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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1905)
LODAL LORE. NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF, The Comings and Goings of People . Social Gossip, Personal Men-: : tlon and Other ItemSy of Public Interest. Robert Johnson was court bail- Willard Price, jury bailiff at iff and the circuit court. After a weeks visit with college friends, Miss Maud Buxton return ed to Forrest Grove Wednesday. Miss Effie Kiger has accepted a position as a stenographer in the Independent Telephone office, and began her duties Thursday. She I understand that Sarah Ann married a struggling young man. He Yes, he struggled all right, but he couldn't get away. Mrs. J. E. Andrews left Mon- day for Portland where she is to undergo treatment for stomach trouble. There.will be German preach ing next Sunday April 2nd at 2:30 oclock in the Presbyterian church by Rev. J. C, Beyerline of Albany. All are ,. cordially invited. Newton Adams began Thurs day the erection of a modern- cot tage on his lots just north of the Clnm Reed property, in the west era part of town. , E. D. Wetmore leader of the ""college band, went to Albany Wed nesday where he played with Fech- ter s orchestra at a millinery open ing. -;- ' V . 1 V The Christian Endeavor socie ty of the Christian church gave an enjoyable social Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G" W. Fuller. A surprise party was given Rev. Jones and family Monday evening at their , home. Members . of the Christian Vhurch were the .guests, and all present enjoyed the" occasion. ( ; Presbyterian Church, M. S. Bush. Bible school 10 a. m. Wor ship 11 a.m. subject, "Saved For Work.' C. E. meeting 6:30. Even "ing service 7:30 subject, "The In scription on the Cross" illustrated . by chart. An apron and bonnet sale with a large attendance of buyers and others was in progress at the Con gregational church when the Times went to press yesterday afternoon, and was to be continued in the even ing.." Sandwiches and coffee were the refreshments, and were . served at 10 cents. The promise was for a large crowd at the church in the evening. : .-: . Mrs. Pugh Our minister says he is going to change the last part f the service. M,rs. Knave Does he think he can improve it? Mrs. Pugh No, but he thinks it's nec essary. Instead of saying, "Let us siug the Doxology," he is going to say: "Let us adjust our clothes, slip on our gloves, grab our hats, forget all about the Lord, and be dismissed." . i Charles Hodge returned Thurs day to bis home at Stay too, after a few days visit here. '" ". Mrs. Joseph Smith, of Suver, is the guest this week of Mr. v and Mrs. John Smith. Ivan Pooler returned to;h!B home at Salem Thursday, havicg been for a few days the guest of bis nephew, Mark McAllister, of 0. A. C. ' A eon was born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Haitley, at Cottage Grove, Tueaday. The mother was formerly Miss Aileen Peterson. Mrs. Mary Ingram is to leave to lay for her ranch near Monroe, where pbe will hereafter rt side. The house on Fourth street vacated by Mrs. Ingram iB to be occupied by Mr. & Mrs. an. Thursday the job of scraping end removing the accumulations of dirt from Main street was complet ed. The undertaking waa com menced ht a liuue whfn weather conditions were .favorable, but ad ditional rain prevented expeditious work. This Shoe is ; made with new ideas, up on. pMla A T TIT J T-TTATlTT-T TSO -tK-! hSSk-K'l ncauin jriinif icro. -mm They are made to give 4 COMFORT SERVICE. as well a s THE -Iff SHOES al Mrs. Mary Brockwell of Pa ducha, III. whose three childten aged three, four and five years, died of poisoning -under suspicious cir cumstahces Saturday, broke down aaid confessed that she had killed them by giving them morphine and eoal oil. She stated that George Alberton promised to marry her if she could get ' rid of the children Atherton was arrested as an acces sory. ; After next Monday, taxes will be delinquent. Then is the period when the 10 per cent penalty and 12 per cent interest is added. Quite a number of taxpayers will get that double-shotted tax exaction. They are those who not only failed to getjebate, but failed likewise to pay half their taxes by the first Monday in April, which gives to the 1st of October for payment of the remainder. George Beamis, one of Benton county's wealthiest farmers, left Albany Tuesday evening for home accompanied by Mr. Henry Hector, and. was on the north approach of the bridge when .something broke and Mr. Hector got out to attend to the trouble. The hack slipped for ward upon the heels of the horses and they turned suddenly, tipping the hack over, throwing Mr. Beam is out under it. He was picked up and brought back to the home of his son Arthur, residing on Lyon street. . Drs. Stark and Wallace at tended him, and it was found that his collar bone , ws(s ; broken, and had also driven a hole into his lungs, causing an internal injury. He is resting well, and barring un foreseen complications is in a good way to recovery. v ' Today, Postmaster Johnson is to hold a civil service examination for R. F. D. carriers. Instructions to hold the examination usunally precedes the establishment of a new route. . Postmaster Johnson has an application in for a new route in the direction of Bellfountain and it is probable that the examination of today presages the es'ablisbment of that route. A teacher in the public schools of Corvalli8 is reading to Che pupils "Stories of old Oregcn, by our G A. Waggoner. While the book is not. etrictly speaking, a historical work, it nevertheless presents prom inent features of early Oregon life in such a manner as to impress them truly upon the mind of the reader. . The book is not only very interesting, but it is of real value to persona who have lived only in the New Oregon. j( s Arrangements are about- com plete for the establishment of a county road through the.Honey Grove settlement in Alsea Valley. The proposed road leaves the main highway at a point between the Buster and the Rider farm residen ces, crosses north Alsea river and extends eastward a distance , of about four miles. .--Benton' county is to furnish decking and nails for the necessary bridge, which will be of pretentious proportions. Settlers are to provide othsr materials and the labor. ' 3 On display at Pratt's jewelry establishment this week -was a handsome gold medal worth $10 It was awarded last Friday evening to Miss Alice Wicklund in the lo. oratorical tryout for" selecting speafcer to repreeer t J. &.. j. ai MtMinn vjlle in thestate prohibition content. On the medal is pre'tily engraved tbe name, "Alice Wick lund," and following that, "Prohi bition Uocteet, JNo., 1." lhe em blem is one of which the owner may well feel pioud. , Montgomery Robinson, who returned a week or two ago from a six months' absence in the East, declared to a friend in Corvalhs af ter bis arrival home that he never was so astonished in his life as he was when he saw the boom that was on in Corvallls, and the nam ber of new bouses that had been built since his departure, besides those now in construction.' The growth, he said, was nothing short of phenomenal, and that it would continue, to the gteat and lasting benefit of tbe town and county, he bad no doubt, . Practice of the big game of in door base ball to be played at the Armory next Friday night is bein carried on by both teams with great diligence. " The college men are said by those who have seen tbem play, to have a great team. Bert Pilkington is one of the players and be is said to be aB formidable on the diamond as on the gridiron The downtown men are also , per forming mo3t creditably, and : there is promise that lovers of base bal will see a game well worth their while. Two side attractions have been added, in order to give the public a great Athletic bill. One will be a Graeco-Roman wrestling bout between two of the best wrest lers in college, and a boxing bout between two lads of well tried skill in the use of the gloves. -.jsfr ' ! "iff The LASTS ARE SHAPED LIKE YOUR FEET. They are the best $4.00 shoe made. Try them and be convinced. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY CORVALLIS, OREGON . L. KLINE THE WHITE HOUSE. For Sale. ABOUT JAPAN. A Good Article Respecting Her Sadden Leap to Glory. The war between Japan and Rus sia, is in its results, surprising, not only to Kaseia, bat to the civ ilized world. Whether the Japan ese really expected such Bucces?, is question: but who, outside of Ja pan, supposed her to possess such eoldiers,-fiuch fighters, such gener als, such unselfish devotion, such determination, and finally, such success? It iB safe to say that few conserv ative, thinking people could give the Japanese credit for being some of the greatest fighters of modern times, for being as well skilled in the maneuvers of war as any people on earth; for having a stronger gov ernment than any other peopla ev er dreamed they bad and for being such able general ani such invin cible "men behind the gun," as . to overcome tbe strongly built and strongly protected ' retreats1 t)f ' the great Russians time and again when experts said it could not be done. 'Tis said that Oyami is as great a'general as Napoleon. Perhaps Oyama has had a harder task ahead of him than ever Napoleon had, ami it is safe to say that tbe "Great Frenchman never performed a tatk bet'er than the Japanese, ? Who can foretell the future of in the event that Russia makes peace with Japan, or let us be t ir, and say, in case Russia and Jar n make peace? . . . ' l erhaps J apau has within it the pot toiuty pi one ot tne greatest na tu'V the world has ever known. Ait 1 would we not be glad to sae it so? Would we not be . willing for nation to become great as long as is greatness i-tounaea 00 notn io. than truth, enterprise, enlight en uient and liberty?" We have nothing we "hope to be atraid or ashamed of; and as long as iCia so, we are glad that right triumphs; and a people can become great. - U. A, Peterson Diamond Chick Food. Head Light oil the best for incubators. Field and garden seeds at Dunn & Thatcher. For Sale. Defiance seed whet, deliverable in Corvallis. Price one dollar per buBflel, sacked. ; Richard Kiger. - 1 ' Blocks for chimneys at Whitney's. Defiance seed wheat in any quantity Apply east across the rtreet from steam laundry - m25-3t John Beach. Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed and marked not paid for want of funds up to and including those of March 22nd, 1905. Inter est will be stopped on same from this date. Corvallis. Ore., Mar 29, 1905. W. A. Buchanan, -Treasurer of Benton Co, Or. For Sale. A quantity of good clover, hay. Inquire of Mrs. M. Jacobs, Corvallis. Are you going to build ? See Whitney abont concrete blocks. Cheaper than rock or brick. Spring Opening. I will have on display a fine line of the very latest millinery. Tailor ed hats a specialty. " Friday and Saturday, Mar. 31st and April 1st. Mrs. C. A Gould. South Main street. Have your groceries delivered by quick, up-to-date wagon Moses Listen for the bells. . the Bros. Something New! And of the Best Brands on the Market IMPORTED Marvilla Garden Ceylon Tea - IMPORTED Montarde Do Bordeaux French Mustard : IMPORTED Chou Fong, Perserved Ginger in . , Jars "Warrenton Clam Co Pure Minced Clams Harbor Brand Mustard Sardines Diamond W, Brand Cream Sugar Corn Jasmine Brand Asparagus . , . A Fresh Supply of OLYMPIC -PAN CAKE FLOUR - . , - . 1 . CAKE AND PASTRY FLOUR AND WHEAT HEARTS MODES' GROCERY; P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER Corvallis v Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. O. Address, Box 11. -Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. , E. E. WILSON, , ATTORNEY Al LAW. W. E. YATES, The Lawyer Corvallis, Oregoa. - Both Phones. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, in pro bate, as executrix of the last Will and testament of Louisa J. Stewart, deceased. All persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are hereby required end xoiified to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned executrix at my residence in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon. -Dated March 18, 1905. Henrietta Randall, .Executrix. A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber all lengths, "y . At Corvallis saw mill for $6.50 per M mn-2t WE DO HOT OFTEN CHANGE Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. . Big Line Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported. v Plain and Fancy CMnaware Eastern Oregon Farm Property For sale. We have over 30,000 acres in improved wheat farms for sale in Gil liam, Sherman and Morrow counties, Oregon.. Price of these lands, $15 to $20 per acre. Small cash payment and easy terms on balance, we also nave nrst class implement business for sale in a live Eastern Oregon town on R. R. Address. Moore Uros, 621 Wash st, Portland, Or. : mi-4t , Phone Red 951. A large and varied line. Orders Filled Promptly and Complete- Visit oar Store we do the rest. 6 B Homing j Pioneer Gun Store (. . -4... i Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle, 1 Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras, -: Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery H. E. HODES, , - CORVALLIS, OR. E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-LauK Gorvallis & Eastern Railroad Time Card Number 28. ifoT Vaquina: Train leaves Albany. . . . " Corvallis.., ' arrives Yaquina .. 1:45 p. m 5:40 p. m . Returning: . Leaves Yaquina. .......... 7:15 a. m Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany.. 12:15 p. m For Detroit: Leaves Corvallis. 6:00 a. in. Leaves Albany 7.-3O a. m 'Arrives Detroit. : 12:62 p. m 4 from Detroit; 1 Leaves Detroit 12:35 p. m Arrives Albany."..... 5:15 p. m Arrives Corvallis 7:55 p.m. Train No 2 connects with the S P train at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beacnes Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time- to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours In Albany before departure 01 o r nortn bound train. For further information apply to T. H. CURTIS, Acting Manager. H. H. Cronise, Agent CorvalUs. Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Eoorii v ' IO to 12 nd 2 to . . . ' . . 1 Phone, office 83. - Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon.