LOCAL LOEE. erHEfmente in this column charged foi attberateof S cents per line. " Salem Journal: Miss Maude Mc Bee returned to her home at Cor vallis this morning, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. O. P. Hopt. Gents will make no mistake in buying a pair of our $3.00 shoes, nobby and every pair guaranteed. At J. H. Harris'. S. Bryson is a candidate for city recorder at Eugene. His op ponent is B. F. Dorris, the present encumbent. George Davidson and Marion Brown, two young men from the country to the westward, are under arrest and awaiting trial in Justice Holgate's court. The claim is that they found a valise and converted to their own use -jewelry and other articles. They deny the allegation and if present arrangements are carried out. will have opportunity in court Monday to make .their de nials good. Later information is to the efiect that Brown idmits charge Petitions are before the county court, asking for a, new road from Corvallis to Sulphur Springs via the Crees, Knotts. Gragg and other well known farm homes. The route is said to be more direct and con siderably shorter. The board of county road viewers have been in structed to inspect "the proposed road on the 24th. The board con sists of William Barclay. John Har ris and County Surveyor Jones. - . Fancy Corvallis eggs aie being shipped in considerable quantities to Washington for- hatching pur poses, Recent mention was made in these columns of the shipments of Dr. Lester. F. L. Miller is send ing costly eggs northward in no less numbers. Up to Thursday, he had shipped 630 eggs, nearly all ol them on mail orders from Washington. Mr. Miller's poultry displays at Seattle have made his birds famous in that country. His eggs go at $3 per setting. Shall we all clean - up? Shall we put,, Corvallis in the neatest, tidiest possible shape to be viewed by the army of invaders from the East wiio are coming , to the Lewis and Clark fair ? ' The natural site of the tovfn is the best in the. valley Nature has bestowed with bornte ous hand". Home owners, by gen- ,ieral jejo$cati give, .the place an ap- nparan trint. Mm II . rielierht ; and . doubtless ftnterest the marching thousands vbt are to journey from the" East ens, d?z&m ; ,to , see the Lewis sd Clark Ijair, Vand the towns of Oregon. lnis, baturaay atternoon, is expected to see aJfjig speed contest out at the couegiv . T The occasion is a cross country run, in ;' wnich teams from eacaf of the four classes - will compete. . The course covers a distance of riour miles and ex tends from the athletid grounds out ... to the Catholic cemejtery, thence. Rnnfh nrid heme via" t'-Vn Wnndonolr creamery. Not less tftan four men each jfclass in order "comnletition for the Rp$arded the1 win- n',. it is said, racjtice for the event -oa,jor some time. fry 10th turned oat; to tor refund to buyers of the moneypaid in on cash ' pur chases at Klines during the month of February, j Wednesday, a com mittee of. those present at the store, A. W. Fischer, Peter Rickard, Cal Thrasher and S. P. Hunt selected Senator P. Avery to draw the day. The committee placed in a box numbers to correspond to " all the business days of the month of Feb ruary, and the box was sealed." Then Mr. Avery drew forth one ticktt, and that ticket was the 10th the lucky day. In order that everybody- : holding d uplicate cash checks may have time to look them up and receive their money back, all duplicate cash checks bearing date of the lucky day - will be re deemed on Mar. 7th to 10th inclu sive. . , ',; Dirt is arriving for the park that is to adorn the station grounds of the C. & E. at Corvallis. Eight carloads of fine- rich soil arrived weanesaay evening ana . tnree or four times as many more are to come. The railroad company supr plies the soil, and the. Village Im provement Society builds and maintains-the parkv A plat of ground, north and east of the station build ing is devoted to the purpose. Its area is perhaps nearly as much as two ordinary lots. It is surround ed by a graveled, .avenue wide enough for. three teams . abreast. Flowers and shrubbery, a fountain ornamental shade trees and lawn grass, ere long, will serve to make the place attractive.- The site has already been : tile drained as a result oi the efforts of the Village Improv ement Society. . . . . ("nerl iresflfift :i M- ill ? the, V I hasfbV. ds tne ai Mr. Henpex Maria, marriage is a lottery. Mrs. Henpex Yes, I know it, and you are going, to draw one of the prizes just as soon as I get this screaming baby strap ped into the go-cart. , v The First Spiritual Union of Corvallis will hold services in Bar rett Lyceum on Sunday at 3, P. M. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone. - A citizen of Hood River has been having his beer shipped in boxes labeled "crackers." The drayman dropped a box the other day and the truth leaked out. So did the beer. The Sheasgreen planing mill has been awarded the contract for turning out 600 shives for the three Portland ferries. The shives, or wheels, are to run on ' the ferry cables and will operate under wa ter. They are to be of oak and from 18 to 26 inches in diameter. Efforts are making for a spec ial train to Newberg and return next Friday on account of the State Oratorical contest. The proposed fare for the round trip from Cor vallis is $2.50. The matter was still unsettled when the Times went to press. Sjxteen of the 28 days in the late month of February were clear. Rain fell on 10 days, eight were cloudy and four were part cloudy. Only 2.95 inches of rain fell during the month. The highest tempera ture was 69 ' degrees on the 24th, and the lowest was 17 on the 12th. The greatest rainfall in 24 houis was .79 inches on the 29th. What was formerly the Wuest- felt saloon is to become a general merchandise store. " The place has been leased by Wellsher & Gray and is to house their present stock and other lines of new goods to be added. The removal will occur about the 15th. The place is being painted and otherwise xepaired pre paratory to their occupancy. Oregonian: Hereafter criminals in Multnomah county will be track ed by bloodhounds. Sheriff Word received from Worcester, Ohio, one of the finest pedigreed hounds in tue united states, me aog is 2 years old, trained and ready for business. Sheriff Word is the first sheriff on the Pacific coast "to pro vide bloodhounds for the work in connection with the office. At the first opportunity the new dog will be given a try-out. ' - , . Grass. mountain is; i bare of snow. As seen from" r adjacent heights, Willis Vidito says, : there is as much grass on its summit now as is usual in June. The mountain is 3,700 feet above -the sea level. The snow fields to the northward of Mt. Jefferson, that is usually in evidence until June or July are not now to be seen. Signs multiply that spring is to be early, But all signs fail. , , Vc. . : : The Times recently contained an advertisement tor a lost dog. The ad was signed by Dan Savage, who resides at Willamina, a post office near Sheridan, Oregon, The advertisement found the dog, which in a day or..two will be. restored to the owner. The dog -was at the home of J. M. Graves near Inde pendence, who called the Times of fice up by phone, stating that he had the dog and -would communi cate with the owner. The Times is a good paper to advertise in. - - " State Superintendent Acker man spent Wednesday in an inspec tion ot OAC and the Corvallis pub lic schools. At the chapel exer cises he addressed the college stud ents, holding up before them the ideals by which to - obtain success in life. The college equips each he said, for good practical work and each student that goes out graduated, is equipped to be alead er in the line which he has prepar, ed himself. Superintendent Ack, erman is qualified to give advice, because in his administration of the school affairs of the state, he has shown great capacity as an organ izer and fine executive ability in the reorganization and broadening of the public school system. Thomas Leese of this city is one of three or four investors who have become owners of the Dr. Bayley mansion at Newport The original cost of the building was $11,000. It is palatial in all its ap pointments, though the ravages of time and the elements and lack of attention have dealt roughly with it of late. A complete ' renovation and repair and the possible addition of more facilities, all to be followed by an opening of the place to guests a3 a fancy hotel, are among rumors afloat at Newport. How much of fact there is in reports is uncertain as Mr. Leese and his associates have probably not taken the New port public in their confidence. Tire property was purchased of Richard Williams, the well known Portland attorney, at figures said to tfe about as much as the place is worth for investment purposes though small compared to the original cost. feomjahto job. A Double Shuffle and its Seqoel- Hobo Lad's Good Luck. They were a negro, two white men and a boy all hoboes.- The boy looked to be 12, but he was in reality, 16. Officer Osburn sight ed them early in the evening, and to make sure that they should - do no mischief during the night, he ran them in. The light shone" dimly on the bare walls of the jail. From, in side a pair of feet beat a musical tatoo on the floor. There was al most a melody in the measured steps. The boy was dancing while his comrades looked on. The steps of the dancer attracted the attention of a passerby, and by that token got the lad a night's lodging, a warm supper, a new suit and .em ployment.",, " , 1 he passerby was W. D. De Varney. He turned to look inside to see the dancer. He saw the boy a boy by the way with a good face, a iace that seemed out of place behind steel' bars. He saw also the negro. Once, DeVarney lived in the South. He carried : away some of the Southern spirit with him, and the sight of the negro and white boy in jail together was gall to him. , He hunted up Officer Osburn. The officer was willing, and the telephone man soon led the lad away from the jail. Then a boy face looked greedily over the abund ance of food before him in a warm restaurant. He ate, and ate, and ate. DeVarney waited, and waited and waited." After a long time the supper was finished. T hat night the boy slept in a warm bed at Hotel Corvallis. Be fore he went to bed he slipped ov er to the jaiL "Where have you been," Mr. DeVarney inquired, as he returned. "Over to the jail. "What did you go for?" "Why. you see, I had a bag of candy and I knew the men hadn't anything to eat, sol took it over to- "them." The boy's name is John Raleigh His home is at- Seattle. He has been for some time in San Francis co, working at lithographing. He got nine dollars a week and it cost him $7 for board, lodging and laundry. He determined to go back home, but only had $2 to start with. It took two months to tramp it from San Francisco to Cor vallis. Before he went to bed . af ter leaving the jail, the boy wrote a Jette-.- to his motaev . at,- Seattle, informing ber of his whereabouts and of the fact that he", was . well. He drives the tool wagon f,or ;fcae Independent telephone people now. The negro and the two white hobos spent the night ir jail, v and were glad to hurry out of town the next morning. , . .. THE LU CKY DAY College View Poultry Farm. - - Barred Plymouth Rocks.- Brown Leg horns. Egfts, Si per 15 at yards.. My Barred Rock hens are of the best laying stnua on Coast. I have added cockerels from Parks world's " best egg strain. Brown Leghorns as good as the eesi. -. - r S. H, Moore. Ind. phone 555. , Corvallis, Ore. City Trans. Co s bteamer Pomona leaves Corvallis fo Portland and all way points on Monday Wednesday and Friday. For fur the information call on Both ohonea. , Found. Tuesday on state road, a man's sack coat. Owner can secure same by calling at Times office and pay ing lor .this notice. "Short" on Peruna but "Lone' on prunes. Italian prunes, 50-pound poxes,-$1,50. . .. t. L. Miller, - . , Lost.: ' ' . On Second street Tuesday. stick pin holding one diamond and about 24 pearls. Finder please re turn to. Gene Simpson at Millet's store and receive reward. Wood Choppers Wanted at once. 200 wood to cut,.. P. A. cords of fi: Kline. , " Branard &Astrmsrong wash silk at Moses .Bros. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. E. R. Bryson, Mtorneii'At-LaWt , - For Sale. . Mill feed, flour, -wheat, oats, vetch chicken feed, potatoes, wood and gravel Delivered to all parts of city. 1 ' Phone 342-.Y Opposite Steam Laundry ' 'John Beach.- WAS FEB 10TH Distribution of cash' will be made between March 7th and 10th. ' ' My Spring announcement Corvallis, Oregon AILI . APPEAR IN THIS v . x SPACE The Next Issue S. L KLINE Regulator Low Prices A LOCAL ITEMS ; , Read this Column, You may Just What You Want. Find Ladies! If you once US3 Com pressed Yeast, you will have no other. Ask for it. at Homing's. Real Estate, You are much pleased with Willamette Valley, "ot like its breeaes.ita gentle-rainB, . But if you cannot buy to suit V - - You will take your family back again. Now before you leave for Eastern lands Let us advise you, for we can! v If you wish to purchase a home Why don't yon have a talk with H. M. stone: He has property to rent and sell, - And about its quality he can tell. . . He don't take propert exclusively. If a deal is not made his time is free. Of holding political office he don't boast But forty three yeais has lived on the Coast, And sure knows well the quality of land So place your business in his hands. H. M. Stone. 20 PER CENT OFF 1 ON ALL Suits and Overcoats 1 FOSm DAYSCASH ONLY, No reserve, evygarcaeift in the . house Kup penheimerS ahd all. . See our routh window. OREGON'S EXPOSITION is described in Sunset Magazine lllarcb number has finely illustrated arti cle on the great Centennial just the thing to send east. Many, new articles, some good short stories, clever -verse and interesting miscellany. Vig orous work by entertaning writers. - ' . Sold by all Hews Dealers J. FRED STATES ATTORNEI-AT-LAW. ' First Natl Bank Building, Only SetlAbstracts in County H. SFERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. - Honrs 10 to 12 a. m.,1 to 4 P m. Orders may be en at uranam oc w orcnam's arag store. . G. R. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, - Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Res Idence on the corner of Madison and Seventh et. Phone at hoase an4 office - Hat The ,,Flatiron".Hat " ' . ' Latest Spring Styles. Just Received . Always $3, never less. F. L.;MILLER li t S ALES. Rubber Goods Millinery, . Shoes, Etc. Great Shoe Salet Largest Assort ment of Shoes ever offered on special - sale in . Philo math, comprising the entire stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, will be on sale during the month of February, at " J. Henkle's Gash Store. Each will be offered at reduced prices, This, reduc tion is made for, cash only. There are special prices on Rubber Goods--men's, women's; . boys'," children's rubber boots, rubber and oil coats. " ; We also call your attention to, our large - assortment of . Millinery - Goods which are offered on special sale" ' . " ' J. E,; HENKLE, Phiiomath,' Or. It it.