kiger. -
Blocks for chimneys at Whitney's..
. , . Spring Opening; , '
I will have on display a fine line
of the very latest millinery. Tailor
ed hats a- specialty. Friday , and
Saturday, Mar. 31st and April 1st.
' Mrs. C. A Gould.
South Main street.
Have your groceries delivered -by the
quick, up-to-date wagon Moses Bros.
Listen for the bells. mn-2t ;
Something New!
-And of the Best Brands on the Market x
IMPORTED Marvilla" Garden Ceylon Tea
IMPORTED Montarde De Bordeaux French
IMPORTED Chou Fong. Perserved Ginger in
Jars ; ..
Warrenton Clam Co Pare Minced Clams
Harbor Brand Mustard Sardines
Diamond W, Brand Cream Sugar Corn
Jasmine Brand Asparagus .
A Fresh Supply of v
1 si?. sz. jC. t5. sr. jz. ,ff.
. . Our ad., but our goods change hand3
every day. Your
for Value" and Quality is the
Plaiiianfl Fancy Cliinaware
A large and
Orders Filled Promptly and Com
plete. V our Stores we do the
B Horning
Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods,
t r ii t' .1
jveys 01 an ivinas, ana r ine vuueiy
H. E. HODES, -
-. If you are looking for
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry; Ranches write for our
special list, or come and see us. . We take . pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you ; wish, also
showing you over the country. . 1
. sReaI Estate, Loan and Insurance : .
Gorvalris and Philomath, Oregon.
Sole Corvallis Agents for the Famous
"Gordon" $3 Hat for men; new Spring
models in Derby and Soft Styles; Black,
Tan, Brown and the new Fern color.
Every hat guaranteed to give satisfaction
.5. tSi. -Sv S;-;
money exchanged
and Imported.
varied line.
Sewing . Mach. Extras, p
. .. .1 r"l . r.-j v .
some real good bargains
mm more
0orvalHs ;
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P..
O. Address, Box n. -''.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Both Phones.
' ' , .Notice to Creditors '
Notice is hereby given that the under1
signed has been appointed by the County
Court of Benton County, Oregon, in pro
bate, as execntrix of the last Will and
testament of Louisa J. Stewart, deceased.
All persons having claims against the es
tate of said deceased are hereby required
and notified to present them, with the
proper vouchers, within six months from
the date of this notice to the undersigned
executrix at my residence in Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon., :. "
Dated March 18, 1905.
. . . Henrietta Randall,
E. R. Bryson,
A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber
all lengths.". - "
At Ccrrvaliitj saw mill for $6.50 per M
Call for Warrants.-
Notice is hereby given that there
is money on hand at the- county
treasurer s office to pay all orders
endorsed and marked not paid for
want of funds up to and including
those of March 22nd, 1905. Inter
est will be stopped on same from
this date.
Corvallis. Ore.j Mar 29, 1905.
W. A. Buchanan,
Treasurer of Benton Co, Or.
Eastern Oregon Farm Property
For sale. We have over 30,000 acres
in improved wheat farms for sale in Gil
liam, Sherman and Morrow connties,
Oregon. Price of these lands, 15 to $20
per acre. Small cash payment and easy
terms on balance, we also nave hrst
class implement business for sale in a
live Eastern Oregon town on R. R.
Aadress, Moore .Bros,
62 r Wash st, Portland, Or.
; mr-t Phone Red 951. -
Gorvallis & Eastern
Time Card Number 28.
For Yaquma:
Train leaves Albany. ...... 12:45 p. m
' Corvallis...... 1:45 p. m
" arrives Yaquina 5:40 p. m
Returning: -
Leaves Yaquina..;..... 7:15a. m
-Leaves Corvallis ........... 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany 12 :is p. m
3 For Detroit: . .. .
weaves uorvams.-. o:uo a. m.
Leaves Albany. 7:30 a. m
Arrives Detroit. ....12:02 p. m
4 from Detroit; .' -f .
Leaves Detroit .....12:35 P- m
Arrives Albany. ; . . . 5:15 p. m
Arrives Corvallis 7:55 p. m.
' Train; So 2 connects with the S P train
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
Train Ko. i arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure (of S P north
bound train.' .
. For farther information apply to
; - ---- : ' T. H. CfJRTIS,
Acting Manager.
H. H. Cronlse, Agent Corvallis.
Thoa. Cockrell, Aeent Albany.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, roortf 14, BanS Bldg. Hoorii
10 to 12 end 2 to 4.
: Phone, office 83. . Residence 351. -
Corvallis, Oregon.