The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 18, 1905, Image 4

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Continued from page two
The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Mrsc Ed. Andrews is convales
ent, after a two weeks illness.
S. E. Trask was out Wednes
day from Yaquina..
Mrs. D. O. Houck arrived
Wednesday from a visit with her
son at Eugene.
p? rMrs. John Hayes spent ? Wed
nesday with Albany , relatives.
Rev. P. A. Moses will preach j
at the M. E. church South Sunday
at ii o'clock.
Frances, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wiles is suf
fering with an attack of measles.
Mrs.X'L- Porter is expected
to arrive today for a ten days visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Spangler.
, Judge Harris is conducting
court at Eugene, and it is suppos
ed that he will preside at the com
ing term of circuit court for Benton,
to convene a week from Monday.
The College Barometer for
March has appeared. It is full ot
interesting matter, news, literary,
"editorial and otherwise. The mag
azine is better conducted than ever
before, a statement that in no sense
discredits former efforts.
Congregational church. Sun
day school at 10, class tor young
men at 10, Worship and sermon at
ii. Christian Endeavor at 6:30,
vesper service and sermon at 7:30
Evening sermon "The Modern
An Irish post-boy, having
driven a' gentleman a long journey
during torrents of rain, was asked
if he was not very wet. " Arrah !
I would not care about being very
wet, if I was not so very dry, your
Herman Flacksman, a poor
ragpicker, of Hanover, inherited
$10,000 from an American uncle.
When the money was paid over to
him on Feb. i4 he dropped dead.
An apple-eating contest took
place at Avignon, France, on Feb.
13. Jules Leclerc ate forty-one ap
pies in seventy minutes, Alex Detn-
orest ate forty-seven in seventy -six
minutes, hiil Alphonse Boguet
managed to swallow fifty-three in
eighty mi-jutes. At latest accounts
all three were seriously ill.
A workman on the Siberian
-, Railway was accidentally locked in
to a refrigerator car and was after
. ward found dead. Imagining that
he was being slowly frozen to death
he recorded his sufferings with a
piece of chalk on the floor. Tha
refrigerating apparatus, however,
was out of order, and the tempera
ture in the car had not fallen be
low fifty degrees Fahrenheit
throughout the journey. Imagina
tion killed him.
Presbyterian Church, Rev. M.
S. Bush. Worship 11 a. m. Subject
"What Every Man Needs". Even
ing service 7:33 subject, "Mormon
ism A Despotism Within A Re
public". This subject will be ill
ustrated by 69 beautiful stereopti-
con views. There will be scenes of
Mormons and Mormon life, their
, temples and tabernacles, and oppos
ed to these will be views of the
Presbyterian Home Mission
Churches and schools planted to
. destroy Mormonism. There will al
so be many views of scenery in the
Mormon country such as, Sunset
"on bait Lake, Curncanti Needle,
Royal Gorge, Yellowstone Park,
San Juan River, American Fork
Canon and Cliff Dwellings.
A. very cordial response was
made to the one hundred invita
tions issued for the reception for
the young people of the Congrega
tional church. Rev. and Mrs.
. Green were assisted in receiving by
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilkins, Mr.
and Mrs R. H. Kennedy, Mrs,
Elbert Hollister, Miss Madeline
Nichols and Messrs W. J. Kent,
Edgar D. Jackson and Donald Hill.
: A short programme, consisting of
recitations and vocal numbers was
excellently rendered by the Misses
Hettie Lilly, Grace Nichols, Edna
Allen and Sadie Dixon. After the
programme refreshments were serv
ed. A happy feature of the evening
was the record made by the guests
in an autograph album which will
be a pleasant memento to Mr. and
jyirs. ureen. he church wa9 very
tasteiuily decorated, in cut flowers
. .... .
everyone present enjoyed a- very
aeugntmi evening. - . .v
- Section 10 The chairman, clerk
aDd treasurer aforesaid shall also
do and p 'rform all such acta or du
ties as may be required of them, or
either of them, by the committee or
this act and they, and each of them
shall bold their offices at the pleas
ure of the committee; and the clerk.
deputy clerk, and treasurer shall
receive ench compeosation aa the
committee mav from time to time
director prescribe. 'r'
Section II The committee may
alto tram time to time employ or
discharge such other agents, work
men, laborers and Bervants, at such
compensation or wages as it- may
deem necessary and convenient for
tbe accomplishment of the purpose
ofthisact. " y
Section 12 Until said water
works are completed, and turned
over to said commission as in Sec
tion 17 provided for, said commit
tee shall meet in the city- for the
tr ineaction of business at least once
a. 'month, at such hour and place as
it may direct, and at - such other
times as it may provide, andthere
aft9r eaid committee shall meet an
nually for the election of a member
of said commission, and at such
other times as may be necessary to
nil vacancies in said commission,
or said committee.
' Section 13 For- the" purpose of
carrying the provisions of this act
into effect, the committee is author
ized to issue and dispoee of bonds
of the city of the. denomination of
from $100 to $ 1,000, as the commit
tee may desire, with the- Interest
coupons attached thereto, signed
by its chairman and countersigned
by its clerk, who shall affix the cor
porate teal of the city of Corvalne
thereto whereby the city shall be
held and considered in substance
and effect to undertake and promise
in consideration ot the premises, to
pay to the bearer of each of the said
bonds, at the expiration of at) years
irom tbe date thereof; the sum
named therein in gold coin of the
United States, together with inter
est thereon in like coin at each rate
Of interest as may be determined
by eaid committee, nof exceeding
the rate of five per cent, per annum,
payable half yearly aa provided in
said coupons: provided, that the
whole amount of bonds issued by
such committee shall never exceed
the sum of $75,000: and provided
lutther, that said bonda trial! ex
press on the face thereof, that said
city of Corvallie, at tbe option of
said commission, shall have the op
tion to pay Bai J bonds at any time
after 10 years from the date thereof,
Section 14-rr-Beiore lesuiugf any
bonds as in the preceding section
oiovided, eaid committee shall
cause to be submitted to the legal
Vi teis of the city of Corvalhs, , at a
eptcial ejection appointed by said
committee for that "purpose, the
question whether or Bot euch bonds
shall be issued for the purpose of
carrying this act into effect.
The committee shall designate
one place in the city for holding the
election therein, and appoint three
judges and two clerks ot said eleo
tion. No person ehall be qualified
to vots at euch election who has
not been an actual resident of the
city of Corvallis for six months
rjext preceding such election and
who does not possess the qoalifica
tion of a legal voter in the state of
Oregon; said election shall begin at
nine o clock in the forenoon and
continue until 61 o'clock in the af
ternoon of the same day without
closing the polls. If any judge of
election fails to attend and serve at
the proper time, the voters then
present may elect another in his
place. If any clerk of election fails
to attend and serve at the proper
time tbe judges of election may ap
point another in his place. Judges
and clerks shall possesB the quslih
cation of voters in the city of Cor
vallis as above provided. - Said
judges shall not permit any cne to
vote at such an election who does,
not possess the qualifications as id
this section provided. Each per
son voting at such election shall!
have written or printed on hia tick
et, which shall be deposited in tbe
ballot box provided by the com
mittee for that purpose, if voting in
favor of issuing bonds as in this act
provided, the words "For Bonds'
or words of like import; and if vot
ing against the issuing of eaid
bonds as in this act provided, the
words "Against Bonds", cr other
words of like import. .
Said clerks of election shall each
keep a correct list containing the
names of each person voting at such
election, the names of those" who
were refused the right to vote there
at. Immediately after the polls are
closed the said judges and clerkB
shall proceed at once to count the
vo(es cast at such election, and if
a majority of said votes cast at Buch
election be "for bonds," then and
not before, the eaid committee shall
be authorized to issue said bonds,
within the amount limited; and if
a majority of the said votes cast at
Euch lection be "against bonds,"
no bonds shall be issued until
another election has been held as
in this act provided, provided that
a second election shall not be held
until after one year has elapsed
since tbe holding; of the first elec
tion, and then ooly in the event the
second election has been held in all
respects as herein provided for ; the
first election and a majority of said
votes have been cast for bonds. No
ballot at any election under this
act, sball le ejected because the
earne does not contain the word?
"For Bonds" or "Against Bonds"
a? the case may be if the said judg
es can determine from said ballot
tb intentien of the voter.
When said ballots- have Been
counted the said judges and clerks
of election shall make and subscribe
certificates in each of' which there
shall be stated the number of bal
lots cast "For Bonds" and thenum
bercst "Against Bonds," andrthe
number of defective ballots -tot
counted, and within three days af
ter said election deliver one of said
certificates to the chairman of eaid
committee, and tbe other with ths
police judge of the city of Corvallis.
Tbe election herein provided tor
ball be deemed an election within
the meaning of Chapter V of Title
XIX of Billiager and CottoHa An
notated Codes and'Statufes cf . Ore
gon, and any person qualified to
vote at the election herein referred
to shall be deemed to be a voter
within the meaning of eaid Chapter
of Title XIX above referred to. ,
To be continued.
1 -
In the Circuit Court of the State -of
Oregon for the County of Benton.
Geo. a. Cbamberlain as
Governor of Oregon; F.
Dunbar, as becretary
of State and Chas. S. Moore
as State Treasur-
er of Oregon, constitut
ing the State Land Board,
. ' nainun,
vs. - Summons.
Rowland Fisher, Ethel
E. Schou; Cora E. Ford,
Harry Ford, Ida R.
Morris, David Morns,
Margaret Usher, U. a.
Smith, and E. E. Wil
son, administrator with
the Will annexed ot jane
Elizabeth Fisher, de
To Roland Fisher, Ethel E. Schou,
Cora E. Ford, Harry Ford, Ida R. Mor
ris, David Morris, Margaret Fisher, L,
E. Smith and E. E. Wilaon, administra
tor with the Will annexed of Jane Eliza
beth Fisher, deceased. , . , .
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint 01 me aoove nam
ed plaintiff in the above namedtCourt
now on file with the Clerk of Said Court
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, towit:
Feby. 11, 1906, and you are hereby noti
fied that if von fail to appear and answer
said com pi ai lit as hereby required, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the
reliet prayed tor in saia complaint, 10
wit: the foreclosure of a certain mort
gage made and executed by Jane Eliza
beth Jusner aud noiana a isner on me
8ih day of December, 19Q0, to secure the
pavnent e a certain promissory note of
Jane Elizabeth Fisher and Rowland Fish
er Wyable one year alter date wun inter
est thereon at tie rate of six per cent
pn innum from date until paid, and
wi.i -a said mortgage conveyed onto the
pi ''ii tiff the following - descibed real
p:. erty situated in Benton County, Ore
gon and described as fellows towit; .
Commencing at a point 40.00 ens. a.
of e S. E. cor. of the N. E. , '1-of the
S. K; of Sec. 20. T. 11 S. R. 5 W. run-
ni'. i; thence n 90 cba. thence j. to me
W lae of the D. L. C. of Philip Mulkey,
Notification No. 958; -Certificate No:
2923. T 11, S R 5 W, thence S to the N
E corner of J. Chatham Roberta D L C
Not No 940 T 11 S R 5 W, thence W
4.75 cha thence S 30 degrees, E 8.03 chs
thence N 6.50 chs thence W to the place
of beginning, Also
Lets Nos. 1-2-3-4 and 5 in Sec 21 and
Lot No 10 in Sec 22 all in T 11 S E5W
con. 157.23 acres. Also a strip of land
30 feet wide running along the full
length of the W side of a piece of land
con. 17.83 a. des. as fol. Beginning at
the N E corner of Claim No ,55 i a T 11
S R 5 W W M. thence W 18 cha thence
S 9.91 chs thence E 18
chains thence N." 9.91 chs to the
place of beginning, all of which pieces
of land together ' containing 279.87 a.
Also beginning ai a point 37,50 chs E
of the S E corner of the N W - X of the
S E of Sec 20 T 11 S R 5 W thence E
9.10 cha; thence N 90 chs; thence W.6.60
cbs; thence S 30 chs; thence W 2.50 cbs ;
thence S .60 chs to the place ot . begin
nidg, containing 74.40 acres more or less.
. Excepting from the above described
premises towit: Beginning at a point 50
links E of the S W corner of Lot 5 in
Section 21, T 11 S R 5 W thence N 4.og
chs thence S 75 degrees E 10,23 chs;
thence S 24 degrees E 1,48 chs; thence
W 10.55 chs to the place of beginning,
containing 2.82 acres more, or less
Arid a further decree barring . and
foreclosing you, all of said , defendants,
from all right, , title or interest in or to
said real property and from every part
thereof. - , . " : '-y
This summons is published ' by "order
of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters,Jndge of
the County Court ot the state of Oregon
for Benton County,' made at Chambers
at Corvallis, Oregon, February 10, 1905.
The date of the first publication of this
summons is February 11, loos, and tbe
date of the I last publication thereof is
March 25th, 1905.
. Attorney for Plaintiff.
We respectfully invite your attention to
the largest and most complete line ever
shown in Corvallis
Latest styles, designs and finish. The
latest improvements in adjustable and
folding automatic gear, also in upholister
ing and parasols
Having bought unusually heavy in order
to secure a greater discount, we are en
abled to offer these go-carts and buggies
at prices that will astonish you.
Call early while the stock is still com
plete and investigate. .
: Whitney buys cement in large quan
tities and can make the price right with
Something New!
And of the Best Branda on the Market
IMPORTED Mar villa Garden Ceylon Tea
IMPORTED Montarde i)e Bordeaux French
-ChouFong, Perserved Ginger in
Warrenton Clara Co Pare Minced Clams
Harbor Brand Mustard Sardines
"Diamnnfl W P.ranrl (''tajiti fti
Jasmine Brand Asparagus
: A Fresh Supply, of
In the circuit court ot the state of Ore
gon for the county of Benton.
George E. Chamberlain as governor of
Oregon, p. I. Dunhar as secretary of state,
and Charles S. Moore as state treasurer of
Oregon, constituting the state land board,
plaintiff, vs. George Schafer, Anna Schaferi
Edward Don at, Agnes Donat and George A.
Houck, defendants.
To George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward
Donat, Agnes Donat and George A. Houck,
the above named defendants :
In the same of the state of Oregon, you
and each of you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of tbe above
named plaintiff in the above entitled court,
now on file with the clerk of said court,
within six weeks from the 11th day of Feb
ruary,' 1905, the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, and you are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear and an
swer said complaint as nerein required, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit i the
foreclosure of a certain mortgage made and
executed by George Schafer, Anna Schafer,
Edward Donat and Agnes Donat to plaintiff
on the 12th day of October, 1903, to secure
the payment of a certain promissory note
of said defendants for $2,000, with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
from date, and which said mortgage con
veyed unto plaintiff the following described
real property, situated in Benton county,
Oregon, to-wit:
- The east half of the southeast quarter of
section 5 ; the west half of the southwest
quarter, the northeast quarter of the south- .
west' quarter, the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter, the south half of the
nort&vest quarter of section 4, fill In trfwn--ship
15 south, range 5 west; also beginning
at the southeast corner - of the northeast '
quarter of section 5, township 15 south,
range 5 west, and run thenee west : 15.25
chains, thence north 20 chains, theaee east
15.25 chains, thence south 20 chains to the
place of beginning ; ' and a further decree
barring and foreclosing you, the said de
fendants, from all right, title or interest in
or to said real property and every part
thereof. '
This summons is wublishod by order of
the Hon. Virgil E. "Watters, made at cham
bers in Corvallis, Oregon, February 10,
1905.- The date of the lirst publication of
this summons is February 11, 1905, and the ,
last publication thereof March 25. 1905.
r , . J. . iATKS,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
.; and Silverware.
Eyes tested free of charge
v and glasses fitted correctly
at prices within reach of all
Fine watch repairing a spe
cialty .:. L.......;.....
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
A large amount of no. 2 rough lumber
all lengths. , ,
. At Corvallis saw mill for $ 6.50 per M
i : s South Main' St., CorvaHis, Ore.: ; : ; : f
si Carbon , Platinum and Platino Portraiture
i :v;;v" .. v g
Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers , r.
' And other Photographic Novelties. -. ; r
Pioneer Gun Store
Hunters'. Supplies, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Gdods, Sewing Mach. Extras,
Keys of all Kinds,, and Fine Cutlery w
r unnrc ' - ' nnmAi i ir. rR
5 Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the.State of Orezon
for the County of 3enton.
E. Smith, Plalntifr;
s. Summon
Bowlaad Fisher, Defendant.
To Rowland Fisner, the above named defend-
hue. id me iihoub.ui me suite 01 uregon, yon
are hereby summoned and required to appear
ana answer tne complaint 01 tne piaintra in the
above entitled action now on file with the Clerk
of the said court on or before Saturday tfe 2jth
day of March, 1905, said day being the last day
of the time prescribed In the order ol publica
tion of this Summons made by the County
Judge of Benton County, Oregon which said or
der i hereinafter referred to towit, on or be
fore eix weeks from the date of the first publica
tion hereof, and you are hereby notified that if
quirea, ine piainiin win tare juagmem against
you for the sum of $55 0.00 with interest there
on at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from
the 10th day of November, 1901, until paid, and '
for $50.00 Attorney fee, and for the further sum
ot $ 1O8.OO with Interest thereon at the rate of 5
tiei cent per annum from the first day of Feb-
Tuary, 1904, until paid, and for $40.00 attorney
and for the sale of your curtesy Interest in ttje
real property of Jane Fisher, deceased, situated
in Ttanfnn nnnnt.v. Oivcrnn. to aatlsrv such luri-
meDt, the same bavins: been attached in this
action under a Writ of Attachment duly issued
This Summons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Feb
ruary 11th. 1905, and ending -with the issue ct
March 25, 1905, in pursuance of;n order made
by the Hpn. Virgil E. Wattersw County Judge
of Benton county. Oregon, at Chambers. Dated
the lth day of February, 190.). Sate ot nret
publication is February II, 1905.
Referees Sale of Iand. "
KnHno fa hpmhv fftvAn th t. liTiripr anil hp vli
tue af a decree of the Circuit Court of the'State ;
of Oregon for Benton County, made the 3oth
day ot .November, iuu, in a tun in equity men
pending lu said court, wherein T. W. B. Smith
and Nancy J. Smith were the plaintiffs and John
W. Meliee, Maud Grubb and Thaadeus Grubbs
were the defendants, appointing the undersign
ed Beferee to sell the hereinafter described real
property, and directing the sale ofsaid property
as such referee I will on Saturday the 18th day
of March 1905, at the hour of two o.clock in the
afternoon of said day, at the lront door ot the
county court house In the city of Corvallis Ben
ton couniy. stire "f Oregon, sell at public auc-'
tion to the highest bidder for cash In hand all
nf tVin fnUnnrlnff dASUirihAd T(ftl Trfmrtv tyiwit-
Lots five, eleven and twelve of section sis, town
ship thirteen south, range four west and lot
nine in section one, township thirteen south,
range five west containing 113.31 acres and, be
ing the same land patented by - the United
Plates government lu ura jicud an ion "Ji luuui-
as MoBee, deceased; also the southwest quarter
the south half of thenorthwest quarter and lots
two, three, six and seven of section - one,
and lots two, three, tour and Ave in See. ' 2 in
township 13 south, range five west, containing
320.63 acres, and being the donation land claim
of the heirs at law of William MeBee. deceased,
and Elizabeth McBee, widow, Hot. Ko. 4757. All
In Benton County, Oregon.
Said Bale will be made in the manner required
by law for the sale of real property on execution
Dated this February 18, 1905-
M. P. Bui nett. Referee.
Are you going to build? See Whitney
about concrete blocks. Cheaper than
rock or brick. j