LOCAL LURE. NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip,' Personal Men tion and Other Items of v- Public Interest. Mrs. Susan Starr has been seriously ill since Monday. A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Starr is very ill with pneu monia. Mrs. Ninez Francisco returned Thursday from a visit in Portland with friends. Miss Myrtle Shonkwiler arriv ed yesterday from Oregon City for a visit with friends. . Lewis Hollenberg. ' of the firm of Hollenberg. and Cady, made a business trip to Newport Thursday. T. H. Wellsher was a visitor in Shelburn Wednesday. He has since been confined at borne with la grippe. After a month's visit with Portland friends, Miss Bertha Thrasher returned home Wednes day. . Mrs. George Lilly goes to Portland Monday for a week's visit? and to attend the convention of the W. O. W. ' ( M. M. Waltz, well known here abouts, is suffering with a severe attack of neuralgia at his home at r Belief ountain. Mrs. Burns left Wednesday for California, to visit her husband. She will be absent until the first of May. D. B. Taylor, the late pur chaser of the Lilly Hop Yard, is about completing the erection of a new dwelling house cn the proper- ty. - , Things are fairly lively over at the sheriffs office. , TTp to noon Thursday, 300 had paid their tax es, . against last year. 214 on the same date Miss Grace Gatch entertained a large company of friends Thurs . day afternoon, in honor of Miss Winnie Miller of Eugene. The oc casion was enjoyable. . At their hall Wednesday even ing, the Arti-ans had a jolly time and gave a . banquet to a number of invited friends. Vocal and in strumental music was. furnished by Marie and Collie Cathey, and great- yenjoyed by the company. -Games . and a general good time wa$ the order of the evening. There was a very pleasant meeting of the W. H. M. society of the First Methodist church, at the home of Mrs. J. B. Goodman, j Wednesday afternoon. . A large company of ladies was present; in- - eluding several visitors. A dainty luncheon was a feature of the after noon. It has been decided that the machinery, as well as the amuse ments on the "Trail , at the Lewis and Clark Exposition will be stop ped on Sunday. The exhibit pal aces will be open to the public and all other features of the Exposition will be running as on week days Western school teachers have . adopted a novel method of adver tising the Lewis and Clark Expo sition. They give their children as an exercise the task of writing a letter to some relative or friend in the East, extending an invitation to attend the Exposition. School children of Moscow, Idaho, recently wrote 1 100 such letters. ...... X. L. N. Edwards, a member of the federal grand jury which recent ly adjourned in Portland, arrived home , Tuesday. The sessions of the jury are to be resumed in April. The resolution of the legislature, expressive of confidence in Senator Mitchell tended to discredit the grand jury that indicted him, but the jurors are iiot perturbed by it, especially since tt e Tanner con fession. . . ; ": There was a quiet wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Vincent, at noon Thursday; The - bride was Miss Efiie Frantz, daugh ter of Wallace Frantz of Hoskins, and the groom was W. L Bush, cousin of ex-Assessor Bush, of Kings Valley. "The ceremony was performed by T. T. Vincent in the presence of Wallace Frantz and E. v B. Horning, The young people are from highly respected families, and have the well wishes of many friends. They will reside in Kings .Valley, Mrs. Sbadden of Portland baa arrived and is the guest of Mre."W. W. Holgate. Horace Locke was in Oorvallis yesterday, moving his household goods to Albany, where he is here after to reside. Mr. and Mra. J. E. Andrews expect to move next weekicto their cosy new home on Fifth street. Rev. P. A. Mobpb will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. church, South, next Sibbath at 11 a. m. President Lee of Albany Col lege was an interested spectator at the baeket ball game Tnursday evening. A teacher and a pupil in the' public schools of Eugene are seri ously ill with scarlet fever. The pupil is the little son of I. M.Glen. Mrs. E. R. Lake and Mrs. C. E. Hout went to. Cottage Grove Wednesday as repiesentatives of the Corvallis Circle at the conven tion of W. O. W., now in session there. Mr. and Mrp. Clarence Hout entertained about thirty young peo ple Tueeday evening in honor of the 19th birthday of Henry Hout. The evening was spent .with' cards and music, and at a late hour an elaborate lunch was served. The Jayne bill waa killed in the Oieon senate at 11:30 yester day. The debate over the measure was a stormy one, continuing for an hour and a half. The bill was knocked out finally bj indefinite postponement. The union services continue now at the M. E. church, South, and will do so through next week. Quite a spirited meeting was held on Tbureday night. ' The pastors will 03CUDV their reaoective nnlnita A -S C tomorrow mornin? and evening The public is cordially invited to these meetings. The following programme will be rendered at the Martha Wash ington tea at the First Methodist church next Wednesday evening. The programme is free: Music, Our Country's Flag," choir; Pa triotic Selections of Scripture; pray er, by Pastor Rev. Feese; vacal so lo. Tanet Blackledffe: readies'. "No Sect in Heaven," Mrs. Kale, W. R. C; due "Columbia and Brittan nica;" reading, Mrs. Gen. Tharp, W. R. C; club swiugiug, Vivian Webber; "The Making of the First flag," George Washington and Bet sey Rofs; vocal solo, Doily Ross; guitar duet, "Sherman's March to the Sea," Mrs. Hall and Mr. Adams; pantomime, "The Star Spangled Banner,' Belle Bonney; "Salu'e to the Flag," W. R. C. ; ' Hail to Our Country's Flag," ladies' voices. : To toe Public. Toe undersigned have purchas ed tii ii trnfrt or Lvi Hankie i n the C ty Dray Cimpany. The terms of the transaction include the pood will of the business, Mr. Henkie iaing ntired from the firm. Thanking the public for past patroaage and soliciting a con tinuance of the business of all th? old patrons and of such new ones as may see fit to favor us. We are Very respectfully, Robinson & Fuller. Headquarters of the firm are at Wellsher & Gray's store. Iod. phone 126. 13-im Wood Wanted. Notice.is hereby given that the County Court will at the March tsrm 1905 thereof receive sealed bide to fuinish wood for the Court HouFe as follows, towit: . .-. , 25 cords of oak grub wood four feet long and not less than 3 inches in diameter. 25 cords of old growth liody red fir wcod, four feet long; and 25 cords of split maple ! wood, 4 feet long.' Said wood to be delivered at the Court house; in Corvallis. Oregon, between June 1 and Aug 1, 05 and to paid for in county orders when said wood is accepted by the Court. All bids must be filed with the County clerk on or before one o'clock p. m. Wednesday March 1 1905. The . court reserves the right to reject any or all bide. Attest: Victor P. Moses, ' r : County Clerk, Benton Co. Ori Feb 2, 19o5. For Sale. Barred Plymouth rocks Brown Leghorn eggs at 50 c dozen. J. B. Irvine. and per ; At Dunn & Thatcher's., ; ; d Cracked coin 1.60 per cwt. ' ' Granulated shell 1.60 ; - " , Granulated bone 1.75 . " ,,: .-, ; Crystal Grit : . i.6q ' " And we haadle the very best poultry and stock foods. -- Call and look over our stock of grocer ies, granite and tinware: also carry nails In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon lor Beutou County. , , . Geo. T. Vernon, Plaintiff, - "- ' ti . i vs. " '- N. P. Slate, G. O. Vernon, J. H. Vernon. Thomas mate, John Slate. William Slate, dward Slate, Belie Slate and Herbert Slate, Defendants. : To each and all of the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, yon and etch of you nrehereby required and to appear and answer tne compiarui niea . against you In the above cause on or before the 27th dav of Marcn, 1905,nnd if you fa il so to answer lor wan' thereof the prmutin win aDDly to the said court for tne relief demanded lu his complaint toit, an order aud decree of the said Couri, making partition of lot" one and two In Sectio n a, xownsnip 11. e. it. b west, v 111. flier, in lien ton Oouuiv. Stale ot Oregon, containing. 13 61. 100 acres more or less, according to tne several Interests of the Plaintiff and said Defendants therein, or In the event that a partition there of can not be made without prejudice to the rignts of plaintiff and defendants therein that the sale thereof be made by one or more ref erees, as may be decreed by the Court, and the d weeds derived therefrom after providing the costs of this proceeding among the parties of this cause be paid to tne piamtitt and defend ants according to their several Interests therein as shall be found Dy said court. This summons is served upon you bv nub licatlon pursuant to an order of the Hon. Vir-j gui. waiters, uouniy j uuge oi .oeutoa county, State oi Oregon. mde on ine 10th day of Feb ruary, KK15. The date of the first publication hereof is February llth, l0o, and the dae o last puoiication win oe on juarcn zoin, lyuo. W- S. McFADDEN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In (he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton. Geo. E. Chamberlain as ") Governor of Oregon; F. I. Dunbar, as Secretary of State and Chae. S. Moore as State Treasnr- er of Oregon, constitut ing the State Land Board, Plaintiti. vs. j- Summons. Rowland Fisher, Ethel E. Schou; Cora-K Ford, Harry Ford, Ida R. Morris, David Morris, Margaret Fisher, L. E. Smitb, and E. E. Wil- son, administrator with the Will annexed ol Jane Elizabeth Fisher, de ceased, . Defendants. To Roland Fisher, Ethel E. SchoO, Cora E., Ford; Harry Ford, Ida R. Mor ris, David Morris, Margaret Fisher, L, E. Smith and E. E. Wilson, -administrator with the Will annexed of Jane Eliza beth Fisher, deceased. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required' to appear and answer the complaint of the above nam ed plaintiff in the above named Court now on file with the Clerk of said Court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons,;towit: Feby. n, 1906, and you are hereby noti fied that if yon fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for .the relief prayed for in said complaint, to wit; the foreclosure of a certain mort gage made and executed by Jane Eliza beth Fisher aud Roland Fisner on the 8ih day of December, 19O0, to secure the payment ef a certain promissory note of Jane Elizabeth Fisher and Rowland Fisn er payable one jear after date with inter est thereon at the rate of eix per cent per annum from date until paid, and which said mortgage conveyed unto the plaintiff the following described real property situated In Benton County, Ore gon, and described as fellows towit; Commencing bt a point 46.60 chs. E. of the S. E. cor. of the N. E. of the S. E. of Sec. 20. T. 11 S. R. 5 W. run ning thence N 90 cha. thence E. to the W line of the D. L. C. of Philip Mulkey, Notification No. 958; Certificate No. 2923 T 11, S R 5 W, ihence S to the N E corner of J. Chatham Roberts DLO Not No 940 T n S R 5 W, thence W 4.75 chs 1 hence S 30 degrees, E 8.03 chs thi i.i e N 6.50 cbs thence W to the place of i" ginning, Also L-isNos. 1-2-3-4 and 5 in Sec 21 and Lo No 10 in Sec 22 all in T 11 S R 5 W coi . .157.23 acres. Also a strip of laud 30 it-et wide running along the full lei 1 ti of the W side of a piece of land con 17.83 a. dee. : as fol. Beginning at tin N E corner of Claim No 55 in T 11 Sk jWW M. thence W 18 chs thence S 9.91 chs . thence E 18 ch.-oi.d thence N. 9.91 chs tb r the ploi e of beginning, all of which pieces of 1 .ud together containing 279.87 a. Als. beginning at a point 37.50 chs E of the S E corner of tne N V of the S E X of Sec 20 T 11 S R 5 W thence E 9.10 chs; thence N 90 chs; thence W 6.60 chs; thence S 30" cha; thence W 2.50 chs; thence S .60 chs to the place of begin nidg, containing 74.40 acres more or less. Excepting from the above described premises towit: Beginning at a point 50 links E of the S W corner of Lot 5 in Section 21, T 11 S R 5 VV thence N 4.09 cha thence S 75 degrees E 10,23 chs; thence S 24 degrees E i',48 chs;. thence W 10.55 chs to the place of beginning, containing 2.82 acres more or les.. And a further decree barring and foreclosing you, all of said : defendants, from all right, title or interest in or to said real property . and from every part thereof. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Bfnton County, made at Chambers at Corvallis, Oregon,, February 10, 1905. The date of the first publication of this summons is February 11, I905, and the date of the last publication thereof is March 25th, 1905. ,-, - . J. F. YATES, Attorney for Plaintiff. . Notice for Publication. . . '., Timber Land, Act June 1878, Unltad States Land Office, ' ' . . Oregon City, Oregon, Nov 9. 190. Notice Is hereby given that la' compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1M8, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory" asextended toflll the Public Land State by act of August 4, 1892, Charles O Huff of Corvallis, county, of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement Ho. 6519, for the Surchase of the 8. of S. W. X of- Section o. 32 in Township No. 11 South.. EangeNo. 6 West W. M., anij-will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P.Moses, County Clerk, CorvallLi, Benton Ooun-t ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 13ch day ot Feb. 1905.; . ; , . ;,;;,-;.'; j ,,:": He names as witnesses: . ' Liwrence Stovall of Philomath, Oregon. ' GeorgeStovall . "' ! " . " -, Caleb A Davis . : " i , ZebediahH Davis oi Corvallis, .' Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this ofilce on or before said 18th day oi February, 1905. - . . - Algernon S. Dresser, - Beglstor. HOLLENBERG & GADY. ' CDe store at saves you money. Also all GARDEN for the HODES' grogery: Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware. Eyes tested free of charge ; and glasses fitted correctly at prices within reach of all Fine watch repairing a spe cialty , ...... Pratt The Jeweler & Optician. j EMERY'S ART- STUDIO . .' Somtli Main St, Corvallis, Ore. . . JS Carbon, Platinum and Platino Portraiture j? t O. A.'C. ATHLETIC AND SCENIC VIEWS. P . Art Calendars, Sofa Pillow : Covers, T '. And other Photographic , Novelties! , ? y Pioneer , . Hunters', Supplies, Fishing Tackle, . - oDortinp- Ajroods. ' Keys; of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery j. 3 H. E. HODES, - One thousand people to vitit our store (luring the next 30 days and look over our immense stock of house futr nishings. Roll upon roll of Wall Paper Three tons in stock and on the . way. Prices lowest ever known in Corvallis. - - : . , ., ,!. ,. Our spring line of Go-Carts will be ready for. inspection , about Feb 15th, They are up to date. Better look them : Just a word about Ranges. No range ever sold in Corv llis has given better satisfaction than the Toledo. Our ,many customers who are using this range will testify to its merits as to Quick baking, economy of fuel and reliabi ity. Ask -for our terms, we can suit you as to terms and payments. ' ' . : Sets Kinds of SEEDS season Gun Store ! oewin iviacn. nxtras, it CORVALLIS, OR. ; ' ' "; ' SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state oi Ore gon for the county of Benton. George E. Chamberlain as. governor of Oregon, P. I. Dunbar as secretary of state, and Charles S. Moore as state treasurer of Oregon,- constituting the state' land board, plaintiff, vs; George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward Donat, Agnes Donat and George A. Houckt defendants. ; ' -..,;.. To George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward Donat, Agnes Donat and George A. Houck, the above named defendants : In the name of the state of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby, required to ap pear and answer the complaint of the above -named plaintiff in the above entitled court, how on. file with the clerk of said court, within six weeks from the llth day of Feb ruary, 1905, the date of the first publica tion of this summons, and. you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and an swer said complaint as Herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made and executed by George Schafer, Anna Schafer, Edward Donat and Agnes Donat to plaintiff on the 12th day of October, 1903, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note of said defendants for $2,000, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from date, and which said mortgage con veyed unto plaintiff the following described real property, situated in Benton county, Oregon, to-wit : The east half of the southeast quarter of section 5 ; the west half of the southwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the south west quarter, te northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter of section 4, all in town ship 15 south, range 5 west ; also beginning at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 5, township 15 south, range 5 west, and run thence west 15.25 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 15.25 chains, thence south 20 chains to the place of beginning ; and a further decree barring and foreclosing you, the said de fendants, from all right, title or interest in or to said real property and every part thereof. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, made at cham bers in Corvallis, Oregon, February 10, 190o. The date of the first publication of this summons is February 11, 1905, and the last publication thereof March 25, 1905. , - J. V. YATES, Attorney for PlaintiZ. ' . Summons. Tti the Circuit Court of the State of Orecron for the County of 3enton. L. E. Smith, ' Plaintiff, vs. Summon Bowland Fisher. Defendant. To Rowland Fisner, the above named defend- ant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action now on file with the Clerk of the said court on or before Saturday the 25th . day of March, 190., said day beinff the last dav of the time prescribed in the order oi publica- uon oi mis Diiuimons maue oy tne county Judge of Benton County, Oregon which said or der is hereinafter referred to towit, on or be fore six weeks from the a ate of the first publica tion hereof, and you are heieby notified that If you fail so to appear and answer as herein re quired, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of $55 o.oo with interest there on at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 10th day of November, 1901, until paid, and for $j0.00 Attorney fee, and for the further sum of tiOO.OO with interest theieoa at the rate of 5 per ceM per annum from the first day of Feb ruary, 1901, until paid, and for $10.00 attorney fee. besides his costs and disbursements herein and for the sale of your curtesy intersst in the real property of Jane Fisher, deceased, situated In Benton county, Oregon, to satisfy such Jud ment, the same having been attached in this action under a Writ of Attachment duly issued herein to the SheriO of said County. This Summons is published In tne Corvallis secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Feb ruary llth. 1905, and ending with the issue ct March-25, 1905. in pursuance of;an order made by the Bon. Virgil E. Watters, County Judge of Benton-couuty, Oregon, at Chambers, Bated the 10th day of February, 190.). Date of . first publication is February II, 1905 . . E. li. BEYSOX, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement In the Matter of the Estate of James 'Watklns, deceased, r ' ! Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as administratrix of the estate of James Wat- ktns, deceased, has Bled ker final account as cnMi ariTnlnlafriit.rlx with the clerk of the coun ty court of the state of Oregon for Denton coun ty, and the paid court has fixed Saturday the llth dav of March, 19a5, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon as the time, and the county court room in the county court house. In Corvallis, Oregon, as the place, for hearing any ;:ti all objections to said account, and the settlement thereof. Dated this Febru aiy 11, 19oo. - ' Administratrix of the estate of James Watklns Utt sen. V Notice to Creditors. , In the Matter of the Estate ' ...... of . sed j v Mary Elizabeth Mangas, deceased ) ... J i . j . ' .. y : Notice is hereby given to all persons concern- ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed admlnistrat'lx of the estate of - Mary Eliza beth Mangas, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers, duly veiifled as by .law requir ed, within six months from the dat hereof, to the undersigned at her residence or at the law office ol E. . Wilson, In Corvallis, Oregon. ....... Mary Bier. Dated this February 11. 1905. , 1 Administratrix of the estate of . Elizabeth Mangas, deceased :- .