The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 01, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men-
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Miss Grace Huff, recently so
hopelessly ill witu appendicitis, was
able to attend church Sunday.
Mies Reva Buell of SheridaD,
visited college friends last .week.
Miss Helen Holgate is suffer
, Ing with an attack of grippe.
Mrs. Ellsworth Irwin. left Mon
day for a two weeks visit with. rela
tives at North Yamhill.
Glenn Goodman i3 again in
college after a week's abeence on
account of grippe. "
Hugh Kay, an old Benton bey
now a Eugene business man, was
the guestover Sunday of Hugh Her
' ion. , He is in the sportiog goods
business in Eugene.
TKq n fl T-fVi'o Knot Pimn.
na resumed operation last we k af
terftjten dayB' lay offon account of
Tow.watef. A. J. Shirley ia the
new agent. ' .
A marriage license was issued
Friday to Leland Leach of Linn
county, and Ula Smith of Benton.
-Their reepsctive ages are I9 and 16.
James Flett and son Tom ar
rived Friday from the Buck Creek
ranch where they bave been at woik
for several weeks past.
Margaret E. Owen has been ap
pointed administratrix of .the estate
of George W. Owen and her bond
fixed at $700. Mr. Owen died at
'ren, February 14th.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Henderson
are to move shortly into the Wor
ley house on Second street. The
chaDge of residence is occasioned
by the return of . Mr. and Mrs.
Sogue. .
Connection is complete with a
tw rnrnl t.elpnriririA line ia the vi
cinity of Wells. The line is 14
miles in length, and it adds 15
- subscribers to the local Independ
' ent eyetem. ; ' ..: '
Abel Hathaway bfgan
Tnureday ,the erection of a dwell
ing house in Job s addition, come-
thing like a half dozen dwellings
are in course of erection at the
present time, which is a condition
rarely seen in io44winter.j ' I
- Clarence Chipman and family
. left Monday fur The Dalles to re
side. In Miss Rose Cbipma,n, the
-Times office loses a faithful aad effi
cient compositor. Mr. Chipman
' is the owner of a large restaurant
and coniec ionery establishment at
The Dalles. - - .
- 0. A. C. was beaten by a score
of 18 to I3 in girls' batket ball in a
game by an Albany College team at
Albany, Saturday night.'1 Toere is
talk that a third game on a neutral
field is to be played by the two teams
each of which has -a, victory to its
The annual convention of Ben-
ton county grange is to be held in
the office of Superintendent Den
man on the first Saturday in March.
Jliach grange is entitled to tnree
delegates. A parof the business
v of the convention is to elect dele
gates to the State : Grange,; whch
meeia in rortiana in aiay. .
Willamette University defeat
ed O. A. C. at basket ball in a game
between the boy players of the two
institutions at Salem, Friday night.
' The score was 19 to 18. The 0. A
C team was, Rinehart and Steiwer,
euarde: Cate. center; Moores and
'Swann, forwards. ' . V
-T-At 12 o'clock this Wednesday
soon, they determine at Kline's
what day in February is ' to 1 be a
basis for the refund of caBh pur-
' chases. The selection will be by
lot,' and the manner will be determ
ined by ticket holders present at
the time. The money will be re
funded for all cash purchases made
on the day to be selected.
- Two barred Plymouth Rock
cockerels all the way from Altoona,
Pennsylvania, arrived in Corvallis
; b express the other day. They
came to Samuel Moore, who procur
ad them to add to his well ordered
poultry pens. - The ancestors of the
new birds are notable for their re'
, oordB as layersv . , ,
There was a funeral in Kings
"Valley yesterday afternoon. " The
deceased was Mrs. Jenkins, of Lob
ster. She is the mother of Mrs
. Ernest nogers who resides across
the Willamette at Corvallis. She
died while on a visit at the home
of her brother, Jack Rogers. rShe
was ag3d about 48 years. "
The mother of J J. Cady died
in Iowa, Friday.
J. K. Johnson made a business
trip to Portland Saturday.
The monthly "afternoon tea"
of the Coffee Club occurre'd Monday
and was well attended. -
A. Peterson has the contract for
building in Portland two residences,
one to cost y$9,000 and the other,
Frank Holer, brother of Colonel
Hofer, of the Salem Journal, and a
prominent newspaper man of Coos
Bay , was buried at Salem Sunday.
His only eon is a student at O. A.
O. . ... ,
A vocal solo, delightfully sung
by Miss Lulu Spangler, was a fea
ture of the morning service at the
Presbyterian church, Sunday. Eight
or ten persons united with the
. Rev. L. M Boozer, former pas
tor of the Evangelical church in
tbis city, has accepted the pastor
ate of the Piedmont Presbyterian
church at Portland. Rev. Boozer
is a young man with a bright fu
ture. John- Fulton, John Horner,
Thomas Crawford and S. N. Wil
kins attended at Albany Monday
night a big gathering of Koights-j
Templar in which were present
delegations from Salem, Eugene
and other points.
Mrs. Louise Irwin, mother of
Richard Irwin, ex-county commis
sioner, has been ailing for several
weeks, at her home near the Buttes
and some concern is felt by rela
tives. She is the surviving widow
of the late - Richard Irwin, one of
the earliest of the pioneers. She is
72 years of age. ,-. '
Albany Herald: At the home
of the bride's parents in this- city,
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Mr.
Earl C. Brandeberry and Miss
Edith Rankin were united for life
by Rev. T. B. GriswohL The hap
py couple left 'for Woodburn on the
Sunday afternoon train where tbey
will reside.' ..
-General Manger Worthington,
the general traffic manager at Chi
cago of the Harriman line and oth
er high officials of the Harriman
system visited .0. A. C. Monday 'after
noon. ' They went through all the
departments, and manifested much
imeieat.. All -were surprised and
pleased at tin extent of the insti
tution and the character of the
work. - -. . - . ; :
--Litut. Quinlan wants a chance
for O. A. C. cadets to drill in com
petition with other organizations at
the Portia id Fair. . He has made
known to the proper fuctionaries a
willing! ess to go against ail com
ers. Pul'man has been informed
and so have the various companies
of the O egon National Guard. It
is proposed to Lava . the contest
whua the O. A. U. , regiment is en
camped at - the fair. '' Lieutenant
Quinlan thinks he has the stuff to
win with. , ..
It is three years since 0. A. C
defeated ' Dallas College at men's
basket ball. Dallas has walloped
the local team five times since O.
A. C. took a trick Two of these
Dallas' victories, have been on the
local field which is all - the more
surprising. Two or three weeks
ago the Dallas boys licked the O
A. C. team at Dallas 25 to lb. JNext
Friday night the two teams are to
meetim tbe O. A. J. armory, and
it is being wondered about the col
lege and elsewneie, now the game
will end, anyway. '. Will the Orange
skin or get skinned, as usual?
Corvallis people by the hun
dred visited Albany, Saturday af
ternoon and evening, ,- Many went
to attend tbe doings of the Wood
men of the World, and others went
to see the basket- ball ea me, while
still others went to visit j friends,
and loiter half a day in the village
down tbe river. Some went on the
noon train, and more than could be
seated in three coaches by special
train in tbe evening. It took six
coaches to bring the crowd home,
and1 it was after . midnight ' when
tbe excursion train pulled into
town. ; ;"5-;-- "' :
. To the Public.
" The undersigned have purchas
ed the interest or levi v Mentis in
the Cy Dray' Company. The
terms of the transaction include
the good will of the business, Mr.
Henkle having retired . from the
firm. Thanking the public for
past patronage and soliciting a con
tinuance of the business' of all . the
old patrons and of such 'new ones
as may see fit to favor us. We are
Very respectfully, ,
., Robinson & Fuller., 5
.Headquarters of the firm are at
Wellsher & Gray's store." Ind.
phone. 126. f3-im
For Sale. , -c
Barred . Plymouth - rocks ; and
Brown I,eghorn eggs at 50 c per
dozen. T. B. Irvine.
At the Corvallis Sawmill Suspicions
as to who Tried to Burn the
Surmise and conjecture is still
rife with reference to the late at
tempt to burn the Corvallis sawmill
and lumber yard. Suspicions of
all kinds are privately expressed,
but no .evidence sufficiently strong
to warrant an arrest has developed.
Officers have strong notions about
the matter, but they cannot act
without more evidence upon which
to make a stand. -
Two nighowatdhmen instead of
one are regularly on duty as a pre
caution against further attempts of
the sort. They are Robert Camp
bell and James , Howard, both of
whom have been sworn in as spe
cial police officers. Watchman
Pierce who was on duty the night
of the fire has retired from the em
ploy. An enormous quantity of
lumber of all kinds is stored in the
mill yards, its value aggregating
a larger sum perhaps, ; than any
stock of lumber ever in the yard,
even in the days when Max Friend
ly carried great stocks, and the so
licitude of the owners under the
circumstances to guard against
further attempts to bur the estab
lishment is not surprising.
Moving Picture Exhibttiod Steel & Free
land Opera House Friday- Night, r
Under the auspices of Mary's
Peak Camp W. O. -W. ' Unques
tionably the finest entertainment of
this character in America according
to Camps and Circles, of Portland.
A clean, first-class entertainment
lor all classes instructive, atnusing
and comical. ; v -,
There are scenes from the Russo
apanese war, the great train rob
bery, the beautiful Yosemite valley,
comical pictures, Columbia river,
sea-coast views, the French count
in search of an American wife.
This is one of the most amusing
scenes ever witnessed, - lurnismngr
20 minutes of solid laughter, and
many other; beautiful ; views too
numerous to mention.
- The various scenes will be inter
spersed with illustrated songs. Otto
Herse has been engaged to sing for
the'evening, on account of the ill
ness of Mr. Confer. " This assures
a rare treat for lovers of song ;
Messrs. Steel & Freeland are not
strangers to Corvillis audiences.
They have given two exhibitions
in the past,; which have proven en
tirely satisfactory, to everyone who
had the .pleasure of witnessing
their entertainment. It is better
now than ever before, and every
thing new. : .
To be appreciated and enjoyed it-.
must be seen. Popular prices, 15,
25 35 cents. Reserved seats on
sale at Graham & Wortbam's. -
Real Estate.
You nre much pleased with- Willamette
- like its breezes; its geatle rains,
Bui r you cannot buy to suit
".ni will take your family back again.
No before you leave for Easteru lands
Let us advise you, for we can!
If you wish to purchase a home, .
Why don't you have a talk with
H. M.. STONE. - '
He has property to rent and sell,
And about its quality he can tell.
He don't take property exclusively.
If a deal is not made his time is free.
Of holding political'offiue he don't boast
: But forty three yeais has lived on the
Coast, ' - . v '
And sure knows well the quality of land
80 place your business in his hands.
' H. M. Stone. .
.For Sale. .
: Seed wheat and Early Rose and Bur-
bank potatoes. . . :r ,
f25-tf . ; ' , Roy Kickard.
For Sale.- -
! Real estate, faim and city property .or
sale, exchange or rent. No Bales means
no commission to be paid. : Your pat
ronage kindly solicited.. Help furnish
ed and positions seenred.
(H M. Stone,
South Main street, Corvallis. t
At Dunn & Thatcher's.' ?
; Cracked coin : 1.60 per cwt. ..
. Granulated shell 1.60 ; - ..;.,.,
-. Granulated bone -1.75 " '
Crystal Grit' 1.60 ,.' . ,
i And we haadle the very best poultiy
and stock foods. . '
Corvallis, Oregom.
- Both Phones.
Cfee store tbat saves you money
Something New!
And of the Best Brands on the Market
IMPORTED Marvilla Garden Ceylon Tea
IMPORTED Mbntarde De Bordeaux French
; Mustard , 1
IMPORTED Chou Fong, Perserved Ginger in
' '. . Jars ;
"Warrenton Clam Co Pore. Minced Clams
Harbor Brand Mustard Sardines
Diamond W, Brand Cream Sugar Corn
-Jasmine Brand Asparagus
A Fresh Supply of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry ,
and Silverware.
Eyes tested free of charge
and glasses fitted correctly
at prices within reach of all
Fine watch repairing a spe
cialty ...................... '
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
'South Maid St.,
Carbon , Platinum and Platino Portraiture
Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow Covers, ,
w And other Photographic Novelties, : . g
I Pioneer
H uhters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle :
Sporting' Goods
J' r Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery ,
iti "
One thousand people to vieit our store during the next
30 days and look over our immense stock of house fur
nishings. Roll upon roll of Wall Paper. Three, tons in
stock and on the 'way. ' Prices lowest ever known in
Corvallis. '
Our spring line of Go-Carts will he ready for inspection
about Feb 15th, They are tip to date. Better look them
over-' - r -' "
Just a word about Ranges. No range ever sold in Corv
llis has given better satisfaction than the Toledo. Our
many customers who are using this range will testify to
its merits as to Quick baking, economy of fuel and reliabi
ity. Ask for our terms, we can suit you as to terms and
Corvallis, Ore. v . : )
Gun Store
Sewing Mach. Extras, k
In the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Benton.
George E. Chamberlain as governor of
Oregon, P. I. Dunbar as secretary of state,
and Charles S. Moore as state treasurer of
Oregon, constituting the state land board,
plaintiff, vs. Ceorge Schafer, Anna Schafer,
Edward Dona t. Agnes Donat and George A.
Houck, defendants.
' To George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward
Donat, Agnes -Donat and George A. Houck,
the above named defendants :
In the name of the state of Oregon, you
and each of you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the above
named prtunfiff in the above entitled court,
now on file with the clerk ofc-said court,
within six weeks from the 11th day of Feb
ruary, 1905, the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, and you are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear and . an
swer said complaiat as nerem required, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: the
foreclosure of a certain- mortgage made and
executed by George Schafer, Anna Schafer,
Edward Donat and Agnes Donat to plaintiff
on the 12th day of October, 1903, to secure
the payment of a certain promissory note
of said defendants for, $2,000, with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
from date, and which said mortgage con
veyed unto plaintiff the following described
real property, situated in Benton county,
Oregon, to-wit :
- The east half of the southeast quarter of
section 5 ; the est half of the southwest
Quarter, the -no:. '.least quarter of the south
west quarter, the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter, the south half of the
northwest quarter of section 4, all in town
ship 15 south, range 5 west; also beginning
at the southeast corner of the northeast
quarter of section 5, township 15 south,
range 5 west, and run thence west 15.25
chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east
16:25 chains, thence south 20 chains to the
place of beginning; and a further decree
barring and foreclosing you, the said de
fendants, from all right, title or interest in
or to said real' property and every part
This summons is published by order or
the Hon. Virgil -E. Watters, made at cham
bers , in Corvallis, Oregon, February 10,
1905. The date of the first nublication of
this summons is February 11, 1905, and- the
last publication thereof Marcn Z5, 1905.
J., r . i ATria,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Summons. t
IA the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Jenton.
L. E.Smith, i Plaintiff, .
vs. Summon
Bpwland Tisher, Defendant.
To Rowland Fisner, the above named defend
ant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you .
are hereby summoned and required to appear
and answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the .
above entitled action now on file with the Clerk,
of.the said court on or before Saturday the 2-th
day of March, 1903, said day being the last day
of the time prescribed in the order of publica-:
tion of tbis Summons made by the County
Judge of Benton County, Oregon which said or
der is hereinafter referred to towit, on or be
fore six weeks from the date of the first publica
tion hereof, and you are hereby notiued that If
you fail so to appear and answer as herein re- .
quirea, trie piaintiit win lane judgment against
you for the sum of $55 o.oo with Interest there- -on
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from
tbe 10th day of November, 1901, until paid, and
for $50.00 Attorney fee, and for the further sum
of $109.00 with Interest theieon at the rate of
cer cent per annum from the first day of Feb
ruary, 1904, until paid, and for $40.00 attorney
fee. besides his costs and disbursements herein
and for the sale of your curtesy Interest in the -real
property of Jane Fisher, deceased, situated
In Benton county, Oregon, to satisfy such jud
ment, the same having been attached In this
action under a Writ of Attachment duly Issued
herein to the Sheriff of said County. -
This Summons is published In the Corvallis
Times once a week lor six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Feb
ruary inn. ivuo, ana enajng wun tne issue cr.
March 25, 1905, iu pursuance ofyn order made
l.v the Hon. Vlrcll E. Watters. Countv - Jndnt
of Benton countv, Oregon, at Chambers. Dated
the 10th day of February, 190. Date of first
publication" is February II, 190).
Notice of Final Settlement
In the Hitter of the Estate )
of S
James Watkins , deceased. J
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
as administratrix of the estate ot James Wat
kins, deceased, has filed her final account as
such administratrix with the clerk of the coun
ty court of the state ot Oregon ' for Benton coun
ty, and the paid court has fixed Saturday the
11th day of March, 19oo, at the hour of 2 o'clock
In the afternoon as the time, and the county
court room lu the couuty court . house - In
Corvallis, Oregon, ' as he place, for
hearing any and all objections to said account,
and the settlement thereof. Dated this febru
My llSjiA , . , MarInQa Watkm. . . .
' Administratrix of the estate of James W atilns
de Bed. -
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter ot the Estate ,. ; , ) .
. Of J , V
Mary Elizabeth Mangas, deceased J -
' Notice Is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint-,
ed administratrix of the estate of- Mary Eliza
beth Mangas, deceased, by the eonnty court of
the state of Oregon, for Benton county. ., AH
persons having claims against said estate are
fiereby required to present the same . with the
proper vouchers, duly vetlfied as by law requir
ed, within six months from the datn hereof, to
the underslsned at her residence or at the law
office of B. E. Wilson, In Corvallis, Oregon.
Mary Bier.,'
. Dated this February U. 3908.
- Administratrix of the estate f Elizabeth
Mangas, deceased -