LOCAL LOBE. Pot advertisements in this column the fate - . of J5 cents per line will be charged. - The Coffee Club held its regu lar meeting Monday afternoon. The Whist club will be enter tained this afternoon by Mrs.1 F. A. Helm. ; .."--;;,'. . 7 Just received. A large invoice of oak rockers. 26 .different styles to select from at Hollenbeg &Cady. The new 500 pound bell for the Catholic church arrived last Satur day. Work will be started on the tower as soon as the weather settles Mrs. George Collins and Miss Carrie Ainslie, of Portland, have , been euests since Saturday at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Taken; by mistake of course. from Congregational church, Sun day evening, the 26th inst, two um brellas. Please return to Jesse Taylor, OAC, and avoid trouble. J. K. Berry moved Monday into the residence formerly occupied by T. B. Irvine, near the lumber yard. W. Tom, who recently purchased the Berry property, now occupies the premises. . ... . The Afternoon Reading club was entertainnd yesterday ; after noon at the home of Mrs. F Berch- told. It was Shakespeare day, and an interesting programme had been prepared. 1 ; r Mrs, E. H. Taylor arrived yes terday from the bedside of her sis . ter who recently underwent a ser ; ious surgical operation in a Port land hospital. Mrs. Taylor re ports her sister improving. j . Information received in Cor- vallis this week is to the effect that M. Brunk, once proprietor of -the Occidental hotel in Corvallis, but later a hotel man of Fossil, has dis posed of his business in the latter place,' and that he contemplates lo cating m Condon. Mrs. Sarah Elgin , .who has spent the past winter in Baker City is expected in Corvallis the last; of this week, where the family will hereafter reside. They will occupy the cottage next door north of-the Metygar home, recently vacated by Clarence Ireland. - Circuit court has been, in .ses sion since - Saturday - morning at nine, with Judge Hams presiding The docket included but 23 cases Deing without a criminal case, District Attorney . Brown was not even in attendance. It J was ex pected at the Times press hour-that the term would end last night. The funeral of Tames Irwin occurred from the late home Satur day. It was largely attended, numbers of friends going out from Corvallis.- The funeral sermon . -was by Rev. M M. Waltz. The pall bearers were W. H. Newman, John Whitaker, Will Rickard, E. E. Wilson, August Hodes and one ' other. " . :- Onas Brown, a former Benton boy, was taken to the insane" asy lum Friday. The Albany Demo crat says the trouble was occasion ed by revival meetings Ohas at tended at Brownsville. The' state- ment is that the meetings closed earlier than was intended on. ac count of the case. It is not thought that the young man will be long at balem. At the home of Miss Mary Sutherland Saturday evening, a German study club was organized, with the following charter mem bers: Miss Juanita "Rosendorf, Miss Mary Sutherland, Miss Lena Rusk, Miss Sadie Dixon and Bush . Wilson. The cmb will meet Tues day and Friday evenings, and will take up the study of Faust and William Tell. Great interest - is A I . m .. . . ' lasen Dy ine members, ana it is expected that much good will re sult from the study thus encourag- ed. 0 --. . -.- . ine secona aeDate in the ser ies for the Gatch eup takes place , in College chapel Friday : night. 1 he question is, "Resolved that the president of the United States should not have the power of veto! lhe Zetegatheans have the affirm- . ative and their speakers are Mr Clark, Mr. Thayer and Mr. Forrest lhe Sorosis girls have the other side and the team is, Ieona Web- ber, Pauline Davis and Edna Ir- . vine. The first debate of the 'ser les was to take place in College cnapei last nignt alter the Times press hour. -. lv; , At the Christian church each bunday evening for the next few Weeks commencing April 2nd, special revival services will be held J. M. Morris of Seattle-, Corres ponding bee. of . Washington, wil . be with us to preach Sunday even ing, April 9th. - The public is cor dially invited to : attend all these services: "Come let us reason to . getner. jfrans 14. Jones, pastor Claud Strahan, son of the late udge R. S. Strahan, is a candi date for police judge at Portland. Miss Alice Wicklund defeated all opponents in a prohibition ora torical contest at the college Friday night. ' . ' " '"' . , Hereafter Prof.- Richardson of the Corvallis Business College wll be in -charge of the night school personally. .. ; Mrs. G. L. Paul arrived "Fri day from Portland, for a two weeks visit with Corvallis relatives, r The W. O. W. are to - have social at their hall Friday evening. All members of the tjrder, and of the Circle, are cordially invited., i C. T. Whittesley, professor of Latin and Greek at Dallas college has been secured to take President Lee's classes in Albany College for the remainder of the year. Baptist Church, Sunday-Bi- ble school at 10 oclock, and young peoples meeting at 6:30. No preach ing, Pastor Noble being in Port land attending the great revival meetings. All usual services on April 9th. ' ' . Treasurer Buchanan has made second remittance on state taxes. The amount was $4, 500,. which raises the total remitted to $11,000, which isa little more-than half the state taxes Benton has to pay. The balance will not be paid until early in October, as by law permitted. The funeral occurs today -of the seven "months old babe of Mr. and , Mrs. - W. H. Currin of Mc Minnville. The funeral party will arrive on the Westside train, s The interment wiilr be in Crystal Lake cemetery. The child died Monday night. - : V ; Mrs. Horace . Locke, V now at the head of the Eastern Millinery company of Albany, 109 West 1st street, is to have a grand opening J on the 29th and 30th of this month. There will be music by an orches tra from 7 to 9 p. m. on the 2Qtti. Mrs! Locke has a fine line of patr tern and if immed hats; also the Gage hats. Everyone is invited to call and inspect stock. : Physical Director Trine at the college is confronted with the possi bility of a surgical operation. He has suffered all winter with neural gia of the face and jaw. All remi dies failed, and it is now the state ment of a surgeon that the trouble is deep seated in the bone--of the chin and that a small portion must be removed. A few days is requir ed to determine whether a final re sort to medicines will save the ne cessity of an operation. ; At the Opera house Friday night there will be a dancing party at which will be seen dancing as the folks used to do it years ago. There will be quadrilles, Virginia reelsand the figures that Pa and Ma once cut so graceiuuy, , in ad dition there will be the new fangled dances which - the latter day light f antastics are accustomed to trip. The Maccabee Ladies ; are giving the party which though public in character, will be under genteel auspices with every ; appointment proper enough for even angels to step in and tread a" measure. Spec tators will have a chance to see the old dances again, and there is no doubt but the sight will be. worth many times the fifteen cents admis sion that it will cost . TAKING THE CENSUS. Of Benton, What tie Enumeration ..... t f Involves Much Work for the ' Assessor. ' - " Along with the assessment, As sessor Davis; is taking the 'census of the county. - The state law' re quires assessors to take the censns every 16 years. The work involves more labor than does the making of the assessment. The assessor is required to get the name, , resid ence, color, age,, of each person and to list , those subject to military duty, which includes all able bodied males between 18 and - 45. Every inhabitant is labeled as to whether married or. unmarried, and whether or not a legal voter. For all males there must be a statement of those under 10 years, of those' between 10 and 21, and all ,over 21. Res pecting females there is a similar listing, save that it involves those under 10, those between 10 and 18. and all over 18. There must be given the' ' occupation trade . or profession of each person 10 years of age and over, and the place of birth of each citizen must appear. The biggest, feature ot the census, however, is the enumeration of the products. This involves a state ment of firms engaged, in any in dustry, the number ot acres of land under cultivation, number of bush els of wheat grown the preceding year, number of bushels of oats, barley, corn, potatoes, apples, tons of hay, pounds of tobacco, wool, cheese and butter. - The livestock enumeration in volves the number of horses, num ber of mules, cattle, ;; sheep, hogs. The mineral census includes, the number of ounces of gold dust A miscellaneous enumeration involves the yield of fish and oysters, bar rels of salmon, and feet of lumber cut. ,V:? .--y; V In taking the census, a house to house canvass has to be made. In no other way can a true and correct enumeration be had. Assessor LDavis is following this plan, and is operating m town; The enumera tion of the southern part of town as far north as Jefferson street has been practically - - completed .In taking the census-iri Lane county, the assessor was authorized by "the county court to put 16 deputies in the field, which has been done. The m 'Perfect Waist" Is what the name implies, and can not be put in the same class with other Waists shown. They have a distinction which will appeal at once to every lady Mm- '4396 f M mm who sees them The materials are LAWN and LINEN; the workmanship is the very acme of perfection; the prices are redicul- ously low for such exquisite ations cre- In Qrctiit Court. Spring Opening. At Miss Johnson's Friday and Saturday, Mar. 31st and Apr. 1st. Will have on display a fine line of pattern hats and a nice, selection of Gage hats. -.. - 1 Announcement. I have re-opened my shoe shop' in the Marshal Miller building' ... on Monroe street west of Bertnan's" grocery, where all orders will be promptly attended to. Yonr patronage is solicited and thanking yon for the same in advance. - . I am, yery truly, m25-im - J. E. Fowells. Blocks for chimneys at Whitney 'sT Ladies skirts all kinds and prices at Moses'. Bros. Call and see them. Swell line of shirt waists, just in at Moses Bros. l - 1 To the Public. The undersigned have nurchas eu mo interest 01 lyevi .tien&le in the City Dray Company. ; The terms of the transaction include the good will of the business, Mr. iienlcle baving retired from the farm. Thanking the public for paet patronage and soliciting a con tmnance 01 the business of all ' the 1 . i.- -3 f . . uiu atruuo auu oi Bucn new ones as may see fit to favor1 us. - We are Very respectfully. Robinson & Fallen neaaquarters ot the farm are at Wellsher & Gray's Etore. Ind 1. - m. puuue izo. r . 13-im J. L. Lewis, plff. vs. p. J. Ruit er, deft. Dismissed on motion, of plaintigs. - . -,-:.. William Milton Howell plff, vs. Adam Wilhelm & Sons, defts. De murrer overruled. W. H. Maloneplff.- vs. A. L. Clark" and Madge Clark, defts. Dismissed onmotion of plaintiff J Pacific States Telephone and Tel egraph , Company a corporation, plff. vs. Richard Kiger, deft. Dis missed on motion of plaintiff. MaryJ..:,;H.:wlhitby"-'plff.;vs. Roscoe E. Edwards. Alice ' Ed wards, Augusta Strake, John Strake, M. P.-Totten, and. Leah J. Totten, defts; i Decree of foreclosure grant ed. " - C- . : TW. B7 Smith and Nancy - J. Smith, plffs. ; vs. John ' McBee, Maud v Grubbs, . and Thaddeus GrubbSj defts. Sale of real property connrmed. ' . C. E. Ireland, plff, vs. S. N. Lilly, deft. Jury filed verdict fav or plaintiff for $459.38. Ladies! If you once use Com pressed Yeast, you will have no other. Ask for it, at Homing's. . .estimates cneertuuy g.ven, on any kind of concrete -work' at Whitney's . Village Improvement Society. The regular monthly meeting of the Village .Improvement Society will be held nefct Friday ; evening at 7:30 at tne county court room Members urged to attend. Citizens in general are cordially invited. For Sale. Seed toes. f25-tf wheat and Burbank pota- Boy Bickard. . New Trays. All parties having tray checks, can and get your tray as this is the last I will have on hand. At Hodes. Notice that elegant new delivery wag- Moses Bros' ran it. mi 1-2 1 Wood Choppers - Wanted at once. 200 cftrds of fir Aline.'- wood to cut.- v ; Branard &Astrmsrong wash silk at Moses Bros. . x , j ." -v For Sale. . -' ; Mul feed, flour, wheat,' oats, vetch chicken feed, potatoes, wood and : gravel Delivered to all parts of city. - Phone 34-" Opposite Steam Laundry , John Beach . FROM 50C TO $5 S L KLINE Corvallis, Oregon The White Hous Real Estate, with-i- You are much" pleased with Willamette Valley, . Yon like its breezes; its gentle rains, Bnt if yon cannot boy to suit Yon will take your family back again. Now before you leave for Eastern lands Let us advise you, for we can! If you wish, to purchase a home, Why don't yon have a ' talk H: M. STONE. He has property to rent and sell," And about its quality he can tell. - He don't take pro exclusively. If a deal is not made his time is free. Of holding political office he don't boast But forty three yeais has lived on the Coast, - And sure knows well the quality of land So place your business in his hands. ' H. M. Stone. e. I 1 The S. P. is selling round trip tickets between Corvallis and Port land for $3 good : going Saturdays or Sundays and returning Sunday or Monday following, either- on East or West side, but good only on afternoon train from Albany to Portland on Satutdays if East side is taken. Passengers to pay local fare between Corvallis and Albany. The Corvallis street to City Transfer Co. For Sale. . sprinkler. Apply 1 905 Spring Arrivals 1 905 Mohairs Springy, Dust resisting and dur able. A combination of characteristics which account for their popularity 50c to $t 25 yd New Silk Neat styles for Shirtwaist suits Ginghams A. F. C. Toile du Nord, apron ehecks Louisiane Percale-The kind that wears-only 10c NewWaistings Lioerty Peufree, Silk Tissue, Silk dot crepe in gi qc&gzb " C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath) Oregon. At Dunn & Thatcher's. - Cracked com 1.60 per cwt. . Granulated shell 1.60 ' --' , . Granulated bone 1.7$ Crystal Grit 1.60 " And we handle the very - best poultry and stock foods. - - - G..R. FAKRA, Physician & Surgreon, Spring Dress Skirts and Shirt Waists Lace Curtains ecru and whits New Sheetings, Muslins, Table Linens, Towels "FV L. MILLER English Walnut Trees. 1 We are special growers. Have the best of soft shell and hardy variety that come into bearing at an early agi pro duce annually and abundantly . Big money is made in wal-, nut orchard. They are a poor-mans chance, and are cheap ly harvested. Orchards in good bearing give returns of sev- . eral hundred dollars per acre," We give this special study. Write for free descriptive catalogue which treats on walnut ; Gnlture. Contains valuable information. BROOKS Sc SONS WALNUT NURSERY. V bARLTON, OREGON.- J. FRED STATES . ATTORAhl-AT-LAW ' -TTirsr; Nat'l "Rank Rnildinp-. nee L - I - 7 " - V1111.C up Biairs m .Burnett iincJC lies- 1 -idence- on the cornerof Madison and Only Set bstractS ia County Seventh Bt. Phone at hoase and Qffice v",'. " ;v H. S. PERNOTj Physician & Surgeon ' Office over postoffice. - Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may ba eft at Graham & V"tham'g drug store.