Vol. XVIII.-No. 1. CORVAL.LIS, OREGON. MARCH 4. 1905. B.F. TKTTint Fditor. and Proprietor SUMMONS. '. j In the circuit court of the stats o Ore gon, for Benton county. ueorge A. Houck, plaintiff, vs. ueorge Schafer and Annie Scbafer, Edward Donat and Agnes Donat, defendants. To. Edward Donat and Agnes uonat, ae fendantK above named : In the name of the state of Oregon, 70a -and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the com plaint of the piaintirl in the above entitled suit, now on file with the clerk of the above entitled court, cn or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publi cation of this summons, made by the county judge of Benton county, state of Oregon (being the county where the above entitled suit is pending in the circuit court of said county and state), which said order is here inafter referred to, to-wit: on or before six weeks from the day of first publication hereof, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in said complaint, namely : for a decree or said circuit court declaring and decreeing that .there is due irom the defendants, George Schafer, Annie Schafer, Edward Donat and Agnes Donat, to plaintiff, upon said promis sory notes and said mortgage in said com plaint described, the sum of $4,760 in gold coin of the United States, together with in terest thereon at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from September 16, 1903, until the date of said decree; and further decree ing that $450 is a reasonable sum to be al lowed, and allowing the same to plaintiff, as attorney's fee for instituting this suit; also decreeing that the plaintiff have a first lien on the following described real property, to- , wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section 5; the west half of the southwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the south west quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of he northeast quarter, and the south half of the northwest quarter of section 4, all of the foregoing being in township 15 south, range 5 west. Also beginning at the south east corner of the northeast quarter 01 sec tion 5, township .15 south, range 5 west, and run thence west 15.25 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 15.25 chains, and thence south 20 chains to the place of begin ning, containing 80 1-2 acres, more or lesB, ail of the foregoing being m Benton county, n , -state 01 uregon, logemer witn an anu singu- lar the tenements, hereditaments and appur tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, for the full amount of said 44.760 and Interest as above, with $450 at torney's tees, and the costs, disbursements atrd expenses of this suit, and the sale ef said real property ; that the above described real property be sold in the manner . pro vided by law lor the foreclosure of real estate-mortgages, for gold coin of the United States of America, by the sheriff of Benton county, 'Oregon, and that the proceeds de rived from such sale be applied, by the party making such sale, as follows, to-wit : First, to the payment of the eosts and expenses of said sale ; -seeond, to the eosts and disburse ments of this suit; third, to the payment te plaintiff of the sum of $450 as a reasonable attorney's fee herein ; fourtk, to the amount found due ia said decree upon said notes and said mortgage that is, the sum of $4,760, together with interest thereon at the rate -of '6 per centum per annum from Sep tember 16, 1903, until the date. ef. said de cree ; and, lastly, if any remainder there be, to the. defendants, on demand, as-vtheir inter ests may appear ; tkat all of the- defendants be forever barred and foreclosed of .all right, . title and interest ef, in ahd to said real, property, and of all equity fcf redemp tion therein, except only the statutory right of redemption, and lor . such other, further -and different rule", -order or relief as- to the court may seem proper and eqaitaple in the ,'iDtH summons is puoiisnea in tae uorvat 3is -Times once a week 'ior six consecutive weeks, beginning with, the issue of February 11, 1905, and .-ending with the issue of March 25, '1905, 'Under and.ia pursuance of tne. directions- contained m . order made lyy the-Hca Virgil E. Watters, county judge of Benton county, Oregon, dated B'ebruary j.0, liWo. Date ot the first publication here ot is JSruary 11, MVi. i E. E. "WIUSON, -5- .... . Attorney for Plaintiff. -v - SUMMONS. -V In the circuit court of the state ef Ore ?on-for the countv of Benton. 1. - George E. Chamberlain a--' pirsrwf of Oregon, F. X. Buabar' as sei-eiary 01 state. and Charles S. Moore as state treasurer of the state of ' Oregin, constituting the state land board, plaintiff, vs. H. M. Donat, Mary Donat, Kobert w. Blaofc JkrH' Uearge A. Houck, defendants. ... M To H. M. Donat, Mary 2obert W. Black and . George A. above named defendants : ' "er In the name of tne state 01 Oreeoa. you and each of you are jby required to ap ' pear and aasweitilaffplaiat of the above - namea piainurre rrrv pove- entitled ' conrt, now on file ma Ahe vwrk of said' court, within six weekVrom the date, of the first publication of tMs summoas, and you are hereby notified, floaty if you fail to app ana answer, said, oempiaint- as heresy re quired, the plaintiff will apply to the court lor, tne :reiiet prayed tar in said complaint, to-wit : -the- -foreclosure ;of a certain - mort gage made and execute by H. M. Dosat. Mary Donat and Robert W. Black-to. ptaia- iin on tne 2nd oay 01 uctooer, laws;, to se cure the payment of a certain .OTonjisaory note of said H. M. Donat, Mary Dsnat and Robert W-, Black for $21000, payable one year after date, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from date, and which said mortgage conveyed unto plaintiff the following described real property situate m Benton county,. Oregon, to-wit t - - - The southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of section 5, town ship 15 south, range 5 west; also beginnin. at the southwest corner of section 5, town ship . 15 south, range 5 west, and running thence south to the county line between Ben ton and'.JLane county, in' the state of Oregon, thence east along the said 'County line to point south of the southeast corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of said section t, tnence north to atd southeast cor ner of the said west half, of the southeast quarter of said section 5, and running thence west aiong tne south line ot said section o to the, place of beginning; also beginning at the southwest corner of the donation land claim of Robert Boyd, being claim No. 44, in township 15 south, range 5 west, and running -thence north along th west line of said Boyd claim to the center of the county 'road as now traveled, thence north 82 de grees 30 minutes' west 4.10 chains along said -center o road; thence west along the center of said road 10 chains, thence south 43 degrees 15 minutes West along the cen ter of said road 16.30 chains to a point on the west line of said section 5, township . 15 south, range 5 west, thence south to -the southwest corner of the northwest quarter ot said section 5, thence east to the place of beginning, excepting from last described tract a certain tract of land containing about 10 acres deeded by George A. Houck and wife to Charles Clem by deed dated April 8, 1898, and recorded in Book " W" at page 491 thereof, records of deeds for Benton county, Oregon ; and a further decree barring and foreclosing you, the said defendants, of and from all right, title and interest in and to said real property and every part thereof. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, made at chambers February 10; 1905. The date of the first publication of this summons is Feb ruary 11, 1905, and the date of the last pub lication thereof is March 25, 1905. -. :-: - - ; J. F. YATES, . " Attorney Vor Plaintiff. We all Wear Shoes! Never befoie have we received such quantities and qualities in foot wear as this SPRING Tans, Browns and. Black Low High and Medium cuts Prices High, Medium and Low But in all grades the very lowest price for the quality of the shoe. Our efforts will be great to increase our shoe sales. Shoes for all Ladies, Misses, Children, Mens, Boys and Little Gents. Don't forget our Shoe Department. -.. - THINK OF RETRDAT1NG. FURIOUS - BATTLE BEING ; FOUGHT ALL ALONG 5 THE LINE. Russian Army in a Tight Place fit May Be Crushed Military Experts in St. Petersburg Deliberate on Ordering a Retreat to Harbin 'I -3 St. Petersburg, via the frontier, fully have stated that death was wholly caused by the inhalation of chloroform was not found bychem ical tests. . ' "... "The committee ie satisfied after a review of all the evidence, ' that Rice died from old age,- weak heart, etc., or, in other words, ; from the conditions embraced in Dr. Walker Curry's certificate of death, and on which the authorities allowed the cody to be cremated. ' It is also the opinion of the committee that no chloroform was ever administered to Rice by Jones, as stated by him, because it would have been impes tible not to have detected the odor of chloroform, either in the room occupied by the deceased or on the 1 hndv. aa the amount of chloroform March 2. Officials circles at the(empioyej) BS alleged, would have Russian capital have been seized saturated he beard of the deceased wnn great uiarm, uwmg iu iuc urn- an(i retained the odor tor . many 3$ Free Bus. Fine Light Sample Rooms. . .Hotel CorvalHs J. C Hammel, Prop. Leading Hotel in Corvallis. : Recently opened. New brick building. : Newly furnished, with modern con veniences Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es capes, Hot and cold water on every floor. . Fine single rooms. ";; Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. ' Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. v " , English Walnut Trees. 1 We are special growers. Have the best of soft shell and hardy variety that come into bearing at - an early ao pro duce annually, and abundantly . Big money is made in wal nut orchard. They are a poor mans chance and are cheap ly haryested.,4 rchards in good bearing give returns of sev eral hundred 'dofiafs per aero. We give this special study. Write for free descriptive catalogue which treats on walnut culture Contains valuable information., . - BROOKS $6 SONS - WALNUT NURSERY, CARLTON.'-OREGON. inous Dews from the Far East, and a conference has been held of the military experts, who discussed the Japanese movement and debated at length what action the Russian gov ernment Bbould take at the present time to uphold General Kuropat kin. V - It is felt that the Japanese have him in a very precarious position and one in which it may be neces sary for him again to order, a gen eral retreat. It is recognized that the Japanese movement at this time is prompted by a desire to crush General Kuropatkin in the belief that a Russian defeat at this time would compel the czar to sue for peace because of internal conditions in Kussia. Facing this fact, the Russian military experts feel that General Kuropatkin should goto any length to maintain his positions, tor tne present at least. Failing in this, however, there is a growing belief that the Russian forces ehould abandoned Mukden and retreat to to Harbin, taking poEseesion of the well-nigh- impregnable fortifica tions that have been bnilt . there. While this would mean the aband onment of all Manchuria -to the Japanese, the Russians could retain all the territory beyond tnat point ad .wQulcLRlsg.b9, jable, Jtp preyent the Japanese from taking Vladivos tok. - . ' ' . It is reported that at . the confer ence one of those present, who is recognized as one of Russia's ablest military expert?, declared that mat ters had so far progressed that, the Japanese would probably be able to take " Mukden, no mattM now good a defense General Kuropatkin put up.. He is Eaid to have pointed out the superiority of the Japanese artillery: their greater numerical Btrength, and to have stated that in his opinion it would be better for RuEsia to abandon all of Man churia to the Japanese without much more than a perfunctory re eistance, rather than to lose saveral thousand men and then to be obhg ed to surrender it anyhow. , - He is said to have . pointed out that, were the Russians to retire to Harbin, a good excuse cculd be giv en for the movement, but, were thev o wait until they were defeat ed and compelled to retreat there. they would be able to do nothing and would likely bave . to accept humiliating terms -of peace, and then be compelled to face a revolu tion at home. This sentiment is eaid to have met with the approval of many of those present at the conference, but it was finally decided to. wait and see how the present movement was likely to turn out. : -vy : ; AFTER ALSEA PHONES. W. E. YATES, The Lawyer CMvaHls, Oregon, ' Both Phones, P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER Office at Huston's Hardware Store. P. . O. Address.' Box n. - ' Fays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience., " . , , C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon . . Philomath, Oregon. ) At Dunn- & Thatcher's. Cracked coin i Granulated shell . Granulated bone Crystal Grit 1.6 o per cwt. I.60 '' . 1.75 - ' 1.60 " And we handle the very test poultry and stock foods. ' Referees Sale of I,and. Notice is hereby gtvan tint under and by vir tue af a decree of the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for Benton County, made the 3oth day of November, 1901, la a suit In equity then pending iu said court, wherein T. W. B. Smith and Nancy 3. Smith were the plaintiffs and John W. MoBee, Hand Grubbn and Triad deus Grubbs were the defendants, appointing the undersign ed Referee to sell the hereinafter described real property, and directing the sale ofsald property as such referee I will on Saturday the 18th day of March 1906, at the hour ol two o,clock In - the afternoon of said day, at the front door - ef the county court house In the city of Corvallls Ben ton county, state of Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bio der for cash In hand all of the following described real property, towit: Lots five, eleven and twelve of section six, town ship thirteen south, range four west and lot nine In section one, township thirteen south, range live west containing 113.31 acres and be ing the same land patented by tha United States government to the heirs at law of Thom as McBee, deceased; also the southwest quarter the south halt of thejiorthwest quarter and lota two, three, six and seven of section one, and lots two, three, tour and five in Sec. 2 in township 13 south, range five west, containing 320.63 acres, and being the donation land claim of the heirs at law oi William McBee, deceased, and Elizabeth McBee, widow. Not. No. SbSl. All In Benton County, Oregon. Said sale will be made In the manner required by law tor the sale of real property on execution Dated this February 18, 1803- , M. P. Burnett, Referee. . Albany, N. Y., March 1. Anoth er chapter wbb added today to the famous Albert T. Patrick case when David B. Hill appeared before the court of appeals and argued , for new trial in the case of the man convicted of the murder of William Marsh Bice, the Texas millionaire. Mr. Hill used as the basis of his ar gument'for a new trial the report of the special committee of the Medico-Legal society, appointed to investigate the effects of the embalm iDg before rigor mortis on conges tion of the lungs, without withdraw ing blood from the body. - The re port was wholly in favor of the con victed lawyer, every member of tne committee signiag an "opinion that Bice did not die from chloroform poisoning, and that the condition of his lungs wes entirely due to the embalming process employed .by the undertaker. In its report the committee said, In part: v- "It would be impossible for any one to discriminate from the post mortem' appearence . ' between the eauee of death or as the result of the embalming process, as stated in the evidence. No one could truth hours." - It is coD&dently believed that on the etrength of this report the court of appeals will grant a new trial to Patrick. In this event it is consid ered probable that Patrick, who has been in the death house at Sing Sing for nearly five years, will eith er be acquitted as was Roland Mo lineaux under similar circumetan cea, or that there will be a mistrial as in the case of Dr. Kennedy and that the prosecution will then dis miss the case. The Patrick case is one of the most famous in the annals of the New York courts. William Marsh Bice, an eccentric millionaire, died at his home in Madison avenue, New York City, on September 23, I900. On the day before his death he ate inordinately of bananas, and according to his physician, he was taken ill with indigestion the ' next day and died the day following Albert T. Patrick was a .lawyer, practicing his profession. He took charge of the millionaire's affairs at toe solicitation of the tatter's wife, had an undertaker embalm the body and fix the day for the funer al. Between the hour of Rice's death and the day of the funeral several suspicious things bad bap pened. Several checks had been presented at tb6Lbanki.for .certihca tion They were all signed by the dead man, and were payable to the order of Albert i. Patrick. Jhe banks frankly admitted that the checks appeared to be good. But as the checks were for large amounts an investigation was started, and the net began to gather about the lawyer, Patrick. :-r 000, was bequeathed to him. Then it trace fired that there was another Will in existence, dated four -years earlier, in which the bulk of the estate was left to the proposed William Marsh rice insti tution at Houston, Texas.' Groping iu the dark, the polica arrested Jones on suspicion, and then came the first sensation. Under the questioning of the police, Jones made the ttartline confession that Bice bad been murdered by Pat rick. Though be was in an adjoin ing apartment, Jones eaid he had not actively participated in the crime. Patrick had formed a plot to have the millionaire leave him his property by will and found necessary to take the' old man life to prevent the revocation of the document. A cone, saturated with chloroform had been placed over the old man's face while he slept and death had been accomplished according to the valet s conlesston Patrick s arrest followed imme diately. " He remained cool and as sorted bis innocerca. 1 be second sreit confession came on the second day of the hearing, when Jones, af ter passiDsr a sleepless night in the Tombs, went upon the stand and confessed that he, and not Patrick had killed, the aged millionaire, With circumstantial detail, he related cold-bloodedly how he had fed the millionaire poison, and fin ally placed the cone over his face all at the instigation of Lawyer Patrick. . Patrick was convicted and a motion for a new trial having been denied, sentence of death was im osed upon him. About two years ago he succeeded in getting new trial, which likewise resulted in a verdict of guilty. Since that time he has remained in the death house at Sing Sing, spending all of his time in the study of , medicine with a view to fortifying himself with knowledge to prove that death could not have come to the million aire in the manner alleged without leaving traces other than those of fered in evidence at his trial. ' CorvalHs Company has Bought Alsea Line and is BaUding From Philo- ' -' ; math to Close Gap. Things are doing . in the tele- phone business in Alsea. A scramble , for the business of - that valley - is on between the Bell and Independ- v ent people.' The .Independent people have purchased the line be tween Alsea and the Benton County . Lumber Company's mill, which has heretofore served as the means , for the Bell people to reach Aleea. Yesterday morning a construction gang began building a line for the Independents from Philomath to a connection with, the Alsea line at the mill, giving them a through line from Corvallis to Alsea. In Alsea there are several small tele phone companies, in - which the farmers of the valley are the stock holders. The Independents as well as the Bell. people are seeking con nections with these farmers lines.' The Independents have had a man in the valley in their interest, and day or to ago, Mr. Davis of Port-' and went over to represent the Bell people. Tonight there is to be a meeting of the stockholders of the small Alsea companies for el ection of new officers, and it is ex- - pected that something with refer- , ence to future connections will de velop. The Corvallis company will have . the gap from Philomath to the Benton County mill -closed by next Thursday, and then Corvallis will be in connection .with Alsea for the first time by the Independent sys tem.' : it CompresEei Yeast can be had at Homing's. It saves much time and lador, - , , Dry Fir Wood At $3.50 per cord. Orders solicited for grub oak for summer delivery. . Frank Francisco, ." Corvallis. MARKET REPORT. Wheat valley ; 8j , . -Flour 4'to to $4.25per MI. J" Potatoes $ ,75 to 80 per : cent Eggs Oregon, 16 : 17 per doz. Butter 14 c to per lb. Creamery 27 to 3 2 per lb. Corvallis. Wheat 80 per bushel. Oats 40 Flour 1. 10 to 1. 25 per sack : Butter 50 per roll , : Creamery 70 per roll Eggs 15 per doz Chickens 15 per pound ' ; Lard 12 per lb . For Sale. , Real estate, farm and city property ior sale, exchange or rent. No sales means no commission to be paid.- Your pat ronage kindly solicited. Help furnish ed and positions secured. ' , , H M. Stone, ; South Main street, Corvallis. A Word to the Wise : Oak wood is getting higher in price and farther from town every year. Or--, der now for summer delivery. 200 cords -, now partly sawed stove lengths, ia cords seasoned woodl , " ., 2200 pounds vetch seed. 3000 pounds clover, red and white, alfalfa. " ' ; . '.Alsike, timothy, orchard .and rye grass, speltz, rape, all fresh seeds. A Also a line of garden eeeds. Order now before the spring rush. Tread power, silo, elevator and cutter,-'-, Poland Cbna hogs.- , Yours for Business., Telephone 155. v I L. Brooks. $ Work Wanted. - ' By boys at the college. Spading in gardens or other work about town solicited for students. Apply to the College Y. M. C. A. St. Petersburg, March 2. While several reports have been received as to the progress of the fighting in Manchuria, nothing had been giv en out until a late hour last night bv the general staff. The fighting ; before Mukden continues to be gen eral and the entire line is involved, , the Japanese apparently making. a desperate attempt to pierce the Russian -; position. The enemy throughout Wednesday concentrat eba tremendous fire with field and. siege artillery upon Poutiloff Hill. . The bombardment was , 60 fierce that the entire hilt, was enveloped' in smoke and the casualties were large, but the Russian . artillery fi? e 1 in return was fully" as effective, .r