The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 22, 1905, Image 1

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    3ounty Llerk'e 6iot
Vol. XVII.-No. 37.
B. V. IBVINM Bdlter,
Mid Proprietor -
We all Wear Shoes!
Never befoie have we received such quantities
and qualities in foot wear aS this
S P Rl N3
Tans, Browns and Black
Low High and Mediam cuts
Prides High, Medium and Low
But in all grades the very lowest price
for the quality of the shoe. Our efforts
will be great to increase our shoe sales.
Shoe efor all Ladies, Misses, Children,
Mens, Boys .and Little Gents. Don't
. forget our Shoe Department.
g Free Bus. ,
Leading Hotel in Oorvallis.
brick bmilding. Newly furnished, with modern eon-J
vemences. Furnace Heat,
capes. Hot and cold water
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley. , -. -, . . ' . .
Rates: $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.- : : ; -
Graham & Wells Pharmacy
: That's the Place '
Sheet . Musfc!
We have, just received 200 copies pftiiej very
latest sriee' music which we al e'fferlhg' . kt
25 cents per copy. & j6 &
A shipment of Talking Machines is now'6ue
rangings in priced from $ 15 tb $50, 1 A fine '
assortment of Records always on 'hand, J '
See our display window. Jf'':ji!
That's the Place
Graham & Wells Pharmacy
Fine Light Sample- Rooms. J
J.C Bammel, Prop.
Recently ODenecL- New
Electric Lights, Fire Es
on every" floor. Fine single ;
Sheet Music!
Assassin Emits Over the Success
of His Crime Liberals Are
Joyful at the Awful Deed.
-Described by an Eye-
witness HaWas
an Anarchist."
Duke Sergius was assassinated here
this afternoon by a bomb. I wit
nessed the murder from the Krem-
in. --.-J-'- - ; ,''';'
I was walking along, admiring
the vast Imperial Talace and the
panorama of Moscow, which stretch
ed away as far as the eye could
reach. The great clock of the
Kremlin was; striking 3 o'clock
when I heard alterrific report. An
immense sheet of flame at the same
time rose about 500 meters (550
vardsl from me in . the middle of
the vast avenue which separates the
palace of justice from the arsenal
in the midst of the flames I saw
several black masses projected into
j. a rn Vi
me air ana iau in pieces r on toe
ground. I ran as fast as I could in
the direction of the fame.
In an instance I reached r the en
trance of the arsenal. - A .cloud of
smoke was lifting and, scattered on
the ground amid a heap of -debris,
were pieces of a human body, smold
ering besides pieces of wood "and
broken glass. A. little further on
men were stopping two horses,
maddened and covered with blood, 1
which were dragging, alt that re
mained of a 'carriage, a spring and
two wheels that, were twisted, and
broken. .- ;
In a handsome' sleigh aT young
and pretty woman had fainted, and
around her a crowds attracted by
was immediately recognized as the
Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodo-
rovna, sister of the empress of Rus
sia and wife of the Grand Duke
Sargius. - - '"'-'' "
The terrible truth wasv at -onc3
made clear to me. The., smoking
human debris scattered around me
was all-that remained- of -the grand
duke. His head had been literally
blown from his body and lay there,
almost unrecognizable. - Soldiers
who had rushed from the guard
house, aided by generals and Dvor
hike, began to gather ' up the re
mains, a eoraon ot-troops was
drawn or) before the Nicholas gate,
v - This is w hat happened, as far as
could be ascertained from the pre
liminary inquiry: - '
As the lirand 11 ate serglas was
driving to town in his coupe at .the
usual hour a bomb was skillfully
thrown under his carriage. His
assassins followed exactly the same
tactics as were adopted when Min
ister de Plehve was murdered. The
carriage, the grand duke and the
coachman were-hurled in the 'air
amid a column of flames.
the body ot tQe grand dune was
leterally stripped of its clothing by
the force of the explosion and was
reduced to nulp.; tThe coachman
was hurled a distance of 15 yards
against another carriage. Every
window in the palace of justice and
the arsenal for a distance of 250
yards was shattered. ; One of 4. e
assassins, who had been wounded,
was arrested on tbe'Bpot and' drag
ged quickly into the arsenal. '
A stretcher ,, was brought, : on
which the pieces of the grand duke's
body were placed. ! They were cov
ered with a coat lent by a general
to hide the horrible sight. Precede
ed and 'surrounded by soldiers with
.fixed bayonets, the lugubrious pro
cession started. Behind the blood
stained stretcher, which .was bsrne
by ' superior officers;- walked the'
graad duchess, who .-:iiad ' been
quickly restored to consciousness.
She was enveloped in a, blue cloak.
Her head was bare ' and she- was
pale as death. A couple of officers
supported her: SlowlyHhe cortege
made its way to the Imperial Pal
ace, where, amid impressive silence
the" stretcher was put down. At the
palace where the assassination, oc
curred debris of all kinds were still
being picked up ; V
A few days ago the -grand duke
went to live in the Imperial Palace
in the Kremlin because .the police
had declared that they were unable
to guarantee his safety in his resi
dence on the Tverskalia. The
grand duchess had been warned
not to go out in the , same carriage
as the grand duke. Her sleigh was
not touched by the bomb. C, 'j
The crime. has caused a profound
impression here, but it cannot be
eaid to hae occasioned consterna
tionThe grand duke had too many
enemies. .' . '
A-yamor is current that this mur
der is the first of a long series which
has been planned. Fourteen names
are on the liet, it is Eaid, the second
beirthat of grand duke Vladimir.
Nextrcomes General Trepoff. The
Terrorist movement ' is now to be
carried to St, Petersburg. ' '
iLjada ConWrsation tonight with
I i-: c.' r . i t :C A '
uuc w iitruuieja ui tua jjiuerai par
ty of Moscow. '-:'; '
".fbe efiect of this attack "; he
(said ,is good for
the triumph of
bur fdeas. ' The Grand Duke Ser
gius.was a very honest man as. far
as money matters were concerned.
In "tlEiis respect he was always irre
proachable, but for that' very .rea
son jbe was exceedingly reactionary.
When he had .abdicated his ' func
tion? as governor-general, his1 in
fluence increased still morevWhen
he left and the-civil governor bade!
hirnvJarewell, the grand- duke eaid:
"fNot farewejl, but au revoir, for I
I shall return - among you He
hoped to. reoccupy his old position,
veslisd with still .greater powers.
His.jassaBsination will be approved
by ailltasfcia. ' -It was decided upon
aftef the shootings which occurred
recently in the streets of Moscow. '
"A few days ago a large hurnber
of persons were arrested; a consid
erable quantity of arms and ammu
nition having been found in their
posseseion. In one student s-home
450' revolvers were found. We
wanted to bring about a revolutioa
and, we are arming the people .
.' As to the governments meas'-
ureicf re'traesioh. they are oEilittle
effidendy and will not stop the ad-
vanpe;' ; ' -:
I called this evening upon Gen
eral' Volkoff, ' prefect of : Moscow,
who, in spite of the lateness of the
hon ji received - ; me with
the greatest cordialitv. I ask
ed ii?iwiirtiref thctdeMitytHfch
murderer was known. The Gener
al replied that it was not. The
man had refused to give his name
merely saying that he belonged to
an anarchist group and was glad
that he had done his work so well.
The murderer was not wounded,
according to the general, ana was
arrested by a detective detailed ' to
escort the grand duke.- He wears
the dress of a Morjjik and appears
to be about 3O years of age.
ihera is no change in the appear
ance of Moscow tonight. - The
streets are well filled and the night
restaurants are as crowded as ever.
A dood deal more concern is ex
pressed in regard to the fate that
awaits the assassin than regarding
the tragical end of his victim
Washington Feb. 18. Senator
Mitchell is packing np and -preps r
ing to return to Oregon. He ship
ped several boxes of letter-hies to
Portland today and others will fol
low He himself will leave for
Portland between March 1 and 5,
Hot before. He was at bis commit
tee room every day during t the
week except Monday, but he did
not go near the senate chamber. '
Neither 01 the Uregon represen
tatives " entered - the house ' this
week. " Mr. "Williamson has been
attending to local business -on the
outside. '
k'Qdeesa, Feb. 18. Authentic re
pdrt8i-tata that the 'region of the
Caucasus is in a state of: insurrec
tion j The mobs are well : armed
with "euns and dynamite and have
complete control of. the railroads
Many..train8 have been stopped, ar
eenals have been looted -and tele
graph and telephone wires are- be
ing CUt. : : .; - .
Cracow, , Galicia, f Feb,,-18. A
irery .conservative . local newspaper
Saturday ' prints ' a long dispatch
from:: Warsaw, j Russian ; Poland
stating that in that city .7 hundreds
of prisoners, mostly; -strikers .urid
revolutionists, are daily - executed
In the 4th police district, the dis
patch Bays, 20 prisoners were placed
against the. wall and soldiers- fired
volley after volley at them until
every man was dead.
in the tenth police district so
many were killed in this manner
that ten-police wagons were requir
ed to remove the dead. -
The paper Bay's" "that the" elaugh
ter is continued ta every police Bta
tiou ot Warsaw. ,;
Through 'Fear;They :Will Meet the
, Same fate Remains Will Ba ,'
placed in Vault in Moacdw
- rTreppff Marked for.- j
.' , , 'Slaughter. . -
-Skietersburgi'FebO.i-It has
been definitely, decided that the re
mains of Grand Duke Sergius , will
not be brought to St. Petersburg for
the present, but will be placed in a
temporary receiving vault - of tbe
cloister of the Caudoff Monastery
to await the completion of altera-.
tiohs now in progress in the Roma
noff mausoleum, in the ' fortress of
Saints Peter and Paul. ;On eccount
of lack of spaoa in the- mausoleum
it was decided last year' henceforth
to bury only rulers of the dynasty
icutbe old mausoleum "and a new
septilcheria the new wing of the
LH l UCUJ Bt ie..uu.vy uug uuubiui uiu-
er memberB of ,the. imperial family.
This, however, is not the only rea
son for the decision not tb bring the
remains to the capital. EvenGov
ernoifcGeperal Trepoff has recog
nized the fact that no precautions
can furnish an absolute: guarantee
of immunity against alh act of ter
rorism, and at a. great state funeral
where ancient custom requires that
the emperor and all of the Roma
noff family assemble and follow the
coffin on foot, a single . bomb might
wipe out the dynasty, ,
. Regard for the personal eatetv 01
the sovereign also has led to the de
cision that the Emperor ' shall not
go to Moscow to attend the funeral.
It is possible that no member pt the
imperial family will be present, ex
cept those who are now . within the
walls of trie Kremlin.. ... ; .
Grand Dukes Constantine and
j Paul nrobablv will reDresetft Mhe
emperor at xne service. vuuBtau-
tine is . personally ' popular, never
having participated in the politics
of the court, preferring to devote
himself to the sciences and the arts
and to his workas the head of the
military academy.
So grave is the danger or a repe
tition of the Moscow tragedy that
several of the' grand dukes have not
stirred out of their, palaces since the
murder, and instead of going to
Tsarekoe-Selo to attend the requi
em there, they have participated in
special services held in the chapels
of their own palaces. This wa the
case as regards Grand Dukes Vla
dimir and Alexis.
A special requiem also was held
in the Winter Palace, that Gover
nor-General Trepoff might attend.
General Trepoff is said to be under
sentence by the fighting organiza
tion of the socialrevolutionUts,and
so far as can be ascertained has not
left his quarters since the assassin
ation of Grand Duke Sergius. Dis
patches from the interior say thet
requiems for the grand duke have
been held throughout Russia.
.The public is greatly concerned
over the developments of the imme
diate future. . According to reports,
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit home-made. They will be fresher,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome,
RpBalflng Powder helps the house;
wife to produce at home, quickly atid eco
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not compare. ,
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.
many cities and towns are in a con
dition of political ferment, and sev
eral officials have been assassinated
in Southern RuBeia. According to
a telephone message from Moscow, -the
students there are afraid to- ap
pear on the streets in their uniforms. "
In "addition the strike situation has
again grown menacing, especially
in the matter of railroads, three of
Shich entering Moscow were entire
ly tied up. - - : r '
. In St. Petersburg the Btrike . has
assumed the form of a lockout, the
Poutiloff Iron Works, the Franeo
RuBBian Works, the RusBo-Ameri-'
can Rubber -works, and a few smal
ler concerns having discharged all-'
their emplcfyes, with the notice that
the works will b'e" shut," down in :
definitely. " Consequently there are
many alarming report's afloat as to
what the men will do,"-'. ...
; With 30,000 or I40060 menbat
of work fOT; n -indefinite ; period
even if no'mbre jqiri the ranks - of
the. idle, ri(5tingsaftd collisions with
the- police are feared.; From the at
titude of the men many masters are -convinced
that tbey.have received
financial assistance from 'some
source. , . , . ,
. The closing of the jTranco-EuB-sian
and the Poutiloff works Ha a .
serious embarrassment -td the gov
ernment,'. as the former; is engaged
exclusively on navy work and the '
latter in manufactoting arms ' and
munitions of war ' for . the . army. -Over
25,co3,o6o and shrapnel are"
being prepared ; at the Poutiloff
works j and the government has
beep compelled within the. last ten
days to place orders in France and '
Germany for $125,ooo,ooo worth of
munitions.- : - ';-' "
Mlddletown, N. Y.", : Feb. 14.
With the killing of a bear weigh- v
ing 187 pounds,- after a long chase, '
Matt Decker, the famous hunter, .
of Willowemac, Sullivan' county,
haB fifty-eight bears to his credit.
Decker, who is a merchant in the
village, is known "to: many . New
Yorkers. Although advanced la.
yearB, he is as agile as a boyin the
pursuit of game. ' s ..
-Dfieker4ar-8ed tbt a--larga. -bea.-,
bad crossed the river near his home
and with dog and gun went after it
in hot haste. Two miles further
on he discovered that bruin had
found refuge in a large hollow birch
tree. A pile of brush at the foct .
of the tree was lighted and the bear
soon made its appearance in a great
hurry. Decker sent a bullet
through its brain and carted tbe
carcass home on a wood sled.
. A Word to the Wise
Oak wood is getting higher in piice
and farther from town every year. Or
der now for summer delivery. 200 cords
now partly sawed stove lengths, 12 cords
seasoned wood.
2200 pounds vetch seed,
t 3000 pounds clover, red and white,
- Alaike, timothy, orchard . and rje
grass, speltz, rape, all fresh seeds. A
Also a line of garden eeeds. Order now
before the spring rush. - . -
Tread power, silo, elevator and cutter,
Poland China hogs. : ! , .
; Yours for Business.
Telephone 155. L. L. Brooks. F'
Compressed Yeast can be had at ,
Homing's. It saves much time
and lador. . t;
r - -