The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 22, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men-
- ' tion and Other Items of
-t . Public Interest.
Miss Helen Crawford officiated
as one of the judges at the Albany
Newberg debate. The decision was:
." given to Albany.
Mrs. M. Meeker has returned
to her home in Independence, after
a visit with Corvallis relatives.
- ' R. E. Gibson returned to lis
home in Portland Monday, ' after a
few days business visit in ; Cor-
- vallis.
'7 A new kitchen has just been
added to the residence of Mr. and
a Mrs. Gene Simpson, in Job's ad-
- '
Monday, the wife and six
children of Rev. Jones of the
Christian church, arrived from
Selma, California. :
Mrs. E. II. Taylor, left Sun
day for Portland, to be at the bed
side of a sister, who is to undergo
a dangerous surgical operation this
week. ; .
Bank Examiner Johnson V ar
rived Saturday from a business trip
to Seattle and other Sound cities.
He also went to, Billings,-Montana.
What has become of the pro
, posed extra session? Does it mean
that we'd rather bear the ills we
have than fly to others that we
know not of?
Crossley and Dunne, the Leb
anon bank robbers were convicted
: at Albany in, a trial which ended
Friday. They were sentenced to
the penitentiary Monday for five
, years. - V" " ":
From the movements of his
ships, it is suspected that Rojes
venski is not anxious to buttinski.
If he jostles against Admiral Togo
a few more Russian . warships
might blowupsky.,
Horace Brodie and Percy
Cupper, members of '04 class visit
ed college friends Saturday and
Sunday. Mr. Clipper, has been ever
since he left college last June, a
member of of civil engi
neers, engaged in making surveys
for irrigation enterprises in Eastern
and Southern Oregon.
t Six thousand five hundred
dollars of state taxes has been sent
by Treasurer Buchanan to the
state- treasurer. In a few days, 1 the
Balance of one-half the tax will be
sent forward. The remaining half
will not be paid until October, as
by law allowed. The total of Ben
ton's state tax is $20,705. ,
The J. K. Berry house' and
three lots near the C. & E. depot
was purchased Saturday by Wash
ington Tom for $925. The E. S. J
Hornaday house and four lots near
jthe Carriage Factory went to Mr. j
Butler, for. $850. Mr. Butler came
two years ago from the East. Both
deals. were made by Robinson and
"v The funeral of Mrs. Eddy , wife
of Perry Eddy, occurs from the
family residence in Kings Valley
today. Mrs. Eddy died Monday
morning, after an illness of several
days. According to a Kings Valley
correspondent, she .. suffered first
I with measles, and was then attack-
Ied iwith pneumonia. She was the
daughter of Mr. and ; Mrs. J. T.
Franz, and was born in 1865. She
has been a resident of Kings Val-
I ley since childhood. The husband
Sand five children are the survivors.
The local prohibition oratori
cal contest will occur at the college
chapel next Friday evening, March
23. These contests are beginning
to assume considerable proportions
in the college and community, and
Ithis year interest is aroused more
than ever before. The fact that the
prohibition oratorical 1 association
offers the greatest honor ; of any
oratorical association in America
makes it the more interesting. Last
year the national winner was
Walter R. Miles of Pacific College,
the winner of the recent state con'
test. The orators for the-local con
test will be, J. W. Darling:, J. G
Schroeder, 1 Miss - Alice Wicklund
and R. L. Stout. Two gold medals
will be awarded. The musical pro
gramme will be given as follows:
vocal solo,; Miss (jertrode McBee:
mandolin : duet, Miss Una ' Stuart
;and F- M.: Stokes; vocal solo. Miss
Bertha Williams; male quartette,
Messrs. Herse, Bauer, Webber and
Mrs.' Edward Walden, of Al
bany is visitiDg in tbis city.
-Thomas Andersop, a brother-in-law
of Mrs. E. A. 'Morgan, who
recently came to Corvallis from the
East, has gone to Eastern Oregon
to. seek a location. When last
beard from, Mr. Anderson was at
The Dalles.'
J. H. Adams and family, and
A. F. Harlan and family, number
ing all told 16 persons, arrived Sat
urday from Furnace county, Ne
braska, seeking a location! They
are 61d friends of J. J. Cady, and
Mr. Harlan is a brother of A. N.
Harlan, of this city.
Albany Herald: Harry Holmes
and Mies Celia Albrecbt were mar
ried at the office of Justice of the
Peace W. S. Risley on Sunday
evening, by that official, in the pres
ence of a small company of friends.
Tbe groom is cook at the Royal
restaurant. The bride was former
ly a resident of Corvallis.
H. B. Miller, once president of
0. A. C, late consul to NiuChwang,
China and recently appointed con
sul to Yokohama, is to deliver a
lecture Saturday night in college
chapel. Consul Miller was on tbe
saeGe at Niu Chwang when the
Russians held that city and was
there still when the Japs drove
them from the place early In tbe
prtsent war. He has bad oppor
tunity to gather ; information con
cerning tbe belligerents that should
be of much interest. : Stereopticon
views of scenes in the Orient will
enter into the lecture.
The following real estate trans
fers have been filed at the record
er's office: William I. Huggins
and wife to John L. Crow, 80 acres
near Monroe, $1365; William I.
Hug. 4ns and wife to James W.
Smith, 144 acres, near Monroe, $435 ;
Ira M. Hunter and wife to A. H.
Limbocher, two lots near S. P. de
pot, $250; W. P. Minor and wife to
Sarah E. Feichter, lots in Job's acU
dition, $1100;- C. M. Westbrook
and wife to J. R. Wyatt, 5 acres
near Albany; $200; Arthur Penh
and wife to Adam Wilhelm, Sr., 1
acre: in Bellfountain, $950; J.., L.
Heisbner and wife to J. N. McFad
den, lot 3, block 22, $775; Emma
Cash et al. to Charles Ehman, 160
acres in Alsea, $1."
Continued from page two
Section 22 All money collected
or received by the commission for
the use and consumption of water
or otherwise shall bo deposited with
tbe treasurer of tbe city, who shall
give, bonds in addition to the bonds
nerein provided as the city council
of said city of Corvallis may .re
quire, who phall keep tbe same sep
nrate and apart fo.n the r-ther
funds of tbe city and pay it oir on
the order of the chairman of the
commisfciuu countersigned by the
clsrk thereof, and to, the holder of
any overdue interest coupons of the
bonds aforesaid upon the presenta
tion and sui render thereof, and not
otherwise. " ' . , - V
Section 23- The commission has
power and authority:
1; To employ, hire and dis
charge from time to time all such
agents, workmen, laborers and ser
vants as it may deem necessary or
convenient in the conduct and man
agement of said water works. ?
2. To make all needful rules
and regulations for the conduct and
management of the same by the
city and in the inhabitants thereof.
3. To establish rates for the use
and consumption of water by the
city and inhabitants thereof, includ
ing the people living along the line
or in the vicinity of the works with
out the city. ;
4, To provide for the payment
of water rates monthly in advance
and to shut off the water from any
house; tenement or place for which
the water rate is not duly paid, or
when any rule or regulation is dis
regarded or disobeyed.
5. To do any other act or make
any other regulations necessary and
convenient for the conduct of its
business and the due execution of
the power and authority given by
this act and not contrary to law.
section z4 ihe ; commission
shall annually before the first day
of January in , each year, make a
written estimate of the probable
expense of maintaining and conduct
ing. the water works during the en
suing year, and also the - cost 'of
any necessary alteration, extension
or imorovement thereof to be made
during Baid ensuing year, and
thereupon ascertain and prescribe
as nearly as it can conveniently, a
water rate for such year aa will in
sure' a sufficient 1 income from the
sale of water to pay such expenses
and costsj together with one ? year's
interest on the bonds aforesaid then
issued and outstanding. .
Section 25 After the expiration
of ten years from the selection of
such commission a sum not ex
ceeding three per centum of the
par value of the bonds issued under
this act, shall be annually estimat-
ed for in fixing the water rate, ' In
addition to tbe expenses, costs and
interest aforesaid, and be collected
as a part thereof,- which said sum
when so collected shall be set apart
and kept in a separate fund to be
used and applied, under the direc
tion of Eaid commission, in tbe pay
ment of the principal only of said
bonds, in -'.the following manner:
During the month of December of
each year during which said three
per centum has been collected, the
said commission shall, by lot select
a sufficient number of eaid bonds to
take up the furi'd" I accumulating dur
ing that year for the payment of
the principal of bonds and - before
the first day of January "next fol
lowing, cause to be published in a
weekly newspaper of general circu
lation published in the city of Cor
vallis, a notice specifying the num
bers of bonds so selected for pay
ment, and thereafter said bonds
shall be paid on demand by the
treasurer of the city; of Corvallis
from said fund, at the office of. said
treasurer and interest on said
bonds so selected for redemption
shall cease and after tbe first day of
January following the dale of said
Section 26 The committee, un
til said commission is selected, and
thereafter the said commission
shall cause a quarterly statement
in detail of its receipts and disburs
menta to be made and signed by its
chairman and clerk, and filed with
the police judge of eaid city who
shall preserve the same among the
files of his'cffice, and the commis
sion shall cause to be made, and
filed as a part of the last quarterly1
report in each year, a complete in
ventory or statement of the proper
ty, implements and materials in its
possession and control pertaining
to tbe water works, together with
the condition and approximate val
ue thereof. In addition to the fore
going the said commission shall
cause an annual statement to be
published during January of each
year, in some newspaper published
in Cor vallis, Oregon, which said
statement shall eive a summary of
all receipts, and disbursments of
said commission,' and tbe balances
remaining on hand in each of the
funds herein provided for.
Section 2' No pereon shall, be
considered a taxpayer . with the
meaning of tbis act, so as to be el
igible to become a member of the
commission or committee unless he
wan assessed on property taxable
within said city for the fiscal year
before his selection or appointment
to such position, the sum of not lees
than $1,000; and whenever any
member of said committee or coni
miscion shall fail to be assessed for
such sum on such property for
any year, he shall ceate to be a
member, and his place shall be va
cant and shall be filled accordingly.
cEction 28 In addition to such
parts of this act as by implication
of us become a part of the obliga
tion on the part of said city in said
poiais, it is hereby expresly provid
ed 'that tbe management of said
wflUr works by a commission of
four persons each possessing the
quv ideations herein provided, and
the tzing of water rates bo as to an
nua! y raise the income provided
for n Section 24 and 25 of tbis act,
eb'l be a part of the obligations of
said city in eaid bonds. N-
Section 21 When tbe commis-
sioii is selected and organized as
above provided, the committee shall
turn over the water works to it and
all property pertaining thereto, to
gether with all books,, papers and
accounts relating to the construc
tion or purchase thereof, as the case
may be, and the commission shall
thereupon take possession and
charge of and manage, conduct, op
erate and maintain tbe same, and
in so doing it may alter, improve
and extend such works from time
to time when the receipts from
works are sufhcieot to defray the
expenses thereof, and as the growth
of the, city and wants and conven
ience of the inhabitants may re
quire; and the committee may turn
over a completed portion or por-j
tions of such water works to the
commission before the final com
pletion thereof by it, and as often
and as fast as such portion is so
turned over to the commission it
must accept the same, and conduct
and maintain it accordingly.
We respectfully invite your attention to
the largest and most complete line ever
shown in Corvallis
Latest styles, designs and finish. The'
latest improvements in adjustable ' and
folding automatic gear, also in upholister
ing and parasols
Having bought unusually heavy in order
to secure a greater discount, we are en
abled to offer these go-carts and buggies
at prices that will astonish you.
Call early while the stock is still com
plete and investigate.
: . t
Whitney buys cement in large quan
tities and can make the price right with
A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber
all lengths. .
At Corvallis saw mill for $6.50 per M
. Lawyer
Corvallis, Oregon.
Both Phones.
Something New!
And of the Best Brands on the Market
IMPORTED Marvilla Garden Ceylon Tea
IMPORTED Montarde De Bordeaux French
v. Mustard
IMPORTED Chou Fong, Perserved Ginger in
: . . ' . Jars
Warrenton Clam Co Pare Minced Clams
Harbor Brand Mustard FUrdineg
Diamond W, Brand Cream Sugar Corn
Jasmine Brand Asparagus
A Fresh Supply of
In the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Benton.
George E. Chamberlain as governor of
Oregon, P. I. Dunbar as secretary of state,
and Charles S. Moore as state treasurer of
Oregon, constituting the state land board,
plaintiff, vs. George Schafer, Anna Schafer,
Edward Donat, Agnes Donat and George A.
Houck, defendants.
To George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward
Donat, Agnes Donat and George A. Houck,
the above named' defendants :
In the name of the state of Oregon, yon
and each of you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the above
named plaintiff in the above entitled court,
now on file with the clerk of said court,
within six weeks from the 11th day of Feb
ruary, 1905, the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, and you are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear and an
swer said complaint as nerem required, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: the
foreclosure of a certain mortgage made and
executed by George Schafer, Anna Schafer,
Edward Donat and Agnes Donat to plaintiff
on the 12th day of October, 1903, to secure
the payment of a certain promissory note
of said defendants for $2,000, with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per .annum
from date, "and which said mortgage con
veyed unto plaintiff the following described
real property, situated in Benton county,
Oregon, to-wit : .
The east half of the southeast quarter of
section 5 ; the west half of the southwest
quarter, the northeast quarter of the south
west quarter, the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter, the south half of the
northwest quarter of section 4, all in town
ship 15 south, range 5 west; also beginning
at the southeast corner of the northeast
quarter of section 5, township 15 south,
range 5 west, and run thenee west 15.25
chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east
15.25, chains, thence south 20 chains to the
place" of beginning; and a further decree
barring and foreclosing you, the said de
fendants, from all right, title or interest in
or to said real property and every part
This summons is published by order of
the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, mace at cham
bers in' Corvallis, Oregon, February 10,
1905. The date of the first publication -of
this -summons is February 11, 1905, and the
last publication thereof March 25. 1905.
J. F. YATES, "
Attorney for PlaintUL
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silverware.
- - . " i ....
Eyes tested free of charge .
and glasses fitted correctly
at prices within reach of all
Fine watch repairing a spe
cialty "
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
$ : .f - South Main St.,' Corvallis, Ore. f
si Carbon, Platinum and Flatino Portraiture
j Art Calendar's, Sofa Pillow Covers, . r
t : And other Photographic Novelties. T
Pioneer Gun Store
. Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras;
Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery
In the Oirouit Court of the State of Oregon
tat tbe County of ienton.
L. E. Smith, Plaintiff,
vs. Summon
Rowland Fisher, Defendant.
To Sowland Fisner, the above named defend
ant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you
are hereby summoned and required to appear
and answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the
above entitled aetion now on file with the Clerk
of .the said court on or before Saturday the 2oth
day of March, 1003, said day being the last day
of the time prescribed in the order of publica
tion of this Summons made by the County
Judge of Benton County, Oregon which said or
der is hereinafter referred to towlt, on or be
fore six weeks from the date of the first publica
tion hereof, and you are hereby notified that If
you fail so to appear and answer aa herein re
quired, tbe plaintiff will take judgment against
you for the sum of $55o.oowtth interest there
on at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from
the 10th day of November, 1901, until paid, and
for $50.00 Attorney fee, and for the further sum
of $100.00 with interest thexeoa at the rate of 5
per ceDt per annum from the first day of Feb
ruary, 1904, until paid, and for $40.00 attorney
fee. besides his costs and disbursements herein
and for the sale of your eurtesy interest in the
real property of Jane Fisher, deceased, situated
In Benton county, Oregon, to satisfy such Jud
ment, the same having been- attached in tbis
action under a Writ of Attachment duly issued
herein to the Sheriff of said County.
This SumnionMb published in tne Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Feb
ruary 11th. 1905. and ending with the issue ct
March 26, 1905. in pursuance ofaa order made
by tbe Hon. . Virgil E.-Watters, County Judge
of Benton county, Oregon, at Chambers. Dated
the 10th dav of Februaryt 1905. Date of first
publication is February II, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Referees Sale of Iand.
Notice is hereby given tht under and by vlr- .
tue af a decree of the Circuit Court of the-State
of Oregon for Benton County, made the' 3oth
day oi November, 1904, In a suit In equity then
pending lu said court, wherein T. W.B.Smith
and Nancy J. Smith were the plaintiffs and John
W. McBee, Maud Gzubbs and Thacdeus Grubbs
were the defendants, appointing the undersign
ed Beferee to sell tbe hereinafter described real
property, and directing the sale ofsaid property
as such referee I will on Saturday the 18th day
of March 1905, at the hour of two o,clock in the
afternoon of said day, at the front door of the
connty conn house in the city of Corvallis Ben
ton county. t,u, to of Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash In hand all
of the following described real property towit:
Lots five, eleven and twelve of section six, town-
ship thirteen south, range four west and lot
nine In section one, township- thirteen south,
range fUre west containing 118.31 acres and be
ing the same land patented by tha Unites
States government to the heirs at law of Thom
as McBee, deceased; also the southwest quarter
the south half of the.northwest quarter and lots
two, three, six and seven - of section one,
and lots two, three, four and five in Sec. 2 in
township 13 south, ranee five west, containing
320.S3 acres, and being the donation land claim
of the heirs at law of William McBee. deceased,
and Elisabeth McBee, widow, Not. No. 4T57. All
In Benton County, Oregon. .- .
Baid sale will be made in the manner required
by law for the ssle of real property on execution ,
Dated this February 18, 1906-
M. P. fm net. Kef eree. '
,; Ate yon going to biiild? See Whitney
atipnt concrete-blocks. " Cheaper " than
rock or brick. '