Soar? Cirk M mm Vol. XVlII,-No. 1. CORVALLISOREGON, MARCH 18. 1905. B.F. IRVIin Editor, and Proprietor , " ' SUMMONS. " , ' In the circuit court of the state of Ore gon, for Benton county. George A. Houck, plaintiff, vs. George Schafer and Annie Schafer, Edward Donat and Agnes Donat, defendants. To Edward Donat and Agnes Donat, de fendants above named : la the name of the state of Oregon, yon and each of you are 'hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the com plaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit, now on tile with the clert or tne above entitled court, .on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publi cation of this summons, made by the county judge of Benton county, state of Oregon (being the county where the above entitled suit is pending in tne circuit court of said county and state), which said order is here inafter referred to, to-wlt: on or bcfore six weeks from the day of first publication hereof, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apnly to the above entitled court (for the relief demanded in said complaint, namely :T for a decree of said circuit court declaring- and decreeing that there is due from the defendants, George Schafer, Annie Schafer, Edward Donat and Agnes Donat, to plaintiff, upon said promis sory notes and said mortgage in said com plaint described, the sum of- $4,760 in gold coin of the United States,- togethar with in terest thereon at the rata of 6 per centum per annum from September 16, 1903, until the date of said decree : and further decree ing that $450 is a reasonable sum to be alJ mwAci. nnn t l mwin fir tne same to mamtin. as attorney's fee for instituting this suit; also decreeing that the plaintiff , have a first lien on-the following described real property, ' to wit: The east half of the southeast Quarter' of section 5; the west half of the southwest cuarter. tne nortaeast Quarter ox tne soutn west quarter, the northwest quarter of the" southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and the south half of the northwest quarter of section 4, all of the foregoing being in township 15 south, range 5 west. Also beginning at the soutn east corner, of the northeast quarter of sec tion 5, township 15 south, range 5 west, and run thence west 15.25 chains, thence north 20" chains, thence east 15.25 chains, ancf thence south 20 chains to the place of begin- . ziihk, containing au r-is acres, -more or less, all of the foregoing being in Benton -county,. state 01 Oregon, togetner witn all ana singu lar the tenements, hereditaments and appur tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, for the full - amount of said $4,760 and interest as above, with $450 at torney's fees, and the costs, disbursements and expenses of this suit, . and the sale of . said real property ; that the above described , real property be sola in the manner pro- - vided by law for the foreclosure of real es tate mortgages, for gold coin of the United States of America, by the sheriff of Benton county, Oregon, and thc.t the proceeds de- - rived from such sale be applied, by the party making such sale, as follows, to-wit: First, to the payment of the costs and expenses of said sale ; second, to the costs and disburse- . ments of this suit; third, to the payment to - nlnintfff nf thn nlim nf a a n tpb qonnhlo attorney's fee herein ; fourth, to the amount found due in said decree upon said notes 'and said mortgage that is, the sum of S4.-760- tnerftther with"interst thp.rp.nTl ftt thp rate of 6 per centum per annum from September-IB, 1903, until the'date of said de cree ; and, lastly, if any, remainder there be, to the defendants, on demand, as their inter - -ests may. appear; that all of the defendants . be forever... barred -and.-' foreclosed of all . right, title and interest of. in and to said i real property, and of all equity of redemp- tion therein, except only, the statutory right . of -redemption, and fnr su;h other, further 4nd different rule, .order-or-relief as 'to the cenrt may seem proper Kid equitable in the : premises.-:. . . - . . . - - TSis summons, is- puoliaaed .in. the Corval- weeks; begirralns with the issue cf FobruaT 11,- 1905.. and " ending with the issue .of MaTch 25, 1905, under and in pursuance -o! the directions contained ; in- an order made by the Hon. Virgil B. Watters,-county judge of Benton county,. Oregon, dated February 10, 1905. Date of the first publication here-, of Is February 11, 1905. I E. E. WTLSOK, ' ' Attorney for Plaintiff. - SUMMONS." .- In the circuit court of the state of Ore Ron for the county of Benton. George i3. Chamberlain a ; "r-:o voT rt ' jOregor,-, i . i. Dunbar a- sauretary ": e. and. Charles S. iitore as slate treasurer of tlio r. at, cf Crenf eontitnrln the state lanC. b-.i.-A r-'lintlU, vs. II. 11. Dooat. Mary lOIi.n. Blaci and U-erge 'A. Houok. defendants. To H. M. Donat, Mary Donat, Robert W. Black and George A. Houck, the above named defendants: - . - . In the name of the state of Oregen, you and each of you are hereby required to ap- - pear and answer th complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled court, now ob file with the olerk of said court, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear . and answer said complaint as hereby re quired, the plaintiff will apply to the court for. the -relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: the foreclosure of a certain mort gage made and executed by H. M. Donat, Mary Donat and Robert W. Black to plain tiff on the 2nd day of October, 1903, to se cure the payment of a certain promissory note of said H. M. Donat, Mary Donat and Robert W. Black for $2,000, payable one year after date, with interest thereon at the - rate of 6 per cent per annum from date, and which said mortgage conveyed unto plaintiff the following described real property situate in Benton county, Oregon, to-wit! The southwest Quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of section 5, town ship 15 south, range 5 west ; also beginning at the southwest corner of section 5, town- - ship 15 south; range 5 west,; and running . thence south to the county line between Ben- tonand Lane county, in the state of Oregon, thence east along the said county line to a - point south of the southeast corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of said section 5, thence north to said southeast xsor- , ner- of the said west half of the' southeast quarter of said section 5, and running thence west along the south line of said section 5 . . to the place of beginning; also beginning at - the southwest corner of the donation land claim of Kobert Boyd, being claim No. 44, . in township 15 south, ranee 5 west, and running thence north along the west line of said Boyd claim to the center of the county road as now traveled, thence north 82 de grees 30 minutes west 4.10 chains along 4. said center of road-, thence west- along the center of said road 10 chains, thence south 43 degrees 15 minutes west along the cen ter ot saia roaa ie.3u cnams to a point on the west line of said section 5. townshio 15 south, range- 5 west, thence south to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of said section 5, thence east to the place of beginning, excepting from last described tract a certain tract of land containing about 10 acres deeded by George A. Houck and wire to unarles Clem by deed dated April 8, 1898, and recorded in Book "W" a't page 491 thereof, records of deeds for Benton county, Oregon ; and a further decree barring and foreclosing you, the said defendants, of and from all right, title and interest in and to said real property and every part thereof. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, Judge of the . county court of the state of Oregon, made at chambers February 10, 1905. The date of the first publication of this summons is Feb ruary 11. 1905, and the date of the last pub- iiuuLiuii luereot is iviarcn zd, uo. . J. F. TATES, Attorney for Plaintiff. W. E. YATES, - The Lawyer Corvallis, Oregoa. Both Phones. We all Wear Shoes! Never bef oi e have we received such quantities and qualities-in foot "wear as. this SPRING Tans, Browns and Black . - : . . - Low High and Medium cuts ""; - ' Prices High, Medium and Low But in all grades the very lowest price -1 for the;.quality of the shoe.- Our efforts will be great to increase our shoe sales. - Shoes for-all Ladies , : Misses, Children , : Mens; Boys and Little Gents. Don't " forget our Shoe Department. .. r 7 ..' m - m mmmt mim. temx Leading Hoi el in Oorvallis. Recently opened. New: brick. hniiding. Newly furnished, with modern con-; veniences. Furnace Heat, capes. Hot arid cold water rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. V ' '.';." -;i; " r Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. ECIAL SALES. Rubber- Goods Millinery, . . Shoes, Etc. . . GREAT SlIOE Sale. The Largest (Assort ment of Shoes ever offered on special sale' in Philo math, comprising the entire stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, will be on sale during the month of February." at ' - ' . w- J. llenkle's Gash Store. Each will -Ise offered at reduced prices, "This reduc tion is made for cash only. There are -special prices on Rubber Goods men's, women's, boys', children's rubber boots, rubber and oil coats. We also call your attention to our large assortment of Millinery ' Goods which are offered on special sale. . . ' J. E. HENKLE, Philomath, Or. Free Bus. Fine,Ugh.t.Sao!)! Rooms, Corvallis J. C. Hammel, Prop. Electric Lights, Fire Es on every floor. : Fine single i - - At Bellfotnitain. ' 1 There ialscarcely a family in the vicinity that has cot been' afflicted with la gnppe this winter. ,N Some have been very rick, while others have had a comparatively mild at tack. , ," ; --. We aie glad to report Mrs. Read er aa able to be out again, after the recent ulnesB. : 1 :. - ' Mrs. i J. C. Ptrin is Buffsriue from alrattack of rheumatism. Charles Perin and famllv have moved the Gleason saw mill, where ihey have emnloyment for the summer, v ; ;; '- Miblv Inez . Williams is much pleased with her echool at Summit. Mrs. Sinclair, of Eugene, "but form-1 eily of? this place.-has not been able-4p'walk for several weeks ow ing to rheumatism caused by la LgriPpe- ... Philomath Items. . , Re J. R. Parker has returned from Lis eastern trip. VanBIaricom went to Hood River last week to visit his mother. MriT. L. Wood has returned from Coburg. " Mr3. Jane Wood came back with her for a visit ; with friends and relatives. . Miss Fay Newth ia home fro.m her School at Salem For a short vis it. " ' Pfidf. Eddy, of Eddy ville, accom panied by his bride, is spending part -oi nis honeymoon in Philomath visiting bis aunt, Mrs. Uollough. . Driv Tutts, of Portland, spent last Sunday in Philomath and spoke'in the interest of the anti saloon league. c ' . " -Rev. ' Ware, of Portland, held quarterly meeting at the Philomath U. Bv Cnurch, Radical. : - Peter Spedie is training his pa cer, Altamont-Wilkes colt; He is saidi to be a wonder. Benton county for speed. " Mrs. G. N. Hewitt, of Norton, paid summit a call,' Monday. Mrs.'Emery is very ill. . There is small hope of her recovery. Dr, Uathey was called into the case last week. -Grace Scott, of Albany, is assist' ing her sister, Mrs. Jack: Coe, for a lew weeks. v , Every one has had a tussel with the grippe around here. ; - Mrs. Emma Ron coe, of Polk Co., is teaching the Shot Pouch dis trict. ' : . ' . Miss Ines Williams, of Corvallis, is teaching at Fern Kidge. Mr, Marrow lost a valuable cow last week. -,; Mrs. Francis' Savage is visiting ner daughter.Mrs county.. Ed King is visiting at v the Har rison home. j - : General Kuroki's headquarters in the field, March 13. The great er part of the retreating Russians are supposed to have reached Tie Pass. The pursuing Japanese have frequent encounters with the rear guard. ;.: General Kuropatkin must remove, his supplies from Tie Pass If he vlios a retirement to Harbin,. as they will be necpsssry to maintain the army during the march. The Russians have no stores between Tie Pass and Harbin. Blocks for chimneys at Whitney 's. Estimates cheerfully given on any kind of concrete work at Whitney's . . , Notice for Publication. . . , : Tljnber land, Act June '1878, - , - uxiueu Dtates itanu umoe, - , . Oregon City, Oregon, : : . , Nov . 190. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot the act ol Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber .lands In the States of California Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended toaU the Public Land States fay act of AucuBt 4. 1892, Charles 0 Huff of Corvallis, county oi Benton, state oi Oregon, nas uus aay niea in this offise bis sworn statement No. 6519. for. the Surchase of the 8. X of S. W. H ot 8ecUon o. 82 In Township No. 11 South. - Bange No. West W. it, and will offer proot to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Hoses, County Olerk, Corvallis, Benton Coun ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 18th day ot - Feb. 1905.,; .. ; - .. ... :- . He names as witnesses: Lawrence Sxovall of- Philomath, Oregon. George BtovaU ' , " Caleb A Davis - - . - ft- . Zebediah H Davis o Corvallis, . " Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 18th day of February, 1905. . ; v Algernon H. Dresser, ? At Kings Valley. . Farmers are nearly through seed ing, and grain is lookiug fine. - -L.'G. Price has a new engine running. He expects to move his family to camp4his week. "- There will be'quite a demand for work hands during the summer, al so cooks. There will be about six logging camps running besides the saw mill. - Nearly every one , around - Hos kins has the measles. Dr. Luther is kept quite busy, Mrs. Perry Eddy,-just recovering from the measles, now has lung fever. . MisB Hattie Price has iust re- i turned home from a week's visit with Corvallis friends. Mr. Logan, is making, prepara tions to erect a warehouse. Me is now getting out rock for the found ation. His present storeroom is too email, as he intends grinding all the wheat raised in the valley. : Rev. Plowman has but one more appointment before conference. Rev. Balantlne, the presiding elder, preaches both Saturday and Sun-. day evenings. Rev. Simpson has moved his family to Albany since tne parsonage burned. Link Allen has been on the road nearly every day . this week with his fine horss. I guess E. O. Frantz will be out with his horBe, just as soon as he gets over the measles. Grandma Maxfield has been quite sick, tne last few days. Goat shearers and nurses are in demand. . Miss Logan, the school teacher, is giving excellent satisfaction. MisB Hattie McTimmons, who is attending school in Monmouth spent Sunday at home. - ine teiepnone line is being ex tended up as far as W. M. Bryans The new subscribers are J. Stroud J C Lcudt, Mrs. Lillie Reed, W L Reed, Y Matheny and WM Bryans. ine poxes are au up, ana tney are now stringing the wire. v John Price and Link. Allen took twenty coon hidea to "market ' the other day, and-one mink hide. Can you beat that? We tliik "Uno" has the measles this week, if he hasn't, his family Has, so we nave taken it upon our selves to write the items. - - - i Don't Know. In the Circuit Court of the State of - Oregon for isenion uoumy. ; Geo. T. Vernon, Plaintiff, V8. N. P. Slate, G. O. Vernon, J. H. Vemon, Thomas siate, Jonn slate. William slate, isaward Slate, itsue Di&Lo nun xLerDen oiace, lieieua ants. To each and aU of the above named defendants, m the name of the State of Oregon, rou and each of you arehereby required and to appear and answer the complalut filed against you In the above cause . on or bef on the 37th dav of March, 190-5, and If you fa 11 so to answer for wan' tnereot the plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief demanded In his oomplaint to "It. an order and decree of the said Court maklog partition of lota ene and two n Section 2, Township 14, S. B. 8 West, Wnl. Mar. In Ben ton County, State of Oregon, containing. 13 61- 100 acres more or less, according to the several interests of the Plaintiff and said Defendants therein, er in the event that a partition there- of;can not be made without prejudice . to the rights of plaintiff and defendants therein that the sale thereof be made by one or more ref erees, as may be decreed by the Court, and the proceeds derived therefrom after providing the costs of this proceeding among the parties of this cause be paid to the plaintiff and defend ants according to their several Interests therein as shall be found by said Court. This summons Is served upon you by pub lication pursuant) to an order of the Hon. Vir gil E. Watters, County Judge of Benton County, State of Oregon, made on ine 10th day of Feb ruary, 1905. The date of the first publication hereof is February 11th, 1905, and the date of last publication will be on March 25th, 1905. v W" S.-McFADDEN, attorney tor fiaintin, 1 Dry Fir Wood . At $3.50 per cord.- Orders solicited for grub oak for summer delivery. , : Frank Francisco, -Corvallis. For Sale. ' Barred Plymouth rocks 75c and Brown Leghorn eggs at 50 c per dozen J. B. Irvine. JThe prettiest and best wall . you can get for that new house is , Whitney's concrete blocks. ' ;. - "Short" on Peruna but "Long" on prunes. Italian prunes, 50-pound boxes, $1.50. F. L. Miller. Blocks for piers at Whitney's, - College View Poultry Farm. Barred Plymouth Rocks. Brown Leg horns. Eggs, f 1 per 15 at yards.. My Barred Rock hens are of the best laying strain on Coast. I . have added cockerels trom fares worm's best egg strain, urown juegnorns as good as the Dest. : J f, FT. Moore. Ifld. phone 555." Corrallis, Real Estate Transfers. The following real estate trans . fers have been , filed for record: C. A. Fensketo Stephen Mer-t rick, 280 acres near Gransrer. $15,000. Estella Hadden and husband to ohn Beach, thirty feet in lot nine- block six, $700. William Ladd and wifetoT.,T. Vincent, six lots in . block fivefc Wilkins add, $150. John Rickard and wife to G.' Taylor and wife 112 acres near Bruce, $3951-85- W. M. Ladd and wife to E. E. White, three lots in block 5, Wil kins add, $75. First National Bank to Eliza Hart, 3 lots in block 9, Wilkin's add, $875. Real Estate Bargains. No. 55a -I6o acres, 130 in. cult: irood house and barn; fine fruit and water; 120 acres now in crop; 4 horses, 10 cows, 2 hogs, 1 wagon, 2 baggies, 4 sets of har ness, chickens, farm to jIs, and house hold furniture, 7 miles from Corvallis ; price $40 per acre, ' - No- 553 House and 4 lots inst north of Mechanical Hall, house has n rooms, wood shed, barn etc; stood fruit all kinds. price $1500. , . "v,. No. 554 170 acre stock ranch. t miles from B. R. town, 90 acres cleared and sown to grass, 60 acres nice saw tim ber, fair house, barn etc : good orchard : uno muo to scnooi, sjjereeas on placei price $1300. , ,. No. 555 Lot and frac with 5 room house, wood shed and well in Corvallis. price $675. ; ' . xt ' s Sv . . o. 550 2 lots, 7 room House, wood shed and store room, choice fruit, lo . cated in Corvallis, price $1600. No. 557162 acres, 50 in cult, bal pas ture & timber, nearly all under fence, new 7 room house, good barn, machine shed, stock shed, good orchard, running " water on place, 1 miles to school, four miles from store and postoffice, price $2800. . ' f. '- : - .' -- .--,; - -' ure and timber, good 5 room - house; spring water piped to house, good orchard and small fruits, running water on place, splendid outrange, telephone to house, i miles to school, 4 miles to store and P 0;;price 1250. Ambler & Watters, . Corvallis and Philomath, Or. . Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, in pro bate, as executrix of the last Will and testament of Louisa J. Stewart, deceased. All persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are hereby required and noiified to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six-months from the date of this notice to the undersigned executrix at my residence in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon. Dated March 18, I905. Henrietta Kandall, Executrix. - 5000 Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn hatching eggs, for sale. at 1 per setting if, obtained at my resi- aence nortn 01 mecaanicai Hall. These fowls were bred to lay eggs and not for the show room, You are invited to in spect the breeding pens. ' Otto F. L. Herse, mn im ' Corvallis, Or. Gorvallis & Eastern Railroad Time Card Number 28. For Yaquina: - Train leaves Albany.. 12145 P- m " Corvallis...... 1145p.n1 . arrives Yaquina. . . . 50 p. m Keturning: Leaves Yaquina........... 7:15 a. m ' Leaves Corvallis...... 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany 12:15 P m 3 For Detroit: " Leaves Corvallis. 6:00 a. m. Leaves Albany; i...v 7:30 a. hi Arrives Detroit. 12 :02 p. m 4 from Detroit: - Leaves Detroit........ 12:35 P- m Arrives Albany., 5:15 p. m . Arrives Corvallis.........." 7:65 p. m. Train No 2 connects with the S P train at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches : Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S P north, bound train. l . - ' For further information apply to .: -- T. H. CURTIS, Acting Manager. FT. H. Crordse, Agent Corvallis. I Ihos. Cockrell, Agent Albany,