The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 05, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
. Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public, Interest.
Rev. Bush went to Portland
Monday, to be absent a week.
Mrs. Post of Nashville visited
Corvallis - friends the last of the
v week.
Wild geese have been observed
flying northward during the past
day or two.
Miss Florence Burton of Inde
pendence is the guest this week of
Miss Marie Danneman.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wadkins
of Inavale, were Corvallis visitors
- on business, Monday:
7 Mr. Farmer, a student of Wil
;; , lamette University, has been the
guest this week of Corvallis friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Groskey have
returned to their home at Blodgett,
after a few days visit at the Woldt
home. '
E. E. White has sold the City
. restaurant to j. Jti. Mattley. The
- new owner took possession Satur
day. v .. I--';-
, W. C. Swann and family mov
ed yesterday into the house on
Fourth street vacated . recently by
Mrs.Mary Ingram.
Reuben Wills, the 18 year old
college student who was operated
' on for appendicitis, is recovering
rapidly and will soon be about.
Mr. Hummer was in' town
Monday, buying materials for in
side finishing of a residence he is
completing for himself in Philo
math. In their hall, this evening, the
united Artisans are to have a social
time, with a program, and luncheon
a features. All members Bre urg
- . td to attend.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Schmidt,; both of whom
formerly resided in Corvallis, fell
into the Albany ditch Saturday af
ternoon, and was drowned. " " "
A daughter was born Saturday
parents reside in Washington, but
the mother is staying with. her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T, Vincent,
at present. ' .
Willis , Vidito left Monday l vj i xnrtya.' lit A3 LU Lt 1 Lk
charge ot the railroad land in that
... vicinity again thii season,1 and in a
' few weeks will move back to that
valley lorthe summer. ;
E. E. White is to leave about
the 15th inst for Iowa, for a brief
business visit. He and his family
now occupy the recently completed
house across the street from the e
lectric light plant. The removal
occurred Saturday.
The old pews have been re
moved from the Congregational
church, and new chairs were put in
last week. A furnace is the next
: improvement to be added by the
Congregational people to their
r iJishop Castle, : of the U. B.
church of Philomath, accompanied
- By his wife and son, departed for
the East Monday, While absent
they will visit Indiana, Kansas and
-. Iowa, and Bishop Castle will be
. present at the dedication of a num
ber of churches of his denomination
at different points. ' '
-It is expected that in a little
time there will be telephone ; con-
. nections between Waldport and
Corvallis. The Alseans now have
a line to the head of tide on the Al-
' "sea Bay, only 10 miles from Wald
port. , The statement is that the
people of the latter place will short
ly complete the extension . to their
- dwn town. , )
Though inhabited for nigh on
to 40 years, there has never been a
road from the head of tide on Alsea
Bay to Waldport. Much travel pass---
es that way, . even in spite of the
tedious and difficult method of flat
boating tip and down the 10 mile
stretch between the two points.
' After all these years, the construct-
ion of a wagon, road to join the two
places is in progress ,and will soon
be completed. .', ;
George Herbert Root is not to
spend the spring term at O. A.- C
Loss of time will - make no ,; differ
. ence in his final graduation, and on
that x account he is to : spend the
spring months at his home near
Wasco, Eastern Oregon, for which
he left Sunday. A large number
of his student friends accompanied
. him to the train, and; started him
. home with theirWessing. ,
W. D. DeVarney left yesterday
fcr Kansas City, to be absent a fort
night. Mrs. Pratt left Tuesday for Sa
lem for a few days visit with
friends. . . 1
After a ten days' visit with col
lege friends, Miss Maud Buxton left
Sunday for Forest Grove.
Robert Johnson has been co ti
nned at borne with illness since
Thursday. He was better yesterday.
, Mr. jBndMr8. W.H.Rood arriv
ed yesterday from Iowa, for a visit
with Corvallis relatives. Mrs. Rood
is an aunt cf Mrs. C. E. Robinson.-
Amor g the Business, men i u
Corvallis lrom abroad this week,
were D. H. Derevery, of Portland,
with the Ball telephone people; and
H. D. Edmonds, of KaDaas City,
Mo., coanected with the Independ
ent Telephone CJinpany.
Th9 inventory and apprais-
ment was filed Monday in the es
tate of Lonisa J. Siewart, and sale
of the peisi)nal property- ordeied.
The appraised value of the estate is
$5,144.' . - ;
The federal grand jury resum
ed its sittings in Portland Monday.
It is to adjourn sine die next Sat
urday. , Francis.J. Heney, the gov
ernment attorney, and W. J. BarnB
who gathered up the evidence that
has brought fo many fraudulent
transactions to light, are both in
the saddle again. There is a sur
mise that this week may see some
important indictments returned.
Sana lor Mitchell is to be the first
of , the defendants to be tried. Hie
case will come on early, and will be
followed by the. trial of Hermann
and Williamson. Neither William
son nor Mitchell have occupied
their seats in congress since they
were indicted.
Friday night occurs the big
athletic entertainment in the Arm
ory. The chief feature is an in
door game of base ball, in which
college and down town nines will
contest for supremacy. The college
team has Bert Pilkington for catch
er, Claude Swann for. pitcher, Gro
ver Cate for first base, Fred Stim
son 2d base and Bilyeu and Gar
row for short stops.; There has
been hard practice for the event for
several weeks. Other features" of
the evening will be wrestling and
boxing bouts by the best men iD
that lite in the college.
In Memoriam.
Breathes there a man with eoul
so dead, who never to himself hath
said, "My trade of l.ate is getting
bad; I'll try acothtr ten-inch ad."
If such there be, go mark him well,
for such to bank account shall
swell; no angel watch the golden
stair, to welcome home a million
aire. The man who never atks for
trade, by ad or local lines displayed,
cares more for rest than worldly
gain, and patronage gives him but
pain. Tread lightly, friends let no
rude sound disturb his f olitude pro
found. Heie lbthim live in calm
repose, unsought except by men he
owes. And when he dies go plant
him deep, that naught may break
his dreamlesB sleep; where no rode
clamor may dispel, the quiet that
be loves'SO well. And that the
world may know its lose, place on
his grave a wreath of moss, and on
a fctone above: "Here lies, a chump
who wouldn't advertise." Ex
change. 1
Saves Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping; cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. K. W. Haviland, of
Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life with
j Dr. King's New Discovery. Oar niece,
wno naa consumption in an uuvaiiueu
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
and today she is periecuy wen. " ues
perate throat and lung diseases - yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible for coughs
and colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guar
anteed by Allen & Woodward. Trial
bottles free. .. .
For Sale. . :
Cigar clippings of onr own manufact
ure, iiose Be Bon. m2S ti
Broke into His House.
S. LeOuinn of Cavendish, Vt.i was
robbed of his customary health by inva
sion of chronic constipation. When vr.
King's New. Life Pills broke into his
house, his trouble was arrested and now
hn's entirely, cured. They're guaranteed
to cure. 25c at Allen & Woodward' drug
store. .
For Sale.
Defiance seed wheat in any quantity,
Apply east across the rtreet from steam
laundry l. '.
m25-3t - John Beach.
For Sale.
A quantity of good clover . hay,
Inquire of Mrs. M. Jacobs, Corval
Are you going to build? - See Whitney
about concrete blocks. - Cheaper than
rock or brick.
The Story- of the Duel Between Ham
ilton and Burr.
The story of the Hamilton-Burr duel
Is tragic in its brevity. The little party
of five the principals, their . seconds
and the surgeon was on the ground
not long after sunrise. The prelimi
naries were soon arranged. As Pen
dleton, Hamilton's second, gave him
his pistol, lie asked, "Will- you have
the hairspring set?" . .
"Not this time," was the significant
reply," and then the men faced each
According to the best authorities up
on a disputed subject, Burr fired at the
word. At the report, -Hamilton started
forward with a convulsive movement,
reeled, Involuntarily discharging his
pistol Into the foliage above him, and
fell headlong. Burr, with an expres
sion of pain upon his face, sprang to
ward him, but Van Ness, his second,
seized him by the arm and hurried him
down the bank and into their boat.
Hamilton, being lifted up, revived
for a moment and gasped, "This la a
mortal - wound, doctor!" .' Relapsing
again , into unconsciousness be was
again revived by the fresh air of the
river. "Pendleton knows," . he said,
trying to turn toward, his friends, "that
I did not intend to fire at him."
At 2 the afternoon following he
had breathed his last. '
, . . Monster Bowl of Punch.
In 1694 Admiral Edward Russell,
commander of the English Mediterra
nean fleet, entertained 6,000 people Id
a large garden in Alicante, where he
served the largest bowl of punch ever
brewed. It contained twenty gallons of
lime juice, four hogsheads of brandy,
one pipe of Malaga wine, twenty-five
hundred . 4 lemons, thirteen hundred
weight of fine white sugar, three pack
ages of . toasted ;. biscuits, fifty-one
pounds of grated nutmegs and , eight
hogsheads of water.
The .whole was prevented from dilu
tion In case of rain by a large canopy,
which spread over a marble fountain
bowl which held the punch. The punch
was served by a boy, who rowed about
the basin of the fountain In a boat
built for the purpose and refilled the
empty cups.
Two Scotch Storiea.
A Scotch schoolmaster In Banffshire
years ago had strong views on the sub
ject of dress. : In the day when crino
line was the rage a girl came to school
with a very extensive one, which much
exceeded the space between the desk
and the form on which she had to sit
The teacher, seeing this, said to her,
Gang awa' home and tak' off time
girds (hoops) and come back .to the
school as God made ye." -
Another rough and ready : dominie
was examining his boys In a catechism
and asked if God had a beginning -"No,"
said the boy. "Will he have an
end?" "Yes," he replied. This was
followed -Instantly by a buffet on the
side of the head. "Will he have an
end noo?' "No," said the boy,-and the
masterwas satisfied. .
To the Public.
Tae midt-rkn-ri have uurcr as-
ed tie it.t-ref-t ol Iyjvi ,. Henklu in
the City Dray Company. Toe
terms of the, transaction , include
thf .iood will of the busiuesf, Mr.
Hmkle having rt tired from tne
firiti. Thanking the public for
p-1 patronage and policiting a con-tir-'
aoceof the business ot a I the
old patrons aud of such new ones
as u.ay see fit to favor us. We are
Very respectfully, "
Robinson & Fuller.
TT ,adnuarters of the firm ar at
Wulsher & Gray's , ttore. Iod.
phone 126. 13 -I'D
With Lewis and Clark
By Julia Fraser
in an interesting article in -
Sunset Magazine
Jlpril number
This article is well illustrated and sho
uld be read by people of the Northwest
and then sent to their eastern friends.
It will help to show them the enterprise
and progress of the nortnwest better than
many letters would." Other articles,
short stories and aerses. ,
Sold by all News Dealers
Diamond Chick Food.
Head Light oil the best for incubators.
Field and garden seeds at ;.
Dunn & Thatcher.
: For Sale. f .
Defiance seed wheat, deliverable in
Corvallis. Price one dollar per bushel,
sacked. - Richard Kiger.
Blocks for chimneys at Whitney's.
Spring Opening.
T nrill riave on disnlav a fine 15np
of the very latest millinery. Tailor
ed hats a specialty. imday : and
Saturday, Mar. 31st and April . 1st.
JMTS. a uouia.
? - South Main street. .
Have your groceries delivered by the
quick, up-to-date wagon Moses Bios
Listen for tie bells. - tnn-at -v
v -
Something New!
And of the Best Brands on the Market
IMPORTED Marvillai Garden Ceylon Tea
IMPORTED Montarde De Bordeaux French V
-...;. Mustard - . -:
IMPORTED Chou Fong, Perserved Ginger in
Warrenton Clam Co Pare Minced Clams
Harbor Brand Mustard Sardines
Diamond W, Brand Cream Sugar Corn
Jasmine Brand Asparagus
A" Fresh Supply of .;
Oar ad., but our goods change hands
. every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
llg Line Fresh Grprles
. " Domestic and Imported.
I Plaim anfl Fancy CWnaware
m A large and varied line.
w Orders JblUed Promptly ana Jom- w
$i rest. . ..
6 B.
t Pioneer Gun Store
. - . .
. ' Sporting Goods,
Keys of all Kinds,
H. E. HODES, -
If you are looking for some real good , bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry. Ranches, write for our.
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, , also .
showing you over the country. ' . , -
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance, 1
. Qorvallis and Philomath, Oregon,
Sole Corvallis Agents for the Famous
"Gordon" $3 Hat for men; new Spring;
models in Derby and Soft Styles; Black,
Tan, Brown and the new Fern color..
Every hat guaranteed to give satisfaction
the: white house,
Rornitig 4
Sewing Mach. Extras,
and Fine Cutlery
Office at Huston's Hardware Store. Pi
O. Address, Box n. ?
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience. ,
Lawyer "
Gjrvallis, Oregoa.
Both Phones.
. Notice to Creditors , ;
v Notice is hereby given that the under-.
signed has been appointed by the County
Court of Benton County, Oregon, in pro
bate, as executrix of the last Will and'
testament of Louisa J. Stewart, deceased.
All persons having claims against the es
tate of said deceased are hereby required
and Boiified to present , them, with the
proper vouchers, 'within six months from
the date of this notice to the undersigned
executrix at my residence in Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon.
Dated March 18, 1905.
Henrietta Randall,
E. H. Bryson,
. Attorney-At-Law.
A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber
all lengths, y t
At Corvallis saw mill for f 6.50 per M
Call for Warrants.
Notice, is hereby given tbat there
is money on hand at the county
treasurer's office to pay all orders
endorsed and marked not paid for
want of funds up to and including
those of March 22nd, 1905. Inter
est will be stopped on . same from
this date.
Corvallis. Ore., Mar 29, 1,905.
W. A. Buchanan,
Treasurer of Benton Co, Or.
Eastern Oregon Farm Property
For sale. We have over 30,000 acres
in improved wheat farms for sale in Gil
liam, Sherman and . Morrow' . connties,
Oregon. Price of these lands, 15 to $20
per acre. Small cash payment and easy
terms on balance. We also have first
class implement business for sale in a
live Eastern Oregoa town on R. R.5
Address, ' - Moore Bros, -
621 Wash st, Portland, Or.
mr-4t . ' Phone Red 95T.
Gorvallis &: Eastern
Time Card Number 28.
2 For Yaquina:
: Train leaves Albany. ...... I25'p. m
' Corvallis...... i:45p. m
" arrives Yaquina v 5:40 p. m
Returning: -Leaves
Leaves Corvallis.
Arrives Albany. .
. 7:rs a. m
.11:30 a. m
.14:15 p. m
3 For Detroit:
. Leaves Corvallis.
Leaves Albany . .
Arrives Detroit. . .
6:00 a. m.
.. 7:30 a. m
.12:02 p. m
4 from Detroit;
Leaves Detroit........ 12:35 p. m
Arrives' Albany 5:1s p.
Arrives CorvaJlis. 7:55 p. ml
(Train No 2 connects with the S P train
at Corvallis and Albany giviDg direct ser -vice
to Newport and adjacent beaches
Train No.' t arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound, train,
as well as giving two. or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. , , . .
For further information apply to
' - . T. H. CURTIS,
Acting Manager.
H. H. Crordse, Agent Corvallis.
Thoa. Cockrell. Agent Albany. ,
-Physician & Surgeon . ' . ;
Office, room 14, Bantt Bldg. Honrtt
to t 1a mnd a .
' (Phon. offloa 8S. , Residence 351..
Corvallis, , - Oregoa.