The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 15, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVlII.-No. 1.
B.F. iBTimt Edttae. -and
We all Wear Shoes!
Never befoi e have we received such quantities
and qualities in foot wear as this '
Tans, Browns and Black .
Low High and Medium cuts -Prices
High, Medium and Low
But in all grades.lhe very lowest price
for the quality of the shoe. Our efforts
will be great to increase our shoe sales.
Shoes for all Ladies, Misses," Children,
'Mens, Boys and Little Gents. '. Don't
forget our Shoe Department.
Leading Hotel in Oorvallis.
brick building. . Newly iurnished, with modern con
veniences. "'. Furnace Heat,
capes. Hot and cold water
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam- at
ette Valley.
Rates : $ 1 .00', $.25 and
Rubber Goods
Millinery, . . .
Shoes, Etc. . .
GREAT. SlIOE Sale The Largest Assort
ment of Shoes ever offered on special sale in Philo
math, comprising the entire stock of Men's, Women's
and Children's Shoes, will be on sale during the month
of February, at - . .
J. E. Henkle's Gash Store.
; Each will be offered at reduced prices. This reduc
tion is made for cash only. . There are special prices
on Rubber "Goods men's, women's; boys', children's
rubber boots, rubber and oil coats. We also call your
attention to our large assortment of Millinery Goods
which are offered on special sale.
J. E: HENKLE,. Philomath, Or.
- Free Bus.
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
1 1
Recently opened. New;
Electric Lights, Fire Es-!
on every floor. Fine single ;
$2.00 per day. ,
FULLY. Two Corps Are Lost -Oyama Cap
tures 30,000 men Retreat
Commenced Just in Time
to Avoid Being Sur- -.
" . rounded. ('
Tokio, March 12. Field Marshal
Oyama estimates that the number
of Russian prieoners captured will
exceed 30,000. The Japanese cas
ualties are estimated at 41,000. The
Japanese captured a retreating Rus
sian column at toe ru Klver yes
terday. .- .- .
Official Information from the Rus
sian headquarters in the field, sup
plemented by dispatches from the
Associated ; Press correspondents
with the army of the Russian : em
pire, show .that General Kuropat
kin, after suffering the most severe
defeat of the war, has succeeded, as
he did after the battle of Liao Tang,
in extricating the; remnants of his
army from a position which milita
ry experts 24 hours' before believed
would result in its annihilation Or
surrender, v The retreat from Liao
YaDg has been considered a most
masterly event, but it is far over
shadowed by the latest feat of the
Russian general, ' who has - taken
personal command of the troops.
Alter ngbtmg tor, nearly three
weeks, losing in killed, wounded
and missing probably a third of his
army, or 100,000 men. and a fourth
of his artillery , Kuropatkin gath
ered together what was left north of
Mukden and is taken them toward
Tie Pass through a rain of shrap
nei, which is. ; being , thrown on
This he seems to have been able
to accomplish' by resorting to the
same tactics which saved his army
at Liao Yang. As recently as
Thursday last he commenced send
ing his artillery north by rail, and
road. That night he destroyed by
fire what he realized could not be
removed. Even the hospitals con
(aining the more seriously wound
ed were left behind, so as not to
hamper in any way the movement
of the army. This movement com
mrnned on Friday morning, and, as
he Japanese forces on ih) east,
rt hich were to join hands with the
western army and cut off his retreat
did not cross the Fushtm-Mukden
road until Saturday morning, the
Russians had a full day's start of
their pursuers, and having no guns
or baggage to delay them, seem to
have made good their escape.
There is still, however, a chanee
of General Kawamura's army tak
ing a hand in the battle, and
should it . strike the Russians at
Tie pass or cut their communica
tions to the northward, the disaster
to Kuropatkin's once fine army
will be complete.. The" schrapnel
fire under which the Russians are
again retreating was found not to
have a verv serious effect, as the
army was scattered and straggling,
which undoubtedly holds good in
the present case.
What part of his army the Rus
sian general has saved apparently
is not known at the Russian head
quarters. All dispatches indicate
that part of his force has been cut
off.' General .Kaulbars seems t
have extricated his corps, likewise
Bildering, but not so with Line-
vitch. the Associated correspond
ent says the Japanese surrounded
the First and Fourth Russian corps
and added that help could not be
sent to them. . Their fate is not re
corded, and the inference is that
they have suffered either defeat or
capture. Rennenkampk's fate is
still in the balance.
Tie Pass, March 11. For many
versts all the ' approaches to Tie
pass are covered with troopB, artil
lery and baggage transports press
ing northward, and . twenty-hve
miles away the strong rearguard of
troops, which is commanded by
General v Kuropatkin, is retiring
slowly, doggedly disputing with the
pursuing enemy every foot of the
ground in order to recover the; .re
treat of the army, y--.'jr. :-yy'
The losses in this defeat, which
is the most bitter yet experienced
bv the Russian army, by a moder
ate comoutation, is not less than
300,000 men on both sides, ; -The
Russians, In addition, eacii
need enormous quantiuties 01 ma-
nitions and stores, the greater part
of which were set on fire before
leaving Mukden. ;
It is impossible to say whether
the Russians will be able to put up.
a fight and hold this position, or
whether it will be necessary to con
tinue to retreat to Harbin, but the
rack and file, whose military qual
ities never shone so brightly as in
retreat or defeat, are far from being
panic-stricken, and, under capable
leadership,, and given a brief time
to 'strengthen positions, may be
able to check the pursuing enemy
at this point. . i
It was realized Jhat, if any ; point
of Jbe Russian line gave way, all
would be lost. The position in the
most extreme danger appeared to
be Bortb of Mukden station, where
it seemed for a time that the Jap
anese might break through aqd en
tirely cut the lines of retreat.- Gen
erat Kuropatkin concentrated heavy
columns there, took command him
self,) and succeeded, during Thurs
day morning, in forcing the Japan
ese iback from the river, and also
in driving out bodies east of the
railroad. ' v ;
It was impossible to support the
retiring corps, as the reserves to the
lasfman had been sent to- the line
of battle at other points, and, as
the danger of communication being
severed by this . attack from the
east was imminent, retreat, was de
termined upon and immediately
began. , ;
Tokio, March 13.
quarters makes Jt he
-Army head
following an-
"All our forces have advanced
north, pursuing the enemy in all
directions and inflicting heavy
damage and they have defeated the
enemy who attempted resistance at
various places." -
"Our forces - have completely
cleared the enemy out of the dis
tricts. 25 miles, north ' of Mukden
and n, Sunday were still; pursuing
llUClU. ' ... : , ....
The Russians abandoned : count
less carts of supplies and ammuni
tion iu the district, for I3 miles
from the vicinity of Kaolitun, south
of Cbiulikotzu, west of the railroad
and 16 miles north of Mukden.
"No time has yet been had to
count them. ,
"One of the colors captured
longed to the One ' Hundred
and . the
Sixty-second regiment, from
Wilna district, which had been
gaged in three previous wars.
, "Our Sinmintin garrison has ar
rested a Russian paroled officer
from Port Arthur, who broke his
parole at Shanghai: and proceeded
to Sinmintin.
'Additional stores intended for
the Russians have .been seized at
Tokio, March 12. The follow
ing report was received today from
Field Marshal Oyama:
"The number of prisoners, spoils
and the enemy's estimated casual
ties against all our forces in the di
rection of the Shakhe follow, but
the number of prisoners, guns and
spoils are increasing momentarily
.'Prisoners, over 40,900, includ
ing General Nakhimoff.
"Killed and wounded, estimated
at 9o,ooo. ' " :
"Enemy left dead on" the - field,
26,500. ,
"Flags, 2. . -. .
"Guns, about 60.
"Rifles, 60,000.
."Ammunition wagons, i5o.
'oells 200,coo.
'Small arms ammunition,5! 25,-
000,000 rounds. y
-- "Cereal, koku (about 75,-
000 bushels.) . :'
"Fodder, 55,ooo koku.
"Light railway outfit, 45 miles.
"Horses ,2ooo.
"Maps, 23 cartloads.
"Clothing ; and accoutrements, cartloads.
Bread, l,ooo,ooo.
"Fuel, 7o,ooo tone.
'Hay, 60 tons; besides tools,
tents, bullocks.'telegraph wire and
poles, timber, beds, stoves and nu
merous other property.
"No reports have been received
from our forces in the direction of
: Ths battle is officially designated
as the batlle'of Mukden. : - . .
.-. College View Poultry Farm. '
Barred Plymouth Rocks! Brown Leg
horns. Eggs; $1 per 15 at yards. -
; My Barred Rock hens are , of the best
laying strata on Coast. I have added
cockerels from Parks world's best egg
strain. Brown Ieghorns as good as the
best. ' " "
S. H. Moore.
Ind. phone 555.- ' , Corvallis,
Hermann's Attempt to Prevent In
vestigation of the Benson-Hyde
Frauds Caused His Reeig-
nation and Exposure
How He Was Found
- . "Out. .---'
"... ' '-
Washington, : March 10. After
reviewiug the evidence on which
Binger Herman was recently indict
ed in this city for destroying public
records, officials of the department
of justice have come to the conclu
sion that the government has a
"perfect case" against the Oregon
congressman. That is the opinion
expressed today by one of the men
who aided in working up the case.
Not only has the government got
hold of the shorthand notes of Her
mann's secretaries who wrote the
letters which were copied in his
"private" , letterbooks, but. it has
obtained many of the original let
ters, and it is said that these let
ters and notes clearly establish the
fact that the letters destroyed did
pertain to public business.
lhe government is preparing to
meet any emergency and to take
any steps deemed advisable to
strengthen its case. In this con
nection, an authorized statement
was made by an official of the in
terior department . which throws
light oh a charge that has been re
peatedly made against Hermann
by Secretary Hitchcock. . This
statement as published here to day,
shows how the government got its
first inkling of the operations of the
BensoneaQd. riqgan44jaas
"The right hand man' of Hyde
and Benson was J. H. Schneider.
When the business grew so exten
sive and Schneider saw what mon
ey his employers were making, he
grew avaricious himself and made
a demand on Hyde and Benson for
a large sum of money, threatening
to expose them if he did not get it.
They declined to . give up all' he
asked, arguing that he was well
paid for his part in the transaction,
but, after discussion, did give him
him $5,000. Schneider went to
Arizona. He still thought he had
been used shabbily by Hyde and
Benson, and from Tucson wrote to
them renewing his demands for
money. They refused and Schnei
der then turned his attention to the
land office. He wrote to Commis
sioner Binger, Hermann informing
him that, if a special agent was
sent to him, he could give inform
ation regarding land frauds that
would open the eyes of officials and
give the commissioner an inkling
of what was going on in California.
"This letter from Schneider,
with several others from bim of the
same kind, was pigeon-holed in the
office of the commissioner or in the
division of .special agents and noth
ing was done. But some one else
got an inkling 01 what was going
on and began to complain. Letters
poured in to the commissioner and
were promptly pigeon-holed. Un
til the pressure - became so great
M ekes Clearv Breed
(With Royal Baking Powder there is
110 mixing with the hands, no , sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest
facility, sweet, clean, healthful food.
. . Full Instructions in the "Royal Baker and Pastry Cook"
.book' for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake 1 -yith
Royal . Baking powder. Gratis to any h address. v
' i -i . . . , . " . ' ;. : - '-f: " .:
that something had to be done. ,
Therefore, in June, I9O2, a special
agent of the office in Tucson was
directed to visit Sshnelder and learn "
what he could. At the same time,
and by the same mail, a letter : was
sent to the same special agent giv
ing some Instructions to make cer
tain investigations in another part
of the country immediately. So
it was not until September that the
story of Schneider was told to a de
partment official.
''When that story did become
known, Mr. Hitchcock got an ink
ling .of the way things were going
and took charge of affairs. He
sent for Hermann and, after up
braiding him for his conduct, de
manded his resignation. In the
meantime, the secretary sent for
special attorney Pugh to make an '
investigation of the cases, . and Mr.
Pugh reported that, while there was
evidence of fraud to an enormous
extent, he could not get proper evi
dence to convict the offenders. He
asked that some one experienced in
the detective business be assigned
to the cases and Mr. Hitchcock,
sent for Chief Wilkle, of the secret
service. Mr, Wilkie assigned Agent
Burn 8 to the work and progress in
the investigation dates from the
time Mr. Burns took charge." -
- r ... - . . .
Are you going to build? See Whitney
about concrete; blocks. Cheaper than.
rock or brick.
The prettiest and best wall you can
get for that new house is Whitney's
concrete blocks.
"Short" on Peruna but "Long"
on prunes. Italian prunes, 50-pound
boxes, $1.50. F. L. Miller.
Blocks for piers at Whitney's,
Louisville, Ky., March 11. Ca
leb Powers today completes" five,sjn jai On March lo19oo,
he was- arresteoaf LexihgtonT and
on March lo, 19o5, he is in jail in
Louisville awaiting his fourth trial
on the charge of complicity in the
murder of William GoebeJ.
Three times he has ' been tried.
Twice he has been sentenced to life ,
imprisonment and once to death.
Three times the qourt of appeals,
the highest judicial tribunal of the
state, has reversed the finding of
th lower court and sent ' the case ;
back to drag its weary length along
the slow ways of the law.
When will the end come? When
will the case be decided one way or
the other? Will the hope which
must be eternal in the breast of Ca- -leb
Powers continue to sustain him
through the days, the months and
the years to come, as it has for five
years past? For there will have to
be another trial at least.
Five years gone from his life;
nsed by the commonwealth of Ken- '
tucky in an effort to determine
whether he is innocent or guilty.
Such is the sombre reflection of '
Powers as he sits in the Jefferson
county jail today and keeps his.
doleful anniversary. And no mat- .
ter how strong may be his hope of
final vindication, there remains the
bitter thought that no court, not
even the court of appeals of Ken- -tucky,
nor the supreme court of the
United States, nor any court on
earth, can give him back' those five
years of bis young manhood, from
31 to 36, that are gone fjrever.