The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 04, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
, Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
. . Public Interest. ; '
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan have been
in Portland since Sunday.
The Ladies Afternoon whist
club was delightfully entertained
"Wednesday by Mrs. Charles Lee.
Mrs. J. E. Andrews has .been
confined to her home with grippe
since last Friday. ;
The Turner grocery store now
occupies the room lately vacated by
the Ingle harness shop. The remov
al occurred Thursday. '
The orators of the coming
graduating class at OAC have been
ehosen. They are, valedictorian,
Clay Darby; - salutatorian, Miss
Alice Jones.
Woods Jackson was down town
Thursday for the first time in five
months. Rheumatism has kept him
st home all winter.
.. The cross country races at the
college are to begin at 2:30 this, Sat
urday afternoon. There will be four
xf for each class. Gold
medals go to the winners. No ad
mission will be charged.
TheRev. H. D. Chambers will
iold services in the Episcopal
Church next Sunday atir, A." M.
and 7. 30 P. M. Holy Comtnunion
wilj be celebrated St morning ser-
. -pices. All are Cordially invited to
infcnd these services.
Presbyterian Church, Rev. M.
- 5". Bush. Bible School 10 a. m.
Preachine 11 a, m. subject '"Shad
ows in God's Purposes." C. E.
nleeting 6:30 p. m. Evening "service
f. 30. Illustrated sermon, subject,
"Our Fatherland."
George Plaster, has sold his
V Barber shop in the Hemphill build
iag to Ernest Cole, of Harrisburg,
i and the latter has taken charg,e.
' , Mr. Plaster will work for a time
tor Mr. Cole, and after , that will
. seek a location elsewhere. " t
. .. , .Mrs., V. J, Howell lett yester
day for Harrisburg to take charge
ef a confectionery establishment re- j
cently acquired by herself and hus-
band in that city. The Farmers Ho- j
. tel . which Mr. and Mrs. Howell
have conducted for several years,
has been closed. ; ' :
The various literary societies
are agog with preparation for the
annual series of debates for the
Gatch prize. Libraries, books and
magazines are being rummaged for
. debating material and the horizon
scanned for suitable questions for
discussion. ' s . C
They tell it at Independence
that in Corvallis the other night.
- 19 drunks were thrown in the city
' jail. A Corvallis "man down there
was much surprised to hear . about,
the occurance. It is wonderful how
things will grow. The statement is
'that there was but one drunk in
' stead of 19 thrown in. and he and
his liquor came from Independence.
"Stories . of Old Oregon,"
George A. Waggoner's new book
is meeting with a big sale. An un
expectedly large demand has ap
peared, and the indications are that
it will quickly pass into a second
edition. All the tales in the volume
' are well told and in every instance
those who read the book have good
v -The pastor of Is Presbyteaian
Church is conduc,Ja class study
ing "How . We Got Our Bible."
This is a' most interesting and im
portant subjsct; the class meets
Monday evenings at the home of
Mrs. P. O. Wilson, and anyone de
siring to pursue this study will be
welcome. In a short time, the Pres
byterian Confession of Faith as for
mulated in the "Brief Statement of
the Reformed Faith'..' will be stud
ied as prayer meeting subjects for
Thursday evenings. These will not
be theological discussions, but the
giving of the Biblical proofs of this
faith. ' .-;
George Herbert Root, the
famous OAC half back, is rapidly
recovering from a late severe illness.
He fell a victim of the grippe epidem
ic; and ventured out before his cure
was complete. The relapse that re
sulted: developed a light , attack of
pneumonia.1, The young man's great
physique however; baffled the at
tempts of the disease to ' pet firm
hold and the new ailment was
thrown off before it was four days
old. Mr. Root's father who came
down from the farm near Wasco to
be with.his son, left for home Mon
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Goos, Thursday, a daughter.
. Mrs. Susan Starr returned Wed
nesday from an extended visit in
Mrs. Clara Rickey has arrived
from Ptrtland for a visit with rela
tives. Small's bakery is rapidly Bear
ing completion, and it id hoped to
have it open to the public by a
week from today.
Mies Agnes Wilson resumed
her duties as bookkeeper at E. B.
HoiniDg's, Thursday, after a strug
gle of a few days with la grippe.
"The Witnesses" is the - topic
for the morning sermon at the Con
gregational church to morrow, and
the subject for the evening eervice
at 7:30 ip, "Why Are Some Busi
nass Men Not Christians?"
Mr. and Mrs. George Noble
aod Mr. and Mrs. William Frickle,
all. of Prinevilie, are guests this
week of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Small. The visitors are en route
to California.
' Mr. and .Mrs. Keith Brown
moved to Albany this week, where
they are hereafter to reside, Mr.
Brown having employment with
the Pacific States' Telephone Com
pany. P. H. Walton departed Thurs
day for bis homestead on Buck
Creek, in Lincoln county, to begin
the work of puttir g in his spring
Almond trees are in bloom at
Grants Pass, the warm weather
having brought them out several
week earlier than usual. Peach
trees are also ready to burst into
blossom. . ; ', '
. There was a meeting in Alba
ny Thursday evening of the Cen
tral Willame'.te Medical Associa
tion. Dr. Cathey, of Corvallis, who
is president of the association, drove
over to attend. A paper on "Lobar
Pneumonia," was presented by Dr.
Newth, of Philomath.
A literary and musical enter
tainment, occurs, in college chapel
next Friday night. . The numbers
will be by students in the elocution
ary and musical departments at the
college,, under direction of Miss
Helen Crawford . and Mrs. Green.
Toe proceed go to the Village im
provement. Jflcjety. , : Admission,
25 cetsjs? ' - ;-';iyrc,'. -
A .XJnion county farmer has
ported ttie following notice ' on his
farm: ; "Huntejs, Take ' Notice:
Hunt all you dn please and when
you hear the horn blow come to the
house to dinner. If You accident
ally kill a cow, f-kin her and hang
the hide in the barn. If the quails
are scarc kill a chicken or two and
if you can't get.aiiy squirrels' kill a
hog. . -
It baa been suggested, in'view
of the prolooged sunshine now prev
alent, that the head weitber. man
misconstrued the local option law
which wect into effect January 1st.
When the people generally voted
for a "dry" town or a "dry" com
munity it was not . intended that
the provisions of the law should ef
fect the rainfall, which in this val
ley is almost 11 inches short of the
average up to this time. Formal
notice should at once be given the
waather man that he will not be
criminally liable if he gives us a
few gentle showers along between
now and the middle of June.
N. C. Christeneen, of Seat'Ie,
Wash, has Eeen a large spruce tree
in Clallam county, which he avers
is the most enormous one in the
state of Washington. The tree is
30 feet in diameter and it is 100
feet to the first limb. Commission'
er Johnson will be urged to have it
exhibited at the Lewis and Clark
Exposition. It is planned to have
a log cut from the tree loo feet long
and placed on exhibition." It will
be utterly impossible for the rail
roads to handle the log, and it is
necessary that it be towed here via.
Puget Sound, the Pacific Ocean,
and the Columbia. and Willamette
rivere. A log wa3 eent to the Chi
cago exposition in 1893 by the state
of Washington, but In comparison
with this one, it was a mere pigmy
To the Public.
The undersigned have purchas
ed the interest of Levi - Henkle in
the C ty Dray Company. The
terms of the transaction include
the good will of the business, Mr.
Henkle having retired from the
firm. Thanking the public for
past patronage and soliciting a con
tinuance of the business of all the
old patrons and of such new onea
as may see fit to favor us. ' We' are
Very respectfully,
.;.' - Robioson & Fuller.
Headquarters of the firm are at
Wellsher & Gray's Etore. Ind.
phone 126. - . f3-im
For Sale. :
Barred Plymouth rocks. 75c and
Brown Leghorn eggs at 50 c per
dozen. J. B. Irvine. ,A
In the Oircnft Court of the State of Oregon for
Beaton County.
Geo. T. Vernon, Plaintiff, - ,
N. P. Slate, G. O. Vernon, J. H. Vernon. Thomas
Slate, John Slate. William Slate. Edward Slute,
Belie Slate aud Herbert slate, Defendants.
To each and all of the above named defendants.
in the name of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you arehereby required and to appear
and answer the complalut mea against you In
the above cause on or before the 17th dav
oi March, 1905, snd if you fa 11 so to answer for
wan' tnereot tne piaiuun win apply to .no said
court for tae relief demanded in his complaint
to it, an order and decree ot tne said uoun,
making partition gt lot one ana two n secuo n
i. Township 14. S. B. S West, WU1. Mer. in Ben
ton County, State of Oregon, containing. 13 61
100 acres more or less, according to the several
interests of the Plaintiff and said Defendants
thereto, or in the event that a partition there
of can not ba made without nreludlee to the
rights of plaintiff and defendants therein that
ue sale tnereor oa inane oj om or mors rei
reee, as may be decreed by the Court, and the
p weeds derived therefrom alter providing the
costs of this proceeding among the parties of
this cause be Dald to the plaintiff and defend
ants according to their several interests therein
as snail be round by said uouri.
This summons is served upon yon by pub
lication pursuant to an order of the Hon. Vir
gil E., Watters, County Judge oi Benton County,
State oi Oreiron. mode on lne 10th day of Feb
ruary. 1905. The date of the first publication
hereof is February 11th, 1903, and the date of
last publication will oe on aiarcn m, isuo.
( W- 8. McFADDEN,
Attorney for Plaintiff, .
Tn iTi fMrtmit Court of the State of
Or gon for the County of Benton.
Geo. E. Cbamberlam as 1
Governor of Oregon; F.
I. Dunbar, as Secretary
of State and Chas. S.
Moore as State Treasur-
rnf Orfloon. onnstitut- -
ing the State Lnnd Board,
' " vs. V" Summons.
Rowland Fisher, Ethel
Et Schou: Cora IS. Ford. '
Harry Ford, Ida R.
Morns, David Morns, .
Marearet Fisher. L. E.
Smith, and E. E. Wil
son, administrator with
the Will annexed ot jane
Elizabeth Fisher, de
ceased, Defendants.
To Roland Fisher, Ethel E. Schou.
Cora E. Ford, Harry Ford, Ida R. Mor
ris, David Morris, Margaret Fisher, L,
E. Smith and E. h. Wilaon, administra
tor with the Will annexed of Jane Eliza
beth Fisher, deceased.
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the above nam
ed plaintiff in the above named Court
now on nie witn tne uieric oi saia , uourt
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons,;towit:
Feby. n, iqo5, and you are herebv noti
fied that if you fail to appear and answer
said complalut as hereby required, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for ia said complaint,' to
wit; the foreclosure of a certain mort
gage made and executed by Jane Eliza
beth tisher aua Koiana Mistier on the
8ih day of December, I9O0, to secure the
payment ef a certain promissory note of
jane Elizabeth Fisher and Rowland Fish
er payable one year atter date witn inter
est thereon at the rate of eix per cent
per annum from date until paid, : -i and
whicti sat a mortgage conveyea unco trie
plaintiff the followine desdibed - real
property situated In Benton County, Ore
gon, and described as fellows . town;
Commencing iA a point 46.60 chs. E.
of the S. E. cor. of the N. E. of the
S. E. X 'Of Sec. 20, T. 11 8. B. 5 W. run
ning thence N 90 chs. thence E. to the
W hue of the D. L. C. of Philip Mulkey,
Notification No. 958, Certificate No.
2923 Til, S R5 W, thence S to the N
E corner of J. Chatham Roberts DLG
Not No 940 T 11 S R 5 W, thence W !
4.7,5 chs thence S 35 degrees, E 8.03 chs
thn-ue N 6.50 chs thence W to the place j
of t ginning, ' Also -3
1."ts Nos. 1-2-3-4 and 5 in Sec 21 and I
Lot .No 10 in Sec 22 all in T ti S R 5 W I
cor. 157.23 acres. Also a Btrip of .lend
30 i-et wide running along the full
ler .rtn of the W side of a piece of land j
con 17.83 a. des. as fol. Beginning at
tbt N E corner of Claim No 55 in T 11
S k 5 W W M. thence W 18 chs thence
S 9.91 . chs thence E 18
chuiua thence N. 9.91 chs to the
place of beginning, all of which pieces
of land together containing 279.87' a.
Also beginning at a point 37.50 chs E
of the S E corner of the N" W X of the
S E X ot Sec 20 T 11 S R 5 W thence E
9.10 chs; thence N 90 chs; thence W 6.60
chs; thence S 30 chs; thence W 2.50 chs;
thence S .60 chs to the place of begin
nidg, containing 74.40 acres more or less.
Excepting from the above described
premises towit: Beginning at a point 50
links E of the S W corner of Lot 5 in
Section 21, T n S R 5 W thence N 4.09'
chs thenceS 75 degrees E 10,23 chs;
thence S 24 degrees E 1,48 chs; thence
W 10.55 chs to the plane of beginning,
containing 2.82 acres more or les.;
And a further decree ' barring and
foreclosing you, all of said defendants,
from all right, title or interest in or to
said real property and from every, part
thereof. u : - '
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, Judge of
the Count Court of the state of Oregon
for Benton County, made at Chambers
at Corvallis, Oregon, February 10, 1905.
The date of the first publication of this
summons is February 11, I905, and the
data of the last publication thereof is
March 25th, 1905.
, ; .. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 1878,
United States Land Office, -
Oregon City, Oregon,
Nov 9. 1901. .
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
Junes, 1&78, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds In the States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended
toall the Public Land States by act of August ,
1892, Charles O Huff of Corvillis, county of
Benton, state ot Oregon, has this day filed In
this office bis sworn statement no. 6319, for the
Surchase of the 8. X of S. V. H of Section
o. 82 In Township No. 11 South. Range No. 6
West W. and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Victor
P. Hoses, County Clerk, Corval lLi, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 18th day ot Feb.
1906. . .." .
He names as witnesses:
Lawrence Stovall of Philomath, Oregon.
George Stovall ' .. . "
Caleb A Davis ' " '
Zebediah H Davis Corvallis,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands axe requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 18th
day ot February, 1305. ,
Algernon 8. Dresser, . '
. v . ; Beglsier.
Ch store that saves you money.
Something New!
And of the Best Brands on the Market
IMPORTED Marvilla Garden Ceylon Tea
IMPORTED Montarde De Bordeaux French
Mustard -
IMPORTED Chou Fong, Perserved Ginger in
"Warrenton Clam Co Pure Minced Clams
Harbor Brand Mustard Sardines
Diamond W. Brand Cream Sugar Corn
Jasmine Brand Asparagus .
1 ; V . . A Fresh Supply of r '
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silverware.
Eyes tested free of charge
,. and glasses fitted correctly
at prices within reach of all
Fine watch repairing a spe- "
r cialty .
Pratt The Jeweler & Optician.
jj . South Main St., CorvaMis, Ore. :
Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture
i 1
Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, l
t - And other Photographic Novelties, r
Hunters' Supplies, Fishing -Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras,
Keys of. all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery
H. E. HODES, -
One thousand people to visit our store during the next
30 days and look over our immense stock of house fur
nishings. " Roll upon roll of Wall Paper. Three tons in
stock and on the way. Prices lowest ever known in
Our spring line of Go-Carts will be ready for inspection
about Feb 15th, . They are up to date. Better look them
: over- ' ; 1 ! .
Just a word about Ranges. No range ever sold in Corv
llis has given better satisfaction than the Toledo. Our
many customers who are using this range will testify to
its merits as to Quick baking, economy of fuel and reliabi
ity. Ask for. our terms, we can suit you as to terms and
payments. ' -
Gun Store
In the circuit court of ths state of Ore
gon for the county of Benton. '
George E. Chamberlain as gOYernor of
Oregon, F. I. Dunbar as secretary of state,
and Charles S. Moore as state treasurer of
Oregon, constituting the state land board,
plaintiff, vs. George Schafer, Anna Schafer,
Edward Donat, Agues Donat and George A.
Houck, defendants.
To George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward
Donat, Agnes Donat and George A. Houck,
the above named defendants :
In the hams of the state of Oregon, you '
and each of you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the above
nameQ plaintiff in the above entitled ceurt,
now on file with the clerk of said court,
within six weeks from the 11th day of Feb
ruary, 1905, the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, and you are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear and an
swer said complaint as Herein required, the
plaintiff will apply to -the court for the re
lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: the
foreclosure of a certain mortgage made and
executed by George Schafer, Anna Schafer,
Edward Donat and Agnes Donat to plaintiff
on the 12th day of October, 1903, to secure
the payment of a certain promissory note
of said defendants for $2,000, with' interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
from date, and which said mortgage con
veyed unto plaintiff the following,- described
real property, situated in Banttm county,
Oregon, to-wit: ' i
The east half of the southeast buarter of
section 5 ; the west half of the j southwest
HuaiLvx, me uunueiui quarter ul ;iue soum
west Quarter, the northwest ouaMer of thef
southeast quarter, the -southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter, the soutfti half of the
northwest quarter of section a, all in town-
snip ia soutn, range 5 west y also beginning
at the southeast corner otA the northeast
quarter of seption SMirw-asnito 15 south,,
range 5 -west, andr . thenof west.' 15.25
chains'," thence frnbt"h 20 chata, thence east
15.25 chains? thenfe south 20T;hains to the
place of beginningV an(i a further decree
barring and foreclsilg you, f the said de
fendants, from all Sight, titlofer interest in
or to said real projrty and --every part
tnereor. v. -
This summons is puifiisned by order of
the Hon. Virgil E. Wattters, made at cham
bers in Corvallis, Oregon, February 10,
1905. The date of the mrst publication of
this summons is Februam 11, 1905, and the
last publication thereof March 25, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit C
irt of the Stite
for the County of
L. E. Smith,
: vs.
Rowland Fisher, Dltendant
xq.nQwmaa c iBQerr-fcuew
ant. Jn'the name of tne
are hereby summoned aaf J
and answer the cooiDlatnt hi the i
aDove enuuea acuon now on nie
of.the said court on or be'ore tiati,
day of March, l'JO.i, said oay ben
oi the timeiprescnbed in the ord
tion of this Summons made bs
Judge of Benton County. OreeoiT
or- ,
der is hereinafter referred to tow a
fore six weeks from the date of the J
tion hereof, and you are hereby
yon fail so to appear and answ
ed that if
(herein re-
quired, the plaintiff will take judgment against
you for the sum of $55 o.oo with interest there
on at the rate of 6 per cent perf -annum from
the 10th day of November, 1U01, until paid, and
for $o0.00 Attorney fee, and for the further sum
oi $,0.00 with Interest thereon at the rate ot 5
per cent per annum from the first day ' of Feb-
fee. besides his costs and disbursements herein
and for the sale of your curtesy interest in the
real property of Jane Fisher, deceased, situated
In Benton county, Oregon, to satisfy such ud
ment, the same having been attached in this
action under a Writ of Attachment duly issued
herein to the Sheriff of said County.
This Summons is published In tne Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue ot Feb
ruary 11th. 19u5, and ending with the issue cf
March 25, 1905. in pursuance ofjim'' order made
by the-Hoo. Virgil E. Walters,. County Judge
of Benton countv, Oregon, at i Chambers. Dated
the 10th day of February, 1U0.V Sate, of first
publication is February 11, 19oo. .
;i . E. H. BBXSO,
. A- Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of j?ioal Settlement
In the Matter ot the'Estata
ate J
James Watkios, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
as administratrix' of the estate of James Wat
kins, deceased, has filed iier final account as
such administratrix with the clerk of the coun
ty court of the state ot Oregon for Benton coun
ty, and the ."aid court has fixed Saturday the
11th day .of March, Woo, at the hour of i o'clock
in the afternoon as the time. - and the county
court room in the county court house hi
Corvallis, Oregnn, aa he place, for
hearing any t,.u ail objections to said account,
and the settlement thereof. Dated tills Febru
ary 11, Woo. . -
Marinda-E. Watkins.
Administratrix of the estate of James Watkins
de sed. - - - . ..
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate j )
Mary Elizabeth Mangas, deceased) ' , .
Notice is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrat'ix of the estate ot Mary Eliza
beth Mangas, deceased, by the- county court of
the state of Oregon, for Benton county, All
persons having claims against said estate are
hereby required to present the same with the
proper vouchers, duly veiifled as by law requir
ed, within six months from the datx hereof, to
the undersigned at her residence or at the law
office of E. B. Wilsoa, In Corvallis, Oregon. - -Mary
Bier. - ,
this TAhnran 11 IQftK
Administratrix of the estate ef Elizabeth
Maagas, deceased - , , - i - , . " '
cf Oregon