The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 18, 1905, Image 3

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.' Ad yerdaements In thta column charged for
t the rate of cents per line. .
County Clerk Moses has been
confined at home with grippe since
Wednesday. V -.-'?.''''
M. M. Davis' returned Tues
day from a ?isit of several days at
Eugene, .- .
Mrs. S. B. Finnegan of Eu-
eene. is visitine her parents near
the city.
The Baptist church will hold
all its usual services on Sunday.
Hearty welcome for all who attend.
There will be services at the
Catholic church tomorrow at the
usual hours. All are invited.
MisS Lorreta Sheasgreen re
turned Thnrsday from a few days'
visit with Monroe and Eugene
friends. ' -. '
Gents will make no mistake irr
buying a pair of our $3.00 - shoes,
nobby and every pair guaranteed.
At J. II. Harris'.
" Mrs. -E. B. McElroy and1
daughter Alicia, of Eugene, have
been guests at the home of W. S.
McFadden since Monday. . ;-
"' The First Spiritual Union pf
Corvallis will hold services in
Barrett Iyceurn on ' Sunday at 3 p.
m. A cordial invitation is extend-
, ' Among those who attended
the big dance at Wilhelm's hall,
Monroe, on bt. valentine s eve
; were Mr.1 anrV Mrs. Jo1 i Kige
' Corvallis.
Jacob Henkle of - Philomath,
is -visiting friends in Eugene. ,
Ladies remember that J.
Harris' store is receiving new goods
every day, aad an inspection will
interest you 1
George Guier was operated on
for appendicitis "Wednesday. ilt
was Dr. Cathey's case, with Drs.
Pernot and Farra assisting. At
last accounts the patient was doing
well. Guier is 23 years of age and
unmarried. He is at the home of
Eli Spencer. ,
The Albany Democrat says:
"Rev. Thompson of Lebanon, has
caused a small storm there by at
tacking basket ball, declaring that
the girls play only to be seen by
the boys,, and that basket ball
players suM lower in their classes,
giving the fig-ares. at. 75 percent
for the bov.s ar.d 66 f
statements; Xitt; f'.se.
a healthyoae, ;acd. is endorsed gen
erally by the best thinking minis
ters, - -. : .-
ar gins, -iom
The eama is
, George A. Houck of Eugene
was a business visitor in Corvallis
Miss Emma Sox of Albany is
a guest for a few days at the Nalan
home. -
The U. P. church of Albany is
arranging for a $2,000 pipe organ
to be placed in position in May.
The independent mail service
between Bellfountain and Bruce,
began operation Thursday after
noon. ,
A. F. Peterson went to Port
land Wednesday. He was accom
panied by his son Raymond, the
treatment of whose eyes, by a noted
specialist, was the object of the trip.
The name of the Washington
Agricultural College at Pullman
has been changed by the Washington-legislature
to Washington State
College. State College is the name
applied to the agricultural college
of Pennsylvania and some other
' : 1 states. " ..
t The city of Bellfountain gets i .'
mail now via Bruce, and is served f Speaking of the basketball
. Annotmcement " Bxtraprdinar y
This announcement the most important ever made by any mercantile house in the
Willamette Valley, must be of vast interest to every man, woman and child in this city
and vicinity.
Vr. .
Our 35th Clearance Sale closed yesterday, and in giving: thanks for your generous
patronage, I make the following extraordinary announcement I will refund the money
on all cash purchases made on a certain day of the month of February, the day selected to
be announced in the "Times" of March 4th. No matter what you purchase for cash at
retail rates, be it a five cent or $100 purchase, if your duplicate checks bear the date of the
LUCKY DAY, your money will be cheerfully refunded.
With all its contents, the resi
dence of L. V. Baker, formerly of
Corvaliisy was burned at Booneville
Thursday . forenoon. - The family
was absent at the time, and noth
ing was saved.
Miss Florence Maxfield, teach
er of the fifth grade in the Corvallis
public school, was taken pvtrMfnly
ill Thursday morning, and school
in her grade was dismissed until
Monday. .
. With his family, Mr. Whitney
arrived from Eastern Oregon Thurs
day. He has purchased cf Ambler
& Watters the G. H. Wamlev
place at Blodgett, and will occupy
the same immediately.
Presbyterian church. Rev. M.
'S. Bush Bible schoof " lo ' a. m"
preaching n a. ni, subject, ."A
Gracious Invitation." C E. 6:30
Evening strvice. 7430,'. subject,
"A Christian at Satan's Mill."
by a private carrier whose salary is
hot paid by Uncle Sam, but by the"
people receiving mail., The Bell
fountain office was discontinued as
a result of the establishment of the
R. F. D. route at - Monroe, by
which there is provision for , the
citizens of the former place to be
served by carrier. , -
Mitchell of Oreeron and Burton
Lot Kansas, while United State sen
ators took fees for practising be
fore the departments in cases where
the government is an interested par
ty vhica practice by law is made
a felony. How many more of the
ninety senators at' Washington
have engaged in the same or oth
er practices even more heinous. If
the facts could all be dragged out,
it is probable that Oregon would
not be the only state to be in the
midst of perennial sensation.
Arrangements have been com
pleted for a local teachers institute
to be held in Corvallis on the last
Saturday in- February. The fol
lowing' program "--will be given,
Methods in Arithmetic, I. E. Rich
ardson; School Organization, What
How? S. W. Holmes; Defective
English Instruction in the Grades,
T. A. Ilaysf Schpoi. Punishments,
A. N.-Fnlkerson; Rapid Calcula
tion, I. B, Richardson; Literature
in the Home, Rev. E. F. Green.
-The, spging wilj be;, assisted by an
orchestra under the management
of Prof. Horner. .- There a
game ; between Albany ana ual
the Albany Herald says: "The
visitors were well pleased with the
treatment received at Corvallis and
spoke in high terms of the hospital
ity and enthusiasm of their hosts.
Another game will be played be
tween the two teams next Wednes
day at the armory in this city when
the Albany girls hope to win out.
The team will go into special train
ing immediately for the game and
will correct any mistakes they may
make in their playing.
Salem Statesman: Track' ath
letics or. baseball which? That's
the question that will be settled at
a meeting of the student body of
Willamette University this after
noon at 3:30 o clock, in the 'Var
sity chapel.. If a large number of
the students of the university were
permitted to answer the question
theyrould say "Both". ' But, un-
fortunately, the solution of the
problem with which the students
are confronted can not be disposed
ot so easily. And the chances are
that the meeting this afternoon
will decide in favor of a track team
and let baseball, take care of itself,
0. A. C WON.
Bat the Margin was Small Albany
V y f -Basket Ball Ms. r
By' a score of four to three, the
Rev. J. C. Byerlein, pastor of
the German Lutheran "church of
Albany will preach in Corvallis to
morrow, Sunday, at 2:30 p. m.'in
the Presbyterian church. -All Ger
man people are cordially invited.
Frank E. Jones of Seltna, Cal.
will preach Sunday" at -the Christ
ian church, his subjects being as
follows, .11 a, m., "How Much
Lovest Thou?" at 7:30 p, m., "The
Creed that Needs -no Revision.
On account of the lew ' water
and the unimproved condition of
tne river between Albany and Cor
vallis, the steamer Pomona "is, un
able to come through at' the pres
ent stage of water. She ' will re
sume her regular run at . the first
opportunity. '..-,.'
Congregational church: Wcr-
saip ana sermon at 11; .evecr g
sermon, '"Can a man if& ia: Busi
'ness and be a Christian, or can a
Business man be a Christian?"
That is the question. No Cgnt.
Straight goods, with illustrations.
You are invited to come. There
will be services at Plymouth at 3.
. Caleb iavis 'left Wednesday
for Brownsville to be at the bed
side of jr H. Washburn , who; is
seriously ill and not expected to re
cover. Fifty years ago the two
men were partners as packers, car
rying flour and other supplies from
the Willamette Valley to the min
ers at Yreka and other Northern
California and Southern Oregon
diggings. They were in) business
together from 1852 to 1856.
Benton "countyites are figuring
in the council proceedings in - Al
bany. They want to run a tele
phone line into Albany. This is
what the Democrat says - about
their appearance in " the ' council:
, "Petition of, Henry Hector et al
asked for privilege of running . a
telephone line line into the city.
The matter was discussed in a live
manner by several of .the petition
ers. V Mr. De Varney,' the Independ
ent man, explained the plan. Men
, were present from ' Brownsville,
Plainview, Wells and other points
urging the privilege. Manager
mernii ot the Pacific . States Tele-
pnnograpnic enienamment, ana a OAC basket ball girls defeated the
m-iaiy ugiaiii juiuisncu uy iuc Albany College in a game in Col-
Tomorrow , Hev. H. A. Deck
preaches his last sermon ' for the
nresentt in the United FvanorpHal
church. rThe subject for the morn- people came from . Albany to
liig-will be "The Promised Kir.g-: luc -
lege Armory Thursday night. Un
less m the Seattle game last year,
no game played in the Armory ex
cited more interest.: A hundred
Enough more
domT" and in the evening, "The
Human Heart." Mr. 'and " Mrs.
Deck .are going East in the hope of
finding a cure for their Utile child
who Ls suffering .with j,tuS'ercuios
is of the &p:ue.; Bctu "during r a
three years' stay in Coi-'-aliis have
maae. manv vr;u xnenas, who re
gret alike' d
pit-of tb.z io;:ai
? it. 1 he t;!i -
1; '-.vili- not be
out from Corvallis to -make the
crowd a good one. ; '
The small scoreutells the story of
the game. The teams were so ev
enly matched that scoring was im
possible, f. lms,iact made it certain
from the opening of the play, that a
bit of -good luck, might throw the
e" result either, wajv arid very move
ment ot.tne. ball was watched with
almost breathiess interest.- Th
anxiety of the supporters on either
siae did not end until time was call
ed in the last.half. l.
Albanv scored ,the first point. It
was -a basket on a foul. That. wasth
. . ..... . . - -w.
, ' only time tne visitors lea. it was
G ' only a minute or two until an OAC
z : crfrl threw a basket on a foul and
tied the score;. Then for a while
supplied p;-tiJ c'infuKncei when An
other p4s;fc-r b;;u;inieJ.
, The -.escacrs -' 4:v:im"ia2ifeioa - for
stale and couuhv ps-pvrs.fbr Beat oil
county cK.-s.ia i-ast sat-u rciay T
co-.'t!tv' pai-ers have' bee"a'- grad
bv iht v.:nr.ty -.'.ou'ri. .OV.-'White, ;
N. .Tartar and -?Spt." '-.Deaaian.
There were '23. applicants.-ik this
c-juni i':: vaujtti, - K.s.ieu 1 one g0ai tQ the other with honors
certifacates.. ta,ra gTaueXonaty cer- fairly- even,! until Miss Harrington
tihcatcs, ciaud reaart, Uvadna : threw a goal from, the field and ran
springer . iicisa . 1 i.i.J, miian Duer
wood, Pea'ri Ka aimer;, second grade
Ada 'Fii;!eV, Belle -Edwards. Marie
the ball, surged back and forth from
Jonts; first, grade," Emma) ..'Logan,
Mary Duradp, . C. E- Ccmrainss,
Olive Mallow,-Nellie;.' Craft, Maud
Mauley; Fraccif ' Belknap. J. ' M.
-Wocus. , I'hOAZ- who, took the
state eaarauiation ' were, Maud
Mattiey, Nellie Tunison, Nellie
Marvel and Alice Fleming. -
The legislative party that vis
ited Corvallis last Saturday adopt
ed the following resolution while
on the trip: "Whereas, the mem
bers of the legislature of the state ! the ball spinning plump -into the
of Oregon, and their families and ! the basket on a foul and the play
friends are desirous of expressing j gave the orange a lead of four to
their gratitude to the Southern j three, which in spite of the desper-
Pacific . Company the . Corvallis & ate play ot the Albany girls w as
held until the close or the halt. ;
The game was epecially free from
disputes and a fine spirit of good
humor was manifested by the par
tisans on both sides. ,The officials
Be sure and save your dt picate checks sectored with cash purchaser: as
will be refunded except on presentation of duplicate cash checks. '
Buy some'thing every day and you are bound to be one of the lucky ones. ,My pop
low prices will prevail during this month. All goods marked in plain figures.
. Mail orders accompanied by cash will participate in this offer.
Corvallis, Oregon. T
Regulator Low Prices
: IB
Find I "
IS -'
Read this Column, You may
Just What You Want.
Ladies! " If you once use Com
pressed Yea9t, you will have no
other. - Ask for it, at Homing's.
If you want fine china go to
Zierolf'a. He has the largest and
most complete line in the city. 1-1
" Wall Paper. . ; .
Largest line ever shown in Corvallis.
To make room we will sell good wall
paper 5c and 10c per roll. . Come . and
see. Hollenbua & Cady.
1300 shares of Great "Eastern
Mining Co stock for sale at 10 cents
a share. Address Lock box 62,
Corvallis. ' j28-4t
Estrayed -" '
From Philomath Feb. 7, one
black Jersey cow with some white
on belly. Has been dehorned. No
brand. Reward for ; information
that will lead to her recovery. :
. S. H. Moses, Philomath.
..- Lost
" Probably on Madison street, on Mon
day Feb 6th, a small black porse con
taining $20.15. Finder please return
to John Smith and receive suitable reward.
tots and Overcoats
No reserve, every garment in the house Kup
penheimers and all. See our routh window.
When you wake up in the morning,
And do not feel just right, '
You settle down to breakfast ;
With a want of appetite.
There is nothing that is better . .
To revive your sinking soul, ;
Than a cup of Seal Brand coffee .
Steaming in the flowing bowl.
It is Seal Brand coffee
-Don't forget the special brand.
Its such a splendid seller;
And our patrons call it "Grand."
Buy it once, and try it;
You will find it out of sight
All our customers want it,
. And the price is always right.
OAC s score up to three. No more
I baskets were thrown by either side
during the first half; and it closed
with the score, OAC, three; Albany
1 one. - . - .. v
Early in the second half Miss
Bussard of - Albany, threw a field
goal and tied the score. The in
terest which had all along been at
high pitch, now assumed a tension
seldom seen. The - excitement
seemed to possess the players, and
though they, had many a trial for
field goals, neither side could throw
them. At last an OAC girl sent
Eastern Railway Co, the faculty
and ladies of the Oregon Agricul
tural College, and the citizens of
Newport for their - courtesies and
the hospitality extended them on
their trip to Newport on Saturday fwere W. L. Marks of Albany and
February nth, 1905, therefore, be Claud Swann of Corvallis, and the
it resolved, that the members and j fairness of their decisions w as gen-familiea-and
friends of the said i erally commented on. . -legislature
of the state of Oregon ' . The flne-up of the two teams was
do hereby extend to said Southern as follows: ' OAC Mrytle Har-
phone Co.' spoke against the - pe- j Pacific Railway Company, the Cor-: rington and" Edna Smith,' forwards;
union it was the hottest Bell-De-! vallis & Eastern Company, the -trances Gellatly andAgnes bweeK,
Varney battle on record. Referred ' faculty and ladies of the ' Oregon guards;. Una tewart, center. Al
to commiitee on streets and public ! Aericultural Colleee and the citi banv Flo Nutting and Elsie Fran-
Call for Warranty. - -'
Notice is hsreby given that
there is money in the city treasury
to pay geaeral fund warrants Nos.
as follows: 34093496, 3410, 3411
341 5t 3416. 3425. 3431- AW) from
do. S432 to number 3437 inclusive,
Interest wil. stop on sama from
this date. ':
Dajed at Corvallis, . Or, Jan 20,
195- ; v-
wm. McLagaa, ;.
, - " City Treas.
The "Fiatiron" Hat
Latest Spring Styles Just Eeceiyed
: Always $3, never less.
0 Jr. Jj ) A.--Jl.- JJ , Li wiii, j-j -ij
; For Sale.
' Mill feed, flour, wheat, oats, vetch,
chi-jken feed, potatoes, wood and gravel
Delivered to all parts of city.
Phone 342. Opposite .Steam Laundry
John Beach. ,
Page Woven Wife Fence
Best hi the market. Most economical
for farm or other use. . Orders promptly
filled. 1 Address , "
- Charles E. Allen, Agent. '
Ji4-im v. Philomath, Or.
A large amount of norough lumber
all lengths. , r-i
At Corvallis saw mill for f 6.50 per M.
property Dawson, Mar -hall ay' zn of Newport, c e cf thatk r-v forwards; Gertrude Bussard
'hki. isiarr, guards; center,
Ro.s- Fitklin.
Huston, who met
he petitioners,
afterward with : lor thtir kindness and the courtesy
I shown.
' Notice of Final Settlement.
V Notice is hereby given that the final
account has been filed in the matter of
the Last Will and Testament of Guilford
Barnard, deceased, and Judge Virgil E,
Watters has set Saturday, February. lit
at 11 o'clock a. m. at County Court
room, Court house, to hear objections
memo it sd v mere be. '
' Robt. KOe, Executor.
Dated this Dec 29, 1904,
Rubber -Goods-Millinery,
. V s
Shoes, Etc. .
'. Great Siioi: Sale.
ment of Shoes ever offered on sped;
math, comprising the entire stock cf
and Children's Shoes, will be on sIe
of February, at .'."."-.
J. E. flenkle's
'- Each will be offered at reduced prices. This reduc
tion is made for cash only. There are special ' prices
on Rubber Goods men's, women's, boys', children's
rubber boots, rubber and oil coats.. We also call your
attention to our large assortment of Millinery Goods
which are offered on ppecial sale.
J. E. HENKLE, Philomath, 6k
I-. T .. -I Tit 4 W j rr' . ' . ' 1 ' .
nngnsn walnut l rees.
i .We are special growers. Have the best of soft shell and
hardy variety that come into bearing at an early age pro
duce annually, and abundantly. Big money is made in wal-
nnf rtc o vr - PK ntr ova a rrirvn tyi a a "Vi Q rfC OYr opa TiiQr-
ly harvested.- Orchards in good bearing give returns of sev
eral hundred dollars per acre. We give this special study.
Write for free descriptive catalogue which treats on walnut
culture. Contains valuable information.