The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 22, 1905, Image 3

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vertlsemente in thla column charged for
t the rate ol cents per line.
Harry. Stearns of Oakland,
Oregon, is the guest this week of
Corvallis friends.
Mrs.. L. X. Porter is the guest
of her parents. She expects to re
turn to Oregon City Thursday
Roy Irvine left Sunday for
McMinnville, where he has accept
ed a position on a newspaper. -
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. ' Cum
mings arrived Saturday for a visit
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Wellsher.
Mrs. M. Elston Lee has recov
ered from her recent attack of
grippe. She was out for the first
time Saturday. ;
Miss Mel vena Elgin arrived
Saturday from Baker City, where
she was called some time ago, ; on
account of the illness of her sister,
" It is common belief in this
town that the next time the sum
mit of Marys peak appears among
the clouds it will be found - to be
covered with snow.
The cause of temperance is
making Eome progress in Germany.
The Emperor William decrees that
there is no obiection should anv
officar prefer to drink a toast in
. cold water.
The Japs and Russians by one
who hasr seen the armies of both,
will be topical of a lecture to be
given in the college chapel Satur
day night. The speaker is to be
Consul H. B. Miller. -
It is stated tjjat a cottage for
immediately between the residences
of S. B. Bane and Reuben Kiger,
Mrs. Kiger, it is said, is to be
the builder.
Lincoln County Leader Au
gust Fischer of Corvallis, manager
of the Corvallis Flouring Mills,
was in the city Wednesday, enroute
home from a business trip, to
Marshfield-aad other points in
Coos . county. ,
After fulfilling his sad mission
I r 11 ITT IT. 1 J,
.-.10, orvaiiis, tjB wojh retrjrneji
to Portland yesterday.;. He is . in
- business at 234 Morrison street,
and he wonld be glad , to see any
of his old friends who may visit
- the city.
TJie thermometer that was up
in the seventies with summer heat,
hovers now around the fifties and
the fair skies that insisted on being
summerful are of late days over
spread with flying clouds and co
pious of rain.
Sixty thousand, one ' hundred
1 and eighty nine dollars, is "the
amount of taxes collected by Sher
iff Burnett during the rebate period.
The checks in the sheriff's hands
after the last days collecting, total
led up more than $14,000. A large
number were received , by mail ,in
the last hours of the period.
. There is a long list of aspir
ants for each of the fat jobs recent
ly made vacant in the Roseburg
land office. .. Of those known to
covet one or the other of .the posi
tions, three are, from Lane county,
and six are from Douglas. Other
aspirants are residents oj variou
counties of -Western and Southern
Oregon. The name of G. A. Wag
goner is mentioned in this , con
nection. It is understood that Sen
ator Fulton'-s recotrfmendations
will be recognized by the high
chiefs of the Interior "Department.
The Osier Method.
We'll sow the wheat tomorrow,
And next day, plant the corn;
And then we' 11 fix the harrow, boys,
And roof the leaky barn.
And then we'll have some leisure,
With nothing much in view, Y
And time to tend to daddy, boys,
When only that's to do.
He's old," you see, and useless,
-.. boys, ' . -
At three score years, and odd,
And so we'll chlorpf orm him, boys.
And plant him 'neath the sod.
Just as we'd kill a chicken, boys,
We'll lay our father low;
He's old, you see. and useless boys,
And must take his dose and go.
- I have re-opefied my shoe shop in the
; Marshal Miller birllding on ' Monroe,
street west of Berman's grocery, where
all orders will be promptly attended to.
Your patronage is solicited and thanking
yon for the same in advance
I am, very truly,
.0125.1m. ' : , J. E, Fowella,
Vicissitudes of a Solo Player. Some
thing About a CoId Deck."
W. D. DeVarney sustained a big
loss in a solo game Thursday eve
ning. This is not the same inciden
which happened ten days ago when
the friends with whom he was play
ing wrung in upon him what is
termeda "cold deck.'In the latter
play he received a heart hand which
he regarded as a 'cinch" on all pos
sible points.- But it was otherwise.
His opponents raked in 90 points
out of a possible 120, before DeVar
ney could bring his trumps into
action. In acknowledgment of his
companions' successful work, he or
dered cigars for all present, but thi3
was not so diastrous as the heart
solo which he played last week.
A'good heart solo came to De
Varney, and after satisfying him
self that he was not again the vict
im of a job, placed a roll of bank
bills ou the table, amd jokingly,
offered to bet the package that he
would make a stated number of
points. Nbbodyl accepted the ban
ter, and DeVaVney essayed to re
place the currency in, the . outside
pocket of his coat. .But instead of
doing so he dropped the currency
upon the floor,, unknowingly. After
the lapse of an hour or so, when
DeVarney had departed, CarlHodes
discovered th"e money and placed
it in his pocket. A bystander ask
ed him. what he had round and in
answer,: Carl remarke3,- "Oh. noth
ing but a roll of bank notes,' and
his manner disarmed suspicion.
When Carl left the house' however,
he told Johnny Zeis that if any
body came around in search " of a
wad of bills to send the person to
him. --Next morning, DeVarney
was in due season looking for his
notes and was soon rewarded with
return of the lost money, amount
ing to $290. One of the bills was
of the denomination of Sioo. Mr:
DeVarney presented .Carl, with one
of the $20 bills.' ' .. '
Gtistav Woldt Passes Away After "a
Brief Illness There is General
.- . Sorrow.
1 At his home in Corvallis. Gustav
Woldt closed his eyes in the sleep
of death, Saturday morning, at the
"age "of yeairs, 8 ftnonths and--f 5-
days. He attended school as usual
up to Wednesday noon ot last week
at which time he became generally
indisposed from causes which were
not then apparent and which are
not now understood, but it is. sup
posed that death' was caused from
the breaking of an abscess which
there is now reason to believe had
formed deep in the left side.
The funeral occurred rrom the
family residence at 2 o'clock Mon
day afternoon, Rev. M.S. Bush,
of the Presbyterian church, con
ducting the ceremony. The bur
ial occurred in Crystal Lake ceme
teryr and the brief ceremony at the
grave was very largely attended
by Corvallis citizens whose admir
ation the boy had, perhaps uncon
sciously, won by his very pleasant
manner and other evidences of fine
character. Members of the eighth
grade of the public school in which
Gussie was a cheejrful student, at
tended the burial in a body and
carried abundant floral tributes to
the memory of their departed com
rade. : Monday morning his desk
at school was heavily decorated
with flowers.
In life Gussie Woldt had access
to many Corvallis homes . and his
lively disposition always prompted
him to ; accept ; their hospitality.
He was a bright and well-mannered
child, and, having the opportunity
of a wide acquaintance' he gained
more friends than it is the good
fortune of many - boys of his age to
successfully claim. His death, and
particularly since it was so sudden,
was attended with "much sorrow
outside the family circle.
Card of Thanks. .
We wish to tender to our neigh
bors and friends our -sincere and
heartfelt thanks for the many kind
nesses and the evident deep ' sym
pathy shown us in our late bereave
ment. Their kind offices will ever
be remembered.
Mr; and Mrs. Ben WotDT.
E. R. Bryson,
Night Was Her Terror, v
"I would cough nearly all sight long,'
writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alexan
dria. : Ind., "and could hardly get anv
sleep. I had consumption so bad that if
i walked a block i would cough fngnt
fully and spit blood , but when all oiher
medicines failed, three i.OO bottles of Dr
King's New Discovery wholly cured me-
ano 1 gained 58 pounds." It is absolute
ly guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, vLa
Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and
Lung Troubles. -' Price soc and f 1.00.
Trial bottles tree at Allen &,Woodwards
Order of Red Men Will Share Honors
in Giving Recognition to
July 6th has been selected as
Sacajawea and order of Red Men
day at the Lewis and Clark Expo
sition. On this date the bronze
statue of Sacajawea will be ' unveil
ed with formal ceremonies. The
Sacajawea Statue Association will
share the honors of the day with
the order of Red Men in giving due
recognition to the negleted heroine, j
For this purpose" the Sacajawea
Statue Association composed of
prominent -Oregon - women, was
formed some time ago with Mrs.
Eva.Emery Dye as president. . The
association has raised the ;.' money
for the erection of the statue and
chosen the design. The statue
was executed by Miss Alice" Coop
er of Denver, Colorado, and pre
sents a young. Indian woman with
a papoose strapped to ' her back.
The girl pointing toward the dis
tant sea, her face radiant and head
thrown back and eyes full o dar
ing. A short hunting skirt, made
of deer skins, and eggins, show a
figure full of ' the buoyancy and
animation of youth. The statue is
composed of Oregon copper and
cost $7,000. - '. . .
, The entire sum necessary for the
installation of this memorial has
not yet been raised, but it is ex
pected that the total amount will
be subscribed to pay oil all indebt
edness by the time the statue is un
veiled. Western women have been
enthusiastic in lending their support
to this commendable movement.
. The statue which is the first ev
er erected in honor ot an Indian
woman, will occupy a conspicuous
position in the center of Columbia
court, the central plaza of the Ex
position, facing Lakeview Terrace,
where are the statues of Lewis and
Clark. V:
Sacajawea was an Indian girl,
a member of the Shoshone tribe,
who joined the Lewis & Clark ex
pedition, which crossed the moun
tains to the Pacific a centuiy ago, j
while the party was in midwinter
quarters among the Mand an Indians
in what is now North Dakota" Sa
cajawea was at that time mother of
a young babe. She was the only
woman on the expedition, and
shared with the men the hardships
of theJxilsome journey across the
confinentr" She was the" friend of
Captains Clark and Lewis and gen
erally rode with them in advance
of the party, where her presence
served to allay the suspicions of
the tribes through whose .country
they passed. On two " occasions
she saved the lives of the party,
pointing the road when every one
else was lost and starvation was
staring the little band in the face.
.; Sacajawea accompanied the par
ty through its entire journeyings.
Her husband, Charbonneau, was
taken along to act as guide and in
terpreter. When' the expedition ,
on the return trip, ; reached the
country of the Mandans, Charbon
neau decided to stay . there, and his
ever faithful wife remained 1 with
him. It is presumed that she died
shortly afterwards. . ? -
It may safely be said that if it
had not been for this Indian girl.
Lewis and Clark would probably
never have reached the" Pacific.
The women of the country deserve
great credit for making it possible
for this heroine to share the honors
of the explorers at the Exposition
commemorating the expedition of
a century ago.
Blocks for chimneys et Whitney's.
.Estimates cneertuiiy given - on, any
kind of concrete work at Whitney's..
Have your groceries delivered by the
quick, up-to-date wagon Moses Bros.
Listen for the bells. ; : mn-2t
For Sale. . ;
wheat - and Bnrbank
Roy Kickard.
New Trays.
: All parties having tray checks,
call and get your tray as this is the
last I will have on hand. A. Hodes.
" Notice that elegant new delivery , wag
on. " Moses Bros' run it. ,.mii-2t'-
Wood Choppers
Wanted at once. 200 cords of fir
wood to cot. P. A. Kline.
. Branard ScAstrmsrong-wash silk
at Moses Bros. -
' " - For Sale.
Mill feed, flour,' wheat,:' oats,. 1 vetch,
chicken feed, potatoes, wood and gravel
Delivered to all parts of city. ' '
Phone 342-' Opposite Steam Laundry
, ' f John Beach.
pleased to announce the arrival of the first shipment of our NEW SILKS
Tailor Suitings
jsrown ana mue Mixtures, this season 1121-
portation, 44 inches Witfe.; 5$ f g
Chiffon, Pongee, Taffeta and Crystal Cord Silks
Po m in pv All Colors suitable for the
t,CiX1111 new style plaited shirtwaist
and walking suits, 42 inches wide.. 50
Mercerhed Taffetas
- One of the - newest, wash
materials in stripes checks
and plaids
Yard 30c
" . - London Votte
J In new colors' and patterns
lor outing dress Yard 12 l-2c
Vf-f I rr rer( ffm Ck-n -f Advance spring novelties in Belts, Buckles,
UCpai Ulien t Comhs. Waht Sets. Ribbons Pins, iBaes.
Lisle Hose if. f?e
Hose, Black Lace, Allover ankle and boot ef
fects plain and garter tops " 25, 50, 75 cts
Gauze Lisfe
' Ladies Gauze Lisle
Hose in new colorings
also Hermsdorf Black
Garter Top, Spliced
heels and double toes
25 and 50c
liMii ! illiiBii'iii '" I fanin i ' ill jiwm
Ladies! If you once ess Com
pressed Yeaet, yon will have no
other. ' Ask for it, atHorning's. .
Real Estate.
You are much" pleased with Willamette
.. VaUey, 1 ... :
You like its breezes; its gentle rains,
But if you cannot buy to suit
You will take your family back again.
Now before you leave for Eastern lands
Let us advise you, for we can! " '-'.C
If you wish to purchase a home, v- '
, Why don'fcyou have a talk " with
He has property to rent and sell, .
And about its quality he can tell.
He don't take prcper. exclusively. .
If a deal is not made his time is free.
Of holding political office he don't boast
:. But forty throe years has lived on the
Coast, . ,
And sure knows well the quality of land
So place your business in his hands.
H. M. Stone.
The S. P. is selling round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good. going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, - either, on
East or West - side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Satutdays if Bast side
is taken. Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany.
For Sale.
The Corvallis street sprinkler,
to City Transfer Co.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
At Dunn & Thatcher's. v
Cracked coin ' $1.60 per cwt.
Granulated shell. 1,60 . " .
Granulated bone 1I75 - ?
Crystal Grit 1.60 '
And we handle the very best poultry
and stock foods. . ; - V ,.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office upstairs in Burnett Brick Res
idence , on. the corner of Mcr'ison and
Seventh St.- Phone at house and oflice
Dress Goods
S Goods and Hosiery
all the new
.'Check Suitings
tings, all wool, the latest for shirt waists and
walking suits, 46 inches wide.....g0fo f
in Spring Wash
i Spot Mohair
Handsome and exclusive de
signs in all the new colors
Yard ' - .- 35c
Chiffon Etamine
Novelty patterns
Shades. Yard
in Pastel
- 20c
j ' 7
Orders Promptly Filled. . Write for Samples.
Regulator Low Prices
The White House Corvallis, Oregon.
1905 Spring
THrTiTmwnilWBrTTIBrarirBrMWgnBgWMTMrTiwr i in I ! n mm mi nm nil mi i i ! ii
Mohairs Springy, Dust resisting and dur
able. A combination of characteristics which
account for their popularity 50c to $1 25 yd
" New Silk Neat styles for Shirtwaist suits
Ginghams A. F. C. Toile
Louisiane Percale-The kind that wears only 10c
New Waistings il(j, cy f'
crepe in
Spring Dres3 Skirts
Lace Curtains ecru
New Sheetings, Muslins, Table Linens, Towels
F. L. Ml
English Walnut Trees.
We are special growers. Have the best of soft shell and
hardy variety that come into bearing at an early ap pro
duce annually and abundantly. Big money is made in wal
nut orchard. They are a poor mans chance and are cheap
ly harvested. Orchards in good bearing give returns of sevj
eral hundred dollars per acre. We give this special study.
Write for free descriptive catalogue which treats on : walnul
culture. Contains valuable in formation. . . . ;
- First Nat'l.Bank Building, ,
Only Set3tri3t3 ia O01 nty
for the Spring Season. '
Flaked Nouveatute fgjff
light color combinations, 42 in. wide 50 75c
. Knicker Suiting
The hew wash suiting blue,
white, brown champaigne and
black Yard - 16 2-3e
Paris Crepe v , ;
, New shades heliotrope, nile,
champaigne, pink etc 16 2-3c
7 J
Black Cotton Hose
Hose,' Hermsdorf Fast Black, extra long,
double heel and toe, plain and garter tops 25
Misses Fine
Made with ' double
heels and soles, extra'
long Hermsdorf Past
Black, 6 to 9 1-2
Arrivals 1905
du Nord, apron ehecks
-;;c?, Siik Tip&-:e, Silk dot
and Siilrt Wai?te
Physician & Surgeon'
v Office over poetoffice. - Residence "Cor
Kfth and Teffereon streets. Pours 10 tc!
12 a.m., 1 t3 4 p. m. rOrfeia miy be
eft at Graham Sc. Worth axn's drug store.