The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 22, 1905, Image 1

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    . 7 ;
3ounty Clerk' Gi&m
Q tit
!f ... : I V I I H .
? r' -
B. P. IBVINB RStto -i
. . And Proprietor .
i iii it
- - . ii .7.
We all Wear Shoes!
Never befoie have we received such quantities
ami qualities in foot wear as this -
Browns and BIack:
Low High and i&edium cuts , : : . .;.
-Prices High, Medium 'and 'Low"--3
.. j ...... . . .T .
Bat in all grades the very lowest price .
for the quality of1 the shoe. Oaf efforts
will be great to increase our shoe sales.
-Shoes for all Ladies, Misses, Children,
Mens, Boys and Little Gents. Don't
forget our tfhoe Department.
One Is Killed Instantly; The Oth
er Wl : Probably,. Die Para
chute Would not Open
- - Horrible Sight for a
Crowd of Specta-tors.
and L.
Fine Light Sample Room.
..X .-...' '
J. C. Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hoi el in Oorvallis." Recently opened. New ¬
tek bml ding. Newly furnished, with modern con-
mences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es-
pes, riot and cold water on everynoor. a ine single i
loms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the VV ulam-
jbe.Valley. :..-'. -
Rates: . $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.-
WallacB, Idaho, March
A. Middlekauf. was killed
M.; Odell seriously injured by fall
ing 2OQ feet from a balloon while J
giving a doable ascension here this
afternoon. The men were 'seated
in a parachute and when they, had
ascended 2OO feet .the lower part of
the balloon tore' away. The para
chute; wbold not open, and both
fell among the spectators with ter
rific force, j.
A young boy was caught by, the
falling balloon and badly burned.
Middlekauf had nearly every bone
in his body broken while Odell had
none. . The latter is injured intern
ally. ' ;
Several hundred people had as
sembled in various parts of the city
to witness, the ascension. . .Many
were present from the canyon towns,'
the Northern Pacific tram being:
held until after the two aeronauts
had made their parachute jumps.
As toon as the balloon left the
ground, to the horror oft he nearby
spectators, the lower part of. the
bag could be seen rippmg awa.
WarBings were shouted to the two
unfortunate men, but they .could
not hear, the alarm. . , " . c - :
, Although the flight -took but a
few moments, Odell.'.who. lis the
more expsrt of the two, . could; be
seen attempting to force his paraf
ghute dpen, butoncooujtoXthe
sBorl"'distaoce U'wduIcFpol yieldT
Both men were close together, and
while Odell endeavored to open his
parachute he could be observed
holding his ; companion by ; the
shoulder in attampt to save him if
his parachute opened. Middlekauf
made no movement, simply cljng
ing to the ropes.: . . .
I he tnud made by ine two men
I when they fell could be heard for
1 over a Dioctr, toe ground beine in
dentrd where they .alighted. Both
btruck the ground near one another
and tit the same time, both barely
grazing the furnace where the bal
loon was inflated. . ; . . . .
, Odell fell in a more relaxed man
ner, and his fall was partially brok
en by Middlekauf, which accounts
for his leeser injuries. Both were
rendered unconscious by the terri
ble fall, but Odell soon recovered,
and, although in frightful pain, was
able to talk.-.. , )
he went to Niu-Chang, where , he
had every opportunity to become
familiar with the situation from the
Russian, standpoint. When hoetiU
ities opened he represented. Japan
at Niu Chwang, ,then: Inside the
Russian lines. After the capture
of the city by "-(the Japanese Mr.
Miller went to "Xokio, wher he wit
nessed a mamDoth review iof ; the
soldiers . of 'yth'Jfikad.and'wa'B,
thus enabled to; compare the effi
ciency of the tw!6. contending armies.
. "It was almost the 'unqualified
opinion of th&Adiplomatic agents;
at the outbreak'f the present war,"
said MrrMilIer4,that the Japanese
would be sucQfful.., : They,knew:
what they wanted to do ; and were
ready to do it. They began toget
ready when they were forced to give
up the fruitsdfe; the 'yict6r;'? bveri
Chinain lfrJSU't-
': Mr. Miller es-thatXwlih3-,: he
doeB not particularly like to Jive in
the Orient bltleepl'yfloterested
in the conditions be is called upon
to faee there and the problems that
come up to him to be solved, and
he is glad of theoppartunity to, re
turn there. . :-4yi'Mrirt
, : - TER1NG THE CITY. '
FakoEflan lias Bee Taken Rear
X Guard Fighting Japanese NearX
xvaiy usd tvusBians wrecK
.Railroad Other News. Xv'
reports of the retiring - commander
in-chief and. the -newdmmander in
vate position with the czar, the?
sudden decision to remove . Kuro
patkin was due to the ' disaster- at
Tie Pass, which is considered strat- -egetically
a greater blunder on the
part of the Russian 'commander-in-chief
than even VMukden. The
czar's hand was forced in this affair
by the war: party - That a fortified
position like that at Tie Pass should
have fallen. without any show of re
sistance, after the official messages
telling of the orderly retreat of the
Russian forces and : of a supposed
Rcesian, victory at the Fan river,
har - absolutely dumbfounded the
country.-j -V- i
It is thought impossible that the
remnants of Kuropatkin's armr - -
Manchuria, which were issued here i can escape to" Harbin, because there
yfeiterdayj while relieving the im-'.are no stores of food or ammunition
mediate fear ot taeKuesian people (Oet ween lie Pass and Harbin.
prREAT SlIOE Sale. The Largest Assort-
jnt of Shoes ever offered on special sale in Philo-
h, comprising the entire stock of Men's, Women's
i Children's Shoes, will be on sale during the month
February, at ' -'. :. , ' . .; i .-; :. ' :' v.',' .'
Rubber Goods
Millinery, .
Shoes, Etc. . .
p. Henkle's Gash Store.
ach will be offered at reduced prices, This reduc
is made for cash. only.. There 'are' special ', prices
Bubber Goods :men's, women's, boys' children's
per boots, rubber and oil coats. We also call vour
Intion to our largo'; assortment of Millinery. 6oods
Ich are offered on ppecial sale. f '
E. HENKLEj Philomath, Or.
Items From Souuiern Benton :
Streets of Monroe were, crowded
Saturday last Women- and babies
being mostly ,is evidence, as most
farmers were busy. plowing or sow
ing' - -fcs :t c-:!:: ' -Vi t fi:--?'.
Church at Brawn's last Sabbath,
Rev. Gardner of S.M.. E. com ch de
livered the sermonX .: : s ' '.
School openei on Ingram Island
last week with Miss Moffat from
n ear independence, as teacher.
Buelah Hewitt came home Sat
urday to attend school at Brown's
which . begins Mond ay with ' Miss
Ed wards from , Bellfountaio. as
teacher. ' .- ;-:-;'XXx'-'-.:;-X "
Mrs. Mary:3SRickardi of Flat
Creek, is vi8iUn with relatives in
the Barkley neighborhood.
' Geor&e "Hotfaf: was ; in-onr"vicini-
Insurance Company. r
Born to. the wife .. of Sylvester
Wooley, a son.;
s J; S. Wooley has been shearing
goats near Irish, Bend the, paet. few
weeks. ; . - :" '
; The Modern Woodmen team from
Corvallis Lodge expect to visit
Monroe Lodge on the - evening of
25th ipst. Quite a number of new
members are to be initiated.
I ' (. , Ecarg.
Portland, March' 14. Henry B.
Miller, recently appointed consul
general for the 'United States at
Yokohama, Japan, was in Portland
today, and. last evening delivered
an illustrated lecture . in the inter
ests of the Maxamas; telling of the
controversy and causes that brought
the present war. between Russia and
Japan in the Orient. ' Mr, Miller
whose home is at Eugene, though
he has large business Interests at
Grant's Pass, expects to leave San
Francisco for his new station April
8, and declares He - expects to be
busy, as many problems will arise
both during the war and at its con
clusion. Mr. Miller was for three
years, during the most turbulent
times. of recent" history,- consul at
Niu Chwang, and says be .watched
at no great distance'- the prepara
tions made by Japan to launch her
self into the present struggled ; --1
"I have taken, deep interest V in
Oriental conditions and the circum
stances' creating them,'.' said Mr.
Miller soon after he arrived in Port
land from Eugene 4hia mofningi
'The; Japanese were thoroughly
ready lor the combat. ' They pre
pared themselves for ;i years,' while
the Russians rested firm in the be
lief that the Mikado would: not
fight.' - Then, when " the blow came
Russia was not ready.'' - ,j :
t Mr. Miller was at 'Shanghai dur
iogjhe Boxer troubles in, China in
1900, and soon after the . relief of
the legations at Pekin he went for
ward to that station, where he re
mained during what he ' playfully
terms the "reconstruction' period."
While there he bad t abundant op
portunity to compare the'' soldiers
of the various allied forces. -'4 Later
, Setting bens. Call on or address
I Bowen Lester, Corvallis.
' For Sale Cheap.
Good horse and baggy. " Inquire
Times office. mis-tf
- . : For Sale. , ;
Xenance seed wbeat. deliverable in
Corvallis. Price one dollar per bushel,
sacked. ; . Richard Kiger. , . t
Dry Fir Wood
At $ 3.50 per cord. - Orders solicited
for grub oak for summer delivery, ;
., Frank Francisco,
- - Corvallis.
For Sale. .
:: Barred Plymouth rocks 75c
Brawn Leghorn eggs at, 50 , c
dozen. j Jj B. Irvine. :
The prettiest and best wall you can
get for that new house is Whitney's
concrete blocks. ;"" ".
that the 'Manchnrian .army -is al
ready, cut' off and confirming - in
formation already received that the
retirement is in full progress, throw
no further light on the condition of
the losses of the army, and contain
no disquieting information, :
. The city of Fakoman, which is
wHl in the Russian rear, has been
seized by forces given out ' as Chin.
ese bandits, but which may- be a
vanguard of Japanese . regulars.
From Fakoman one road leads to
Kaiyuah, about 12 miles north of
Tie Pass, and the great Chinese
road runs northward, paralleling
the railroad and offering. to a force
there the alternative of striking the.
Russian line or pushing on toward
the Sungari river along the high
way, which is betterthan the road
over which General ' Linievitch will
have to retreat. The new command
er will need all the strategic quali
ties of Kuropatkin to effect the
withdrawal in safety, ,
How far or r how rapidly , Field
Marshal Oyama will be able to con
tinue pursuit remains 1 to be eeen,
but the Chinese at Harbin - expect
him there April 10, and - if this
opinion proves to be founded on a
Japanese proclamation, many per
sons here, remembering the ialhll
ment of Oyama's assurances regard-
March iU, will be inclined . to name
three weeks as the limit.
The lapse of a full week since the
beginning ot the retreat from Muk
den finds Russia in almost complete
ignorance of the details as to the
effect of that reverse. KnropatkiD,
before relinquishing his baton pro
fessed himself unable to estimate
losses, and no dispatches referring
to the number of prisoners have
been allowed to sift - through the
strict censorship. The public sim
ply knows that the list of killed,
wounded and . prisoners is" very
great, and is prepared to believe
them enormous, though one Rus
sian correspondent expresses the
belief that they will not exceed 80,
000, all told. The full story of the
awful retreat from Mukden to Tie
Pass also remains to be told. Later
reports received confirm the first
statement, that the bulk of the
armies retired in good order, the
momentary panics affectiDg only
the ' soldiers who were crowded
among the transports in charge of
undisciplined officers and fleeing
civilians, causing the loss, however,
of a great amount of supplies and a
number of cannon which otherwise
they would have been able to bring
off., s - : : '
- VlJespite the war party's tri
umph in the removal of Kuropat
kin, peace is imminent," said Mme.
Novikoff, the Russian political wri
ter, this ' morning. "Linievitch
who succeeds Kuropatkin cannot
continue the war. The army is an
nihilated and there is no new army
ready." '
Oklahoma City, Okla., March 18.
A special from Hobart states that
a cyclone, struck Porch, a small
town near there, last night. One
man, name not given, was killedj
J. E. and Charles Jones fatally in
jured and 16 hurt. - ' ; . '
- Sixteen houses - were demolished.
Details are lacking on - account of
inaccessibility. -
i St. Petersburg, March 17. A dis
patch from Changtufu reports that
General Kuropatkin left there . to
night for St.. Petersburg.. : .
Office at Huston's Hardware Store
- V . O. Address, Box 11. "
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction , guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
Eastern Oregon Farm' Property
. For sale. We have over 30,000 acres
in improved wheat farms for gale in Gil
liam, Sherman and - Morrow connties,
Oregon. Price of these lands, $15 to $20
per acre. Small' cash payment and easy
terms on balance. , We also have - first
class implement business for sale in a
live Eastern Oregon town on R. R. .
, Address. . Moore Bros,
. 621 Wash st, Portland, Or,
mr-4t . Phone Red 95L
Tokio, Maroh 17. The Japanese
are still hammering away at the re
treating Russian; ai my and the los
ses of the enemy are declared at im
perial headquarters to be' Bimply
enormous. " Marshal Oyama's victo
oious troops, ; fiushed with success
and determined .that not a single
Rut-siaa shall reach Harbin, are
eactinually'attackiDgthe Russians
from front and rear and from both
flanks and are given the terror
stricken hordes absolutely no rest.
. A number of reports were receiv.
bd last night and all characterized
the Russian retreat as "panic-stricken."
-i It ia' believed here that Oya
ma is preparing another' ; trap .for
the enemy, and, when it is sprung,
the remnants of Kuropatkin's shat
tered forces 'will be found caught in
its jaws.' .'-.' v.-.';" i : '''5:;
. The troops- that occupied Ying
Pass have advanced some 18 . miles
along the Kirin river and at last
accounts were hotly engaging the
enemy. :. , . - ",--. : ... - .v
" St., Petersburg, March 18. Ac
cording to a resident of the court at
Tsarskoe, Selo, who occupies a pri-
Real Estate Bargains
; No. 552 I60 acres, 130 ia cult; good .
house and barn; ne fruit and water; 120
acres now in crop; 4 horses, 10 cows,
hogs,'i wagon, 2 baggies, 4 sets of har
ness, chickens, farm. toIs, and house- ,
hold-furniture, 7 miles from Corvallis;
price S 40 per acre. v ' : j i
No. 553 House and 4 lots just north
of Mechanical Hall, house has 11 rooms,
wood ahed; barn etc; good fruit all kinds. .
No. 554 170 acre stock ranch, i
miles from E. R. town, 90 acres cleared
and sown to grass, 60 acres nice saw tim
ber, fair house, barn etc ; good orchard ;
one mile to school, 2 . creeks on place:
price $1300. '
No. 555 Lot and frac with 5 room
house, wood shed and well in Corvallis.
price $675. .
No. 556 2 lots, 7 room house, wood--shed
and store room, 'choice fruit, lo-
cated in Corvallis, price $1600.
No. 557162 acres, 50 in cult, bal pas
ture & timber, nearly all under . fence
new 7 room house, good barn, machine
shed, stock shed, good orchard, running
water on place, r miles to school, four
miles from store and postoffice, price,
$2800. , .
No. 558-100 acres, 30 in cult, bal past
ure and timber, good 5 room house,
spring water piped to house, good orchard
and small fruits, running water on place,
splendid outrange, telephone to house,
miles to school, 4 miles to store and
P O; price 1250. " ' .
v Ambler & Watters,
Corvallis and Philomath, Or.
) Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed by the County
Court of Benton County, Oregon, in pro
bate, as executrix of the last Will and
testament of Louisa J, Stewart, deceased.
All persons having claims against the es
tate of said deceased are hereby required,
and Doiified to present them, with the
proper vouchers, within six months from
the date of this notice to the undersigned
executrix at my residence in Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon.
Dated March IS. I905. ;
' Henrietta Randall,
, ; 5000
Thoroughbred Plymouth , Rock . and
Brown Leghorn hatching eggs for sale
at $1 per setting if obtained at my resi-.'
dence north of Mechanical Hall.. These
fowls were bred to lay eggs and not for
the show room, You are invited to in
spect the breeding pens.
; ' ' . Otto F. L. Herse,
' mn mi ; Corvallis, Or.
"Short" on Peruna but "Long"
on prunes. Italian prunes, 50-pound
boxes, , $ 1.50. - - F. L. Miller.
Blocks for piers at Whitney's,
College View Poultry Farm.
' Barred Plymouth Rocks. Brown Leg
horns. Eggs, $1 per 15 at yards.
My Barred Rock hens are of the best
laying strata on Coast. I have added
cockerels from Parks World's best-... egg .
strain. ' Brown Leghorns as good as the
best. ... - .
S. H. Moore. :
Ind. phone 555. " - Corvallis,