The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 08, 1905, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton County.
Ulany New Deeds Filed for Record
, Timber Lands Transferred.
U. S. to Blanclie Aiken, patent
160 a. land in Alsea. C . y ,
U. S. to Missouri Spencer 120 a.
in Alsea. ; . . ' - . . ; .
' Missouri Spencer and husband
to First Nat'l Bank, 120 a land in
Alsea. $1 and satisfaction of mort-
XJ. S. to Jas. A. Mulkey, 160 a.
in Alsea. ,
' Jas. At Mulkey to Independence
"Nat'l Bank, 160 a in Alsea. $1 and
stf. mtg.
U. S. toWm. J. Headrick 120
a. in Alsea.
Wm. J. Headrick to Independ
ence Natl Bank, 12 a. in Alsea, $ 1
and stf. mtge.
U. S. to Edward
, in Alsea.
G. White 160
Edward G. White and wife to
Independence Nat'l Bank 160 a,
in Alsea. $1 and stf. mtge.
U, S. to Hiriam
160 a. in Alsea.
A. Bowman,
Hiriam A. Bowman and wf. to
Independence Natl. Bank, 160 a.
in Alsea, $1 and stf. mtge.
U. S. to Thos. A. Vidito, 160 a.
in Alsea. $1 and stf. mtge.
Thos. A. Vidito and wf. ,to
tl Bank, 160
Alsea. $1 an
stf. mtge.
U. S. to Clarence M.
. in Alsea.
Vidito, 80
P? Clarence M. Vidito to Independ
ence Natl Bank, 80 a. in Alsea. $1
stf. mtge.
U. S. to Willis
in Alsea. '
Vidito, r 160 a.
Willis Vidito and wf. to Inde
pendence Nat'l Bank, 160 a. in Al-
sea. $1, stf. mtg. ' .
U. S. to Eli Spencer. 160 a. in
Eli Spencer and wf. to Independ
' ence Natl Bankj 160 a in Alsea. $1,
stf. mtge. y .-
U. S. to Wm. Spencer, 160 a in
Wm. Spencer to Independence
Natl Bank, 160 a in Alsea. $1 stf.
mtge. ,,'
TL S. to Virgil A. Vidito 120 a.
in Alsea.
Virgil A.. Vidito and wf. 120 , a
; in Alsea, to Independence Natl
. Bank, $1, stf. mtge.
U. S. to Daniel R. Spencer 80 a.
in Alsea. V
-Daniel R. Spencer and wf. to
. Independence Natl Bank, 80 a. in
Alsea. $ 1. stf., mtge."
"Eugene M.. Simpson to Minerva
J. Kiger, lot 4 bl. 7, Co. add. $700.
, , Robert Wilson and wf to John
,McIain, 65 a near Wells, $1,853.50.
Charles H. Chipman and wf. to
Independence Natl Bank, 160 a in
Alsea. $1, stf. mtge. '; J"
Chas.'X. Hyde to Independence
- Natl Bank, 160 a in Alsea. $1,
stf. mtge. ' . . -
John M. Osburn to Jas. E. , Os
" burn, 4 lots blk 3 Co. add, $1.
U. G. Berry et al to Adeline
Tom, 3 lots in Corvallis. $925.
O. L. McClung and wi to F. J.
Strain, 80 a south of Philomath,
$1,000. - ., ;
T. J. Strain and wf. to O.
McClung 80 a south of Philomath,
Spring Opening. -
At Miss Johnson's Friday and
Saturday, Mar. 31st and Apr. 1st.
Will have on display a fine line of
pattern hats and a nice selection of
Gage hats. '
., Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there
is money on hand in the , city
treasury ' to pay all warrants
drawn on the general fund and in
dorsed prior to Oct 14, 1902, in
cluding warrant numbered 3495 .
There is also money in the city
treasury to pay all. indorsed city
street' fund ' warrants. Interest
will be stopped on same from this
date. Corvallis, Mar 28, 1005. ,
William McEagan, .
How They Operated on a Benton Coun
ty Horse OAC Students Looked '
A horse was the subject of a sur
gical operation out on the College
farm Wednesday.- The operator
was Dr. McLain, the well known
veterinary surgeon of Portland.
The horse was a valuable three
year old, owned by William Knotts.
A lump of bony matter on the
jaw immediately below the eye,
supposed to have been caused by a
bad tooth, was the object that it
was proposed by the operation to
remove. A class of students in the
agricultural course eyed the pro
ceedings with keenest interest, as
did several bystanders. In spite
of the severe character of the op
eration, no anesthetic was admin
istered. The statement is that an
esthetics are bad for horses and
should not be used except in ex
treme cases. In this case the horse
was thrown by the methods famil
iar to horsemen. He was then
bound securely in many places so
that it was practically impossible
for him to move enough to disturb
the operator. During the throwing
process the animal fought manfully
bawling sometimes in a voice that
sent a thrill of awe through ' the
In the operation, a slit was made
in the skin the entire length of the
lump. Then with an . instrument
resembling an auger, the bony sub
stance of the lump was attacked,
and parts of it were bored away.
In the operation quantities of dry
ish substance were removed, ; and
the belief is that in the course of
time, the unsightly lump, which by
its prominence disfigured the noble
animal, will disappear. After the
cutting and boring process, no an
tiseptics were applied which occas
ioned remark, but say those things
are never applied in ordinary horse
They are to Meet Bellf oontain the
Place The Programme.
A union meeting in which school
children, parents and grangers are
to be the participants is to occur
at Bellfountain Grange Hall next
Saturday. The event is under the
direction of Superintendent Den
man and is designed to benefit the
schools of the vicinity. 'All- 'the
schools oT Southern , Benton are to
take part in a literary and musical
programme. The Benton school
exhibit that was sent to the St.
Louis fair will be on display, - The
main programme of the day is as
The Working Man, W. E. Yates
- Farm Life vs. Cityife, J. H.
Choosing a Vocation, E. H". Bel-
"... knap. .;. -
Keeping up Enthusiasm in the
School, Mrs. Ida Belknap. ,
' Singing. . -Character
as an Element of Suc
cess. M. M. Waltz.
How to get There, Supt. Den-;
man. '
. . Lost. ..
Somewhere on the road between
Vidito stable and G. W. Cooper's
place a Waltham screw "case stem
winding watch. Finder please re
turn to Times office and receive re
ward. A. A. Newton" 2t
, Wood Srwing. . .
I am prepared to saw w ood on
short notice with , gasolene wood
saw. . - W. E. Boddy.
Ind. phone 351. m ; : - , . i
For Sale.
Good milch cows.
W. H. Isfa,
Inavale. Ore.
Spring Opening.
Pattern hats and novelties at Mrs
J. Masons, Friday Mar. 31
following days. ,
Poverty Social.
. The ladies of the W. R. C. will
give a Poverty social Thursday Apr
6, at I. O.O. F. hall. Entertain
ment and supper 15 cents. Prize
for best Poverty costume. Every-
body come. . , ..
I have reopened my shoe shop in the
Marshal Miller building on Monroe
street west of Berman's grocery, where
all orders will be promptly attended to.
Your patronage is solicited and thanking
you for the same in advance.
r I am, yery truly,
m25-im J. E. Fowells,
Wood Choppers
. Wanted at once. 200 cords of fir
wood to cut. , ' P. A. Kline. , .
Berry's Stock of Sporting and Bicycle
Goods Shop is Open Again to
" In a room over at the county
court house is the stock of sporting
goods and bicycle appliances that
recently formed the store of James
Berry. The stock is in the custody
of Sheriff Burnett, with indications
that it may become the subject of
more or less litigation. The sher
iff does not know what minute he
will be sued by Berry for possession
The manner by which the goods
were seized is unusual. The debt
on which it was attached was not
due, a part till next September,
and the rest not tilL September,
1906. The legal questions raised in
consequence are said to be numer
ous. Rumors are flying around to
the effect that there might not
only be suit against the sheriff; for
seizing the .property, but against
the plaintiff, Mr. Fischer. In any
event, it looks now like the stock
would be tied up in the sheriff s
hands until the November teim of
the circuit court, -when there can
be an adjudication of the rights of
the parties.
Meantime, the sheriff is right
handy with firearms and fishing
tackle, and with every shape of
gun, revolver, and fishing appliance
that the world knows of, it will be
his own fault if he doesn't have a
good time. Meantime, also, Ber
ry's shop is open again for business
The law cannot take his tools away
from a workman. They are his
means of livelihood, and have been
wisely placed beyond ' the reach of
sheriffs, writs and debts. The ap
praisement showed the value of the
stock to be about $700.
Wiped it off the Slate A Relic of old
' " Bicycle Times in Benton.
For a long time. $20.30 has beenan
unexpended, balance carried over
year to year, by the county treasur
er. Jt is what remained of the bi
cycle road fund that for a year or
two'engaged so much attention. It
was paid in by bicycle riders when
wheeling was more of a pastime
with the multitude than it is now.
A state law required every wheel
man to pay the tax, which was
directed to be expended in build
ing bicycle paths. When the, law"
finally went out of .elfecJhe .. bal
ance referaed to was qnhand and
it so remained until Wednesday,
when the county court, wearied
with its presence as an entry on
the treasurer's books and reports,
made an order directing that ' the
balance be paid into the general
road fund of the county, where it
can be used, not on bicycle path
building, but in a cause quite as
Their Wedding Anniversary.
Wednesday was the forty-seventh
marriage anniversary ot Kev. and
Mrs. P. A. Moses. They were
married April 5, 1858, in Van Bur
en, Arkansas. They spent seven
teen years in that state and came to
Oregon, arriving in February, 1875
and settled in Tangent, Emn coun
ty, where they raised their chil
dren. They resided thereuntil the
latter eighties. Mr, Moses filled a
number of. ministerial charges in
his church. In 1890, he took charge
of the church in this city and re
mained its pastor four years, since
which time they have remained
residents of Corvallis. - Of . their
six children, three live in Benton
county, one in Linn county, ",' and
one in Nevada, .The ancestors of
Ytr. Moses landed in Philadelphia,
Sept. 2, 1746, in the ship. Loyal
Judith." -
, Wanted.
Setting hens. Call onor address
Bowen Lester, Corvallis.
- Dry Fir Wood
At $3-50 per cord. : Orders solicited
for grub oak for summer delivery. -
, Frank Francisco, .
- For Sale.
Barred Plymouth rocks 75c
Brown Leghorn eggs at 50 c
dozen. : ; J. B. Irvine.
The prettiest and best wall
get for that new house is
concrete blocks. ,
yon can
Whitney buys cement in large quan
titles and can make the price right with
you. , .
For Sale Cheap.
Good horse and baser. Inquire at
Times office. . - mi5-tf
Big line of new kimonas at Mos
es' Bros. Swell line for summer,
Prices always right on all lines of
goods at Moses' Bros.
Spring Arrivals
Ladie s Store!
New spring Jackets in Black and Tan, Al
'paca Suits, Wash Suits, New Skirts in Alpaca
and Ckiviots, New Mohairs and Silks for Shirt
Waist Suit, New. Waists in Jap Silk and Wash
Goods, New Shoes and Oxford; in Black and
Tan, New Batistes and Flowered Organdies for
party. New laces, Embroidery and Trimmings.
We Keep
In the Furniture line. The latest thing added
to bur large stock is the New Eldrege "B" sew
ing machine. The Eldrege is known as a stand
ard machine all over the U. S. It ha s the Auto
matic Drop Head, made of the best material, and
finish, is fully warranted in every part If you
want a good machine it will be
to examine the
than any others
Now on display. '.;...?'.
It you are thinking of buying a new
iprget to investigate
and Toledo. Old
C. H. Newth,
Phjsiqian and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
At Dunn & Thatcher's,
, Cracked coin $ 1.60 per cwt.
Granulated shell 1.60' . '
Granulated bone 1.75 ".
Crystal Grit 1.60 "
And we handle the very best poultry
and stock foods. . r .
The S. P. is selling round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good . going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Jsunday
or - Monday following, either on
East pj: West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Satutdays u East side
is taken- Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany.
For Sale.
The Corvallis street sprinkler,
to City Transfer Co.
Indies! If yon once use Com'
pressed Yeasti you will have no
other. Ask for it, at Homing's.
. Yon will find full line of flooring Ens
tic and finishing lumber at the Benton
County lumber yards opposite 8, P. de
pot. Our No. 3 grade of the above can
not be beat in price and material, Call
and see. " - v - ' mis-tf
Eldrege. Our
on the market.
ours. We handle the
stoves taken as part payment.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
; V and Silverware.
. Eyes tested free of charge
J and glasses fitted correctly
ftp- at prices within reach of all
line watch repairing a spe- .
Prattf JTlie Jeweler 6c Optician.
We have just received a new line of the Justly
Celebrated KANTBEB EAT CIq
thing, prices ranging from
$$00 (0 $12.00
w e also nave other
selling at ALMOST COST
' v Call and see our new line of overalls.
Real Estate.
Yon are much pleased with Willamette:
' Valley, "
You like its breezes; its gentle rains,
But if you cannot buy to suit
You will take your family back again.
Now before you leave for'Easteru lands
Let us advise you, for we can! .
If you wish to purchase a home,
Why don't you have a talk with
H. M. STONE. : ;: t
He haa property to rent and sell, -And
about its quality he can tell.-
He don't take pro ' exclusively.
If a deal is Dot made his time is free. '
Of holding political office he don't boast
But forty three yeais has lived on the
Coast, .; . r
And sure knows well the quality of land
So place your business in his hands.
H. M. Stone.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., l to 4 p. m. Orders may 'be
en. ai (jranam & --nam a drug store.
First Nat'l Bank Building, .
Only SC , , y
Physician & Surgeon,
Office np stairs in Burnett Brick R
1 dence on - .the corner of Madison
Seventh st. Phone at honse and offi '
prices are low
A new line of
Stove or Range, don't
Famous Charter Oak
makes ot uiotnmg we arq